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Chapter 21

Tags: Teasing, Voyeurism, SPH, Cuckolding(ish), Interracial, BBC, Lockerroom Sex, Huge Cock, Orgasm Denial, Bondage, Sexting, Cum-Swallowing, Reclaiming, Threesome

'Are you even listening to me?'

Pete frowned in annoyance at the voice on the other end of the line, his eyes still glued to the TV in his office.

'I'm listening.'

There was a pregnant pause as his guy in West Virginia silently collected his thoughts.

'Are you getting your dick sucked right now?'

Pete had been marvelling at the sheer scale of the Anti-Gravity Well on his TV, the shots from space truly breathtaking. From the ISS, the monolithic megastructure looked like a spear that had been thrust into the middle of Australia.

He was snapped out of his reverie however at the insane question.

'What?!' He blurted in shock, his voice cracking. 'No! I'm watching the news, why would you even ask that?!'

'Oh, that's right, the Well should be finished soon, huh?' The amusement in his voice was coming through loud and clear. 'You can hardly blame me, word gets around, bossman. They say you're, err, intimate with your secretary AND bodyguard. I wish my wife was as cool as your girlfriend.'

He sat upright in his chair, his cheeks flaming red.

Is everyone just gossiping about my love life around here?!

He soldiered on past the embarrassment. 'Are the nanite plants up and running?'

The amusement in his voice was coming through even more now. 'Yeah bossman, we're fully operational in the South now and have taken over waste disposal. We'll be ready to start pumping out nanites from next week.'

'Good, that's good.' He sighed in relief. 'Any issues with the mob?'

'Nothing our security hasn't been able to handle.'

'Excellent. If they ever get too bold, make sure you call Nat.'

'Will do, bossman.'

Before hanging up, he had a flash of insight and decided to clear the air. 'Oh, and Jeffers? I'm not fucking my secretary okay, don't go around spreading those rumours. It’ll make things awkward for me…'

'Sure thing, bossman. Probably not as awkward as when you realise you didn’t deny fucking your super hot bodyguard though. Catch ya later!'

‘Wait! I’m not -!’

It was pointless, the line was already dead.

With an almost pained groan, he sank back into his chair, his face in his hands.

My reputation is in shambles, and if I bitch about it, Gwen will just have Cindy show up to work naked to cement it.

He needed to take a page out of Tony’s book and stop caring. Maybe then everyone will just stop teasing him about it.

Speaking of his darling girlfriend, a notification pinged in the corner of his vision, letting him know he received a message from her.

He’d had her nanites consume and replicate one of the AR contact lenses most everyone at SI used at this point - while only a slight upgrade to her suit’s HUD, it had the added benefit of being usable while not engaging in Ghost-Spidering. In typical fashion, Gwen had reacted to the new bit of tech like she always did.

Like a child with a new toy on Christmas morning.

If Pete were being honest with himself, he genuinely didn’t mind. The lens being connected to her suit allowed her to message him throughout the day with just a thought, and rather than finding it annoying, he found the frequent contact endearing. A nice break from the endless administrative tedium his work life had turned into lately.

It’s also pretty funny that she sends me memes while beating up bad guys now…

The wonders of technology never cease.

Pete went back to marvelling at the slow, panning images of the Well on his TV while pulling up Gwen’s message with his own lens, the translucent text box populating the left side of his vision.

Gwen: Triple marathon finished in 3 hours

She followed up the message with an animated, chibi version of herself unmasked but in her suit, nodding smugly with its arms crossed.

I wonder what the computer scientists of fifty years ago would say if I told them we not only made AI, but we’re using them to post memes of cute anime girls.

Chuckling, he sent a message back with a thought.

Pete: Only? How much harder is it for you to hold back for that long than to just do it at your best?

Her reply was quick and accompanied by another animation - Chibi Ghost Spider cackling.

Gwen: SO much harder!

An added benefit of his influx of Spider-Cops into the city was that it was no longer all that notable to see people performing superhuman feats like triple marathons in a couple of hours. While they couldn't know Gwen was the famed original, nobody really questioned it like they once would have.

Does her anonymity even matter anymore?

With a fond smile, Pete kicked his feet up onto his desk and grabbed his football from the nearby plinth, tossing it up and catching it repeatedly as he went back to watching the news. His schedule was pretty clear for the rest of the day, having knocked out most of the administrative work he'd had to do for the IRI that morning.

Gwen, apparently, wasn't finished with him yet.

Gwen: Not as hard as this guy's workout though. He's been hanging around and checking me out ever since I got here. I've no idea how his arms haven't fallen off.

Her message was accompanied by an appropriate laughing animation before it was followed by a pic she'd snapped with her AR lens.

The gym in their building took up several floors and, like their home, it had incredible views of the sounding city. The treadmills, bikes and other cardio machines faced the Hudson and provided a pretty stellar view while people worked out, especially at sunset.

Unlike their penthouse, the view outside wasn't uninterrupted, the floor-to-ceiling windows frequently interspersed with stretches of mirror-covered wall. Gwen looked into one of those mirrors and snapped a pic showing the reflection of her admirer on the rowing machine.

The dude was big, black, utterly jacked and looked like he'd just gone fifty rounds with Mike Tyson. He wore a loose grey tank top that was so drenched with his sweat it was almost black, and equally loose basketball shorts.

Pete: He's your only admirer? You must be slipping in your old age. Maybe you need to do another three marathons.

She didn't immediately reply with words, instead she sent him another pic. His smoking hot girlfriend was posing like an Instagram model with her back to the mirror, her tank top doing little to hide her toned back while her tiny lycra shorts did even less to hide her world-class, thick and muscular ass and legs.

She quickly followed up that pic with another, this time showing off her sculptured front, her flexed biceps, chiselled abs and hard nipples poking through her tiny top.

She looked flush and her body glistened with sweat from her recent exertions, reflecting light and highlighting her mouthwatering physique even more.

In both photos, her admirer was in the background and not entirely inconspicuous with his ogling.

Pete recognised the look in his eyes, he wouldn't be surprised if it was identical to his own.

I feel you, buddy.

Gwen: Enjoy your awkward work-boner, smart ass.

Pete barked out a laugh, shifting in his seat awkwardly as her words struck true. As the news cut to furious representatives from Wakanda, he rolled his eyes and spun his chair away from the TV, putting his football back on the plinth and sending another message to his feisty girl.

Pete: Speaking of awkward boners, I bet your fanboy is thanking Jesus right now  he chose to wear baggy shorts today…

Gwen's animated chibi Ghost Spider reply was swift and suitably conveyed both her agreement and amusement.

What if…

He felt his cock throb and his guts roil with an erotic cocktail of both angst and desire as the sinful thought invaded his thoughts.

Before saying anything he might regret, Pete frowned in thought, his manhood throbbing with desire all the while.

I…actually want this.

He let himself calm down and self-examined as much as possible before committing his thoughts to text.

