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Chapter 12

Pete watched as the SI private jet finished taxiing on the runway. A product of their aerospace division, the small aircraft could comfortably and gradually reach hypersonic speeds without putting the pilots and passengers under any undue stress.

It made the normally eight hour flight between New York and Stockholm take only an hour.

The inertial dampeners are far more impressive than the engines…

Pete smiled as he watched Gwen disembark, her eyes wide as she gaped at her surroundings. Her enthusiasm was adorable, though to be fair, it was her first time out of the country - as a tourist, anyway.

She looked great in her leather jacket and skinny jeans - after a week apart, he very much enjoyed the opportunity to gaze at her perfect ass once more to his heart’s content. Her jeans were very punk rock, with tears all over the place, there was one right on her ass cheek that he found particularly interesting…

An amused snort from his driver knocked him out of his reverie real quick, sending the man a mock-dirty look, he grinned bashfully before turning back to his girl.

When Gwen saw him, her eyes lit up with joy. Dropping her luggage, she bounded towards him, her arms outstretched and her face split with a wide, excited smile. He laughed and spun as she flew into his arms, her lips meeting his as they made out in front of the amused pilots and driver.

When they finally pulled apart, their faces only inches apart, Pete gently pressed his forehead against hers. ‘It’s only been a week, you weirdo. You’re acting like I went off to war…’

‘Oh?’ Gwen replied with a raised brow. ‘You haven’t missed me as much as I’ve missed you? I see how it is…’

Pete tilted his head from side to side, a grin tugging at his lips at her adorable pout. ‘Maybe a little,’ he conceded. ‘Though you should see the girls they hire as masseuses here - all of them are tens.’

His teasing quickly backfired as Gwen’s eyes flashed with lust. She groaned, grinding her nethers against him and giggled as heat suffused his cheeks. ‘Mmm, maybe we should get a couple’s massage?’

Laughing, Pete shook his head and carried Gwen over to the awaiting car, the driver having already collected her bag and put it in the trunk.

‘What’s even in the bag?’ he asked in confusion. ‘You don’t need to pack clothes…’

He regretted the question almost the instant it passed his lips as Gwen’s eyes flashed with mischief. Not even giving a thought to lowering her voice, she grinned and answered with a shrug. ‘It’s all sex toys. Your little slut is horny.’

She cackled as his cheeks flushed and the driver coughed into his hand, clearly not expecting such a respected scientist - a man in Sweden to receive a Nobel prize - to have such a… forward girlfriend.

Getting over his embarrassment rather quickly - his excitement at being with his girl again after a week apart trumping all - they got comfortable as the driver got over his shock and drove them to the hotel.

‘So,’ Gwen asked, her arms wrapped around his waist and snuggling into his side. ‘How’s this week been for you, mister Big Shot?’

Pete closed his eyes and sighed wearily, curling Gwen’s long bang around his finger as he reminisced on the week that was. ‘Awkward. Embarrassing. Possibly feeling a bit of that imposter syndrome? When I saw who’d turned up for the lecture I nearly had a heart attack.’

‘If it makes you feel better, it didn’t look like you were shitting yourself,’ Gwen consoled, her hand slipping into his shirt and tracing the lines of his abs. ‘Remind me to thank whoever dressed you - you looked so sexy on that stage.’

Pete blushed but couldn’t help feeling touched that Gwen had taken the time to watch a two-hour long lecture he knew must have been incredibly dry and boring. ‘Send the flowers to Ms Potts - she said something about not looking like a hobo in front of the world - you watched my lecture?’

‘Of course,’ she said matter-of-factly, looking up at him with a smile. ‘You think I’d miss your big moment? So, who turned up that had you shaking in your Timbs?’

Sighing, he felt his gut churn as he remembered the exalted guest list, their fascinated and awed faces as he talked about his nanites permanently imprinted on his mind. ‘Reed Richards, Curt Connors, Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, Moira MacTaggert -’

Gwen snorted. ‘Did you memorise the guest list?’

