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Here is my full uncut reaction to Shadowhunters S.2.12


Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 12 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub



Izzy and Simon are the Lydia and Stiles of this show. Attractive, sexy popular girl and nerdy, sarcastic, funny guy. Simon/Stiles had a crush on Izzy/Lydia but ended up with a different girl because the girl they like basically ignored them for a bit. The pairing gets ignored for a bit then randomly has episodes of development and hints at the relationship and possible endgame. I also ship Izzy and Simon so much. Glad to see you do too. I still adore Simon and Clary, though, more than Clary and Jace. And I think Alec had a hard time believing it was Magnus because in the beginning of the episode, Izzy said to start trusting people more and also, Valentine is capable of tricking people a lot, like Jace said. I don't blame him for not trusting this, you can see how guilty he feels and conflicted he is. And they didn't actually see anything cause if you look back, they had their eyes clenched shut and ears covered and Alec was calling Magnus' name for help. I know they're in love, but Alec has only known Magnus for a few weeks and they've only been dating for a couple, so they're not THAT in tune yet to where he would know. There was a lot of hesitation and deep inside, he did know but was afraid to make a wrong decision again. Regardless, I feel so bad for Magnus and Alec. poor babies.

Marthe Bøstrand

I think that last scene is some of Dominic's best acting in the show so far. Apart from a scene in season 3, but I know you like to go in blind, so I'm not saying anything else. But I think that scene was very good, and I'm not going to lie... I've cried during that scene. I cry easily during emotional scenes, but still! And Dominic didn't even have to say a word!:)


Yes Jace is a Herondale...I have been listening to the audio books of Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince which is about Jace's ancestor Will Herondale...Jace is just like him. Valentine stole Jace when he was a baby. I think this show gives me almost as much angst as GOT anf AOS...season 3 is killing me....lol. Great job Joe!!!

Jessica Irene Conifer

Yeah I was a fan of the book series before the movies or shows, the writer has a really complex family history set up for the characters, it's fun watching your predictions and the things you get excited about knowing both the history and where the story goes from here. The show follows the basic plot of the books.