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Password: ttmnmkeuz



This is the first time I've heard that there are people that actually like Marley. When me and my family first watched Glee we couldn't stand Marley because she's not the type of character that we had come accustomed to enjoying on the show. We loved that Glee produced so many flawed, morally ambiguous protagonists and Marley just isn't that. Perhaps the creators wrote Marley with the intention of doing something different - it's like they tried to write an "anti-Rachel" who isn't ruthless, ambitious or overbearing - but the problem is that this resulted in Marley just being sort of "nice" (i.e. boring).


She has flaws, her family is poor and she has body issues. She’s not a perfect character in anyway, but it wasn’t like she never cried and caused arguments.


In regards to the reason why certain characters like Joe and Sugar still exist is because the glee club needs 12 members in order to be eligible to compete in competitions.


Kitty is trash 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hannah Stevens

Someone tell me what Ryder's actor did please?

Hannah Stevens

It just sucks because they had a lot of opportunity to build on their characters.


Kitty has some trashy moments, but she´s one of my favorite characters on the show. I kind of feel like she has more to her than most of the new characters. I mean we´ve seen a lot worse on the show... I don´t think the dynamic in the group would be the same without her.

Jennifer Adame

He was married to Marley’s actress and he abused her