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Becky Howell

I binged the whole show today and I was so happy that I could come back here and watch your reactions right after. This was one of my favourite episodes, especially after the scene with Roy and Dick in the bungalow. I really enjoyed seeing a different side to Dick and have explain why he was ruder to Raymond earlier on. Henry is just a huge creep but Jim Parsons is incredible in this role. Definitely lightyears away from Sheldon 😂

Megan Linart

This was the episode where it really hooked me, I started connecting to more of the characters. Can’t wait for episode 4.


Originally I started the show because of Darren and while I do love his character I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of characters I really love! I was definitely not expecting to love Roy just like you but he is honestly so sweet and adorable. Also, I agree with you that this was the best episode so far! Can't wait to see your reactions to the rest of the episodes :)


Sheldon Cooper got sleazy af for this role lmao it totally works