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A bit of a format ‘change’ in this chapter. I didn’t have a good way of denoting texts. Italics are for the thoughts of the perspective character, italics in quotations are for audio (TV, radio etc), so I went with this. Hope it’s not too annoying.

A lot of things are teased in this chapter too. Next chapter will have more… hardcore action :)

Chapter 13

Gwen didn’t need much sleep these days.

Even after several days of almost nonstop fucking her boyfriend, she awoke at six AM on the dot, feeling as if she’d already downed an expresso. She’d acclimatised to the local time pretty quickly, though to be fair, she’d always had a pretty messed up sleep schedule.

Honestly, sleep has kinda become recreational ever since the nanites…

With little else to do aside from watching Pete sleep and cuddle up beside her adorably, his limbs wrapped around her like a koala, Gwen pulled out her phone. Getting bored relatively quickly by doom scrolling her social media feeds - strife in Africa, Mutants Rights issues and villains popping up and causing mayhem all over the world - Gwen instead pulled up MJ’s OnlyFans page and navigated to their post.

The video starring the three of them had been such a hit that MJ had guiltily offered her five grand in compensation, the uptick in subs, donations and revenue clearly a result of Gwen - and Pete’s, even if his face was blurred - appearance. Gwen had turned down the money, not feeling comfortable taking it from her friend for doing something she’d enjoyed so very much.

Besides, MJ wasn’t fooling anyone. The offer of cash had preceded some not-so-subtle inquiries if she, and Pete, would be available to make any more videos.

Gwen grinned at the memory of the blush on MJ’s face when she’d only grinned knowingly in response.

I do so enjoy dangling him in front of that slut.

Gwen almost giggled when she looked down at her man. His head was half nestled in her neck and half on her chest, his lips oh-so close to her nipple. His breaths tickled her nub, but what really made her want to laugh was how, even in his sleep, his lips were puckering as if trying to reach out for her oh-so-close nipple like a feeding infant.

Stifling her giggle, she snapped a quick pic and sent it over to May through their super-secret, private group chat where they shared much more with each other than she knew Pete would be comfortable with.

Who am I kidding? Pete would absolutely die if he saw the logs…

Grinning impishly, she started to gently and affectionately run her hands through Pete’s messy hair with one hand while scrolling through the comments on their video with the other.

Her phone quickly vibrated as May shot back a message almost immediately. Her eyebrows rose at the rapid response before she smirked at the dozens of emojis, a majority of them the cry-laughing face.

Just as Gwen started to wonder why the woman was up so late, May sent another message, as if she’d read her mind.

Only two emojis this time…

A big, juicy eggplant and a nice, ripe peach.

Gwen dropped her phone on her chest and bit down on her fist to stifle the sudden guffaw that threatened to burst out as her mind quickly connected the dots.

As hilarious as it would be to wake Pete up to see what she so desperately wanted to laugh at, she didn’t want to traumatise her poor boyfriend.

- You go girl!

She had a smug, naughty grin on her face as she shot off that last text. Pete liked to imagine his way-too-sexy aunt as some kind of angel that didn’t have any kind of sex life. She had even believed him before they’d started dating and her relationship with May irrevocably changed for the better.

May was definitely no clueless ‘fuddy-duddy.’

Evidenced perfectly by the implication that she was apparently, right now, getting her back door smashed in by the equally sexy Ben Parker.

She flushed and bit her lip sexily at the way-too titillating thought.

Gwen hadn’t closed the messaging app yet, and when she once again saw the dancing ellipses, her eyebrow arched in surprise. Why was May bothering with texting her if -

Gwen’s eyes widened in shock when a picture loaded and took up a majority of her screen. The second she saw it Gwen was tempted to toss her phone aside and shake Pete awake so she could ride him to another climax.

To be fair, the picture didn’t show much, but the fact that May had sent it at all was just so hot.

In the pic, May was laying on her belly on what looked to be her bed, propping herself up on her forearm - the appendage annoyingly covering her big, naked tits - while the other stretched out to snap the portrait selfie. The woman’s face was flush with passion, her forehead slick with sweat while her heavily-lidded eyes stared into the camera lustily, her teeth biting her lip sexily.

