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Here is my full uncut reaction to Pretty Little Liars S.4.16


Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 16 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub



1 second. Hannas mother just got out of prison. She had no job and had her boyfriend pay her bail to get out. So how does it make sense that Spencer said that Hanna just bought a dress last month when Hanna was throwing away all of her clothes?!

Zakiya Davis

Joe, sadly some female teen relationships in america are that tragic. Alison’s relationship with the girls is pretty realistic. I’ve experienced it myself. Plus they were in middle school and friendships were worse than. But either way they all still cared about each other.

Zakiya Davis

And I love that you went from hating to loving Jake and Aria. I’m also team anyone but Ezra

Adam is Magic

PLL drags out main plots but, has most subplots move forward quickly such as all of the relationship drama. Also PLL does my least favorite plotline many shows do; the bad guy pretends to be a good guy but only the audience knows about it and the main characters don’t find out for several episodes.

Adam is Magic

Don’t worry about the filler episodes in 4b. Episodes 4.19 to 4.24 are all good and I believe so is 4.18.

Adam is Magic

Same a lot people think Aria is bad character but, really she just doesn’t get many good plot lines. Most of the focus on Ezra or some other relationship drama. The only reason why they keep making and breaking up all the time is because of the shippers out there. Otherwise they are boring together.


I agree, Aria isn't bad. The hardcore focus on a bad romance story is. Whenever Aria gets something to do outside of her relationship with Ezra, she's actually pretty good.


Aria is genuinely one of, if not, my favorite girl out of the core five. It just sucks that she gets a bad rep cause the writers treated her like shit whenever she's with Ezra. And I also hate fans that trash Aria when she's really amazing when she's not with Ezra, or at least good. When Spencer hits rock bottom at times, Aria is the one to get them to focus. She many times did find very important clues, she's a great actress when not given shitty lines and she's smart and rather level headed. All the girls are idiots when it comes to relationships but she gets some of the worst shit for it.


Aria, Hanna and Spencer have literally been talking shit about Alison the whole show lol. Yes they are also looking for her, but it's more cause they want answers. With Emily, it's more that she wants Alison back. It's a bit different. I think they all care about her but the three are more hesitant with her and Emily is in love with her, so of course Alison trusts her more. She didn't say the girls didn't care about her, she said she can't trust them. I actually loved this episode and it's one of my favorites of 4b but I'm an emison shipper so that scene means a lot to me, lol. This Spencer scene also pissed me off, like idk she really irritates me sometimes. It's like she's the ONLY one that can find shit out. It happens quite a bit. She will do her own dangerous mission but as soon as someone else wants to (and emily was honest with her about it) she'll screw it up. Alison has done things with GOOD INTENTIONS but i agree, she hasn't done much good. She did save Emily and the girls twice (I think? can't remember) and she did a few things in the earlier seasons with GOOD INTENTIONS like in the end, they kind of backfired but overall, she did try to help the girls sometimes. However, I completely get why you hate her. I still find her to be one of my favorite characters, but I understand why you don't. I've said it before (at this point in the show) I don't love her as a person, but as a character. I find her interesting and complex.