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Here is my full uncut reaction to Teen Wolf S.5.16


Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 16 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub


Christopher Nicholas

Wasnt there a kiss that season?(only seen it once)


stiles and lydia still had some key and beautiful moments in season 3 and 4,and even tho they weren’t romantic they were still growing closer and closer together which is what matters,if they ever get together it’s best to have that strong friendship to begin with and not feel rushed,they were developing over the corse of time,season 4 paused it a bit but it’s back,plus 5A had that ‘he still likes her doesn’t he?’ scene,stiles seeing lydia hurt and his facial expression and the entire 5x05 practically


I agree with everything you said about Stydia, I personally think Holland and Dylan are the two best actors from the show and so their scenes are always beautiful, and I do enjoy Stydia, but I can also admit that their romance development stopped during season three to five A and so it resulted rushed. You speak the truth: the little things like Stiles shocked face when Lydia got hurt...I get it, it works great in fanvideo and of course it's emotional, but if we see the romance in that then we must assume Stiles is in love with Derek too for the way he was looking at hurt Derek in the season 4 finale? That was even more dramatic guys ahah But yeah, no, that's just Stiles devastated to see his friends possibly die, not a 'proof' of deep love. Said that, Stydia scene like the ones in this episode are always powerful and emotional, I just don't like when people pretend they had the best development ever even in the seasons where they clearly didn't.


you literally have to just notice the little things and key developments that has happened between s1,s2,s3,s4 and s5. like s2 "if you did ill literally go out of my freaking mind" which shows in this episode how freaked out he got and in 5x05 when she was laying on the floor and when Kira said "he still likes her doesn't he" to scott. when he visited her and held her hand, s4 when Meredith died and he hugged her and helped her get through it, s4 when malia said "I would never leave you" and the camera focus on Lydia looking at stiles and stiles looking at the mirror towards Lydia, in s2 when stiles scored the goal and the camera focus on stydia smiling at each other. Theres just key moments where you have to like focus and pay attention to their development. I didn't see it at first but when I rewatched the series you could clearly see it more

Tony VanDermark

Was never a big stydia fan but damn this episode got me 😭


I agree with you about the acting of Holland and Dylan, they are the best actors in the series, honestly. I also believe that most of the relationships in teen wolf have been very rushed and random, for example stalia and scallison. they had them put together almost in an episode lol this is one of the reasons why they never drove me crazy, this is also one of the reasons why I have always loved stydia. they worked on their friendship to get to something romantic between the two especially now that they trusted each other more than anyone. Just like Holland said once, " for them (stiles and lydia) to be together it has to be organic, something very deep and special". I loved this thing, you don't see that happens very often in TV series, so that's why people loved this ship so much. Also great reaction as always Joe, love you💕

Jayden Jones

The way stydia gets together is fan service and shoehorned I’m sorry for stydia fans who will disagree but “one moment in one episode in s3, 4, 5” does not count as “development.” I would understand if it happened over the course of those three seasons but it didn’t. Just one moment in one or three episodes. That’s why I really hate how they put them together, not that I hate stydia together, I just hate how they were put together


Pretty sure this is a spoiler, a huge one considering the fact that he hasn't seen season 6 yet. Stop spoiling stuff


but season 3 had some of the best stydia moments and you even said that before. You were like 'wow i loved stydia this episode' and 'aw look at them' during some season 3 episodes like when Lydia said Stiles was too smart for the instructions or when he was unwrapping the red string from her finger and she was staring at him with this adoring look on her face - you loved those scenes when they happened and said you needed more of those, those were in the seasons you said had no moments? lol. So they did keep happening, they were just spread out, which to me is smart when having a ship that won't be canon till the end. Idk, I think people just forget them...i agree season 4 had little to no stydia but every season besides that has had so many and they don't in season 4 and 5b cause he was with Malia, which makes perfect sense. Even then, Kira said 'he still likes her, doesn't he?' so it was still mentioned, never forgotten. Idk i feel like people just forget moments and choose to pretend they're not there just cause they don't like stydia or ship it, at least. Just go look back and see there are moments. it's just not shoved in our faces. They made clear moments hinting they would be endgame. Like in 3b when they go under water in ice. He said Stiles goes with Lydia when clearly stating who has a strong enough connection to pull them up...sorry but it just bothers me how people ignore these things. You don't have to have cliche jealous moments or over the top scenes to have a ship hint at being together. I think the only thing I can agree on people with is that they never mentioned the kiss, which I blame the writers for but then again, some people irl do kiss and pretend it never happens, so it could make sense that they just didn't know how to talk about it. And that's the thing, though, people are like 'oh but he could mean it in a friendly way' yeah...if you take it that way. When he says things like that about Malia, people take it romantically. Cause he loved her. But he loves Lydia and clearly was in love with her for 3 whole seasons, saying it many times, so why would we take it in a friendly way when he openly had feelings for her? It's like everyone wants to forget he was completely in love with this girl just cause he was with Malia for a few months. I would be fine with you, or people, not shipping stydia if it wasn't constantly brought up and complained about despite the moments continuing to happen and people just saying 'then nothing happens' but the next episode SOMETHING HAPPENS and then everyone's like 'then nothing happens' and it's a repeated thing.


Thats my point, they built up to it then completely dropped it in season 4 and had Malia, and I said I liked those moments. Does not mean I shipped them at that point though


that won't be the last time you hear that imflamous banshee scream