The normally well put-together and classy woman looked a mess - in a good way. Her hair was done up in a messy-bun that had strands escaping the band while her make-up was smudged and smeared across her face.

What really got Gwen going though was the large hand clearly visible on her shoulder and the glimpse of the thick, powerful body it belonged to, out of focus in the background.

May had snapped a pic of herself while getting railed and sent it to her.

She’d never felt closer to the woman she fully expected to be her mother-in-law one day.

- I’ll let you get back to it girl. Normally I’M the one making YOU all hot and bothered!

She fired that message off, capping it with half a dozen hot, sweaty-face emojis. May was quick to reply with a winky face and a devil face.

- You’re a terrible influence on me. If you don’t mind, Ben is giving me the EYES. We’ll see you both tonight. Tell Pete we love him and we’re SO proud XOXOXOXOXOXO.

Her smile wide, Gwen fired off a thumbs up before closing the messaging app and letting the woman get back to focusing on Ben.

Fuck. Now I’m horny again…

She pulled up MJ’s OnlyFans page again and went back to scrolling the comments on their video. No matter if they were complimentary, rude, psychotic, flattering, obnoxious - all of them turned her on as she read each and every one of them.

- I’d fuck them BOTH better than that little-dicked bastard!

- I can’t believe that fag let them fuck his ass!

- Who’s the blonde?! She’s hot as hell! Do more vids with her, Mistress!

- Why’d they blur out his face? That’s way less hot…

With both her arms otherwise occupied, Gwen manifested a small, symbiote-tentacle from her thigh and had it gently tease and rub her clit. She had their video playing in the upper corner of the screen while she kept on scrolling the numerous comments, but despite her best efforts, she’d started to quietly moan as she worked herself into a frenzy.

Regrettably, Gwen noticed the second Pete woke up as his breathing pattern changed and he stiffened in her grasp. ‘You’re impossible,’ he groaned, his voice muffled by her perky tits as he buried his face deeper against her chest. ‘Next time we go on a holiday, we’re bringing Riri. Might need her help just so I can keep up with you.’

Now that he was awake, Gwen didn’t bother muffling the wanton moan that sexy mental image ripped from her. He snorted in amusement at her reaction.

Despite his words, Pete threw the covers off them and slipped between her legs, straddling one while hooking his arm under the knee of the other. He slipped inside her without much issue, her pussy virtually gushing at this point.

When she dropped her phone on the bed, Pete’s bleary eyes sharpened when he saw what she’d been watching. He snorted again. ‘Again with the OnlyFans?’

‘They want me to come back,’ she teased, pulling Pete deeper with her thighs. ‘They don’t say nice things about you though.’

Pete grunted, apparently turned on by the idea of Gwen starring in more videos as his thrusts picked up speed, his thick cock stretching her deliciously as he pumped into her.

‘The comments sections of women’s OnlyFans pages, that’s the best place to find gigachads, am I right?’ he joked, his sarcastic remark interspersed with grunts of effort.

Gwen whined in pleasure, biting her lip to hide her smile. ‘They’re calling you gay,’ she teased. ‘Saying you can’t satisfy us both with your little dick.’

Gwen had propped herself up on her elbows as she watched Pete’s shredded body flex and tense with his thrusts. She wished he could understand how hot he was sometimes.

No stress. He will. In time.

Pete snorted in amusement, but she grinned as the force of his thrusts increased in intensity again.

He was too easy, sometimes.

‘Like I care what the neckbeard keyboard warriors say,’ he shrugged nonchalantly before leaning down to capture her lips in a searing kiss. When he pulled back, his eyes burned into her soul with their intensity. ‘I have the hottest girlfriend in the world, and she brings - totally mid - women into our bed all the time - they’re gonna have to try harder if they want to hurt my feelings.’

Gwen bit her lip and smiled up at Pete, her core almost igniting at his words and confidence - this is what she’d been working so hard to build in him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down so his entire body was pressed against hers, so that each one of her senses was overloaded with her man’s presence.

‘That’s one of the sexiest things you’ve ever said,’ she purred into his ear, arching her back and pulling him in deeper with her heels. ‘You’re so hot when you’re confident and you go all Meathead Mode.’

