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Poor Giles :(


Password: ttmnxmhqt


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I love this episode. I find it funny, while also giving us a look at how Giles has been feeling left out of the loop and unappreciated.. He feels forgotten, and we find out its to the point that the gang haven't even filled him in on key information! Poor Giles. We got the Buffy Giles moment at the end though, her looking into his eyes and knowing it was him, and them bonding at the end there... I know its not like, incredible, but still a favourite easy-viewing episode. Plus, I find Ethan a really fun, useless baddie lol, and I loved more Spike and Giles scenes :D


I really enjoy this episode, but I understand that the standalone, comedic episodes are way easier to appreciate when you've already seen the show and aren't anticipating the development of the larger story. I hear your complaints - so far this season we've only really seen Willow and Buffy spend any consistent amount of time together. I think it's an interesting and realistic exploration of the college lifestyle though. I'd argue that in Season 1 Giles was still learning to understand/like Buffy lol. Season 2 and 3 were peak father/daughter.

Sarah McKinlay

It makes sense for us to only really see Buffy and Willow interact consistently at this point both. Xander is trying to find himself outside of the scooby gang as he doesn’t have college, between dead end jobs and growing closer to Anya. Giles at this point feels a bit lost and Buffy is growing up and becoming more independent. It’s sad to watch but realistic for the group to start drifting apart after high school.