Did he actually want this? Or was it just his libido talking?

I kinda really do…it would be really hot.

He surprised himself by how much he genuinely meant that.

Screwing up his courage, he put his dirty, sinful thoughts to text, his hands shaking with equal parts excitement and arousal. The final confirmation that he wasn't making a mistake came when, even after opening the door to this and putting it out there, he didn't regret it after the message was sent.

Pete: Sounds like your fanboy has been incredibly hard-working and patient. Are you going to reward him?

Gwen didn't respond immediately, or even after a minute. He imagined her frozen on the spot, her eyes wide as she processed the meaning behind his words.

When she did reply, it came sans adorable chibi Ghost Spider. He'd definitely caught her attention.

Gwen: Are you fucking serious right now?

Her incredulity wasn't translated with the simple text, but he felt it.

Pete: You're not interested?

His cock was back to throbbing with desire as he egged his horny girlfriend on. He acknowledged how crazy and out of left field this must seem to her. Before they'd started dating, just the thought of Gwen being with other guys was enough to drive him into a very dark place.

Now though? Now he was sitting at his desk, his dick so hard he could plank on it, clearly insanely turned on by the idea. Just like his girl got turned on by watching him with other women, he realised.

He'd definitely changed in their time together…and he honestly didn't hate it. He felt completely confident in himself, in their relationship and their feelings for one another.

I'm as much a dirty perv as Gwen is, there's no hiding it now. No more denying it, just own it Pete. You're a degenerate, just like the woman you love.

Gwen's reply was quick and honestly surprising.

Gwen: I mean, sure, he's hot, but you're not here, so not interested.

He bit his fist to muffle his groan of desire, the implication of her words clear.

She'd absolutely fuck him if he was there to watch and enjoy it with her. The confirmation of that was so hot he felt his cheeks flush with his arousal.

His heart also warmed at how her first consideration was him, even when he dangled such a tantalising opportunity in front of her.

He wasn't sure if she was fishing or not, but he took the bait regardless.

Pete: I'm always with you, remember?

It was a hot minute before Gwen replied again.

Gwen: Oh my God, are we really doing this?

Pete’s lips quirked in a smirk as he felt his girlfriend’s excitement bleed through. If she were here with him, he could imagine her sitting in his lap, her arms on his shoulders as she ground her sweaty pussy against the notable bulge in his jeans.

Pete: If it's what you want.

His eyebrows rose in surprise at the ferocity of her reply.

Gwen: Don't flip this on me, Pete. Is it what YOU want? And if the answer is only yes because of some bullshit, 'balancing the scales' reason, I'm not interested. I let you fuck other women because I enjoy it, NOT because I feel bad about my past or some other weird shit like that.

Pete frowned, her words making him think. Is that what was happening? Was he essentially giving his girlfriend a hall pass because she kept slinging pussy his way?

Before that thought could gain any traction, an image of his girlfriend naked, bouncing on his dick and talking dirty to him as they watched her latest performance floated to the forefront of his mind.

His dick surged. The knowledge that this time, it wouldn't be an episode from Gwen's past, but instead one from their present just made the prospect even hotter.

He didn't know how to convey his feelings into words though. It was all just so strange, so raw. He knew he wanted this, but he couldn't say why other than he was insanely turned on just thinking about it.

So he didn't use his words.

After what must have been minutes of silence on his end, Pete made sure he was alone - Cindy could be a freaking ninja at times - before unzipping his jeans and pulling out his achingly hard cock. Looking at it, he used his AR lens to snap a picture of it before sending it over to his horny girlfriend.

I can't believe I just sent a dickpic to my girlfriend while at work. All to convince her it's okay if she fucked another guy. This is my life now.

Gwen's reply was swift and brought back with it her amusing chibi counterpart. He grimaced in disgust when the adorable little childlike character had switched outfits and instead wore a…remarkably inappropriate dominatrix outfit.

Pete: Ew. Dude. Don't make me confiscate your lens.

She ignored him. Naturally.

Gwen: Holy shit, you really ARE into this you dirty, disgusting pervert.

Chibi, dominatrix Gwen stuck around, invading his vision as she flushed with arousal.

Pete: Honestly, it’s just exhausting acting like I’m NOT one anymore. Congratulations, you’ve turned me into a degenerate. You’re lucky I love you so much.

Pete felt like he might be talking to himself at this point. He imagined his girlfriend having approached the hulking, black Adonis, already deep in conversation, her finger twirling her long asymmetric bang around a coy finger.

Gwen: Don't watch through the drones or my suit’s cameras. I'll send you updates. Love you too.

He swatted the chibi dominatrix Gwen out of his line of sight when she tried to come 'closer' and kiss him, the cheeky little imp cackling before disappearing in a puff of digital smoke.

Now left alone with his thoughts, he worried emotions like regret or angst might start to dominate his psyche. He was pleasantly surprised when that turned out to be the furthest from the truth.

His entire body shuddered with arousal, only a truly heroic application of will stopping him from ignoring Gwen's orders and spying on her, his desire to see what was going on almost overwhelming.

They’d watch the footage together later. He may not be personally watching through the drones, but they were sure as hell still recording.

Just as he was about to make himself comfortable and wait for the inevitable, erotic updates, he started in surprise when Cindy slipped into his office, letting herself in without knocking and locking the door behind her before, with a swipe of her hand, she enabled all the privacy protocols.

No, no, NO! Not now!

'What is it?!' His voice sounded as alarmed as he felt as his bodyguard turned to face him. 'What's wrong?'

Cindy was dressed in her standard, tight, black tactical gear, but that changed in an instant with only a slight application of will. Her new choker flashed and her outfit rippled before shifting. He calmed down when he saw the brilliant blush lighting up her cheeks and her shy, excited smile as she turned to face him.

His voice caught in his throat when he saw which of her favourite outfits she’d shifted into. When he’d first given his bodyguard her newest toy, she’d made a concerted effort to discover which outfit would elicit the strongest response from him. The devious little slut had landed on a super sexy, bordering on inappropriate office getup of a loose, silk blouse with a plunging neckline that showed off her modest, braless breasts tucked into a skintight, high-waisted pencil skirt that ended at mid-thigh.

She topped off the outfit with a sexy pair of thick-rimmed glasses and five inch, red-soled stiletto heels.

When Cindy had realised she’d hit the jackpot with this outfit, she always changed into it when it was just them alone in his office and teased him endlessly, making sure to find every reason imaginable to bend over at the waist and either show off her deep cleavage or glorious ass.

Who’s supposed to be the Pet in this relationship again?!

‘Nothing’s wrong, Master,’ Cindy finally replied in a deep, soothing voice, her smile shifting from shy to excited. ‘It’s just…’

His eyes widened and, before he could react, Cindy had extended her hands out and shot her web at him, binding his torso and wrists to his chair before he could defend himself.

‘What the -?!’

