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I've been thinking a lot about this lately, with Taboo soon coming to an end and my creative juices for Gwen eventually going to run out (not for a while yet, but I like to plan ahead).

I've got idea for new stories, sure, but I started toying with the idea of just starting a one-shot series based around the themes I usually write about. Think Mr and Mrs Cuck, but with no limitation on one fandom and, thus, no need for an overarching 'plot' to tie everything together chronologically.

When I started thinking about this, I literally just banged out the rough draft for like eleven chapters in one sitting. I found it pretty easy and exciting, to be honest.

The fandoms I write one-shots for included Naruto, Persona, Uncharted, The Witcher, Star Wars (OG trilogy), Bleach, Highschool DxD, SAO, Spiderman and HP. I've got more plot bunnies too that I just need to find appropriate fandoms to tie them to.

With this format, it kinda lends itself pretty well to commissions. I don't like the idea of taking direct commissions, but was thinking of maybe making a new tier that would directly let you offer up plot bunnies for me to write one-shots about (the only limitations being I actually have to know the fandom and it's generally within the themes I like writing).

Sounds off below or on Discord and let me know what you think. Any new tier wouldn't be crazy, maybe a dollar more or something idk, but I've got enough material ready to go that I won't be soliciting commissions for a while - unless that's something you guys really want?

Again, let me know.

As always, enjoy.


Dude McGuy

Love the idea of both oneshots and comms, I'd be super happy to comm stuff from you whenever I've got an extra bit of cash