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Chapter 22

Tags: Sex on Comms, Teasing, Oral while Gaming, Bondage, Vanilla, Lovemaking

‘Can you maybe stop being so fucking useless?’

‘Your mom’s a whore.’

‘That escalated quickly…’

‘Why you bringing my mom into this you piece of shit? Stop getting killed!’

‘Can all of you shut the fuck up and play?’ Gwen snapped irritably, peeking out from the corner and sniping one of the enemies before ducking back into cover and repositioning. She’d have comms turned off if it wasn’t so necessary for success.

I wish these kids would just stick to fucking Fortnite or League, holy shit.

Predictably, at the sound of a woman’s voice, comms instantly quieted. She could just imagine the group of pubescent boys gaping at their monitors in shock, particularly when they pulled up the score-sheet and saw her KDA.

She heard a knock at the door and Gwen’s eyes flicked over to see Pete leaning his head in and grinning at her. She smiled at her boyfriend, blowing him a kiss before returning her attention back to the game.

What the hell? He’s already back from work… Must have lost track of time.

‘You know, your computer is just as good as mine, right?’ Pete joked and Gwen’s tummy rumbled when he strolled into the room and put a kale smoothie on the desk beside her.

I fucking love him so much.

‘Ugh, you’re the best,’ she praised, leaning her head back so it rested against his chest and looking up into his eyes with as adorable a pout as she could manage. ‘Feed me?’ she pleaded, sticking her bottom lip out for good measure.

Chuckling, Pete leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead before picking up the smoothie again and sticking the straw in her mouth. ‘You know, you could use your suit to do this right?’

Sucking down a big gulp of the smoothie - Pete made the best smoothies - she giggled. ‘It tastes better when you do it.’

‘Ahuh.’ He chuckled softly, ripping a groan from her throat when he used his free hand to start kneading a particular group of muscles in her shoulder. ‘I suppose I do this better than your suit too.’

‘So much better,’ she agreed, her eyes threatening to flutter closed at the pampering. Then she grunted when another of her teammates died. Oioi, stop fucking dying!’

‘Get back in the kitchen you useless cunt!’

‘Take your dad’s dick out of your mouth when you talk to me you fucking scrub! At least have the decency to not be garbage if you’re going to shit-talk, bitch.’

The silence over comms abruptly ended when the others all started cackling at her shit-talk, the edgy little dipshit firmly put in his place.

‘I’m pretty sure you just created another misogynist,’ Pete joked, chuckling at her antics. ‘Why do I find you being toxic to a bunch of teenagers on the internet so hot?’ he continued, an amused grin tugging at his lips and making him look oh-so-yummy.

Can’t believe how stupid I used to be. He’s always been cute.

Gwen grinned, aiming down scope and waiting for her targets to round the corner. When one jumped out, she flicked her mouse and nailed him. Headshot. ‘Because you’re a simp.’

Pete sighed, his thumb pressing even deeper into the delicate bundle of nerves on her neck and ripping another appreciative moan from her. ‘I am, aren’t I?’

Gwen hummed in approval, leaning to her right and taking the straw in her mouth to swallow another gulp of her smoothie. ‘It’s okay baby, I still love you.’

She squealed, squirmed and giggled when he reached down to pinch her pierced nipple before flicking her ear.

Three guys from the enemy team ran around the corner. Gwen popped one with another flickshot before ducking into cover to avoid the others’ return fire. She waited a second, making it seem like she’d repositioned before throwing out a flashbang and killing the other two with the pistol she’d switched to.

‘I’m pretty sure with your enhanced reflexes, this is borderline cheating,’ Pete observed dryly, both of his hands working their magic now that she’d gulped down the rest of her smoothie.


‘I mean, honestly,’ he continued, amused. ‘Your reflexes are even better than aimbots…the advantage you have is arguably better than maphacks…’

She snorted. ‘You have no idea how many times I’ve been banned because people report me for aim-botting.’

‘That’s absurd,’ he quipped. ‘What you’re doing is much worse.’

‘Can you stop,’ she whined, her tone just as amused. ‘I’m trying to teach these brats a valuable life-lesson here.’

‘That they should join the Spider-corps if they want to play against you?’

‘That life isn’t fair,’ she corrected, winning the game by taking out the last enemy with her pistol, ignoring the cheering over comms as she immediately left the game.

I’d be cheering too if I got my ass carried to Supreme…

She queued up for another game and spun in her chair, knowing it would take a while. The game was pretty old at this point, and her rank made it even harder to find games.