Pete almost growled into her ear and Gwen squealed as his hips started pounding into her like a jackhammer.

Later, after two soul-searing orgasms, they lay in each other’s arms basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Pete was scanning his emails, his face scrunched in annoyance while she scrolled through her socials. When she pulled up her messaging app on the sly to see if May had sent her any more messages, her eyebrows rose to see that she had, but had apparently thought better of it and deleted it.

She’d then sent a winky face and a blushing face emoji as if in explanation.

Fuck! Now I’m curious. What did she send?!

Pete cursed before reluctantly untangling from her and getting out of bed. Gwen eyed him with an appreciative grin as he stretched and groaned as his bones popped and cracked, his muscles tensing and flexing with his movements. He sent her a cheeky wink over his shoulder when he caught her staring.

She shot him an over-exaggerated wink back and giggled.

He sighed. ‘Pepper’s screaming at me to get downstairs. Apparently I’ve got more people to meet before tonight’s…,’ he winced in phantom pain and embarrassment. ‘Before tonight.’

Gwen got up on her knees and shimmied over to him, wrapped her arms around his body from behind and put her chin on his shoulder. ‘Stop being a pussy, get your little medal and get it over with.’

He snorted and reached around to slap her meaty thigh. She hopped off the bed and skipped into the bathroom before he could and shot him a wink.

After a quick shower, she found Pete still naked and sitting by the window typing into his laptop. He had a whole team now working on projects back at SI and would often steal away to fire off emails between bouts of mind blowing sex.

‘Riri says hi,’ he said distractedly as he typed furiously. ‘She’s freaking out. Again.’

Gwen snorted and strolled over to him, materialising a casual outfit as she opened the window. Pete instantly hissed at the chilly wind that blew in and Gwen laughed. ‘We need to get some air in here, it reeks of sex.’

Pete grunted and shut the lid of his laptop. ‘You just want to see me shrivel up so you can make fun of me.’

Her smile wide, her hand went to his shrivelling, overworked cock and balls and she cackled when he shrieked.

‘God dammit woman! How’s your hand so cold?!’ he yelped, lifting his leg in a poor impression of Danial-san as he made to defend his honour. ‘You just got out of the shower!’

‘Aww, it’s so cute,’ she teased in a pouty, babying voice as she wiggled her little finger. Pete was well and truly spent after their morning fuck and the last couple of days, the cool air sending his utterly uninterested package back home and doing his normally average endowment dirty. Smiling wide, she motioned her head to the bathroom, ‘Go and get cleaned up while I go and pick up your suit for tonight.’

He winced and her smile widened. ‘I can’t believe I’m letting you dress me, Pepper already got me a tux.’

Gwen snorted. ‘And it was boring,’ she snapped back, grabbing his wrist and hurling him towards the bathroom. ‘Now rejuvenate those sore muscles with that ridiculous shower and put the drones on sleep-mode - I want the suit to be a surprise.’

He looked hesitant but relented when she gave him her best puppy-eye look. The drones were better off protecting him anyway - she was far more powerful than she’d been when he first created them to protect her. She doubted they’d be of help against anything that could legitimately threaten her anyway.

She didn’t say this, obviously. If she had, Pete would probably waste an inordinate amount of time making something that could better protect her - his time was better spent making the world a better place.

‘Fine, fine!’ he said with a laugh as Gwen grinned wide. ‘Take your time - the best thing about this place is the hot water never runs out. I’m not getting out of that shower until I look like a raisin.’

Gwen sashayed over to him, pressing against his chest until his back hit the wall right next to the door to the bathroom. ‘Mm, you earned it,’ she purred in his ear, her fingers tracing over his abs before dropping to his aching balls. ‘You fucked me so good Stud - kept up with me even with this little thing -’

‘Stoooop,’ he begged with a crylaugh and Gwen cackled, pecking him on the lips before dancing out of the room with a wave over her shoulder.

This is it!

She skipped towards the elevator, her excited grin impossible to hide. Today would be the day where she finally jump-scared Pete! She’d been planning this moment for months!

