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Tina really out here vaporaping dudes


Was not surprised by the lea michele thing at all. It's very telling who in the glee cast are still close. Never seen her at one of their reunions. I'm not a rachel fan but I get why she works as a character for people but irl the way she behaves would not be tolerated. Lea michele is irl rachel.


I DIED with the vapo-rape reaction😂 specially when Tina started crying omg it was hilarious. The storyline was TRASSSH but finally Tina had a good solo


Also, fun fact, the creators/producers loved Lea for Rachels character cause in her audition she treated everyone like Rachel would lol. Maybe they based on her for the character. You can see it in the link https://youtu.be/LMZI3BddUFo


I don’t understand why people would pay money to watch your reactions and then get mad every time you speak during an episode. Just watch the show on your own if you don’t want to hear any commentary?


Honnestly again Finn kissing Emma is weird and wrong cause she's getting married and everything but really ... If you have someone having a panic attack like that in front of you blocking their breath for them to calm down is the best thing you could do so even tho it wasn't the best way to do it what Finn did was the best thing he could've done in this situation

Mark Wood

The story is very cringe, but Jesus when I was a teenager and young adult, I had a ton of girls/ women trying to date/ have sex/ convert me. It was insane. It wouldn't have been classified so back in the 80's, but I have had probably 8 girls/ women commit what would now be called sexual assault if not out and out attempted rape they were so over zealous in their attempts.

Cynthia Jehl

This reaction was so much fun to watch! I'm so glad you were as annoyed at Rachel this episode. And Kurt is just awesome this episode! I was mad he did not get the better notes of the song too. The Tina and Blaine scene is so not okay, and I hate how it was implied that we should feel sorry for Tina rather than being shocked about that the fact that she basically sexually assaulted him while he was asleep. And you're right, if it had been a woman asleep with a man straddling her, there wouldn't even be any debate... And then have Blaine apologize to Tina was all kinds of wrong. Because Tina doesn't realize that what she did was wrong and it's not brought up again the rest of the episode. I love Jenna and her performance is awesome but I can't enjoy it after what she did... Finn kissing Emma was also all kinds of wrong... Emma was clearly having a panic attack and then the kiss and he just walked away after it. Poor Emma, must have gone in full panic mode right after. Dealing with a panic attack when you're alone is really hard, I wish we'd have seen Finn help her calm down and focus on her breathing. I mean Finn was doing so well and they just ruin his development in one scene. I mean yeah, it does bring drama, but I did not like that scene at all... Song wise, I love Blaine's solo, Kurt and Rachel diva off and Santana's solo. I'm really excited for your reactions to the wedding episode!!! One of my favorite of the season!

Alan Guenley

He did rate it he said it was a seven I believe.


can't believe they did classic australian line dance Nutbush City Limits so damn dirty like that smh


Omg, thank you for the story man, sad it happens in real life