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I'm feeling all overwhelmed and emotional for the simple fact that I'm able to make this my job as of now. I'll have a video soon but I can't thank you gals n guys enough for being so supportive of this channel and helping it grow into what it is. All of you have made this possible and I love you all for it, really does mean the world. I hope to continue to bring you fun reactions and other videos and know that I'm always open to ways to improve my content.

Thank you again so much, I love each and every one of you to little bits and little pieces.

- Joe



WE LOVE YOU MORE WE’LL ALWAYS BE HERE 💙💕💓💗💓❣️💚💗❣️💗❣️💓❣️💓💞❤️💝💜💜💗💗💚💓💓💕💓💕💓💗💖❣️❤️❣️💔💗💗💚💓💕


yes joe




So proud of you ☺️🌹


Yay that’s great news, I’m so happy for you joe 💖


My favorite reactor! You deserve it Joe. <3


Let it not go unsaid that it is literally because of you Patrons that I'm able to do this too. If I was just going from adsense I wouldn't even be close. So a special thank you to you all


I just became a patron a few weeks ago but it's one of the best choices I've made! So happy for you man!


WOOO amazing news <3


Congrats!!!! Love ya Joe!!!


Congratulations! Happy for you :)


LOVE YOU JOE!!!!😂😂🤗🤗🤗🤗




congrats man! will you be posting more often now?

Jordan Harrison

Yesss! Congrats on reaching your goal man. So happy for you and also very happy to be apart of this amazing accomplishment. So exciting!

Camilla L

Holy shit!! Cheers! 🍻🎉 So happy for you. x


That's awesome! I haven't been a patron that long, but I've been watching for a while (maybe a few months) and you're one of, if not my favorite, reactor. I'm so happy for you!

C Note

Congrats mate happy for you

Signe (Seena) Stewart

That's very sweet! ❤ I'm happy I made my choice back when. I don't support any other reactors, and never felt the need to. You are by far my favourite reactor. I'm pretty sure I'd watch you react to a bloody advert.. 😏 Come to think of it... Jo Brand's commercial breakdown, anyone?! 🤔😄 I'm happy for you that so many others others have recognised your value! ❤ congratulations about full time!


Congratulations,Joe. I have found you thanks to your bromance with Jay :) and I´'m really glad that I did. Keep on doing what you're doing, your reactions are amazing ;)


MY BOY!!! congrats man


I love your reactions because they're smart - you "get" why writers and producers make certain choices, and understand the field of tropes so you can better appreciate when shows break the mold/are more creative dramatically. And you don't get stuck in your initial opinions; you keep an open mind to character growth. I love to overanalyze TV, so it's fun to watch reactions by someone who sees all the layers. Keep up the good work!


Good Work done. Keep it up