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B 3X06


Miriam Salah

Archibald Featherington was killed by those gangsters at the end of season 1. That’s why their estate went to his Cousin Jack.


you are right about Archibald getting killed, though I thought these were 'bookies' or what passed for bookies in regency london. (I guess gangsters is close enough to the same thing!) i don't remember 100% but I think they were angry because they could tell that Archibald got Will Mondrich to throw the fight, which caused them to lose a boat-load of money. It was totally suspicious, right? what with Archibald being deeply in debt to them for past failed bets, and putting up the deed to his house, and then Will losing, when he was favored to win. I was always waiting for Will to get in trouble with them, too, since he also benefitted from throwing that fight.


what annoys me here and about part 2 in general is the amnesia Benedict has here. The problem seems to be the new showrunner. Benedict saying no to the question about interest in arts?! That his plot in season 1 and 2. also him being shocked about the idea of the threesome when one was offered to him in season1 i think at the party qith all the art people and where we see the gay painter whoose picture Benedict calls boring