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CHEIF! 😭 such a sad episode... Also when Rem wrote L’s name in the death note Rems lifespan was added on to Misa’s so she should be fine. I personally love the Near and Mellow dynamic in the last half of the series. Mellow especially, he wants to catch Kira but doesn’t care how he does it by doing illegal stuff and killing people that makes him feel so much more distinct from L and that’s why I like him the best. Near in the anime unfortunately falls into this trap of being a “L clone” as many fans would say I don’t personally agree with that 100 percent but I can see why people would think that in the manga they do a lot more to flesh his character out he is great in it but with the anime it tends to feel a bit rushed at points. I’m just happy your giving it a chance because there is a lot to like.