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Great reaction! :) Jeffrey Dean Morgan was actually supposed to be in all of season 5 but because he had to film another project and his schedule conflicted with shameless he wasn't able to be in season 5 unfortunately. The actor who i guess replaced him (even though he plays a different character, his name is Sean and Jeffreys name was charlie) is actually also really famous mostly for 90's movies he's been in. As for Ian cheating, im sure most people who have watched shameless would agree that because he is bipolar it gives him extremely insane symptoms which they mentioned some of them in the lip fiona and mickey scene and it honestly explains why he has been acting out and cheating which really sucks but its also realistic too. Lip scenes with those neighbors in my opinion seems like the show is trying to show us how Lip could of been if he never went to college, he is a lot more "cleaned up" and educated and his life is going really good unlike those guys he used to be friends with. The scene in the train i think was meant to show how at first its people who are wealthier getting on and as he gets closer and closer to home people who live in or around his neighborhood who are poor get on and I guess its meant to show his two different lives idk thats just how I interpret it! I also agree with you Sheila and Sammi were of course the worst part of this episode as usual i dont like them at all. Can't wait for the next one :)

k c

Sean is a great character! I think you'll like him eventually, but I do get what you're saying Jeffery dean morgan would've been a god tier character!

k c

dude, I noticed that and I was going comment about how when lip was in the city the train was filled with rich, high-class people and then the closer he got to his home it was filled with low-class people.. it was a good scene but the editing made it look a little wonky.

madeline z

the cheating is definitely an outcome of ian's bipolar disorder


The Lip scenes from this ep and the S4 finale (train, diner with Mandy, druggie neighbors) are supposed to show how much his life has changed being in college, how jarring it is coming back home, being torn between two worlds, kind of feeling like he doesn't fully fit in to either place anymore, wanting to act like he's still part of the Southside while also not wanting to get sucked back down, etc. Love his internal conflict here.

Maria Buka

definetely, just like the finale of that episode in season 4 where he's in the waiting room for Liam and he sees that he got a good grade on his test, smile all happy and then look around, to where he is, and freezes, torned between his crazy life at home (in that moment literally in a hospital because his little brother had an overdose) and the good life at college

Maria Buka

I was disappointed too when I found out Jeffrey had to leave the show because he's one of my favorites actors ever and he would have made a god tier character for sure, but I hope you won't be annoyed at the new actor in every scene just for not being Jeffrey lol It's not his fault and he's good too, I don't know if you'll like his character or not but I'd suggest to at least try and give him a chance to be his own character without comparing to the potential Jeffrey had

Emma Schragel

It's that thing of when you come back from freshman year of college and home seems so different. He has always fit in with that crowd but now he's anxious, looking at his expensive watch and looks more and more out of place3 as the train ride goes on. and yeah the ian thing makes sense because impulsivity is a major symptom in a manic state