Pete chuckled. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever forget it…’

Gwen squeezed him tighter. ‘Well you were awesome. Probably. I had no idea what you were talking about.’

Pete shook his head and chuckled. She exaggerated, while Gwen was no scientist, she was no dummy either. He was sure she could follow along just fine… provided she stayed awake.

‘After that it’s just been one meeting after the next. Ms Potts had me booked around the clock so I could schmooze and have my ass-kissed by a bunch of world leaders and celebrities…’

Gwen frowned and sighed. ‘That…sounds horrible.’

Pete sighed, disengaging from Gwen so he could lay down along the backseat, his head in her lap. ‘You’ve got no idea…’

‘Poor baby,’ Gwen cooed, baby talking him as she ran her hand through his hair, her powerful fingers massaging his scalp. Honestly, she could condescend to him all she wanted as long as she kept doing that. ‘Well, we’ve got a few days until the award ceremony - what’s the plan until then?’

‘I’ve got a few things planned,’ he teased, popping open an eye and grinning up at his suddenly very interested girlfriend. While he hadn’t mastered the naughty look like Gwen had, he was sure he got his meaning across just fine. ‘But other than that? A whole lot of nothing - honestly, I’d be happy with just some chill sightseeing and maybe cuddling in bed…’

Her eyes flashed with curiosity and desire. She upped the intensity of her massage, trying to bend him to her will. ‘What things have you planned?’

He grabbed her hand and, with a grin, kissed her wrist. ‘It’s a surprise.’

He chuckled at her pout.


After dropping Gwen’s luggage off at the, frankly, ludicrously opulent hotel he was staying at - with stunning views of Stockholm out their window - Pete dressed in cold-weather hiking clothes and told Gwen to do the same.

‘Hiking sounds fun, I’ve heard Sweden is beautiful this time of year,’ Gwen said in an attempted earnest tone. Pete fought with everything he had to keep the smirk off his face, his girl having failed to fully mask her disappointment.

He didn’t doubt she had fantasies of him being balls deep in her already, but he had…other plans.

Plans he knew she would be very down for.

When the concierge learned they were going for a hike out of the city, they handed him keys to an incredibly fine looking Mercedes SUV with tires suited to the weather, no questions asked. Gwen looked around, her eyebrows raised, genuinely impressed by the luscious interior and his apparent treatment by the staff.

Pete shrugged and smiled, abashed. ‘You get used to it, you should see the other scientists staying here - it’s, like, nonstop hookers and booze.’

Gwen grinned. ‘Oh? Sounds like fun.’

Pete rolled his eyes and poked her in the ribs. ‘Don’t diss nature, now get in.’

The place they were going to was a good forty minute drive out of the city, a popular-ish hiking trail in a gorgeous forest, but one mostly devoid of tourists. He’d been given the coordinates by the concierge, and promised it would be exactly what he was after.

Pete had done more driving in his weeklong trip in Sweden than he had his entire life living in NYC post being cured. He figured he’d miss it when he returned.

Maybe it’s time I get a full racing sim rig set up…

With one hand on the steering wheel as they drove along the winding roads, his other hand linked with Gwen’s, he endured a bit of her trying to tease out his plans, but otherwise settled into a companionable silence. Gwen marvelled at the picturesque scenery they drove by - Sweden this time of year looked like a winter wonderland, but the sky was crystal clear and the sun bathed everything in its brilliance - and Pete just took comfort in her presence.

Towards the end of their trip, the steadily inclining road disappeared into a gorgeous forest filled with snow-capped evergreen trees and, quickly after, they found both the start of the trail and a parking lot. He grinned at the look of disappointment on Gwen’s face when she saw how full the lot was - despite it apparently not being a tourist trap, it seemed the trail was rather popular.

She’d clearly hoped for something more private and intimate.

Sometimes, it was good that he knew her better than she knew herself.

‘Shame,’ she pouted, turning her frown upside-down and smiling at him. ‘I was hoping we could disappear somewhere with a bit more…privacy,’ she teased, leaning up on her tip-toes and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him tenderly on the lips.

