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Sorry for the radio silence! I've been having a bit of a tough time mentally this month due to money problems and such, feeling better this weekend though and managed to get some art out of my brain! 

(Actually, feel free to send me requests. Absolutely no promises but I think I'd like to at least hear what you all would like to see from me~)




Mhhhhh~ pop! That's such a cute detail <3 Please take care of yourselves(s) first, you and your catto as well, and I hope things settle and get a bit better soon, OK? :) Some art can be a good way to relax though, and this is looking really nice already <3 Heh, one thing I am wondering is whether or not the Flora that Canaries interact with has any interesting properties... I'm not saying vine tentac... OK I am saying vine tentacles, maybe. They could be cute, gently snuggling with a friendly gardener and returning the favour of taking care of their needs~


Seeing your canaries in a naturey-scape would be really rad! More deep lore about the species is always greatly appreciated too


Don't worry about it, stuff happens sometimes :> Maybe consider doing male feral on female anthro sometime~?

Gamer Juice

I am horny for deep lore of their homeworld (and joel in heat is always super nice)


Any more interest in birthing/oviposition?