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Here is my full uncut reaction to Shadowhunters S.1.9


Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub



lmaooooo ur reaction to Lydia was freaking hilarious


"chlamydia" lmaoooooooo


Your complaints about Clary is an actual mood 😂 I just want you to get onto S2 tbh....although I do like episodes 11,12

John Lewis

ayyyyy Simon and Izzy haha

Ragan Michelle

CONGRATULATIONS you’ve now gotten through the two worst episodes in the series! Or at least in my opinion. Clary is indeed the most annoying character, which is something because we still have “The Law is the Law” Lydia. Some people start to like her more but I feel like the writers only included her for conflict and her character doesn’t contribute much to the plots progression at all, she mainly just causes detours from the main plot. Alec, while I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing, it also got on my nerves as well. Simons character starts to development more in this season but he really kicks in off in season 2. Also Magnus was amazing as always. Loved your reaction including the criticism as always!


Forgot how annoying season 1 Alec is, practically a different character. Also I'm sorry and I love Kat but her acting in this ep physically gave me a headache. 😩😂


i feel like i'm the only one that never got annoyed with Alec, i understand his pov. Which is why he's my favorite character. If you see from his pov, of course he flipped like that. He found out his parents are circle members, his first love (jace) basically abandoned him for a random girl and always sides with her, he's scared to come out cause the clave isn't accepting and fears falling for magnus, his parents are making him marry and he found a girl that can benefit (he assumes) the clave - honestly i think people don't realize how much his life fell apart since they met Clary. Everything just crumbled. And tbh, he's not THAT wrong, in the end. I don't agree with everything he does, but i see where he's coming from and where his mindset is at. I think people overreact a bit, mainly cause they don't like him being 'mean' to Magnus. I adore malec, but you gotta look at Alec's pov. As of now, malec just met like i think this is a week? and he does obviously like Magnus, but Alec doesn't even understand love. He's never even KISSED anyone. This is new to him. And like he says, they understand marriage differently. Honestly, the marriage COULD make sense. I could be bias, but even when i first watched the season BEFORE he was my favorite character, i was never mad at him. if anything, i pitied him a lot and just worried for him. He seemed very alone and lost. Only Izzy ever tried to understand and talk to him. Jace yelled at him all the time and blamed him for Clary's stupid mistakes. Magnus, while I adore him, just flirted with him a lot (of course helps him later, though, and tries to understand him). Alec has no one else. I also feel like Alec relied on Jace a lot, so when he connected with Clary, it really hurt him. Not just cause he was in love with him.


lol I adore Kat, she's so beautiful and sweet, but yeah, her acting (even now) is not the best. There's only two episodes where I applaud her. I assume you know the two...they were quite sad.


#Shitfriend love it! I loved the reaction. I got a little annoyed with Alec in these episodes as Well but he gets better. I think from here on out the season takes off and gets better. Then of course season 2. It still has flaws but it improves significantly from season 1.


I am usually the last person to defend Clary BUT to be fair when Simon was calling her she was trying to break into a police station to get the Mortal Cup which people have been kidnapping her for. Then, when she got it she was being chased down by multiple demons, and by the time she got back to the institute, literally a few moments later Simon was dead so I don’t blame her.