When she pulled back, she was surprised by the mischievous look in his eyes. ‘I don’t think you mean that.’

And with that mysterious comment, he turned and headed towards the big, wooden archway that signified the beginning of the trail. Despite the dozens of cars, the place was rather empty, the hikers already on the path into the forest.

As he reached the archway, Pete turned back to her with a grin, his hands in his pockets. Gwen almost ran into him at his abrupt halting. ‘Do you want to know what I learned in my short time staying in this city?’

‘Go on…’ Gwen encouraged, eager to see where he was going.

‘Those hookers I was telling you about earlier? They marched through the lobby with their heads held high, not a hint of shame - it was then that I realised the Swedes have a very different attitude towards all things sexual. No one even batted an eye.’

Gwen chuckled. ‘Hot, but how’s that relevant?’

Pete’s grin grew wide. ‘Dematerialise your clothes - everything but your shoes.’

Whatever she’d been expecting him to say, it had clearly not been that. Gwen sucked in a breath and froze, her eyes wide with both excitement and trepidation.

Everything?’ she reiterated, her pupils dilating and her breath quickening. ‘Here?’

Now,’ Pete said in as authoritative a tone as he could manage. He definitely sounded lame, like a porn actor trying to sound serious, but whatever he thought of his performance, Gwen didn’t seem to mind. Her grin splitting her face, she bit her lip and willed everything away except for her beanie and boots with only the slightest bit of hesitation.

It was a relatively warm fifty degrees for a Swedish winter, so Gwen hardly blinked at the cold air, even if her pierced nipples instantly pebbled and goosebumps pricked her skin.

Pete inhaled deeply through his nose at the sight of her, his eyes trailing all over her glorious body. Gwen’s smile only grew as the silence stretched between them, Pete using every bit of his willpower to not scrap his stupid plans and bend her over right there.

Finally, he pulled a very familiar set of chains and tiny clamps.

It was his turn to grin as Gwen whined at the sight of them, her eyes filled with need. ‘Show me your collar, slut.’

Whimpering, she bit her lip and willed a black leather collar around her throat, the words ‘Daddy’s Little Slut’ stylishly embroidered on the soft material. Pete quickly clipped the only chain without a clamp onto the collar and affixed the clamps on her nipples and clit.

Before he could even finish with her little outfit, they heard the crunching of boots on gravel heading their way from the trail. Gwen froze but Pete acted utterly unconcerned, despite his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest.

He was tightening the clamps on her right nipple when two people came from around the bend. They were an older stereotypical Swedish couple, maybe in their sixties, and while both of their eyes widened at the sight of Gwen, that was the extent of their reaction.

When the woman’s only issue was that it was rather cold for such activities, both Gwen and Pete dissolved into a fit of giggles. Thanking her for her concern, they assured the couple she would be fine and they hurried off, walking much more closely than they had been before.

After shooting one final, admiring glance over their shoulders, they hurried into their car and sped off.

‘He’s getting fucked tonight,’ Gwen joked before moaning as Pete continued tightening the clamps.

‘He’s not the only one,’ Pete teased and Gwen let out a shuddering breath, her eyes molten with desire.

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this,’ she wheezed, all but panting with need. He’d toyed with the idea of taking her to some kind of nudist thing, or even the couple’s massage she’d teased at, but he knew his girl. She’d enjoy places that advocated or necessitated nudity just fine, but taking her some place where that wasn’t expected and forcing her to go nude?

That would turn her on like crazy.

And so it proved. As he knelt down to tighten her clit clamp, he could see her lips moisten, beads of her juices starting to trickle down her incredible thigh.

‘You…’ Gwen wheezed, her tone deep and her eyes heavily lidded. ‘You’re getting so lucky tonight, Stud.’

‘Why wait until tonight?’ Pete teased, tightening her clamp until her knees almost gave out and standing to take her hand. With a tilt of his head towards the path, he grinned as they heard another few sets of boots crunching on the gravel. ‘Let’s go.’

