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Here is my full uncut reaction to SKAM S.4.4


Skam Season 4 Episode 4 Reaction Uncut.wmv * Files * TheTrophyMunchers Videos * Onehub



I guess you already know this by now, but Yousef is referring to the year before Even met Isak, not the scene from s3.9. I think it was a big surprise to many fans that Sana knew Even before and didn’t tell Isak about his past. I’ve always found Yousef’s explanation a little weird. Mikael does not seem very religious (for instance he drinks alcohol) and in he doesn’t seem homophobic either, especially not in the briskeby videos. But Yousef is a good guy, no doubt.

Siv-Merete Høiland

I love your love for Sana and for Yousef. When they talk about Even they refer to the year before he came to Isak’s school. He had been ill, tried to kill himself, and had quite a lot of time away from school I guess. He met Isak the year after all that happened.


That Sana and Even knew each other before season 3 was a surprise indeed. And Yousef IS a good guy. And Sana struggles to combine being a devout Muslim and being a teenager in “this white, faithless country.” Such an important storyline!


You may remember Sonia saying to Isak that last year he learnd the Quran, because then he thought that was a good idea, refering to him beeing manic. Must have been then. And you might also remember Isak trying to find Even on social media and all he found was a blog post with a video of Even and his friend doing a school project and making a film about Putin and captain America or what not. That friend is Michael. And Michael is also one of Sanas brothers friends. The reason Isak asks of him is because he sees a picture of him on Yousufs FB when Sana is looking at it in class.


I love your reactions by the way. And that you notis small things that others ignore, that you comment on the filosofical conversations and the deeper stuff. And that you talk about the music! And that you obviously have your own opinions :) Thanks, Joe!

Tammy S

Yeah, the suicide attempt that Yousef referred to was actually the year before. Even was manic, read the Q'uran, posted a whole bunch of stuff on social media, and then tried to kill himself. That's why he deleted all of his social media accounts and transferred to Isak's school and had to repeat his last year of high school. The text at the end of 3x09 seemed like a suicide note to some people because of we knew that Even was currently in the middle of a depressive episode and because of our knowledge of him transferring schools and repeating a year, a lot of people assumed that he may have tried it before. Julie Andem, the creator, confirmed that, for Even, it was a goodbye text to Isak because he did plan on trying to commit suicide again.