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Cynthia Jehl

Edwin always creeped me out... not just his face but his voice, his attitude, he's a good villain with actual clear motives (unlike Valiant). I also love that this episode gets deeper into the backstory surrounding the purge. I agree with the rushed feeling, to be honnest that's a general feeling for series 1. I actually did not really notice it that much until you pointed it out in your last reaction. I suppose, I was very young while watching the show for the first time and I just really enjoyed the magic and the fantasy aspect of it. And when I re-watched it I just enjoyed seeing all the characters again that I did not really mind it. Merlin is really naive in this episode, trusting this stranger with his secret... but I get that he wants to use his magic and even show off a little with his powers. After all, Lancelot left, and he only has Gaius who constantly tells him to not use magic. What I also love about this episode is that Gaius visits the dragon, and you get a sense that there's history between them. Also, that burn was worse than if he had actually breathed fire on Gaius... XD I'm surprised you're only noticing now that the dragon speaks in riddles, he wasn't any different with Merlin, lots of riddles around him and Arthur and their joined destinies ;D . About the eyebrow, Richard Wilson (Gaius) said in an audio commentary that sometimes he can't control it, it's really funny, the Merlin fandom has even given it a name "the eyebrow of doom" XD Lastly, I really love the music in this episode, it builds up the tension so well, especially in that scene whith Edwin and Uther (which would have been a great cliffhanger). And you're finally calling Uther by his name (no more Giles) XD I can't wait for the next reactions !

Nadine Merschmann

yes i also think season 1 was their weakest season so i guess this is still a good shot that he will like season 2 moving forward even more, depending how he likes some developments :D Yes i also thought back then how creepy Edwin was! Agree with everything you have said :)