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Here is my full uncut reaction to Teen Wolf S.4.7


Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub



bro i think people said this season sucks because the most part of teen wolf fans are stupid 13 years old fangirls who wants to see naked mens... they probablly didn't even understand this season. i love it, one of the best so far.


Season 4 is such an underrated season in my opinion it's the best and I'm glad you love Stiles and Malia since they're also my number 1 ship on teen wolf


Tbh in my opinion this season was okay. I think that people say is the worst because Allison wasn't in it or because a lot of characters left like Danny, Ethan, Isaac, others don't like it because they say that Lydia was kind of left alone and depressed and that this season didn't focused on her like 3a. But this season is definitely not the worst. The worst (in my opinion) was 6b.


ugh, i like to pretend 6b never happened. 6A was a great ending to the show, i don't see why they had to go to 100 episodes.


I like every season, tbh except 6b. It's not a bad season at all. However, there are a lot of inconsistency to it that personally bother me? Like, they kind of forgot isaac ever existed. I mean, i get that the actor left but maybe mention him a few times? Maybe not make his character feel like he did nothing? I mean, they mention Jackson a lot and Isaac was on the show longer dude. And some of the bad guys are really cringy. I also don't like how separated the pack feels sometimes. In other seasons, they worked together a lot but this one feels like they're not working together a lot. In the beginning they were but there's something missing to it. And the overall feel of the show seems so different. Stiles and Scott's relationship feels off, Lydia is kind of wandering when she's not with Stiles, Malia (like Kira) got way too used to the supernatural world. I know Malia was a coyote already, but overall she just nonchalantly helps and it seems forced to me. At least with Kira, her character drove the storyline for season 3, but Malia doesn't have much use (right now) and I wish they would give her more push to the story other than being Peter's kid and Stiles' love interest. Other than that, I love the deadpool plot, the humor of the show is back and my darling Liam is introduced, we got Scott being a big brother, so those are my favorite things about the season. And this is my favorite episode this season, idk why. It was just a nice episode. The amount of times Stiles almost dies (especially gets a gun pointed to his head) to save his friends is insane, my poor baby.

allie brascia

i dont think people disliked it because of that i think people said in comparison to 3b


The thing with the guy getting shot and the way the bullet should have gone has always bothered me too tbh.


I cant wait for episode 10 aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh and yeah season 4 is amazing no idea why anyone would say it was bad lol


STALIA FOREVER!!! I’m so gladyou ship their relationship, it hurts my heart at the end when she walks away pissed off with stiles and he is all confused, then you see his instant regret of keeping the truth from her.... but otherwise they are utterly perfect!!


I love that stalia moment even tho I'm stydia fan


I still love there moments

Jayden Jones

I say this after every season 4 reaction you’ve posted so far and I’m gonna keep saying it : WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SEASON HATED ON?!!??!!


Love this reaction!! I knew you would love Malia & Stalia as much as I do <3

Mel Saville

I loved Stalia and Stydia because I love all the characters. That moment with Stiles and the gun is one of my fave moments. Stiles and Malia are so freaking adorable, love them!!! I think the reason people didn't like this season is because of the characters that left, Allison, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Danny. Also a lot of people thought that the introduction of new characters meant that focusing more on developing Lydia's story or even trying to develop Kira was not as strong. I love this episode so much. The cure was a little too easy but the rest of it was great so whatever. Even watching this back with you has made me appreciate this season more.


I think one of the reasons people don't like season 4 ( along with their favorite characters leaving and new characters being introduced) is Malia. I personally LOVE Malia. She is is my favorite character. But I think a lot of Stydia fans are salty that Malia and Stiles are a thing so they hate on her and this season. That's all I've ever experienced. When I ask people why they don't like season 4, pretty much 8-9 out of 10 they say its because of Stalia's relationship which is bs to me because Stiles and Malia are adorable

Distracted Muse

The reason the bullet didn't hit Stiles was because he was standing slightly to the right of the assassin. I had to re-watch it myself - you can see the assassin even has his gun arm out to the side rather than straight ahead. I really enjoy this season too - I think it was a good concept and the fact that they didn't use the same assassin kept interesting.


That scene with the Chemist and Stiles is one of the "Stiles is Something" faves. The bullet wound in the Chemist's forehead is an entry wound, not an exit wound. A bullet enters and causes a hole slightly bigger than itself, but that initial impact causes it to expand. When it exits, it is now much larger than it was originally, which is why exit wounds are much larger and messier. An exit wound from the bullet McCall would have had in his handgun would have left an exit wound at least 3-4x the size of the one we see and would have caused brain matter, bone and more blood than shown. The something!Stiles theory is that the bullet backfired into the Chemist because Stiles wanted it to and his surprised reaction to seeing Agent McCall wasn't just "Wtf" but concern he saw what happened. Stiles was also sick when the other humans were recovering, so that leans in on the something! as well: the Stiles we see now is in the body that poured out of the Nogitsune. The original Stiles was the one that shattered at the end of S3b. So something!Stiles or his body being not quite right after it was formed could explain the sick part. Then again, TW is not known for it's diligence on continuity so the whole thing could be poor makeup and setup in wanting to have the wound very visible without thinking of exit wounds, angles, etc.