Gwen hummed in approval when she laid eyes on her boyfriend, his tight, fitted shirt and skinny jeans accentuating his physique perfectly and making him look…really hot.

Nerdy Hot, sure, but mama likes Nerdy Hot.

‘Hey,’ she greeted, smiling up at her grinning boyfriend and taking his hands in her own.

‘Hey yourself,’ he greeted back, grunting and laughing when she hooked her legs around his own and pulled him down into her lap. They kissed, the heated passion that had engulfed them ever since she’d fucked Gabriel replaced with a more tender, loving energy.

When they pulled apart, Gwen had her arms and legs wrapped around her boyfriend while Pete balanced his weight on the desk. ‘How’re you feeling?’

At his adorable look of confusion, she elaborated.

‘Now that the excitement has passed, how do you feel about what happened the other day?’

She bit her lip and hummed in approval when, instead of answering, he ground his pelvis, and his notable bulge against her

She chuckled, her voice sounding husky in her ear. ‘This time, try answering without channelling your inner coomer.

Whatever she was going to say next died on her tongue as Pete lent down and planted a toe-curling kiss on her lips, his love and passion for her unquestionable.

When he finally pulled away, Gwen felt dazed, her glazed eyes looking at her smug man in confusion.

‘Don't worry about it,’ he assured her. ‘Though I can't help channelling my… what did you call it? My inner coomer. Every time I think about your perfect, slutty pussy spreading around that huge cock…I get hard. So hard.’

Pete didn't just speak the words…he put his lips next to her ear and growled them. Gwen was a horny, panting mess by the time he was finished…and he wasn't done.

‘Pet pulled up the video at lunch today, she blew me while we watched it together…hearing you moaning like a slut like that, in a public bathroom no less… fuck babe, it was so hot.’

Gwen was a whimpering, panting mess by the time he’d finished talking, the mental image of Cindy in her slutty, sexy office outfit on her knees blowing Pete in his office…

‘Did you fuck her?’ Gwen asked, her voice breathy and needy. She was desperate to know, she wanted Pete to tell her he bent the little slut over his desk and fucked her brains out.

When he answered, he blew her expectations out of the water.

‘No,’ he answered with a teasing grin and a cute, careless shrug. ‘I’ll keep her warm and ready for when my sexy girlfriend is busy, besides, we can’t go spoiling her like that, and it’s just way too fun to tease and deny her.’

Gwen screwed her eyes shut and groaned, pulling Pete into her so tightly he started to squirm with discomfort. ‘Fuck that’s so hot,’ she whined, his words conjuring up an entirely different image in her mind - an entire day spent with Cindy tied up on their bed as they teased and edged her for hours.

‘I know that look,’ Pete teased, pinching her side with a knowing grin. ‘I have a feeling Cindy is in for a not-so-good time.’

Gwen let go when she heard her queue pop, spinning around and turning back to the PC. ‘Nah, she’ll love it… eventually.’

Her boyfriend chuckled and went back to massaging her shoulders as she started up her next game.

Fuuuuck. I could get used to this…

Pete had been a little extra touchy-feely ever since her tryst with the man she met at the gym, and she wasn’t entirely sure she disliked the change. She’d been worried at first that it was somehow a negative, as if he was worried she’d vanish in a puff of smoke or something. That didn’t seem to ring true, however, and she needed to start giving her man the benefit of the doubt.

Pete was way more confident than he used to be - in his own skin and in their relationship. Gwen didn’t think she needed to worry about old insecurities rearing their ugly heads anymore, their relationship and trust in each other was too strong for that.

I mean, if he can watch me fuck someone else, something with a massive hog, and not feel threatened? That’s pretty much rockstar status now.

She moaned again as Pete found a knot of muscle and gently kneaded it.

‘Fuuuuuuuck, how are you so good at that?’

Pete chuckled. ‘I asked Nat to teach me,’ he admitted, the grin in his voice audible as he watched her game. ‘That woman knows more about the human body than most AIs - I’d be scared if she wasn’t in charge of my safety.’

The massage was so good it was driving her to distraction, her reaction times slower. She’d even missed her latest flickshot. ‘Remind me to thank her - is she into women?’

Pete laughed. ‘When she taught me this, she specifically said to tell you that, no, she’s not interested in women. Or men, though that’s an inferral on my part.’ He paused in thought, before continuing in a sombre tone. ‘I’m no psychiatrist, so take this with a truckload of salt, but I think her job has left her pretty burnt out in general with sex.’

Gwen sighed and frowned, her mind not entirely on the game anymore. ‘That’s…really sad.’