‘I’m sorry, Master,’ Cindy said with a grimace, genuine regret in her tone and Pete’s eyes narrowed. There was only one person in his devious little pet’s mind that was above him in the hierarchical totem pole, and that was the woman who held access to his dick.

What’s Gwen playing at?

With another grimace and with cheeks growing progressively redder, Cindy approached him with a sexy sway to her mesmerising hips and continued. ‘Mistress messaged me and said to make sure, um,’ she paused, her blush deepening, ‘Sorry, these are her words, not mine. She said you’re not to touch your little dick until she says so.’

Pete gaped at his slutty bodyguard slash research assistant in shock, his entire body shuddering with arousal and his bindings so strong, he could do absolutely nothing about it. Cindy looked pleased when his eyes noticeably tracked her movement around his desk, and even moreso when she rounded it and beheld his exposed cock.

Licking her lips sexily, her dark eyes devoured his exposed member before they drew back up his bound body to meet his own. ‘It’s not that small…’

Pete’s jaw dropped open in shock and Cindy almost immediately crumbled, hurrying over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. ‘Sorry! I’m sorry, Master, Mistress made me say that too. I think it’s beautiful!’

Pete audibly swallowed when she hopped up on his desk and crossed her legs, her skirt riding up even higher and exposing several more inches of tantalising, pale flesh. Cindy looked inordinately pleased by his attention and, as she bounced her foot, she rewarded him by grazing the tip of his aching cock with the tip of her shoe.

Pete screwed his eyes shut and groaned with arousal, thanking Christ that turning his windows opaque was only one of the features enabled when his office went into security mode. He had a feeling the noise cancelling effects would become very…helpful soon.

‘Did your mistress tell you to do that too?’ he asked, panting heavily with arousal as his cute little pet grinned impishly at him.


The first picture Gwen sent was a relatively tame one. She was looking down at her future lover and spotting him as he bench pressed an obscene amount of weight - for a regular human, of course. His muscles bulged with the exertion, his pecs looking like two sculptured slabs of obsidian and his biceps like basketballs.

The only reason Gwen would have to send him this rather banal photo was as a way to tell him she found the sight incredibly hot.

She’s always had a thing for beefcakes. It’s why I bust my ass so much in the gym.

Pete wasn’t a slouch himself these days, but this guy looked like he spent every day of his life building muscle while living off a diet of protein shakes and steroids - the latter entirely unnecessary if he applied for Pete’s medical nanites. Compared to this guy, Pete just looked like he ‘worked out.’

‘I…think you’re much more handsome,’ Cindy offered, blushing prettily and looking away when his eyes widened and he met her gaze with surprise.

The cheeky slut is copying Cindy in on these texts too.

Though she’d looked away, Pete shuddered as the tip of her shoe kept sliding up and down his aching cock.

‘Did Gwen say anything else?’ Pete asked, his voice already husky with arousal. ‘Why did she have you tie me up?’

Cindy looked back at him, her dark eyes smouldering as she bit her lip sexily. ‘Mistress said she didn’t want you jacking off like a horny monkey and wasting all of your cum before she gets here.’

God that’s so fucking hot!

Pete screwed his eyes shut and groaned as his head lolled back against his chair. He didn’t even try fighting against his restraints - he’d designed them, he knew how pointless it was for someone like him.

They sat in silence like that for a little while, Cindy grinning impishly at him and playing with him by teasing his cock with her shoe. Her teasing brought him so depressingly close to the edge each time Pete didn’t doubt she had a little…superhuman help. His adorably grinning little pet always knew exactly when to stop and was taking far too much delight in the sounds he was making as she drove him wild.

When Gwen sent her next message, they both started in surprise when it expanded in their vision. The image was from within their building’s unisex changing room. The large room had lockers lining both walls and benches running along the entire middle area of the space. Near the entrance, there were a dozen cubicles for people who wanted to shower and change in private while the entire far side of the room was one, large communal shower for people less concerned with modesty.

Pete had been surprised with how…progressive the changing rooms were, but Gwen had reminded him that the gym was mostly for the people living in their building. If anyone wanted true privacy, they were more than able to go back to their rooms. Something made even easier for them personally given one of their elevators was a private one that ran from between the gym and their penthouse suite.

Changing room aside, the pic also showcased Gwen’s laughing adonis of a gym buddy with nothing but a tiny towel wrapped around his narrow waist, his muscles looking even more impressive without the baggy clothing covering them. The towel looked like a miniskirt on him, his tree-trunk like thighs only halfway covered by the fluffy, white material.

It took him a moment to realise, and it wasn’t until Cindy sucked in a shocked breath that he looked over the pic again and realised what had caught her attention.

The towel really was rather small, especially on his hulking frame, but the reason for the man’s mirth became apparent when his eyes trailed down to something they weren’t normally, naturally drawn to. Blowing up the image in his vision with a mental command, Pete was able to make out the purplish, plum-sized head of the guy’s cock poking out from the bottom of the tiny towel.

Jesus Christ, it’s like Gwen has a radar for these things… A big-dick-dar?

Pete minimised the pic in his vision and set a wide-eyed stare at his cutely blushing bodyguard.

Clearing her throat, Cindy looked away, clearly embarrassed. ‘That…would probably hurt anyway. I prefer yours.’

Pete snorted in amusement at her adorable attempts to assuage his ego. She couldn’t know that he and Gwen had been watching her past sex-tapes for more than a year at this point - he’d brought his beautiful girlfriend to enough screaming orgasms that he only felt the tiniest twinge of envy these days when seeing such…endowments.

The next pic had them both inhaling sharply. Both Gwen and her gym buddy were apparently hanging out in the sauna, the small room panelled entirely with a light coloured timber with tiered seating around the stove in the middle. The hulking man was sitting on his towel now on the upper tier, his legs spread wide with one outstretched and the other resting on the tier below. Gwen watched on from the opposite side of the sauna, her gaze firmly fixed on the man’s thick, veiny, freakishly large cock that draped over his equally large balls and hung past the edge of the seat.

Cindy frowned, her cheeks red. ‘That thing wouldn’t even fit in anyone…’

Pete barked out a laugh. ‘Pet, it’s okay, I don’t mind.’

At hearing him calling her Pet, Cindy straightened and a blinding smile graced her beautiful, oriental features. ‘I’m serious, Master, look!’ Pete watched, trying to hide his grin as Cindy looked around his desk before snatching a stylus from the pen holder nearby. Pete scrunched his face in confusion when she held it out before him with a triumphant grin. ‘What’s this? Five? Six inches long?’

His eyes widened when, with a saucy grin, she shimmied across his desk until she was sitting directly in front of him, her legs spread either side of his torso and showing off that she wore no panties. He was so captivated by the sight of her perfect, glistening, naked pussy that he was too slow to react.

‘No, no, you don’t need to - oookay, that’s unhygienic…’ Pete sighed and smiled fondly as Cindy slipped his stylus into her pussy as far as it would go, not stopping until she hit her cervix, an inch of the pen still sticking out of her.

