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They couldn't have just killed literally anybody else.

Emma B

I’m not ready to watch this again

Emma B

“Idk why he’d come to a funeral to prove a point” *cut to last season why HO went to Bryce’s funeral and protested the whole thing* 😂😂


I'm just mad that you could literally remove Justin's death and stuff related to it, and still basically have the the same season finale, just with him like recovering from an OD or something. I feel like the death was mainly for shock value and didn't actually make sense. I feel like the acting was amazing and it was executed well but it was completely unnecessary. What kind of message does this send to kill off a character like Justin? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm just frustrated that it taints what is otherwise a good finale/season, like I actually enjoyed most of the season and I love the characters so much. I just hope I can watch previous stuff and not just keep being so mad that they killed off the best character lol. Anyway, loved these reactions, and I'll always love the show but this was just a shitty shitty decision and I'm just gonna be pissed regardless of how much I love other choices made.


I do agree that, if they really wanted to kill Justin, then regardless of that everything else in the finale was amazing, and the last few episodes really did slap haha. I think maybe I need to take a step back from being pissed about Justin to appreciate the rest of it, and it definitely would make it the most emotional I guess. I will never think its not shit, I guess I just wish we also had more Clay and Justin scenes throughout the season and not just in the finale. Dylan Minette is definitely the best actor and he nailed the entire show tbh. I'm gonna miss these characters, I think they have amazing chemistry and I can't wait to see what a few of them do next.

Marissa Brady

This was such an awesome finale! I think I've already watched it about three times. All three times I cried when Justin died. Way to pull at the heartstrings! It gave all of the characters closure. Dylan Minnette really is such an incredible actor. He was definitely the glue that held the series together. If another actor had been cast as Clay, the series would have flopped. I actually hope they do a sequel to the series about their college years. I'm going to miss all of their characters! Especially Clay. I really want to continue to see what happens to him.


I thought the Justin storyline was really emotional/well acted. Definitely hit harder than any other death would have. But I do think this season was the first time I started to agree with criticisms of the show sending the wrong message. Normally I don't buy into that because art/entertainment don't have to be safe or about "sending the right message," and I also didn't agree that the first couple seasons sent a bad message; I thought they tackled tough, real issues teens face. But this season just felt like relentlessly dark, piling on horrible trauma after trauma to characters that are already broken, and killing a character who worked so hard to turn his life around. So like we leave off with a kid like Justin, who literally pulls himself out of the gutter to make amends, get clean and make a future for himself, and he has to die because of his past? And Clay has to lose his THIRD friend in 2 years? What does that say? I love the show and the acting was incredible from start to end, but I do question the storytelling choices of this final season.

Alan Guenley

It’s a realistic notion that your past could always catch up with you and bite you in the ass. In real life, death is unexpected. It doesn’t have to make sense or be foreshadowed. It’s a tragic ending to a tragic story. This show has touched upon topics most other shows wouldn’t dare to and gave us characters we’ve never seen before. Not the recycled personalities most shows go for. So that being said I don’t think it was just for shock value. Unfortunately that’s how real life is sometime just taking hit after hit after hit.


Yeah I get that, but I still think it was a little unnecessary. But I also do agree that the show has often done hard hitting storylines which is why I’m not completely angry at it and will still watch it and love it, but I still do feel like they just chose Justin cause he was a fav and it was still a little bit for shock value. That being said it was done really well and everything and was obviously tragic, and made enough sense at the end of the day, I just wish it was established better throughout the season and given a bit more time to really discuss the actual issue of his death as well if that makes sense


hey uh... where are the last three episodes of season 2? Can't find them? You didn't delete them or anything did you?