Pete’s tone instantly lightened. ‘Don’t be sad, she’s happier than she’s ever been. Last time I spoke to her she was already looking for a suitable donor before she has an IUI.’

‘And you didn’t offer?’ Gwen asked in a teasing tone before pausing, a frown marring her features. She didn’t know why she said it, the thought alone honestly made her feel a little queasy. Luckily, her boyfriend knew her better than she knew herself, and he kissed her on the head.

‘Not even you would be okay with that, I think,’ Pete gently chided before reaching down and rubbing her belly, making sure to not obstruct her gaming. ‘The only one who’s having my babies is you, you goof.’

The comment caught her so off-guard, elicited such a strong response in her that she almost threw the game right there. They’d talked about it in the past, of course, but it just felt so much more real when he’d said it then. Her heart surged with love and happiness and she felt her eyes well up. ‘Jesus Christ Stud, you can’t just go saying that to a girl willy-nilly, you almost made my ovaries explode.’

He chuckled knowingly at her obvious deflection and kissed the top of her head again, his hands going back to do their magic.

‘Nat did ask if I’d mind if she named the child after me…which was honestly a little embarrassing, but I told her it was fine.’

Gwen snorted, wiping the happy tears from her eyes with her shoulder. ‘I can just imagine how awkward you were when she asked.’

Gwen fist pumped when she hit her next flickshot, Pete’s distracting fingers no longer affecting her game. Pete seemed to notice that too, humming in thought as he watched her play.

When he stopped massaging her back and shoulders, she all but whimpered, sliding up in her chair as if she could somehow reach his magic fingers again. Instead, Pete only chuckled and Gwen’s eyes widened when she saw her boyfriend briefly step into her periphery, before disappearing under the desk.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked, unable to hide the excitement in her tone. She got another chuckle in response, then looked down when her boyfriend’s grinning face appeared in between her legs.

‘Your reflexes are straight-up cheating,’ he chided, his eyes twinkling in mirth. Honestly, it was an old pain-point between them, something Pete often cited when she trounced him in fighting games. She only denied it because it made him mald - it was absolutely true, after all. ‘I’m just going to even up the playing field, I think.’

‘What -?’ Her eyes widened in not-unpleasant shock when he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her sweats and tugged them, and her thong, past her powerful thighs and all the way down to her ankles.

Gwen felt her face heat up and her heart rate increase, her boyfriend's breath on her nethers while she was forced to listen to a bunch of scrubs arguing with each other over who's strategy to follow.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she bit her lip, a quiet moan slipping out as Pete's fingers slipped inside her, his tongue circling and teasing her clit.

‘Yo sniper! Take the shot you useless fuck!’

Gwen snapped back to attention, her face splitting into a sensual grin when she realised she had, indeed, missed the shot.

Her naughty boyfriend had successfully distracted her.

‘I'm gonna fuck your little ass so hard later for this,’ Gwen promised, her voice breathy and lacking any real heat. ‘You'll be limping into work tomorrow.’

In response, Pete just replied with a deep, sexy chuckle, the muffled sound directed straight at her clit. Gwen screwed her eyes shut and groaned, her hips lifting off her chair and powerful legs wrapping around her boyfriend, refusing to let him go.

‘What the FUCK you piece of shit!’ a pubescent voice rightfully squealed at her over comms, his voice cracking hilariously. ‘You let him kill me. You're trash, fucking kill yourself!’

Gwen grinned, her hands now off the mouse and keyboard and in her boyfriend's hair. Her smile wasn't because she'd gotten her teammate killed - that’d have annoyed her too - but because of the naughty idea that popped in her mind.

Dad always used to say to own up to one's mistakes, after all…

‘Sorry,’ she apologised, her obviously feminine and breathy voice instantly putting a stop to her flamer’s tirade. ‘My boyfriend just got home from work…I'm, nnh, a little distracted…he's, mmh, going down on me.’

She let go of the push-to-talk button and laughed in delight as Pete froze in shock. Another squeezing of her thighs had him continuing his good work though.

Her excuse was met with utter silence, not that she cared overly much at that point. She’d completely lost interest in the game and was instead focusing on Pete’s incredible oral skills.

‘Bullshit!’ her flamer finally piped up in a forced deeper voice, apparently having untied his tongue and gotten control of his emotions.

‘Pics or it ain't happenin’ ‘Ayo…you got a cam?’ ‘Is this supposed to be a prank?’ ‘Dude, ignore her, she's full of shit, focus on the game!’ ‘It’s probably some dude with a voice-changer, just focus!’