‘See?’ she urged, desperate to heal his unbruised ego. ‘What’s even the point of having a dick that big if you can’t use it?!’

Pete chuckled and shook his head. ‘It’s okay Pet, I’m not bothered - hss!

He arched his back and groaned as Cindy reached down to palm his cock, one hand resting on his bound chest and the other stroking him sensually. He’d been leaking pre-cum for a while with how turned on he was, and Cindy was taking full advantage, using it as lube to help her hand glide up and down his length.

‘This is perfect,’ she insisted, biting her lip sexily as she stared deeply into his eyes. Pete groaned, feeling himself come perilously close to making a mess of her sexy outfit, but of course, Cindy stopped stroking him at the last second. Her impish grin was back in full force and Pete groaned as she squeezed the base of his cock tightly, stopping his orgasm in its tracks.

Panting with his forehead slick with sweat, Pete looked up at the ebony-haired girl with a deadpan stare. ‘You’re enjoying that way too much.’

Her sexy grin widened, and she didn’t bother denying it.

When the next pic came, it drew another audible reaction from him. Pete groaned, his muscles bulging as he struggled against his restraints, desperate to touch his cock. In the pic, Gwen had slid across the sauna until she was sitting next to her gym buddy. The pic was just her pale, tiny hand wrapped around the base of his monolithic shaft and holding it up at an elevated angle. Amusingly, it brought to mind an image of Gwen holding a fishing pole, the foot-long shaft drooping under its own weight and giving the impression that she had a fish on the line.

‘Jesus fucking Christ,’ Pete whispered in awe under his breath, struggling futilely against his bindings like an idiot in the hopes that this would be the one time the webs finally failed.

‘You know…’ Cindy trailed off, biting her lip as she stared at his aching, throbbing dick with desire. ‘Mistress only said you weren’t allowed to touch yourself… she said nothing about me touching you.’

Pete stopped struggling and audibly swallowed, looking up at his gorgeous bodyguard with wide, pleading eyes. Her legs were still spread wide, either side of his own, while her hands rested on his desk as she looked down at his cock like he imagined Gwen was looking at her new soon-to-be lover’s.

She looked back up at him, biting her lip sexily. ‘Is that what you want, Master? Do you want me to…touch you?’

Pete audibly swallowed again, his eyes dropping down to her bared pussy as he licked his suddenly dry lips. Not trusting his voice, he could only nod shakily.

Grinning sultrily, Cindy put her heeled toe on his chair between his legs, his aching balls now resting on her foot. With the slightest of shoves, he rolled back and Pete watched, his breath coming in excited pants as his sexy bodyguard slid to the floor with all of the grace of a serpent. Pete’s entire body shook and he grunted when his devious little pet grabbed his junk, one hand, its fingers circling his scrote at the base, his balls resting in her warm palm while the other squeezed the base of his shaft.

Pete shuddered and groaned, hissing out a breath between his clenched teeth when, with an uncharacteristically girlish giggle, Cindy blew on the head of his cock, teasing him by poking her tongue out, but never quite touching him with it.

It was as if she knew any contact with her tongue would have made him cum on the spot, especially when Gwen sent through another message.

It was a ten second clip that quickly started to autoplay. The same angle as the previous pic, in this clip Gwen’s tiny, pale hand twisted and glided up and down the monolithic, obsidian shaft, its girth so impressive that her fingers and thumb didn’t even come close to meeting. Her gym buddy’s sighs and moans were audible, but the squelching sounds as Gwen’s stroking spread the man’s constant stream of precum along his glistening shaft really stole the show.

As if sensing the sight would push him over the edge - and knowing Cindy, she may have done - his devious bodyguard grinned up at him and squeezed his balls uncomfortably hard while also squeezing his shaft right under the head.

‘Fuck!’ Pete gasped, his head lolling back as the pain ruthlessly pulled him further back from the edge than he’d been for a while. Cindy’s sexy giggle as she continued to squeeze his junk though wasn’t helping her cause…

‘Naughty, naughty,’ Cindy chided playfully, her tone both highly amused and deeply sultry. ‘Mistress said no cumming.’

She held him in her ninja-like grip until he calmed down, her suspiciously familiar and expert technique warring with his mounting anticipation for Gwen’s next update.

She didn’t disappoint, and she sent it with a cheeky text too.

Gwen: Pretty big, right? I remember you liking these shots from my back catalogue…

She wasn’t wrong. In the clip, both Gwen and her new friend looked to be in one of the privacy cubicles with his girlfriend kneeling at her new lover’s feet and looking into the mirror on the wall, a sexy smile on her face. Her huge gym buddy stood behind Gwen, his hands on his hips and his heavy cock hanging over her shoulder. Gwen had her hand on his cock again and stroked it while looking directly into her own reflection.

It gave the impression of her looking directly into his soul.

Cindy continued to make sure he didn’t cum, even as Gwen sent another clip.

In this one, her gym buddy’s huge, naked frame was front and centre. Gwen was still looking into the mirror, but now she was doing so from behind his hulking frame, her eyes peeking out from behind his ass.

Her huge lover was bent over, his hands on the wall and his huge cock hanging down to his knees as Gwen milked him from behind. Her tongue, though not visible to either him or Cindy, was clearly in his ass. The dude clearly loved having his ass played with if his powerful gasps and groans were anything to go by.

‘Fuuuuuuck,’ Pete groaned gutturally, his head lolling back as Cindy started to slowly stroke him again, her naughty smile wide and her eyes smouldering with desire.

‘Do you…really like this?’ she asked in a quiet voice, a breath escaping through his clenched teeth as his pet kissed the tip of his aching cock.

‘I think you’re holding the answer to your question in the palm of your hand…’

Cindy smiled, eyeing his dick hungrily before looking back up at him. ‘You’re a weirdo, Master.’

Pete couldn’t help it, he devolved into a fit of hysterical giggles at the absurdity of her claim.

What even is my life?

The next clip started with a view from the floor between her lover's legs as Gwen looked up at his towering, hulking physique. Her gaze shifted down and Pete groaned as he watched Gwen slowly moving forward, devouring inch after inch of her gym buddy’s glistening shaft. Finally, the scene shifted as Gwen looked back at the mirror and Pete was treated to the sight of his girlfriend on her knees, her hands on her thighs as her lips slowly and impossibly took more and more of the obscene shaft into her gullet.

Memories flashed through his mind unbidden, each of them moments where his lips were locked with his girlfriend’s in a passionate embrace.

The same lips that were stretched obscenely wide as she deep-throated that gargantuan cock.

The clip was accompanied by a suitably cheeky text.

Gwen: Still got it!

‘Do you like that, Master?’ Cindy purred in a sultry whisper, her almond-shaped eyes smouldering and staring up at him through thick lashes. ‘Here, let me try…’

Pete thanked his adorable pet for her foresight in turning on his office’s security systems. His groan when she swallowed his cock all the way to the base, her lips pressing against his hairless groin would have been heard all throughout their floor. Her mouth was warm, wet and velvety as she sucked and slurped, her eyes dancing with mirth.