For a reason other than the cold, Gwen’s entire body shuddered but she was quick to hurry after him, wrapping her arms around his and hugging it against her naked body.

Pete resisted the urge to pat himself on the back too readily, but yes, this was a rather perfect start to their first holiday together as a couple.


They’d lost count of the number of people they’d passed on their hike, and aside from several people genuinely concerned for her health - all of them quickly assuaged when they assured them she was enhanced - most just looked at her with surprise and desire. Each time Gwen caught a lingering stare at her naked body, or her kinky clamps, he could feel her vibrate next to him with pent-up lust.

Soon babe, just hold on a little longer…

‘This…this is the hottest thing we’ve ever done,’ Gwen all-but wheezed out as the latest group of hikers passed them in the opposite direction. She leaned up to plant a thankful kiss on his cheek and he quickly turned his head so he could meet her lips instead. They moaned into each other’s mouths as they lost themselves in their passion before finally pulling away.

‘The day’s still young’ Pete teased, his forehead pressed against Gwen’s and earning another whimper from her.

When the trees parted and they happened upon a clearing with a gorgeous, crystal-clear lake being fed by a beautiful waterfall, Pete pulled her off the trail and led her towards a large rock with a ten foot, flat, snow-capped top.

Pete flipped his backpack off his shoulders, Gwen watching him with rapt attention. When she saw him pull out his camera and tripod, she whimpered. ‘Oh Jesus Christ,’ she moaned, understanding what he wanted.

‘This is the perfect spot,’ Pete observed, ignoring his panting girlfriend. ‘The lighting is immaculate and the scenery almost as gorgeous as you,’ he teased, sending her a cheesy wink. Gwen was too turned on to do anything but stare at him, wide-eyed. ‘Guys, get rid of the snow on the rock.’

Gwen watched, her eyebrows raised as her guardian drones dropped their cloaks and started bombarding the large rock with invisible infrared lasers that caused the air to shimmer and the snow to stark sizzling and melting.

Within a minute, not only had all the snow disappeared, but the rock was now steaming and warm to the touch. Pete stored away that little factoid for later - it might be a sexy idea to try back at home during the winter.

Gwen just watched him as he slowly dialled in the settings of his camera, her pussy throbbing with need and a whimper escaping her lips every time he looked up at her and grinned. She was rubbing her muscular thighs together, clearly wanting to touch herself but holding back.

‘I’ve gotta admit,’ she wheezed. ‘Foreplay by camera is really working for me,’ she joked, the undercurrents of pleading in her tone causing him to throb in his jeans.

Pete looked up at her with a cheeky grin, slowly and sensuously extending the leg of his tripod until it locked into place with a satisfying, mechanical click. Gwen bit her lip to hide her grin and moaned theatrically.

‘Mm Stud,’ she teased, biting her lip and sounding as sexy as possible. ‘Lock that leg in place.’

Pete chuckled and Gwen groaned as she finally leaned against the warm rock. ‘Oh wow,’ she gasped, hopping up and laying against the gloriously steaming stone. ‘This feels incredible.’

Gwen luxuriated in the warmth from the still-steaming stone and the sun’s rays above. While she wasn’t affected by the cold as much as normal humans were, Pete didn’t doubt that she was enjoying the warmth against her muscles just as much as he would.

The look on her face as she absorbed as much of the heat as her body would allow was just…beautiful. Pete, his camera in hand, made sure to immortalise her rapturous expression. Aside from pausing briefly at the sound of his camera, Gwen didn’t otherwise react. She’d modelled for him before - in far less intimate settings for her alias’ socials, to be fair - she knew that he preferred her to act naturally and let him do all the work.

Pete circled the rock, capturing pics of Gwen at every angle. He chuckled every time he heard boots on gravel, each instance, without fail, ripping a wanton moan out of his girl’s throat.

Eventually, she sat up and turned her muscular back to him so she could gaze out at the waterfall and the beautiful lake that it fed into. Pete didn’t fail to notice her shudder as she peeped the voyeurs who hadn’t just walked on by, but instead stayed to watch the show.