Gwen laughed throatily at the barrage of comms, her teammates all talking over each other in an attempt to be heard.

Can't have that.

With an excited grin, Gwen removed her headset and sat it in her lap, the mic barely an inch away from Pete's dextrous tongue as he worked her over. With a shuddering gasp as Pete kissed and licked her clit, she held down the push-to-talk button with her free hand, the other holding her boyfriend's head against her womanhood.

Her teammates’ excited chatter immediately died down again, their shock apparent as her boyfriend very audibly continued to go down on her. She could just imagine these dudes, all of them gaping at their screens, as the squelching, wet sound of Pete's incredible work filtered over to them and directly into their ears.

ASMR ain't got nothing on us!

She stopped holding back her moans too, especially when Pete hooked his finger and started to rub directly against her g-spot.

‘Ahn yes baby, right there,’ she gasped, her voice an octave higher than normal. ‘Lick my pussy, mmh, yes, you're the best, hah.’

‘Holy shit…’

‘Dude, shut the fuck up!’ ‘Shut up fag!’ ‘The fuck -?!’

Gwen let out a breathy chuckle, her moans growing more intense as Pete brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Her head lolled back over the back of her chair, all strength leaving her body as Pete's magic tongue and fingers had her floating in a sea of euphoria.

‘You’re gonna make me cum baby,’ Gwen whined, partly for Pete’s benefit - the way he was working her over would leave his face rather…wet - but mostly for her rapt audience, the thrill of having strangers listen to her getting off bringing her closer to the edge far more rapidly than normal.

With one hand still pistoning in and out of her womanhood - his long fingers rubbing against and applying steadily increasing pressure against her g-spot, just the way she loved it - and his lips sealed around her hyper-sensitive clit, that left Pete with one free hand. He wrapped it around her waist and yanked her forward, so her ass was hanging off the seat.

Gwen groaned, already knowing what was coming. ‘Yes, yes, in my ass baby. Oh God you’re such a stud!’

She bit her lip and tried to suppress her huge smile at Pete’s amused and exasperated eye-roll, his finger obediently collecting some of her juices before slipping in her tight rosebud. Gwen wasn’t willing or able to mask her squeal of delight, her body convulsing as Pete’s three-pronged attack sent a jolt of pleasure shooting from her nethers and out to every inch of her body.

‘Cumming!’ she cried, her eyes screwed shut as her body lurched forward then froze, one hand wrapping around Pete’s head while the other didn’t dare depress the push-to-talk button. ‘Aaah!’

Gwen’s vision exploded into thousands of white stars, the waves of euphoria crashing into her like a tidal wave and sending her to another dimension - a dimension that only knew intense pleasure.

Through this, she felt Pete continuing to pump his hand into her and grinding against her g-spot, his effort quickly bearing fruit. With a jolt, she yelped and unleashed, squirting directly into his face. She jolted again, sucking in a sharp hiss through clenched teeth before bathing her boyfriend once more.

Gwen laughed, the deep sound equal parts exhausted and sultry, but that quickly turned into a surprised squeal when she squirted one final time, painting Pete’s face with her essence.

She genuinely felt a little loopy, and it took her a second to regain her wits. Gwen realised she was still holding down the push-to-talk button and she chuckled. ‘Sorry boys, that’s the end of the show, I need to go give my man a good fucking.’ Her eyes were locked on her boyfriend’s as she spoke, the smouldering look no doubt reflected in her own gaze. ‘Good game,’ she ended in a sing-song, her voice thick with amusement.

‘No wait -!’ ‘What’s your -’ ‘Hey now -!’

She cut them all off and shut everything down, her breaths still coming in excited pants. Pete pushed her chair back and stood, his hands resting on the arm rests as he looked down at her satisfied form with a smirk. Before he could speak, Gwen grabbed a fist-full of his shirt and pulled him down, her lips capturing his own as she gleefully tasted herself. She alternated between kissing his brains out and licking his face clean of her essence, ignoring his giggles as she had her fill.

When they were done, Pete was sitting in her lap, his arm wrapped around her neck as he gazed down at her lovingly. He weighed more than her by a lot, but naturally, she barely felt it.

‘You know,’ he whispered, breaking the silence. ‘You’re pretty good at shooters.’ He grinned, winking at her. ‘Even if you’re a cheat.’

He yelped and laughed when she pinched his side.