Pete arched his back, hoping to fuck her mouth and quickly cum like he so desperately wanted, but his torturer had bullshit magic powers that let her know just how far to push it. Her eyes dancing with mirth, he whined when she slowly pulled off his cock with a giggle.

‘I sent the pic of that to Mistress,’ Cindy confessed, biting her lip sexily and masking her impish grin. ‘Do you think it’ll turn her on? Or will she…punish me?’

Fuck, why do I find crazy girls so sexy?

Cindy was looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes, her lips in an adorable pout. ‘If it were up to me, I’d suck you dry, Master.’ Pete screwed his eyes shut and shuddered at the insanely erotic promise. ‘But Mistress said I’m not allowed to, and given she’s the only way I’ll ever have access to you…I’ll do whatever she says.’ She was stroking him while talking, planting kisses and licks on the head of the cock in between each natural break in her dialogue. Feeling himself about to cum, his eyes widened in shock when he felt his ejaculatory reflex kick in, passing the point of no return. He howled when Cindy grinned up at him and squeezed, completely ruining his orgasm and stopping it in his tracks. ‘Even if that means I have to hurt you. I’m sorry, Master.’

Pete screwed his eyes shut, his breaths coming in rapid pants as vestiges of his ruined orgasm dribbling out of his now pathetically shrunken and shrivelled dick.

Cindy grinned. ‘Mistress really liked that,’ Cindy teased, having obviously sent Gwen a pic of him in his sorry state. She smiled and looked at his cock proudly, pinching it between her fingers and jiggling it. ‘It’s so cute,’ she purred naughtily, looking up at him with eyes sparkling with mischief. ‘Nothing like the huge dick mistress is sucking on right now.’

Pete thrashed against his webbed bindings and groaned. He felt vitality slowly start to flow back into his poor, abused member, but it was a slow process, one helped along by Cindy kissing his shrivelled cock and giggling like a sexy psycho.

As if sensing his flagging state and dire need, Gwen swooped in like the superhero she was to save the day. His vision flashed with another notification as Gwen sent another cheeky message and picture combo through.

His girlfriend was laying on her back in the cubicle, looking down between her powerful, naked, spread legs while holding the head of her gym buddy’s huge cock at her pussy, the purplish, plum-sized head kissing her glistening lips but just holding. For now.

Gwen: Wow! Will I even feel you after this bad boy, Stud? Should I stop?

Though the message was accompanied by the disgusting dominatrix chibi cackling maniacally in his vision, Pete recognized the message for what it truly was. His girlfriend was giving him one last chance to back out in case he had cold feet.

It was pretty selfless of her, all things considered. Pete wasn’t sure he’d be able to easily pull back at that point if she’d pulled the ripcord had their positions been reversed.

Not wanting her to needlessly wait longer than she needed to, Pete quickly sent the mental command and message through.

Pete: You’re the sexiest woman alive. I love you.

‘Wow,’ Cindy gaped, her eyes wide as she slowly stroked and kissed his slowly inflating cock. While she hadn’t been copied in on his half of the exchange, she was still marvelling at her mistress’ teasing. ‘That’s pretty savage. Do you guys…do this often?’

‘First time,’ Pete admitted with a wheezing chuckle, looking down at the gorgeous woman between his legs with a crooked grin. ‘We like to keep things fresh and spicy. Gwen had a…very active love life before we got together. We normally like watching her old sex tapes together. This is an…escalation.’

Cindy stared at him with rapt attention, her eyes wide and her breaths coming in excited pants. Pete didn’t doubt for a second the little slut was hoping that what was good for the goose was good for the gander.

She doesn’t know Gwen’s let me actually fuck other women before - not unless Gloria told her…

A little over being the only one that was being teased here, Pete sent a wicked grin down at his adoring fangirl. ‘What’s with that look on your face, Pet?’ Pete teased, almost breaking and laughing at how Cindy froze in shock at his use of her proper name - he didn’t really do it often. ‘Are you hoping your mistress will feed you a few scraps off the dinner table?’

He chuckled as her entire body shuddered with desire, her face pressed against and nuzzling his cock as she panted with need.

Then another message came through.

Both he and Cindy groaned. The picture was almost identical to the last, but instead of the huge cock kissing the entrance to his girlfriend’s womanhood, Gwen’s delicate lips were spread wide to accommodate its ridiculous girth, the shaft now buried halfway into her delicate, perfect pussy.

Gwen: It’s like riding a bike…

Jesus Christ,’ he groaned, his cock surging back to life at the insanely erotic image. It had actually happened, his slutty girlfriend was fucking another man and Pete couldn’t deny how turned on he was. There was a slight twinge of jealousy roiling in his gut, but instead of letting the feeling spiral into darker thoughts, it only made him want her with him now so he could fuck her brains out.

If she’d even feel me. FUCK, that was so hot…

‘...how?’ Cindy marvelled with wide eyes as she stared at the pic in shock.

Pete chuckled weakly at the utterly bemused look on her face. ‘She’s had a lot of practice. Your mistress is a bit of a slut.’

She turned her shocked stare to him, her delicate eyebrows raised but her expression otherwise unreadable. ‘And you get off on this? On being cucked by the woman you love?’

Pete flushed with embarrassment at how accurately, yet bluntly Cindy had summarised the situation. Instead of answering immediately, he took a moment to collect his thoughts, even though his rapidly hardening cock was all the answer she truly needed.

‘If you had asked me a few years ago, the answer would have been a resounding hell no. We’re in a different place now though in our relationship,’ Pete explained, almost as much for his own benefit than for Cindy’s. ‘It helps knowing she’s only doing this because I want it, but honestly? Look how sexy she is, I love watching her when she’s like this…’

She’d also never humiliate me in front of another guy, that’s just between us.

Releasing his cock, Cindy raised her hands and smiled. ‘No judgement,’ she assured him. ‘I’m just curious…’

Biting her lip sexily, Cindy licked her lips as she beheld his hard-again throbbing and leaking cock. Pete felt pretty damn good that, despite the pics and the evidence of the Adonis rearranging his girlfriend’s pussy, his little pet was more enamoured with his own more modest endowment.

I’m sure that was Gwen’s intention by telling her to join me… what better ego boost is there than having a gorgeous woman constantly thirsting after you?

Not that he needed the ego boost. If anything, he couldn’t wait to get his girlfriend back in his arms again. They’d watch the footage of her tryst in its entirety while he fucked her brains out and she talked dirty to him.

Fuck, I can’t wait!

Gwen had apparently sensed his impatience and quickly followed up her previous message with the clipped version.

The vantage point was similar, Gwen’s moans like an erotic symphony as she looked down the length of her shredded body, her huge lover looming over her as he - with control - harshly thrust his cock in her, bumping up against her cervix before slowly pulling out. Pete watched like a hawk as his girlfriend’s delicate pussy lips clung to the obsidian shaft like a life-line, almost unwilling to let the obscenely girthy invader go.

