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I got inspired by Jay Eaton's Patreon content... They've got some really really good stuff over there if you want Sci-Fi world building and animation that's more SFW!




Eeee, that's really cool! It actually looks like the weight of the tail is being used and compensated for in the posture. That's neat :> Plus the little sway it has is adorbs :>


Yesss if they weren’t leaning forward while walking that heavy tail would be dragging on the ground, and no-one likes a dusty tail!


No definitely not! Although I bet they still get it a bit dirty every now and then - then they might deserve some brushie brushies to get it clean. Actually that throws up a question. We know that on the head there are some feathery elements, but is the coat of the rest of their body more like fur or plumage?

Venus the floofy dragon

you know that walk matches perfectly up to statin' alive like I just put the music over and the stepping matches perfectly