‘I was thinking,’ he continued, batting away her vengeful fingers. ‘You’re the one that’s always complaining about the lack of pervs, that we’re too high up here for you to assuage your exhibitionist tendencies…’

Gwen only raised her eyebrows, not seeing where this was going. Her boyfriend grinned, ‘There are other, easier ways to attract a bunch of voyeurs, you know? Why not stream? There’s a bunch of sites now that basically let you show anything. You’re hot and are decent-’ he yelped and laughed when she pinched him again, ‘pretty good at video games. Can you imagine how popular you’d be?’

Truth be told, Gwen had stopped listening to Pete the second he mentioned the word streaming, her imagination running away with the idea. She liked what her mind was conjuring…very much.

Why didn’t I think of this earlier?!

Screwing her eyes shut, she inhaled a slow, shuddering breath before shaking her head in disappointment. ‘As hot as that sounds - and I mean, like, omega-hot - I…just can’t do that. Everyone knows I’m your girlfriend now. Imagine what the media would say when they inevitably find out?’

‘Everyone’ is a bit of a stretch, but there’s pictures of us together on Wikipedia…

Her amazing, perfect, too-good-for-her boyfriend shrugged carelessly, his cheek resting on top of her head as he played with her bang, curling it around his finger. ‘You know what the best thing is about having fuck you money?’ The question was clearly rhetorical, and Gwen was having a hard time not letting her excitement get the better of her. ‘I don’t care what the media says. If my girlfriend likes to stream herself playing games in the nude and they have a problem with it?’ Gwen sucked in an excited breath and Pete just shrugged again, looking and sounding utterly unconcerned. ‘They can go fuck themselves.’

Gwen was struggling with keeping her breathing even and not letting her excitement overwhelm her. She felt her chest bursting with love and her loins raging with desire.

‘What about SI?’ she asked in a voice barely above a whisper, hating herself for giving Pete a reason to put a kibosh on this amazing idea. ‘I doubt they’d be impressed…’

She bit her lip and squirmed in her seat as Pete laughed without a care in the world, thankfully not in the least bit put-off after she’d brought up his prestigious place of work.

‘If you think I have fuck you money, what do you think Tony has?’ he joked, his smile wide. While he obviously didn’t look as excited as she felt, his supporting smile and cheeky leer was doing things to her. ‘None of that matters though. SI isn’t publicly traded anymore, we don’t answer to anyone.’

She bit her lip. ‘Don’t fuck with me Pete,’ she half warned, half whined. ‘You’re serious?’

Grinning, he slid their chair back towards the PC and started to browse. A list of streaming websites that allowed X-rated content populated the screen, and he filtered out the ones with low bitrate and high compression.

‘Can’t have my girl being seen in anything less than glorious 8K…’

Gwen had her arms wrapped around Pete’s waist, the side of her face pressed against his arm. He froze and chuckled when she put her hand on his junk, and as she watched him work, she unzipped him, slipping a hand in his jeans and cupping his shaft, her excitement apparent.

When he created the account, labelling it explicit and securing her favourite tag DrumG0ddess, she whined and bit his shoulder.

‘Are you serious right now?!’ she hissed, burying her face in his back, her pussy aflame with her desire.

He laughed, leaning back and smothering her against the chair. Gwen didn’t care, she just kept playing with his cock and hugging him tight. ‘Looks like you’re pretty excited…’

‘You’re the greatest boyfriend of all time,’ she whispered reverently, grinding her nethers against him. ‘Oh God I can’t believe I’m considering this.’

‘Considering?’ Pete challenged, his tone rife with disbelief and amusement. ‘Are you trying to tell me you’re not thinking of naughty stream ideas already?’

She, of course, was.

‘You’ve fucked up, Stud,’ Gwen answered, dodging the question. Her voice was deep, throaty and thick with her desire. ‘You’ve opened this door, you know there’s no way this doesn’t end with me fucking you on stream, for everyone to see.’

Pete froze and he chuckled awkwardly. ‘I…might have considered that a possibility, yeah…’

Just when I start to think I couldn’t love him more!

Instead of answering, Pete yelped when she hopped up off the chair and shifted his body so she was carrying him over her shoulder.

‘Well…this is undignified.’

She ignored his quips and hurried out of the gaming room. Reaching her arm out, Pete screamed when Gwen used her web to launch them down the hallway at breakneck speeds to their bedroom. When they slipped inside, Gwen figured that Pete no-doubt expected for her to throw him on the bed and fuck his brains out.

He deserves a reward.

Instead, Gwen hurried over to their closet of sex toys - with her not needing any clothing of her own, they had a lot of free storage - returning when she found the unbreakable bindings Pete and Jane had created. Pete’s eyes widened when he saw it, his looks of surprise shifting to one of amusement.

