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SKAM Season 2 - Top 10 Moments!

SKAM Season 2 - Top 10 Moments! Patron - https://www.patreon.com/TheTrophyMunchers Twitter - https://twitter.com/TrophyMunchers Joe's Twitter - https://twitter.com/josepharding Liam Twitter - https://twitter.com/ChaosLeaf Liam Instagrm - https://www.instagram.com/liamarmes/ Joe's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/josepharding Joe's Snapchat - josepharding Joe's TRAKT profile - https://trakt.tv/users/thetrophymunchers Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/thetrophymunchers Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheTrophyMunchers



I'm still amazed. So many of us thought you would HATE this season. And I certainly expected you to rip certain scenes to pieces---like the one with Noora playing the guitar. So I'm shocked, but happily so, to see that you loved them. Thing is, I'm an American, but I'll be the first to admit that an American show would have RUINED these exact same scenes. An American show would've made them cheesy and over-dramatic. The dialogue alone would've been vomit-inducing, near less the over-acting. But all hail Skam, and Norway, for getting it right!


My favorite moment was you getting jump scared at the Casper-at-the cabin scene. LOL! No, really, my favorite moment was the Nico moment. It was probably me raving about the acting there. Like in the clip you showed here, we see Nico do like a hard swallow/gulp during it. And his face is crumbling before our eyes. He's doing all these little things that totally sell the scene. It's pure brilliance. We all rave about how great the acting is from the 'mains"--and they are all amazing--but even the minor characters knock it out of the park. Emma in season 3, for instance. And there's other moments and characters in Season 3, but I won't say them yet because spoilers. But anyway, I challenge anyone to fond me a bad actor/actress in Skam.


Love that you mentioned the ‘2 fishcakes at 5 o’clock’ scene, it’s definitely one of my favorites. The scene is sweet and funny, but it also has a certain depth to it since it’s hinting at Noora’s past struggles with an eating disorder, which as you may know is much more about control rather than actual food and weight, so it just really enhances that sense of complete loss of control she’s experiencing in that moment. Also, I love every scene Eskild is in, especially when he tells Noora she doesn’t have to deal with everything on her own. As for favorite Noorhelm scene, I’m right there with you! It’s such a vulnerable and honest moment they share when she sings to him, and we actually get to see William smile, yay! <3 xx

Henrik Schröder

I'd say that Thomas, who plays William, is the worst actor of the mains, but, I mean, he's still really good. I suspect he was chosen more for his looks than his acting ability. It's just that the rest of the cast range from great to out-of-this-world-what-the-fuck-Tarjei, which makes comparisons hard... I mean, look at the guitar scene. William goes from his happy/drunk/arrogant self to a guy who *really* looks at Noora, and realizes that there's a lot more to her than her looks. You can see the moment he realizes and changes. Awesome.


Your love for Season 2 and Noorhelm makes my heart warm! Bless up.


Everything you feel about Noora and Wilhelm is basically what I feel about Isak and Even. Like every time they're on the screen together it's magic!


I think she hated William in the beginning, as much as the rest of us. Then she warms up a bit, of course flattered by his persistence, but I think what wins her over is when she realise that they are both "abandoned" by their parents.


What happened to Skam s3e5?


honestly i thought you would hate this season cause you hate cliches and like, their love story screams cliche. Bad boy with bad past, stubborn girl refuses to love him but eventually she does. She says no sex till marriage but they fuck anyways. They break up, make up a million times. They say i love you within like a couple weeks of dating. He says he's gonna leave but comes back anyways. I don't know. I think that's the main reason I don't ADORE their story. I love it and the way they write it is at least a little less cliche, but in the end, it follows every cliche in the book. It's just done a bit better.

Henrik Schröder

Yes, it's "bad boy, good girl", but I think it has a nice and surprising twist to it. In the end, it turns out Noora isn't such a innocent, good girl, she's just been burnt in the past. And after Noora lecturing William that being an asshole is something you choose, and not something you're made, he actually chooses to be good, unlike his brother. I think that's far enough from the cliché, and something new and fresh.