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MMPs are vat-grown creatures that make up around 30-50% of the crews of trade ships operated by $$CHAHHN$$ megacorporation. Their skin is smooth and velvety and they appear completely androgynous with no genitalia. Reproduction is accomplished by an approved third party (Normally a non-MMP in a management position) taking DNA samples from two willing MMPs and injecting them inside an artificial egg shell which is then placed in a "Grow Box" for about 6 months at which point the MMP is fully grown.

Although lacking genitalia and appearing somewhat unnatural, MMPs were at some point a naturally occurring species before $$CHAHHN$$ intervened and spliced up their own version of the species tailored for long distance space travel.




LOVE them and their lore!!


Hm... Hmmmm that tag is making me extra curious. But this is a wonderful addition to the world as a whole! It breaks out of the usual theme of "soff birb-like fren" that the Canaries have, and gives a very interesting, almost more dystopian sci-fi view on some of the other parts of the world. Regardless, your Box Boys still feel soft and rather adorable, and I actually quite like their aesthetic! So what is their purpose, then? Is their physique more resilient to certain types of acceleration, radiation, or the kind of strange isolation that people have to endure in space?


They're meant to be disposable grunt workers. Bright colors for visibility, shorter life span at around 40 years average that comes with growing up very fast and somewhat suppressed physical urges. Radiation is something to be mindful of in the trade ships but the shorter lifespan also means that radiation damage won't have as much time to cause problems. Being vat-grown also means that in case of a massive disaster, disease or such that would wipe the population of the ship MMPs can relatively quickly be deployed again to keep everything running.


Huh... So it's less that they've been designed to be resilient, and instead designed to be easily replaceable? The talk from Guinan in StarTrek TNG about "Disposable people" comes to mind. I can see why you say that the CHAHHN are the bad guys, that... Does not sound very nice at all :c I mean, if there were a way to transfer the consciousness of a MMP between bodies, so it's not like you're disposing the person themselves but just their body... But it sounds like CHAHHN has no incentive for that either :P