These were some of Pete’s favourite photos. They were tasteful nudes, the clamps hidden and Gwen’s athletic, goddess-like figure laid out gracefully to him as he captured it and the beautiful backdrop with each snap.

He would blow these up and hang them on his wall. Gwen would like that, especially when they had regular guests over to see them.

Eventually, she finally acknowledged the camera and turned to him, leaned back on her elbows and spreading her legs so he had a clear shot of not only her pussy, but her entire, chiselled physique as she tensed her core muscles and looked off into the distance, her bang flowing in the cool wind.

These…far less tasteful nudes…he’d hang up in the bedroom.

He particularly liked how the chains glittered in the sun.

Pete slowly circled, getting more intimate and close-up shots of her body while his girl panted, her eyes constantly flickering towards their growing audience. Looking over his shoulder, he spied two couples - one young and one older - and a group of four young men watching them with varying degrees of awe and appreciation.

When he spied two from the group of young men filming on their phones, he turned back to his girl with a raised brow. ‘I can have the drones delete the footage?’

‘Don’t,’ Gwen gasped, her eyes alight with desire. ‘Let them keep it.’

‘You just get off on the thought of them jerking-off to you,’ he teased and laughed when Gwen moaned in the affirmative, not even thinking of denying the obvious truth.

His chuckles dying down, Pete kept snapping away as Gwen alternated poses. He was having a constant battle in his mind over which ones he wanted to blow up and hang on his wall in the new place he was thinking about getting.

Eventually, the older couple left in a fit of giggles, looking positively frisky and unable to keep their hands off each other.

‘Pete,’ Gwen interrupted his snapping in a leading tone. He did his best to hide his grin. ‘This has been…magical…’

‘Buuut?’ he teased, a cheeky grin on his face, a grin Gwen returned somewhat bashfully.

She sat up, supporting her weight on her arm and looking at him with desire. She’d taken off the clamps as they’d genuinely started to cause discomfort, and despite how much he loved them on her, he couldn’t deny he preferred her in all her natural splendour.

‘I need you to fuck me. Now.’

Gwen had clearly thought he’d put up some kind of resistance. He wasn’t enhanced, like her, and would be much more affected by the cold. He also wasn’t an exhibitionist slut like her.

‘Honestly, I’m a little surprised you lasted this long,’ Pete teased and instead of backing down, he set his camera on the tripod and hit the record button. Gwen visibly swallowed as she saw the red light blink on and he started to undress.

While he was mindful of their audience, and still a little shy, he was just as turned on as Gwen. He also knew how much fucking in front of strangers turned her on.

And what turned Gwen on turned him on.

‘I love you so fucking much,’ Gwen panted out with need, her eyes devouring him as he quickly undressed. Pete tried not to think about who he was showing his bare ass to, and instead used the cold air to focus. The drones were bombarding the rock with more IR lasers, so as he approached, he sighed as the warmth took the edge off the chill.

‘You’re a terrible influence on me,’ he said, his teeth still chattering in the cold as Gwen yanked him up and pulled him into a passionate embrace, her body and the rock providing more than enough warmth to keep lil’ Pete from running screaming back up into his body.

Gwen palmed the side of his face and brought him into a heated kiss so passionate it took his breath away, their bodies pressed together and leeching off each other’s desire. When Gwen pulled away, she looked over his shoulder and giggled.

‘What?’ Pete asked, sounding just as breathless as her.

‘The boys, they look disappointed,’ she said with a sultry giggle. ‘They must have thought you were just my cameraman.’

Pete made sure to not look and confirm, if he did he was worried he’d chicken out. ‘Your cameraman, huh?’ he said, pecking her on the lips. ‘Let’s disabuse them of that notion.’

They went back to kissing, their hands exploring each other’s bodies while the heat radiating from the rock kept them soothed and comfortable. Eventually, Gwen laid him flat and straddled him, his feet and her ass pointed at their voyeurs and the still recording camera. She kissed his neck while kneading his pecs and Pete focused on massaging her toned ass, spreading her cheeks for the camera and the onlookers.

