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I’m working on a couple things but there hasn’t been much new content to post this month.

However, check out the new Patreon tier if you’re interested in commissioning me at some point in the near future! 



The same price as my normal tier? How could i say no?


Can I say I appreciate you going out your way to not bill your supporters when you do have a lack of content for the month. Not many other creators I follow are willing to do it.


So i changed to the Comission special tier. Now all posts are blocked for me. Its like i dont have a subscription at all. :(


Same for me, think it was just a small oversight.


Should be fixed now! I have to go through each post and change it manually to include the new tier. There’s still some older posts I have to change but I’m running low on time, they’ll be available as soon as I can gwt to em <3!