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Hey all,

Just wanted to give you a heads up, there will be no Teen Wolf S.5.2 today, something came up today and I didn't find the time to record it. SKAM France S.1.4 will still be going up in around 2 hours however. Sorry, I know this will probably piss most of you off but just wanted to let you know <3

- Joe


Signe (Seena) Stewart

Don't worry about it. You so rarely veer off schedule, so I think you're well within your right to do so. You do have a life outside of this and you don't owe us anything! 😊


I actually owe you guys everything Signe &lt;3 but yes there is a life I have to live and sadly today hasn't been the best of days and I'm sorry I can't deliver. Thank you for understanding however


Joe, it's fine. Hell, take a week off if that's what you need. Is it disappointing? Yeh sure, but I've learnt that mental health ALWAYS comes first - even if that may just be a bad mood after a crappy day. Hope all is well :)


it’s okay we understand,don’t worry joe! whenever you upload it we’ll be looking forward to it!


I second what they said, it's better wait for a hundred percent Joe


Meh, it's alright. Life happens.


YES, THIS FUCKIN PISSES ME OFF, I AM SO DAMN MAD... jk, no worries, go do whatever you need to, man. We'll get over it.

C Note

it's all good. Take care of yourself, man.


No worries. Take care of yourself. just curious though, Will you just upload this episode on the next scheduled teen wolf day or will it come out earlier? Super excited to see your reaction to this episode whenever it comes up!