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Cynthia Jehl

I was so gutted when Kurt did not get in, it just didn't make sense... But well it's Glee, gotta have that drama right? I I was looking forward to your reactionto that last scene! I was schocked too even though I'm not a finchel shipper, I still cried (Lea's acting is heartbreaking in that scene) and I agree, they could have done the long distance but well it's Glee (yep, that's one argument that we gleeks used A LOT to justify some storylines... I don't hate season 4, there are quite a few good episodes and definitely great tunes too but overall I prefer season 2 and 3. I laughed so hard at your "Merlin" whisper at the end of Kurt's song XD I had to rewind to make sure I had heard that right XD I never liked Brittany and never understood the hype, don't get me wrong, she has a few good scenes (but so rare) and Heather Moris is pretty awesome and such a sick dancer but the character never really charmed me the way it was supposed to. I can't wait to see your reaction to s4, some of the newbies are good so I'm curious to see if Artie is going to remain the worst character for you or if someone is going to beat him ;)


You liked Brittany in season 2, Joe. They gave her great sincere moments about motivating Santana to be herself, to be less selfish and care about their friends, like how she told her to be there for Kurt in the prom episode or how she gave a huge speech to her at the end about how that year wasn't about winning and losing and how she saw the glee club as her family. You liked her because she is actually a really nice person, you even supported her during the presidental arc. I agree season 3 went overboard with her stupidity but I think the blame lies with the writing for the overall show, not for the character. The writers somehow didn't see the whole sextape debacle as a big thing and that sucks, especially sucks for Brittany who suffered as a character because of it. But aside from those fuckups, she IS one of the nicest people on the show, she never means anything bad to anyone, she is just too stupid for her own good sometimes.

Izzy Duffy

To me it’s not an official break up- it’s more like time apart while they find their footing and rediscover themselves outside of Lima


I’ve always liked Brittany just because I don’t think she was supposed to be always taken so seriously but to be kind of a moment of lightheartedness and just something to kind of laugh at in a good way. (Also, even though it’s scarce I still love Britanna) But I guess I get why season 3 Brittany wasn’t the best but I believe she does mature later on.

Hannah Stevens

Super late response, but I agree. I feel like he just needed a way to convince her to go, and he was the only reason she was staying.