I’m such a fucking child.

Due to her nanites, her symbiote, and Pete’s constant awareness of them, there was just no way she could ever sneak up on him. She’d thought on this problem for ages. He couldn’t be constantly aware of all of his nanites though, there were just way too many in the wild at this point.

So, naturally, there must be something about hers in particular that he could isolate and, with practice, manipulate.

She’d been doing just that for months, running little tests that Pete had likely passed off as glitches or lapses in his concentration - each one helping her better refine her technique.

While she was fairly confident that she could disable whatever it was that Pete could track, that really wasn’t a good idea either. The second Pete felt her nanites disappear, her overprotective boyfriend would come running with an entire fleet of attack drones.

As hilarious as it would be to jump-scare him in the shower…she didn’t think she wanted to do so if it caused an international incident.

Standing at the entrance to the elevator - after making sure she was alone in the hallway - Gwen held out her hand and frowned in concentration. This would be the first time she’d tried doing this, and it needed a surprising amount of concentration. Black tendrils started to grow from the tip of her finger and continued to do so as she willed her symbiote to follow her command.

She could feel the writhing mass growing out of her finger like it was an extension of her own body, and, in a way, that was exactly what it was. When Gwen next opened her eyes, it was like she was looking in the mirror. For lack of a better word, her clone stood in front of her, their index fingers touching but their stances perfectly mirrored.

With another careful application of will, she willed the thing that she assumed Pete used to track her nanites into her clone while simultaneously disabling them in her own body.

Her clone’s smile widened as Gwen held her breath in anticipation. If her plan failed, she expected to see Pete thundering out of their room, his adorably shrivelled dick flopping all over the place. As the minutes ticked by with nothing of the sort happening though - though a part of her wouldn’t have minded too much. Gwen finally let out a relieved sigh.

‘...can you talk?’

‘Can you talk?’ her clone mirrored back at her with a cheeky grin.

‘Right, that’s creepy as hell - does my voice really sound like that?’

‘Does my voice really sound like that?’

Gwen frowned. ‘This is going to get old, fast.’

Her clone’s grin widened. ‘I don’t know why you’re complaining, you’re going to go back in there and have fun with our man while I’m going to be sent on an errand.’

She didn’t know how she felt about…herself referring to Pete as…ours.

This is so goddamn weird. I can’t believe I’m doing all this just to see Pete squeal like a little girl.

‘Right,’ Gwen shook her head and grinned at her clone. ‘At least you’re not simple. Is the Symbiote AI running you?’

‘Shouldn’t you have thought about this before creating me? Mighty irresponsible of you…’

Gwen frowned when she realised she was being told off by her AI. Gwen spun the perfect copy of herself around and smacked her on the ass.

Wow. I really do have an amazing ass, huh? I’d totally fuck mysself…does that make me a narcissist?

‘It’s okay, I’d totally fuck you too.’

Gwen shuddered. ‘This is getting weird. Go pick up the tux and get us some breakfast, I’m gonna go make Pete squeal.’

‘Have fun bosslady. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!’ With a cheeky wave, the elevator doors shut between them and Gwen was once again alone in the hallway. She waited for a few more heartbeats, her clone’s signature and her own cloaked one now growing further apart as the elevator shot towards the ground floor.

Still nothing? It’s working!

With mounting excitement, Gwen ran to the end of the hall, turned invisible and crawled out through the window. She’d planned everything out, even opening the window to their room earlier so the drones that were waiting for her within wouldn’t notice when she returned early.

She ran along the outside of the building as easily as if it were the ground itself, stopping only when she reached the balcony of their own suite. She could hear the shower running and Pete’s tinny voice bouncing off the tiled walls as he sang.

Is that Celine Dion?

She had to stifle the giggle that threatened to spill out when she recognized the tune, the horrible acoustics making even that a struggle. It figured that the only music Pete would know would be from his sexy aunt’s collection.

That reminds me…God, I’m so curious what she sent me before deleting it! Gah, I wish I’d seen it!

Waiting for the air to blow the curtains open, Gwen hurriedly slipped inside, crawling along the ceiling before slipping into the bathroom.

