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Hey all, 

I was looking through the Patreon page and I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the videos still. I just wanted to ask if there is any advice you have to make it better for you all, or if you're happy with how it is right now?

Want you all to feel like you're getting the best you can here because I really do appreciate you all, so just let me know if there is anything I could be doing better.

- Joe


Summer-Skye Mills

No need to improve, you’re doing amazing.


You're doing amazing sweetie


Do More Teen wolf reaction other wise you are doing a amazing work


All I'd maybe suggest is a clearer schedule of when you'll react to each show? Not in a super strict "Mondays has to be Skam" way, but just so less in-demand shows like Buffy and Shameless get a look in, if that makes sense. Don't wanna seem like a dick 'cause I really like your reactions, I just don't want your only feedback to be "Teen Wolf!!!" and for you to think that's representative of your entire audience lol

Thomas Pearce

C S: Glad you clarified to not in a "super strict" way...Because sticking to a strict schedule only leads to reactors doing vids when they're not feeling it--- and it shows! Like if the reactor is sick or fatigued but they force themselves to do the vid because they have to meet the schedule---it just leads to a less than stellar reaction. I'd rather the reactor waits till he/she feels up to it, so they can give the show/audience the reaction it deserves. :)

Thomas Pearce

Honestly, I can't think of anything you're not doing well. In fact, I'm probably gonna bump up from 3 bucks to 5 bucks for the full uncut versions of Season 3 of Skam, and for Shameless. My only hesitation has been that you seemed to suggest that both the uncut reactions and Shameless were kinda on like a trial period, like you were gonna see how it went before committing to them fully.


Oh for sure - some days you’re just not feeling a show. That being said, if something is constantly being put to the back of the pile and you’re watching like one episode a month, I feel like you’re never going to get into the feel of it. I do agree with your point though :)

izzy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 17:47:51 maybe some more teen wolf and shameless?
2017-10-29 01:32:09 maybe some more teen wolf and shameless?

maybe some more teen wolf and shameless?