When Gwen pulled back, grinning down at him while grinding her crotch into his abs, she chuckled sultrily at his flushed cheeks and smiled lovingly at him. ‘What are you thinking?’

Pete chuffed. ‘I’m thinking there’s a group of strangers wanting to look at your amazing ass but are having the view spoiled by my ball-sack.’

Gwen chuckled throatily before shrugging, biting her lip sexily. ‘I dunno, I like your balls.’

Before Pete could utter a reply, Gwen winked naughtily at him and spun around in place, her ass now in his face and her hair tickling his nethers. He groaned as she nuzzled his dick, running her tongue up and down his shaft while playing with the balls she professed to quite liking.

At his appreciative groan, his girl chuckled then bent down lower and took one of his aching balls into her deliciously warm mouth.

Not wanting to ignore Gwen, Pete wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her pussy right up to his face. He slid his tongue along her glistening lips while his fingers played with her puckering rosebud. The delighted groan she rewarded him with provided a delicious feedback loop of pleasure as the vibrations in his nethers sent his spine tingling.

He wondered what Gwen was seeing, now directly facing their audience with his dick in her mouth and a recording camera capturing everything. She must have liked whatever it was because she only lasted for a few minutes before she spun around and mounted him in one movement, their joint moans echoing in the clearing as his thick cock speared her.

‘Two of the guys are jerking off,’ Gwen reported, her eyes dark with lust as she ground and gyrated against him. ‘The couple are feeling each other up.’

‘You’re a bad influence on everyone,’ Pete replied, his tone strained as he struggled to not cum instantly after going a whole week without.

Gwen barked out a throaty laugh and bit her lip. She leaned down so their foreheads were almost touching, her eyes bright with emotion. ‘I didn’t like being away from you for a week.’

Seeing the seriousness in her eyes, Pete tamped down the urge to snap off a jokey reply. He smiled, his hands caressing her ass and his forehead pressed against hers. ‘I missed you,’ he admitted shyly. ‘I can’t sleep properly if you’re not in bed with me…’

Gwen’s eyes softened as she looked to melt at his words. ‘Me either,’ she confessed, flexing her kegel muscles to grip his shaft tighter. ‘If I wasn’t doing Spidey stuff, I was watching our old videos to feel less lonely.’

They kissed again, this time it was slow, sensual and conveyed their feelings much better than their frantic attempts earlier had done. When they pulled apart, Pete gave her ass a sharp spank and grinned when she yipped adorably. ‘We’re such dorks.’

‘Don’t sell yourself short,’ Gwen teased with a grin and a shrug, her gyrations driving him wild. ‘Do dorks bring their smoking-hot girlfriends on a nudist hiking trips in foreign lands and then fuck them in front of a group of strangers?’

Pete shuddered at the reminder of the strangers he couldn’t see and smiled shakily. ‘You only live once, right?’

Gwen leaned back and moaned lustily in approval, her pussy grinding against him and clenching his shaft in a tight grip. Pete watched her body undulate, mesmerised by the hypnotic dance before he reached up to capture one of her pebbled nipples in his mouth, his tongue flicking the barbell piercing.

He was finally able to see over her shoulder. Of the group of guys, two were filming them while two had their cocks out, stroking unashamedly. The couple had moved behind a tree, still in line-of-sight of them but shielded from the other voyeurs. The young woman had pulled her beau’s jeans down to his knees and was eagerly sucking him off while they both watched them with wide eyes.

I wonder if they’re more stunned by the sex or the drones heating up the rock…

Gwen, noticing his split attention, looked over her shoulder and groaned at the sight, her gyrations growing more urgent as she raced towards her orgasm.

‘I can’t believe they’re just jacking off,’ Gwen chuffed as she turned back to him, her eyes wild with lust.

Pete laughed, kissing her collarbone and squeezing her ass. ‘You can’t be serious.’

Gwen closed her eyes, biting her lip to muffle her chuckle, ‘This is all so crazy.’