The wide, excited smile on her face as she was finally - after years of trying - going to jump-scare Pete froze on her face as she drew closer. Her giddiness and childish glee was rapidly shifting to shock as her hearing overcame the terrible acoustics and she actually listened to Pete’s singing.

Pete always sang in the shower, but whenever she’d listened to him in the past, it had always been silly and over-the-top. Not tone deaf perse, but goofy, enough to always bring a smile to her face…

That was not what she heard now. Gwen dropped from the ceiling, her invisible eyes wide as Pete hit every note of It’s All Coming Back To Me Now as well as the famous singer ever could…if not better.

What the ever-living FUCK?!

As Gwen watched on in shock, she couldn’t help but be reminded of one of the most embarrassing and cringiest moments of her life. Back when she was sixteen, she’d tried auditioning for American Idol, but as good a drummer as she was…she was definitely no singer.

Gwen hadn’t known that at the time though, of course, or at least hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself. She’d roped Pete in to help her practise, and he had, bless his heart. She’d recalled singing Whitney Houston into the mic and the two of them listening over the travesty as she tried to improve. She remembered getting annoyed with Pete when his only advice had been to try matching the tone Whitney had been hitting with her own voice.

As if that were the easiest thing in the world.

Apparently for him… it was. And she had never known. He'd never even said anything!

Does he even KNOW how good a singer he is?! Oh my God, imagine if he doesn’t - imagine the look on MJ’s face!

Her smile widened as she sat up on the counter and just listened to Pete sing. He had a pair of waterproof earbuds on as he sang his heart out, his hands scrubbing his body with soap while he was assaulted on all sides by the luxurious shower jets. Gwen, naturally, had her phone out and was recording as the song reached its crescendo, her skin breaking out in goosebumps and her hair standing on end as Pete continued to hit every note of the power ballad perfectly.

Freddy Mercury, eat your heart out…

Gwen kept spying, marvelling at her man's unknowing performance and recording everything for later use - ideas for how she could use this to get him even more pussy percolating in her mind. She almost whined and stamped her feet like a petulant child when the song, and his shower, slowly came to an end.

I thought he’d be in the shower longer - he must be getting spammed notifications from Ms. Potts.

Then she remembered why she was here in the first place, and her smile turned positively devious.

Thinking on the best way to do this, Gwen approached her naked maestro boyfriend as he shut off the jets and started to dry himself with annoyed huff. With a careful application of will, she let out a silent breath and stopped suppressing her nanites' signature.

Pete instantly froze, the feeling of his girlfriend's signature coming from two directions having apparently stun-locked him.

In the same instant that she'd dropped her advanced cloaking technique, she wrapped her arms around Pete's damp body with an iron-clad grip - she wouldn't have Pete freaking out and falling over to seriously injure himself in his panic, ruining her fun - her smile widening as she purred in his ear.

'Hey baby…'

Gwen almost wept tears of joyous triumph as Pete flailed in her grasp, squealing in surprise like a little girl. Finally, finally, she'd done it.

In his defence, the apparently talented little shit recovered quickly.

'Natasha?' He gasped in faux shock after calming down and getting over his very real shock. 'You shouldn't be here! Gwen could be back any minute!'

Pete wasn't the only genius scientist from SI in Stockholm that week, he wasn't even the only one getting an award. S.H.I.E.L.D, while not officially a branch of Stark Industries, was one of its largest benefactors and beneficiaries, and thus, were just as concerned with the safety of the talent as Tony was.

Gwen had spied the agents all over the place since her arrival, though the detail on Pete himself had naturally lessened with her arrival. She'd even spied the stunning Natasha Romanov, her clever use of prosthetics not enough to fool Gwen's piercing and discerning gaze.

Gwen chuckled throatily in his ear before reaching around to grab his balls in a tight, but not crushing grip. 'I wish you had the balls to cheat on me with her,' she teased, squeezing a little tighter for emphasis. 'Maybe I'll tell her about your joke, then we can tie you up as a punishment and take turns fucking your cute little ass.'

Pete groaned and shivered at both her words and ministrations, his eyes were pointed in the direction of her clone though. She could only imagine the look of confusion on his face.