Gwen: If my moans weren’t making it obvious…I forgot how good this feels. Pet, stick a finger in Pete’s ass and suck him off if you’re not already. If he cums, you’ll be punished.

Their little sex kitten didn’t even hesitate and Pete groaned with relish as Cindy sucked on her digits before slipping them into his ass. Her fingers were hooked and she expertly pressed against his prostate while keeping a tight seal around his head with her gloriously soft, delicate lips.

This was all too much, and Pete felt his orgasm rapidly building. Naturally, Cindy only giggled, squeezing him and halting him in his tracks.

Pete’s face was drenched with sweat and he panted in exhaustion. Cindy was getting way too good at edging him and he couldn’t decide if he loved or hated it.

I’ll ask myself again after I cum…

‘Your penis is so beautiful,’ Cindy cooed reverently, nuzzling his cock as she steadily applied pressure to his prostate.

Despite her harsh technique, his orgasm was rapidly approaching regardless. Sensing this, with an almost depressed sigh, Cindy stopped all stimulation and leaned back on her haunches before staring back up into his eyes with an adorable pout on her lips. ‘You’re such a naughty boy Master. How am I supposed to play with you if you can’t control yourself?’

Pete chuckled weakly and returned her stare. ‘When I get out of these webs, I’ll show you how much of a naughty boy I can be.’

Honestly, it was kinda funny how thirsty the insanely hot woman was for him, she damn near came on the spot as a result of the dark promise in his words alone.

The next clip was his favourite so far. Gwen’s hulking lover sat on the bench in the private cubicle, his legs stretched out as Gwen sat in his lap, her back to him and facing the mirror. With her pussy stuffed full with her lover’s huge cock, Gwen leaned back against his chest, one arm reaching back to wrap around his neck while the other covered the hand playing with her perky tit. Gwen didn’t bounce so much as her perfect, shredded body undulated on her lover’s lap as he kissed and nuzzled her neck, his groans as animalistic as her moans were euphoric.

The way Gwen looked into the mirror as she fucked the hulking man drove Pete wild. Neither he nor Cindy had any commentary to add as they let the clip repeat in their vision, the sexual tension in the air so thick one could cut it with a knife. Cindy still - wisely - chose not to touch him, knowing she was likely to set him off at even the barest hint of stimulation.

The final clip almost made Cindy’s precautions redundant. It was a little confusing at first, but Pete figured Gwen was looking down into her lover’s eyes and making out with him while he held her aloft and fucked her standing up. Gwen’s moans were as rapturous as her gym buddy’s as they no-doubt raced to their climax.

They came together, their moans and gasps drawn out as they shook from the shared feelings of euphoria.

It wasn’t until Gwen stopped making out with her lover that the clip became his new favourite though. His naughty girlfriend looked over her shoulder into the mirror and Pete’s suspicions were confirmed. Gwen’s hulking lover held Gwen up and against his chest, his large dark hands gripping her pale, muscular ass while she had an arm casually thrown over his shoulder.

Pete’s eyes were drawn to the huge dick still stuffed in his girl’s pussy though, one that was rapidly deflating. As if somehow knowing he had an audience - or just wanting to witness the fruits of his labour - the dude pulled Gwen’s cheeks apart as his cock finally slipped out from her once-snug womanhood. Pete watched as it swayed like a snake hanging from a tree branch beneath his girl’s glorious ass.

With the huge member no longer plugging up his girl’s pussy, she moaned as a thick river of cum started to leak out of her and pool onto the floor in a viscous puddle.

Pete screwed his eyes shut and gasped when Cindy’s hands shot forward and grabbed his cock and balls again, halting his orgasm before he embarrassed himself.

Gwen: I love you baby. See you soon…

‘Fuck!’ Pete gasped, his eyes open wide and staring at the ceiling. ‘Why is that so hot?!’

Cindy held him firmly until the need to cum had subsided, even as he thrashed in his chair and tried to force the issue.

‘Mistress is very beautiful,’ Cindy admitted shyly, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye as she watched him flail about uselessly.

Pete looked down at his slutty little pet and grinned roguishly at her, ratcheting up his charm to eleven.

I probably just look like I’m grimacing…

‘You’re no slouch yourself, my beautiful pet.’

Cindy’s face flushed with giddy delight and embarrassment, but she didn’t ease up her punishing grip on his cock and just smiled up at him prettily.

‘Thank you Master, but I’m not letting you cum,’ she chided and he groaned when she squeezed his cock harder, as if in punishment. ‘I’m playing the long game.’

Pete almost whimpered as Cindy just giggled like a crazy person and stared up at him adoringly, her hands never leaving his cock.

She knew she was close to completing the mission her mistress had set out for her. Not being a stranger to track and field, she wasn’t going to stumble at the final hurdle.

They only had to wait a couple of minutes before his girlfriend slipped into his office, bypassing his security as if it wasn’t even there. She had a huge, beautiful smile on her face and her cheeks were flush with passion and delight. It was her eyes that had his breath catching in his throat though.

They were almost deranged with lust.

Pete barely took note of what she was wearing - a hoodie and shorts - he doubted she’d be wearing them for long.

‘Where’s Pet?’ Gwen asked, her voice hoarse, deep and sultry. As if stung, Cindy let go of his cock and leapt to her feet, standing beside him with her hands clasped behind her back like the obedient little slut she was.

‘I did as you asked, Mistress. Master didn’t cum once, despite how much he wanted to.’

Gwen’s smile widened and, almost casually, she turned to the side of his office and started to shoot webs, making a net in the corner of the room.

Pete sighed, knowing what was coming next. When his girlfriend reached his large, oak desk, she bent down, her arms resting on the end furthest from her webs. Faster than his eyes could track, Gwen sweeped her arms across the polished, timber surface and launched everything atop it safely into her web net before savagely tearing off his bindings and slamming him down on the recently cleared surface.

Like the obedient little disciple she was, Cindy didn’t even need to be told to web his wrists and ankles to the solid timber. Gwen turned to Cindy with a wide, proud smile, her hand reaching out so her fingers could caress the underside of her chin. ‘Good girl.’

Cindy almost vibrated with pleasure at the praise.

Gwen turned back to him and smiled down lovingly, the look in her eyes now decidedly less deranged and more affectionate. ‘I love you.’

Pete quirked his lips. ‘I love you more.’

Closing her eyes, Gwen lay down beside his prone form and captured his lips in a searing, passionate kiss. They both groaned with desire, their tongues duelling ferociously as they tried to convey their feelings with actions, not words.

It only took a moment for Pete to notice the familiar, pungent taste on his girl’s lips and his dick surged.

