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Rachel Ford



Ah! It's so nice/rare to find people who haven't even been spoiled on Angel being a vampire! So in this universe the soul leaves when someone is turned into a vampire, and it's not that they can't have emotions they just don't have a conscience. Almost like pure id. Angel's curse makes him feel tormented by all the bad things he did. And in case you missed it in the moment Darla was the vampire that turned Angel into a vampire. That's why she was being so dramatic about everything. And finally Welcome to the Bangel ship!

Adam is Magic

The moment when the vampire romance from Twilight looks unoriginal and bland compared to Buffy's version. Special note that's Julie Benz (Darla) from Dexter if you've seen it. The next episode isn't as good is one the weaker episodes.

Adam is Magic

Yes vampires must be invited your home as part of the classic mythology and another thing Vampire Diaries copied from. (Which you will see of ideas copied from Buffy).


I love that you know nothing about this show! It makes your reactions so genuine - please be really careful now that you're uploading the reactions to Youtube, the Buffy fandom get over-excited in the comments and don't realise how much they're spoiling stuff. I know vampire 'rules' vary a lot depending on the show/movie, so a little Buffy vampire rulebook for you: 1) Direct sunlight burns and eventually kills them (hence why Angel jumped back when Darla opened the blind), and so does a decent amount of holy water. Crosses burn them, so yeah Angel's burn was from Buffy's necklace 2) Can't enter a home initially unless invited 3) Another comment explained the whole soul thing better than I could, but yes they do have emotions, just not a conscience I've been wanting to post this since the pilot, but didn't want you to notice Angel skulking around in the dark all the time and put 2+2 together lol. Sorry for the extra long comment!


Yay! Honestly this episode, and the season 1 finale are my favs for this season, so i’m glad you liked it. You shipping Bangel is also really adorable lol. Cant wait for more buffy reactions 👍🏻💖


The soul vs. no soul dichotomy is comparable to what TVD did with the humanity switch--just a way the storyteller can have "good" and "bad" vampires, and allow for the possibility that they can go from one to the other. Also Stephan's post-ripper guilt and general good-heart-fighting-natural-instincts vibe is clearly inspired at least in part by Angel. The scene where Angel's kiss with Buffy makes him unable to control his face? Basically identical to what happened in TVD. Not saying the similarities are a bad thing--Buffy is a classic and tons of subsequent supernatural shows pay homage to it.


Also, Buffy was groundbreaking in some ways, but I'm sure it was also plenty derivative of other vampire shows/movies/literature. The genre and lore have been around for ages!

Adam is Magic

The amount of times he will say this is just like TVD, only to realize that Buffy did it first will be eye-opening for him.

Adam is Magic

I do agree the vampire genre has been around for ages, but, there are still many times when I watch something similar with vampires, supernatural, fantasy, etc. And I think that they may have copied some ideas/plotlines from Buffy.