'You'll find out soon,' she promised. 'But first, why didn't you tell me you could sing?'

He froze again, for an entirely different reason. 'You hear me singing all the time,' he replied in a guarded and defensive tone.

Don't give me that shit!

She squeezed his balls again and he whimpered in equal parts pain and pleasure.

'Not like that, I don't,' she purred as he thrashed and writhed in her grasp. No matter how shredded and beefy her sexy man got, he'd never be able to overpower her.

That thought made her hornier than it probably should.

'I'm just singing like I normally do,' he almost pouted defensively, then hissed as she squeezed tighter.

'When you know I'm here, you sing like a clown. When you're alone, you sing like a genius,' she teased as she nibbled on his neck. 'How long have you been able to sing like that?'

He shrugged and Gwen had to suppress a chuckle as he grew in her grasp.

My masochistic little slut…

'I dunno, it's not like I practise or try,' he said defensively. 'I just match the pitch and tone of the person singing, it's not that hard…I guess I was try-harding a little…'

A tiny, insignificant, jealous part of Gwen was sorely tempted to smash his thick skull against the wall, but a much larger part of her found the entire situation utterly hilarious.

'Oh my God,' she gasped around her bellow of laughter. 'I can't wait to hear you say that to MJ after she hears you sing.'

Pete froze in her grasp anew. 'Never happening,' he said with an adorable, futile finality. 'I'd rather give those lectures again. While naked. At freezing temperatures while dancing a jig.'

Grinning wide, she placed her lips against his other ear, her hand stroking his painfully hard shaft. 'You're so cute when you disobey,' she purred, very much enjoying his full body shudder. Instead of stroking his shaft, she instead palmed the head of his dick and gripped it like it was a stick-shift, rubbing her palm over the sensitive tip and almost buckling his knees. 'It's also adorable that you think you need freezing temperatures for this little guy to embarrass you.'

Pete leaned into her embrace and whimpered at her touch and teasing, his breath coming in ragged pants as she shifted her grip again. She pinched the tip of his dick in a tweezer-like grip with her index finger and thumb and started to stroke him as if he actually had a tiny penis.

It was a relatively new development for Pete to get turned on from this kind of play, likely tied to his desire to see her slutty past exploits.

She figured as long as she balanced it out with boatloads of ego stroking, it was healthy enough. And hot.

It's not like you don't love how submissive he can be at times.

She kept playing with him and teasing his cock until he came with a shudder and grunt all over her hand. When she brought it up to his lips, her little studly slut licked his Mistress clean with relish.

After they'd both somewhat calmed down, Pete turned to her with wide eyes.

No, he's not looking at me, he's -

Her thoughts were interrupted by a confident knock at the door. Gwen’s smile widened. ‘Your tux is here,’ she informed him in a sing-song voice. In a daze, Pete allowed himself to be dragged by the hand out of the bathroom. She turned to face him as she slowly opened the door, her smile turning diabolical at the look on his face when he beheld her clone.

‘What…the actual fuck?’

Gwen cackled and her clone smirked knowingly, the suit bag held casually over her shoulder. ‘Hey Daddy. Bosslady. You gonna let me in?’

‘...Daddy?’ Pete asked weekly, his eyes still wide and gaping at the second Gwen.

When Gwen realised what was going on, however, she only cackled harder, the look on Pete’s disbelieving face too much.

You created the nanites - so, you’re her daddy,’ she teased and her clone just shrugged nonchalantly as Pete turned his incredulous stare back to her. When he started to mutter and massage his temples, both she and the clone laughed as Gwen ushered her inside.


The clone sat on the bed and watched them, it - her - eyes twinkling with mischief.

‘I really wanted to be able to jump-scare you,’ she started to explain, very much enjoying the look of bemusement on his face. ‘Figured just suppressing my nanites to stop them projecting to you would be…inadvisable, so I had a clone project the signal instead while I suppressed it in myself.’

He just stared at her in mute shock. ‘And you’ve been able to create clones for…how long?’

Gwen looked over at the clock hanging on the wall and shrugged, her grin stretching wide. ‘Oh, about twenty-seven minutes?’