This time, that’s not mine…

When Gwen pulled back, she was grinning down naughtily at him, her fingers dancing over his chest in small circles. Seeing his lack of reaction, revulsion or otherwise, her grin widened. In the blink of an eye, her outfit shimmered and was reabsorbed into her skin. Pete inhaled sharply, the sight of his naked girlfriend never growing old, but as she got up on her knees and swung one thick, muscular leg over his face, his eyes widened and his pulse quickened.

Soon, his vision was filled with the sight of his girlfriend’s noticeably redder and fucked-raw pussy, her lips loose and gaping from having recently taken the huge invader. Looking up the length of her shredded body, past her perky tits and pierced nipples, he locked eyes with the love of his life as she smiled down at him.

‘I’m still dirty,’ she purred, biting her lip sexily. ‘Clean me, like the naughty boy you are and I’ll let you fuck our pet whenever you like.’

Pete ignored Cindy’s needy whining, his eyes flying down her amazonian physique and going back to her pussy. Gwen had spread her lips wide and a thick river of cum started to ooze out of her womanhood, the sight such a turn-on that he felt himself agreeing without hesitation.

Gwen’s moan when Pete screwed his eyes shut and leaned up to seal his lips around the entrance to her womanhood was orgasmic. She threaded her hands in his hair, her moans more intense and erotic than he’d heard for a while as Pete stuck his tongue in her and cleaned her out like the dutiful, doting boyfriend he was.

‘Do you like the taste, baby?’ Gwen moaned, her hips undulating as she force-fed him her lover’s cum. ‘I hope you do, Gabriel said he wanted to see me again…’

Pete’s groan was muffled by his girlfriend’s pussy, but no less audible. Her cackle turned into a delighted moan when he redoubled his efforts.

This was clearly a massive turn-on for his girlfriend. He’d have to talk to her later and let her know this was as far as he was willing to go on this front though.

Pete wasn’t surprised that Gwen came on his lips, his nose pressed against her clit as his tongue scooped up and swallowed the foreign discharge inside her. A part of him felt it was his duty at this point. This was his pussy, he had to get rid of the foreign contaminants and reclaim it as his own.

What did surprise him was the sheer volume. Just when he felt he’d finished his task, another globule would pool on his tongue. It was disgusting, but he put up with it because the delight in Gwen’s voice was unmistakable.

Finish, he eventually did though, his girl having cum twice on his tongue during the arduous task. She collapsed back onto his chest, her shaky thighs giving out and her breaths coming in ragged pants. They stared into each other’s eyes for several long moments. Words felt insufficient and, luckily, unnecessary.

Gwen finally turned to face their pet and Pete followed her gaze. Cindy, always exotic and gorgeous, looked even more so now as she squirmed on the spot like an obedient puppy, her face and neck flush with arousal as her eyes remained locked on with his cock.

Gwen reached out to her and Cindy almost tripped over herself as she approached, her face meeting her mistress’ hand.

‘Do you want to fuck him, Pet?’

‘Yes. Please.’

‘You’ve been such a good girl,’ Gwen continued, her voice teasing as she continued to rub the side of Cindy’s face. ‘Good girls deserve rewards.’

Pete almost laughed as he saw the effects Gwen’s words had on the poor girl. Cindy was almost vibrating with repressed desire and pleasure as her mistress praised her.

With an athletic flip, Gwen launched herself off his desk and landed gracefully in his office chair, one leg draped over an armrest as she slowly, tenderly rubbed her sore, abused pussy.

‘Go on then, give me a good show.’

Cindy was moving before the last word had left his girlfriend’s lips. In a feat very similar to Gwen’s earlier, Cindy lept on the desk and straddled him, her hands on his chest as her dark eyes bored into his own. When she closed them, no-doubt intending to vanish her outfit much like Gwen had earlier, Pete spoke up.

‘No, no wait!’ he urged and Cindy’s eyes snapped open again in surprise, her concentration broken. He didn’t miss the flash of hurt that had crossed her gaze either. ‘Keep the outfit,’ he pleaded, his eyes roaming over his sexy pet’s glorious body and tight outfit. ‘Just, uh, unbutton the blouse.’

He ignored Gwen’s bark of laughter as a beautiful smile lit up and graced his bodyguard’s features. Biting her lip sexily, she did as her master commanded and slowly, teasingly unbuttoned the blouse for him, her criminally short skirt having ridden up and exposing the bare womanhood that Cindy was also grinding against his aching, throbbing cock.

‘Jesus Christ,’ he gasped as he beheld the sexy show she was putting on for him, swaying to a song only she could hear as each button exposed more and more of his pet’s cleavage.

As more and more pale flesh was exposed, Pete audibly swallowed as he realised he was in for the fight of his life. With how turned on he was after this afternoon’s events, and with how much he’d been edged, it was an uphill battle to not cum on the spot the second he slipped into his pet's, no-doubt, snug pussy.

He’d had lots of practice withholding his orgasm over the years. He would need every shred of that experience if he were to come out victorious in this bout.

At least Cindy is as turned on as I am. I have to make her cum before me, my pride demands it!

Cindy unbuttoned her blouse all the way to the hem of her skirt and pulled it wide, exposing her perky C-cups to him with an embarrassed, pleased flush. Apparently very much liking the look in his eyes, she bit her lip and, with hands shaking with excitement, reached back behind herself to grip his throbbing cock.

After all this buildup, the moment Cindy finally positioned him at her entrance and sank down on his cock was almost anticlimactic. At least for him.

While Pete grunted at the feeling of his thick cock spearing into Cindy’s incredibly tight pussy, his pet’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she sheathed herself fully on him. Her groan was deep, guttural and oh-so-sexy, especially with her husky voice.

‘I’m so full,’ she whined, her eyes screwed shut as her body shuddered. Pete shot a look over to his girlfriend and they shared a secret smile before he turned back to the shaking, gyrating oriental beauty on his cock.

Pete cleared his mind and focused on anything other than Cindy’s velvety tunnel fluttering and squeezing his cock deliciously - baseball stats usually helped best in this regard.

Lamenting over how garbage the Mets were didn’t hurt either.

Leaning back, Cindy put her hands on his knees and started to bounce on his cock in earnest, each downward thrust earning a grunt and groan from his unbelievably gorgeous bodyguard. Pete’s eyes, despite knowing it could be ruinous for his plans, were locked on her jiggling and bouncing tits, a cup size bigger than Gwen’s and utterly delicious with her small, dark nipples.

‘Master, you feel so good,’ Cindy whined as she continued to bounce hypnotically. ‘I’m actually, ooh, I’m actually fucking you - I can’t, nnh, can’t believe it!’

Cindy’s eyes snapped open after her words and she stared deep into his soul, her face flushing deeper and her eyes widening in embarrassment when she realised what she’d said aloud.

Gwen decided it was the perfect time to add fuel to the fire. Getting off his chair, she rounded his desk and crouched so her head was right next to his. ‘You’re the best boyfriend ever,’ she whispered, loud enough for Cindy to hear her. Gwen kissed his temple before continuing, shifting her gaze to their pet as she did. ‘Whenever you’re feeling horny and I’m not around, you have my full permission to bend this slut over the nearest surface and fuck her brains out.’