‘What’d I do to deserve this?’

Gwen bit her lip and grinned naughtily, her clothes dissolving and the bindings affixing themselves on her wrists and ankles, and then the bed itself. She shrugged, her eyes smouldering with lust as they bored into his own. ‘Can’t a girl just serve herself up as a reward for her incredible boyfriend?’

He blushed at her words, his eyes devouring her nude, squirming form hungrily as he rounded the bed and opened the top drawer on her bedside table. Gwen whimpered when he pulled out her nipple and clit clamps, materialising her collar almost instinctively when he turned and raised an amused eyebrow at her.

‘If this is how you react when we talk about you being a titty streamer, I can’t wait to see how you react after said streams,’ he joked, affixing the chain to her collar and the clamps to her pebbled nipples and clit.

Harder,’ she gasped, her back arching as Pete screwed the clamps tighter, the intense pressure causing a dull ache in her erogenous zones and driving her wild. ‘Fuck!’

When she was suitably trussed up and at his mercy, Pete joined her on the bed and laid down beside her, the side of his head resting in the palm of her hand.

‘How are you so goddamn beautiful?’ he whispered in awe, happy to just admire her body and refusing to yet touch her.

Turning her head, she whined. ‘Touch me baby, please.’

Pete, who had been admiring her abs, looked up and grinned cheekily at her, earning another whimper when she realised he was absolutely going to slow-roll this.

You asked for it.

‘Now that I have your full attention, there’s something I wanted to run by you.’ His shift in tone was so abrupt and out of the blue, Gwen found herself stunlocked for several seconds, staring at him in mute incomprehension. Pete was smiling shyly at her, all hints of mischievous long gone from his gaze.


He snorted in amusement, but didn’t stop running his hands over her body, shifting between her abs and circling her clamped nipples.

‘So I’ve had this idea for a while…but I wasn’t sure it was entirely appropriate to go ahead with it without talking to you first.’

She was still fidgeting and writhing under his gentle caresses, but her face was one of utter confusion and disbelief.


He chuckled softly, his fingers trailing up her body until he was brushing the side of her face. ‘I’ve been meaning to open my own hospital for a while now, hire doctors that are experts at using my nanites and offering cheap healthcare to everyone.’

Okay?’ It actually sounded fucking incredible to her, but why was he bringing it up now?!

He snorted and shook his head, his smile gentle and loving as he glued himself to her side and continued worshipping her bound and helpless form.

‘I wanted to call it Helen Stacy Memorial Hospital, but I didn’t want to do it without talking to you first.’

That…that made her pause, her eyes widening in shock.

He has to bring this up NOW?! Right when we’re about to FUCK?!

She took a bat to her horny, overstimulated brain, closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm down.

Her mother had died when she was young. Pancreatic cancer. Thankfully - as grim as it was to think - it had been over relatively quickly and she hadn’t suffered overly much. Her death had obviously hit their family incredibly hard, with her father throwing himself into his work, leaving him little time for his daughter.

Honestly, though one of the darkest parts of her life, it was also the event that cemented her bond with the wonderful man currently running his hands over her naked and bound body. They were next-door neighbours with the Parkers, and with her dad hardly ever around, Gwen spent a lot of time hanging out with Pete and being taken care of by May after school - even when her father had moved them into the city, she still found herself spending all her free time with them.

‘This…couldn’t have waited until later?’ she asked with a watery chuckle, her vision turning blurry as tears filled her eyes.

Pete chuckled and gently kissed her forehead. ‘Sorry,’ he apologised bashfully. ‘I’ve been putting it off for a while. Figured if the question bummed you out too much, at least I could make you forget it all by giving you a mind-numbing orgasm?’

Gwen’s laughter was almost hysterical in her affectionate incredulity. ‘You’re such a dumbass sometimes.’

Smiling, he wiped the tears from her eyes and shrugged. ‘This is true.’

Biting her lip, Gwen looked into his eyes and nodded. ‘That…I think she’d have loved that Pete - I’m not sure how you’re going to manage it… Hospitals are expensive, even for you.’

Pete grinned mysteriously. ‘They’re a lot less expensive when you don’t need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on prohibitively expensive machinery. Honestly, I’ll be using nanites to build the Hospitals themselves too, the biggest outlay will be the wages - as amazing as the nanites are, you can’t replace a doctor or nurse when it comes to dealing with patients emotionally…’

He’d trailed off when he finally noticed she was giving him a deadpan stare.

