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finn is the only one so far who has used the correct pronouns for unique, and he did that even before she opened up to him. hes really matured since season 1

Phillip Grischa

How are the characters supposed to know the correct pronouns? Half the time Unique presents male and goes by Wade so it can be confusing, is Unique trans or gender fluid for example? The show didn't seem to know and flip flopped on the issue in season 4.


Okay first things first, trans mod hello. 1. If you do not know someone's pronouns, you use They/Them. "How are the characters supposed to know" you don't. That's why you use neutral pronouns until someone says or corrects you. Or better yet! Ask them. 2. "Half the time Unique presents male and goes by Wade" okay let's break this down. Unique doesn't present "male" she wears masculine clothing. Shes still a woman. If a cis woman can wear masculine clothes and not be misgendered, so can Unique. Also, she doesn't go by Wade, she clearly goes by Unique and I do agree that the show did flop on this, but even if a trans person calls themselves by their deadname, you should respect them and continue to call them by their real name unless asked to call them their deadname (for example, for safety reasons). "Is Unique trans or gender fluid?" Thise are both trans. Trans is a whole umbrella of labels, binary and non-binary. But Unique is a trans woman and dressing masculine doesn't change that nor does it make someone genderfluid. I am non-binary and I dress feminine a lot. Doesn't make me a woman. I agree with your last statement but the way you're worded this whole thing seemed really bad. Honestly the way a trans person presents shouldnt matter to anyone else. I might be "confusing" people but I don't care lol.