The words had as much of an effect on him as they did Cindy - and the girl had nearly cum on the spot! Countless fantasies of his pet cosplaying as any number of beauties from his favourite video games flooded his mind as he fucked her brains out assaulted his beleaguered mind - she did say she’d loved cosplaying as a teen.

I’m not losing!

‘Cum for me, Pet,’ Pete urged in a deep, husky voice, thrusting his hips off the desk and meeting Cindy’s thrusts with as much intensity as he could manage in this awkward position. He felt a bit weird doing this without the use of his arms, like a fish flopping around on the deck of a boat, but Cindy clearly appreciated his efforts.

And in only a few short moments, they bore fruit.

Cindy’s mouth opened as wide as her eyes and she froze, her body twitching as her orgasm crashed into her like a euphoric tsunami. ‘Oh!’ she gasped, then her entire body started to shake as she lost strength in her arms and collapsed back against his legs, his cock still buried deep inside her as her pussy squeezed him tight. ‘Oooooooooh!’

‘Fill her up, Stud,’ Gwen urged, her lips pressed against his ear as she planted continuous, featherlight kisses against the side of his face. ‘Fill the little whore up and we’ll clean her together.’

‘Oh fuuuuuuuuuck,’ Pete groaned, screwing his eyes shut and burying his face against his girlfriend’s as his vision whited out and he saw stars.

His entire body felt warm and tingled with pleasure, like the most intense, pleasurable attack of full-body pins-and-needles, his orgasm feeling like it had lasted for hours.

When the stars cleared from his vision and he came back to awareness, it was to hear Gwen giggling in his ear, his vision filled with a rather soiled pussy.

‘Sit on his mouth,’ Gwen ordered their pet and she eagerly complied. Pete was force-fed his second load of that afternoon, this one, admittedly, infinitely more palatable.

Cindy squealed and moaned with abandon when Gwen joined him, sealing her lips around their pet’s clit and sucking for all she was worth. When Gwen palmed the side of his face and forced him to switch targets to her lips, he knew what she wanted and he pushed his own seed into her eager mouth.

Cindy came again with a keening wail as they both worked her over, and when they were done, she was a flush, panting and sexually satisfied mess. Pete didn’t remember a time where she’d ever looked happier either.

‘You mind giving us a moment, Pet?’ Gwen asked in a soft voice, staring up at the beautiful woman with a kind smile. ‘We’ll head home in a sec, I just want to speak with Pete for a bit.’

Cindy nodded in understanding, hopping off his desk with wobbly legs and changing out her sexy outfit for her normal, still quite fetching tactical one. Before she hurried off however, Cindy turned and captured Gwen’s lips in a searing, passionate kiss, moaning with desire when his girlfriend deepened it, her hands on her pet’s ass.

When they pulled apart, Cindy rested her forehead against Gwen’s. ‘Thank you,’ she said, her voice quavering and full of emotion. ‘I’ll never forget this.’

Gwen grinned widely. ‘I sure as shit hope not.’

With another peck on the lips, Cindy smiled shyly at them both and, after making herself presentable in the reflective glass, slipped out of his office.

Pete turned to look at Gwen in shock before finally letting out a slightly hysterical laugh.

‘What the fuck was that?’

He didn’t doubt Gwen understood the meaning of his words. He wasn’t just referring to what he’d just seen, but everything.

His girlfriend ignored him however, and instead stared into his eyes for several long, intense moments. ‘How are you feeling?’ she asked, her voice soft and without its usual teasing tone he’d grown used to over the past several hours. ‘Any regrets?’

‘About Gabriel?’ Pete asked, her lips crooked with a nonchalant smile. ‘No, not at all. It was super hot. Cindy nearly crushed my dick trying to stop me from cumming all over myself.’

Gwen’s serious facade cracked and she giggled at the mental image. ‘Yeah?’ she teased, her voice soft and husky. ‘You thought it was hot, watching your girl fuck that ridiculously huge cock?’

Pete’s entire body shuddered, especially when Gwen started to slowly stroke his rapidly hardening cock again.

He took a moment to collect his thoughts - a not so easy task while Gwen was nibbling on his ear and stroking his still hyper-sensitive member - before answering. ‘It…really turned me on, I don’t know what else to say. I think the way we did it too was really hot, teasing me with just glimpses through the messages, talking dirty to me, all of it.’

‘Yeah?’ Gwen purred, her stroking not speeding up but her grip tightening. ‘You like me teasing you? You like me pointing out how much bigger his dick is than yours?’

He didn’t need to answer, she no doubt felt him throb with desire in response to her sinful words. Her breathy giggle let him know she’d indeed picked up on it.

‘Let’s continue this party back home, Stud,’ Gwen purred, releasing him from his bindings and offering her shoulder for him to lean on when he nearly stumbled when trying to stand. ‘We can watch the whole video later - let’s see how many times we can make you cum.’

Note: Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Just a few points I wanted to make before leaving you.

This story will not just devolve into this every chapter, but this theme will pop up every now and then. I’ve gone on a pretty long stretch of non-vanilla chapters, so expect the next several to just be Pete and Gwen.

I also personally don’t consider this cuckolding, even though that’s what the tag says. It’s going up right to that line and flirting with it, and the only reason I’m hesitant to call it that is Gwen keeps the teasing of Pete to between them (and Cindy, technically, who only heard it because she was copied in on the messages).

For me, the difference between cuckolding and Stag/Vixen-ing is the humiliation and degradation aspect. If Pete was in the room with them and Gwen was saying the things she said to him in private, with the guy to hear and laugh at, yeah, that’s cuckolding.

It might just feel like me arguing semantics, but if Gwen and Pete are ever in a situation where he’s in the room and the guy talks shit about him, she’ll immediately disengage and tell him to fuck off.

I felt it important to point this out so you know this won’t turn out like some of the relationships in my other stories, or like Ben and May’s etc.


Ike Vann

At this point Cindy can't even be considered Peter's pet. She is Gwens pet and gwens alone. It's starting to feel like Cindy is kinda humouring him because it's clear he has no say or control over his suppoused pet. He honestly doesn't deserve to be called master because he seemed entirely like her sub.


I mean, she acts like his sub, and Gwen calls her their pet, but Pete isn't a dom, nor should he start acting like one just to satisfy a kink tag imo. Any time he acts that way with her, he feels silly, not turned on. Doesn't mean he won't to satisfy his partner, but it's just not him.


Does Pete's reward from Gwen mean in the future we will get chapters of both of them fucking others without the other being present/watching? I thought they aren't interested in fucking others out of self-interest? I don't have a problem with it, just find it contradicting to their own stance on fucking others (quote: 'but you're not here, so not interested.').


There will be chapters where the other isn't physically present, but they're still only really fucking others for the other's pleasure. Mostly.