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Megan Linart

I like this finale, I didn’t care for the forced pope and kiara romance that much, I’d rather have them build it up. But I like the ending it leaves room for more or it could end here and I’d still be happy. Overall a good show, I think you enjoyed it more than me I was expecting more from it the way I heard people talking about it before hand in terms of the actual twists and treasure hunting. I wanted to see more of them altogether hunting for it. But what we got was still enjoyable and fun. Excited for the future of outer banks.


A lot of people ship JJ and Kiara, but I would rather just have her be friends with the guys. The actress said she would rather have a third party come in as a love interest for her in season 2.


Also I think Pope has potential as a character. It was actual kind of refreshing having a character who is obsessed with school and college since a lot of high schoolers are and students in teen shows basically don't go to school. Hopefully he gets a better storyline in season 2.

Mel Saville

I really do hope they get another season. I have slowly become real obsessed with this show. I even wrote some fanfiction which I dont usually do but I love the character of JJ so much!!