‘Peter. I love you and this is incredible. Revolutionary even. I’d love to talk about it with you…later.’

Pete’s smile widened as his hand went back to tracing the lines of her athletic body. ‘Oh? Is my talking shop ruining your mood?’

‘A little bit, yeah.’

Pete didn’t look convinced. ‘Oh? So if I were to ask you what kinds of things your slutty mind has already conjured up to try on your stream…you’ll not get turned on?’

Gwen screwed her eyes shut and groaned, her slutty mind hearing his words and conjuring countless naughty and degenerate scenarios that would drive her absolutely wild.

‘Not that much of a mood killer then’ Pete joked, his amusement evident in his tone. Gwen moaned deep and long when his fingers trailed all the way down the length of her body and started brushing her hypersensitive lips. ‘You know, we could do this for a stream. I could tie you up and rig a machine that your chat could interact with that could do all sorts of crazy things to you. Can you imagine that? It’d be like you’re fucking your entire chat.’

Gwen buried her face in her shoulder to muffle her explosive groan.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!

‘Ooh, you like the sound of that, my little Spider Slut?’

‘So much!’ she all but squealed, the bed creaking ominously as she fought futilely against her bindings. ‘Oh God, how are you gonna do me like this after bringing my mom up you… you…dumbass!’

She wanted to strangle him with her webs when she heard his rapturous laughter.

Her thoughts of retribution were shoved to the back of her mind however when her boyfriend captured her lips with his own. Despite how much she tried to suck his face off, his kiss was gentle and loving, his fingers still gently teasing her lips.

When he pulled back, her heart almost exploded with warmth and affection at the loving look he was giving her. ‘I love you,’ he whispered, before dipping back down to capture her lips in another kiss.

Gwen could only moan and whimper. She wanted desperately to embrace him, to meld her body against his, but aside from some futile flailing, she was powerless, completely at his mercy.

And Pete took advantage.

He completely ignored her curses and vows for vengeance. Gwen had thought he’d slow-roll her, teasing out every inkling of pleasure.

Instead, Pete took slow-rolling to the next level. His pace was positively glacial, and for two entire hours, all he did was trace the lines of her body and ply her with tender, loving kisses. His fingers never touched her high-pleasure points, even worse, they continuously came close, but cruelly slipped away when she jerked her body in an attempt to force him to touch her.

His chuckles and teasing were driving her crazy. Her nipples and clit gloriously ached from the clamps, and his fingers trailed lines of fire along her clammy skin.

When Pete gently blew on her nipple, the soothing sensation damn near made her cum on the spot. When he did the same to the other nipple, she did.

Gwen barely heard his soft, smug chuckle.

This wasn’t some kind of earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm. Instead, it felt akin to Pete wrapping her in a warm blanket of gentle, persistent pleasure. Her entire body felt warm and flush and she tingled all over. The sensation never stopped though, never ebbed, it just continued as Pete continued to masterfully manipulate her body.

Her world devolved into pleasure, like the best kind of massage, only a thousand times more fulfilling. Pete’s tongue ran all over her body, his fingers pressing, poking and teasing. At some point, after an unknown amount of time, he slipped in between her legs, his arms encircling her thighs and his tongue tracing her lips. He licked, he poked, he teased and he feathered, and the pleasure just never stopped.

Normally, after a marathon session like this, one or both of them would start to feel the pull of exhaustion and end things.

This wasn’t like those times.

Pete wasn’t edging her, nor was he ruthlessly driving her to countless orgasms. It was different, yet better in so many ways. It really was like the best of massages, one she didn’t want to end. She felt dread, but only at the thought that Pete would eventually grow bored and stop.

Her gentle whines and moans filled the room and she felt more relaxed than she could ever remember feeling, more blissful and content.

Time passed, and she was only barely aware for most of it. Her mind was in the clouds, her body a sexually satisfied puddle of goo. She snapped back to reality, however, when the curtains in their room shifted and a ray of light pierced through the din.

She shook her head, trying to lean away from the harsh light as her body quavered, her senses returning to her.

‘What…’ she cleared her throat, her throat hoarse from disuse. ‘What time is it?’

Gwen looked down the length of her shredded, glistening body and right into Pete’s amused, tired eyes, the lower half of his face buried in her womanhood. He didn’t answer, but Gwen’s back arched in pleasure, her eyes snapping open wide when she felt him slide his tongue directly past her tight ring of muscles, his finger rubbing against her g-spot.

Looking at the clock on the wall, she gasped when she realised it was morning.

What in the actual fuck.