‘Did you like what you saw, you little slut?’

‘No Daddy,’ Gwen moaned, her eyes still closed as she switched from gyrating to sliding up and down his shaft, her pussy gripping him like a vice.When she next opened them, her crystal-blue eyes were twinkling with mischief and she was grinning. ‘They’re all small, just like you - oooooooh!’

She’d barely finished her tease when Pete spanked her as hard as he could, ripping a squeal and groan from his super-powered girlfriend.

‘Is that right?’ he growled, before leaving a hickey that rapidly healed on her collarbone.

So annoying…

‘Would it be different if they were hung like your ex?’ he followed up, his teeth clenched as he helped her bounce on his cock. Gwen’s eyes snapped open and looked down at him with a complicated, but not unkind expression. He was fishing, he wondered if she’d take the bait.

Gwen closed her eyes again and moaned wantonly, a cheeky smile blossoming on her face. ‘If any of them were hung like Derek, I’d call them over,’ she huffed, her cheeks and chest flushing with desire. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and he almost gasped at the raw lust shining in their crystalline depths. ‘I’d call them over and I’d suck that big, fat cock while I fucked you.’

She squealed and groaned when he spanked her again, but he couldn’t deny the excited thrill that shot through his body at her words. ‘You’d do that? You’d rub his superior size in my face like that? You’re such a slutty little bitch!’

Gwen screwed her eyes shut and shuddered. ‘I’m the worst girlfriend ever!’

Pete groaned, burying his face in her chest and holding her close as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching. ‘I… don’t think I could handle that,’ he admitted as a dirty thought came to mind. He pulled back and looked into Gwen’s sympathetic, understanding eyes as she smiled at him lovingly. Grinning, he gripped her ass cheeks and spread them as wide as he could manage. ‘He’d have to put it in your ass so I couldn’t - see - it!

With the final exclamation, he hilted himself in his girlfriend and came with a roar. Gwen, not having expected the naughty comment, shuddered and groaned, her eyes screwing shut as she followed him over the edge.

Once the waves of euphoria had died down, Pete opened his eyes to see Gwen smiling down at him, her eyes shining with love. He felt his guts churn as he remembered what he’d said in his orgasmic haze but refused to take it back and ruin the moment.

As if reading his thoughts, Gwen smiled at him in understanding and placed a tender kiss on his lips, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she sat in his lap. ‘Shh, I know.’

He returned the kiss, his passion and gratitude hopefully being conveyed through their passionate embrace. They lost track of time like that, and didn’t snap out of it until his camera warned them that it had run out of memory.

As if remembering where they were, they looked around, surprised to see an entirely new group of hikers loitering about and watching them with wide eyes.

Slowly, Gwen pushed him back down so he was lying back on the wonderfully heated rock. ‘What now?’ she teased, her gyrating hips bringing him back to life. ‘That’s going to be a tough act to follow, and I only just got here…’

Pete chuckled weakly. Looking up at Gwen, her torso backlit by the glowing sun, she looked like a goddess. ‘I figured we’d have another round, then we’d hike back with my cum leaking out of you - then we can take it from there.’

Gwen shuddered as her gyrations picked up speed. ‘Mmm, sounds awkward and uncomfortable - I love it.’

Pete grunted, planting his feet on the stone for better thrusting leverage.

‘I hope you didn’t do something stupid like make a reservation at some flashy restaurant tonight?’

Pete chuckled. ‘The only reservation I made is in our hotel suite.’

‘Ooh,’ Gwen purred, her eyes shining with mischief. ‘Did you book me a big, hunky, Swedish masseuse?’

She squealed and cackled when he gave her another harsh spank before groaning into his mouth when he leaned up to capture her lips in a heated, passionate kiss. When he pulled away he pressed his forehead to his girlfriend’s and they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Gwen sighed theatrically, a grin tugging at the corner of her lips. ‘I guess you’ll do.’

She squealed and laughed in tortured glee as he started to relentlessly tickle her.



Super cute and very romantic. Peter's last comment was incredibly hot