Pete started to massage his temples again, trying to figure out how what she’d done was possible, no doubt. Gwen just went over to the suit bag and unzipped it, pulling out each item of clothing until her boyfriend finally stopped muttering to himself and noticed.

‘I’m not wearing that,’ he said, staring at her in disbelief.

Gwen barked out a laugh. It was honestly cute that he thought he had a choice in the matter.

Sure, she’d procured for him something non-traditional, but she knew he’d look incredible.

Instead of the incredibly boring, bland - though admittedly perfectly-fitted - tux Ms. Potts had arranged for him, Gwen had opted for something a little more exotic. Knowing his measurements by heart, she’d hurried off to the world-class tailor the concierge recommended and ordered for Pete a navy, velvet dinner jacket with matching bow-tie and slim-fit green and blue tartan slacks. She’d not bothered getting him a new shirt, the one from the original tux more than fine.

‘Put it on,’ she commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

He made to protest but she only raised her eyebrow, forestalling him and daring him to say something.

He let out a weary sigh and pouted.

‘You’re going to be the bad cop to our children, I can see it,’ he sulked and Gwen’s eyes widened, sucking in an excited breath at the promise in his words.

Gwen didn’t doubt where their relationship was headed, or that either of them felt any differently on the issue, but hearing him put words to it caused her cheeks to flush and her heart to almost beat out of her chest.

Judging by the cheeky smirk on her man’s lips, he knew the effect his words would have on her too.

Before he could take the jacket from her hands, she hooked her hand around his neck and pulled him close, capturing his lips in a heated, passionate kiss that stole both of their breaths.

When they finally pulled apart, both of their eyes shimmering with lust and…something more, the moment was spoiled when an incredibly familiar voice rudely butted in. ‘Hoh boy that was hot. Can I have a turn?’

Gwen barked out a laugh as Pete looked at the clone uncomfortably before snatching the rest of the suit and going to get changed.

‘Looks like he’s not comfortable with that yet, mini-me, but we can work on that,’ she teased, very much enjoying seeing Pete freeze at her words. Her clone, however, pouted at her.

‘There’s nothing mini about me, my ass is just as big as yours!’

Gwen chuckled and shrugged. ‘What should I call you then?’

‘Call me…Venom!’

‘I’m not calling you that.’

She laughed as the clone pouted again, crossing her arms in a huff.

I really am kinda hot, huh?

Gwen fantasised about what they could do to Pete and she felt herself shudder with desire.

That’ll be so hot!

Hearing Pete clear his throat to get their attention, they both turned to him and groaned at the sight. The suit fit him perfectly and he looked…so sexy. Gwen hopped over to the bedside table and fetched his tortoiseshell glasses before slipping them on and standing back to admire her work.

‘Wow Daddy…you look hot.’

‘Please stop calling me Daddy.’

‘She’s not wrong,’ Gwen teased, her voice lilting and tinged with amusement. With an application of will, she shifted into her dress for the evening and Pete’s eyes widened while her clone whistled appreciatively.

She was just as averse to wearing something plain and boring. She’d opted for an evening gown that looked to be a mashup of lace, velvet and sporting identical strips of the tartan pattern on Pete’s slacks. It looked both elegant, and still somehow punk-rock.

‘Wow,’ Pete said, eyeing her appreciatively. ‘You look…wow.’

‘Not so bad yourself,’ she teased, straightening his bowtie and humming in approval. She threw her phone to her clone and, without either of them having to be told, Pete straightened up and pulled her close while the clone held the camera at the ready, ready to take a photo.

Later, Pete begged off to run some errands before his big night, apologising for needing to leave her alone for a couple of hours.

He made up for that though by booking her a massage, and when she saw the big, hunky Swede step into their room with a portable massage table, she promised she would reward her boyfriend later that night…handsomely.

Gwen groaned as the huge man rubbed oil into her muscles, her face staring at her phone through the face hole in the table. The masseuse had blushed and stuttered adorably when she hadn’t bothered with a towel and instead hopped up on the table completely naked.

Once upon a time, that impressive, prominent bulge in his white slacks would have promised a fun time. Unfortunately for the young man though, she wasn’t single anymore, and she was rather engrossed with her phone - even if his massage felt heavenly.