She looked back at Pete in shock, her breathing becoming ragged as the intensity of her pleasure spiked.

‘You were…we’ve been at this all night?’

Again, he didn’t answer, but she could feel the smugness radiating off him in waves.

‘Don’t,’ she begged, wiggling her hips and moaning as his finger and tongue slipped deeper. ‘Not like this. Put it in me, mmh, please!’

The cheeky look in his eyes melted away and he slowly backed off, the lower half of his face utterly drenched in her juices. He’d disrobed at some point, his ripped body as glistening with his exertions as her own, and as he leaned back on his knees, she saw the evidence of his arousal standing proudly at attention. Pete was rubbing his no-doubt aching jaw while his free hand ran up and down her abs appreciatively.

‘Make love to me baby,’ Gwen begged, her entire body flexing as she strained against her bindings.

He grinned crookedly at her. ‘What do you think I’ve been doing all night?’

‘Not like that,’ she dismissed, her cheeks flushing as she could only imagine the state she’d been in.

They would definitely be watching this back later…

Pete, while sometimes liking to play the idiot, didn’t need to be told twice. He crawled up the length of her body until his frame covered hers and they were eye to eye. Gwen didn’t wait for him, she leaned up and captured his lips in a heated, ferocious kiss, wanting nothing more than to wrap her legs around his waist and pull him to her, and whining when she realised she was unable to.

Thankfully, Pete wasn’t dense. He reached down and adjusted himself before slipping inside her with a grunt and a sigh.

Gwen jerked and her back arched, her mouth open in a silent scream. Her body felt so sensitive, as if everything was an erogenous zone. When she felt Pete’s girthy cock slip inside her however, fireworks went off in her mind.


Pete silenced her with his lips, his hands threading themselves in her short hair as he rocked his hips back and forth, their bodies one.

It didn’t take long for either of them to cum, and when Gwen felt Pete filling her with his seed, she screamed, the sound thankfully muffled by her boyfriend’s lips. Pete held her tight as her body shook with rapturous convulsions and she wailed into his mouth.

When she came to, she was no longer bound, her nipple and clit clamps long since tucked away. Her arms and legs were wrapped around her boyfriend like she was a monkey, her head in his chest.

As she felt Pete pulling the covers over their naked forms, she melted further against him, his arms hugging her tight.

They basked in the silence for several moments, just enjoying their senses being overwhelmed by the other’s presence. Gwen grinned though, she could feel how antsy Pete was with every microtwitch of his incredible body.

Finally, he couldn’t help himself.

‘So…you enjoy that?’

She snort-cackled, burying her face deeper in his chest. ‘Maybe a little.’

‘Only a little?’ he made to shrug her off, but her grip was more powerful than even the bindings he and Jane had created. He was going nowhere. He laughed at her childishness and Gwen relented.

‘You’ve outdone yourself,’ she finally admitted, staring deep into his eyes as he finally stopped poking and tickling her. His grin was adorable and roguish, clearly proud of her intense reaction.

‘Better than Gabriel?’ he teased and Gwen’s eyes widened, before twinkling with mirth as she suppressed her amusement.

‘Well, I would go that far,’ she teased cheekily. ‘You’re both so different - eeeeek!’ She squealed and laughed with glee as his tickling and poking increased in intensity. Pete knew all her weak points, and he exploited them ruthlessly.

They didn’t leave the bed for the rest of the day. They watched back the events of the previous night, and then, after feeling particularly frisky, they compared and contrasted it with her video with her gym buddy.

Naturally, that had ignited their libidos again and they could barely keep their hands off each other, especially when Gwen remembered everything they’d talked about regarding her streaming.

They didn’t stop until they were interrupted by a call from Pete’s work.

Pete, embarrassed by having skipped out on a whole day of work, apologetically excused himself as he hurried to his office while Gwen lay in their soiled sheets, a satisfied smile on her face.

A part of her had been secretly worried how her taking a lover would affect their love life. Not only had Pete proven her reservations baseless, but their level of intimacy was stronger than ever.

She moaned as she slipped a finger inside her womanhood, her eyes fluttering closed as she imagined all the naughty shenanigans she could get up to on the internet…

And the reaction the media would have to the famous Doctor Parker’s girlfriend being a no-good, filthy slut.

A long moan escaped Gwen’s lips and she grinned.

It would be another long night in the Parker household.



Since the beginning of this story, we got a lot of hints of marriage and kids. Can we expect a proposal happening soon?


A little disappointed after waiting 2 weeks. But hey, let's wait another 2 weeks.