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Password: ttmcmfcre



I feel like Fiona's lack of realisation that you can screw everything up in one moment is because her parents have been screwing it up since she was born. Like in the custody hearing she told how Ian as a baby got seriously ill when Frank abandoned them to get high, and yet nothing has ever really happened. She messes up once and suddenly her life is over. She's been so warped by the idea that messed up parental behaviour is just normal she cannot understand that to an outsider from a healthy background her one mistake is horrifying. To Fiona the fact she only did it once probably makes her the best parent she's ever experienced. And I love that Lip- who has been more sheltered from it because Fiona helped raise him- can live more in world at college and understands how precarious everything is. Seeing Lip have to take the parental role gets me every time.