May sent back dozens of love-heart-eye emojis in response to the pic of both Pete and her in their outfits for the evening.

- You two look so gorgeous!

Gwen grinned and sent back a winky-face emoji.

Gwen’s eyes then widened as she was struck by a bout of cheeky, sinful inspiration.

Sorry Pete, I’ll make this up to you later, I promise.

Her fingers flew across her touch screen in her excitement as she made her offer.

-  have something I GUARANTEE you’d want to see even more - but it’s not free…

Gwen watched the dancing ellipses as May typed her response. When all she got though was a pleading-face emoji, she giggled - the giggle turned into an appreciative groan as Sven started kneading her glutes.

She secretly smirked, knowing damn-well Pete was watching everything through the cameras in his drones. She hoped he wasn’t in any important meetings as the handsome young man fondled her ass - his girl’s ass…

When Gwen didn’t budge after the pleading-face emoji, nor respond, she laughed as the ellipses started dancing again.

- What do you want, you meanie?

Chuckling, Gwen typed out her response, her eyes shining with greed.

- I want to see the pic you deleted in our chat earlier.

Gwen laughed as the ellipses stopped and started again and again. Eventually, May settled for sending her a hot-face emoji.

Why are boomers so in love with emojis?

She followed it up with a message.

- How do I even know what you’re offering is worth it?

Gwen didn’t even hesitate.

- I swear on Pete and our relationship that you’ll NOT be disappointed. Trust me, you know I wouldn’t swear on that lightly

After an entire minute of silence, May finally responded.

- This is so much more embarrassing when I’m not in the heat of the moment - I can’t believe I even took this picture! You’re a terrible influence on me!

Gwen chuckled and sent a reply.

- I don’t hear you complaining. Or Ben.

May sent her several cry-laughing emojis.

- Ben wants to build a shrine in your honour. He already worshipped you for making Pete happy…getting me to act all slutty again is just the cherry on top

She capped the message with several devil-face emojis. Of course.

Gwen didn’t respond, feeling May was on the verge of breaking.

And break…she gloriously did.

When the picture came through it took Gwen’s breath away. There was nothing tasteful or obscured in this pic. May was naked, her face and chest flush and her big, beautiful tits hanging free as she rode Ben reverse cowgirl, her phone pointed at the mirror so she could snap a pic.

What shocked her even more wasn’t the view of May’s naked upper half, but her utterly exposed lower-half too. The pic unashamedly showed off Ben’s girthy cock buried deep in her gaping, fucked-raw womanhood.

Sorry Pete, I’m definitely Lewding Aunt May…


May only sent back rows upon rows of embarrassed face emojis.

- A promise is a promise.

With a cheeky grin, Gwen sent the clip of Pete singing like a pro in the shower.

- I think your taste in music rubbed off on him…

May didn’t reply immediately, and Gwen lost herself in the feeling of Sven - not his name, but he didn’t give it so that’s what she called him - running his glorious hands up and down her thighs.

- OMG.

Gwen grinned when May’s message came through.

- Right?

- OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s better than Celine! SINCE WHEN?!?!?!?!?

- Tell me about it. At least you’re not in a band, talk about humbling…

Gwen grinned smugly. Pete would absolutely die from embarrassment if he knew his aunt had seen his performance.

As Gwen pulled up the pic of May fucking Ben though, she moaned sultrily - a combination of the highly erotic pic and Sven rubbing the inside of her thigh.

Totally worth it.


Ike Vann

Is Ben aware of May and Gwen exchanging sex pics with each other? And what would Peter's reaction be to this?


He's aware she's taking photos, he's unaware she's sharing them with Gwen. I'm unsure if I'll have Pete find out or in what context, but he'll be mortified. There'll be no ToS breaking things in this story, lol...


Been super busy and unable to read fanfic lately, but finally catching up. This was really good. Never thought of Aunt May like that but can't deny it was hot. Also, I really liked the scene where she's reading the comments and stuff from MJs OnlyFans to him. It was hot and funny.


If the MCU did anything, it was forever change Aunt May to be Marissa Tomei in my mind, lol