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Chapter 11

‘It feels like the only time you come to see me these days is when you want something from me,’ Tony said dryly as he leaned back in his chair and eyed Peter across the vast expanse of his desk.

While everyone knew him as Ironman - world renowned Avenger and protector of Earth - Tony spent as much, if not more time doing his day job, running Stark Industries.

Well, Miss Potts does most of the running, but he’s still here…

Pete couldn’t help but cringe though. He’d been called out and his mentor wasn’t exactly wrong. Still, time for the upsell…

‘Actually, it’s about what I can do for you!’ He even used his best salesman voice to really butter him up.

‘Please don’t do that ever again.’

He coughed into his hand, looking embarrassed. ‘Right, well, er, what was it you were bitching -’ Seeing the man narrow his eyes, he quickly course-corrected - ‘I mean, manfully and rightfully commiserating over the other day?’

Tony smirked and looked pleased by the correction but then frowned, his jaw tightening when he realised what his protege was talking about. ‘Kiddo - there’s two things one does not bring up in polite conversation, the Holocaust and Audi discontinuing the R8 line of supercars.’

Pete matched his serious look, desperately trying to smother his grin. ‘Of course, apologies.’

‘You’d think the Germans were done with the atrocities, but nooo.’

As amusing as it was to see Tony pouting like a horrifically politically-incorrect child, he did have a higher purpose for this meeting.

‘Right, well, I happened to get in contact with some of the lead engineers over there to ask why -’

‘I know why,’ Tony snapped, swivelling in his luxurious chair and pouting some more. ‘The future is electric and all that progressive bullshit - no appreciation for beauty, the Germans. Is that why you’re here, to rub salt in the wounds?’

‘No,’ Pete continued, smothering his grin. ‘Did they at least share with you their concept for what the next model was going to be?’

Tony just rolled his eyes, spinning away to look out over Manhattan through his floor to ceiling window-wall - Pete used to find the view a little nauseating. Then Gwen had taken him on a little ride and suddenly heights were a lot less scary. ‘Why would I even care? It’s not like they’ll make it,’ he said, looking back at Pete. ‘Believe me, I tried.’

‘Mm,’ Pete nodded appreciatively, steeping his fingers to hide the grin that finally slipped out. ‘Well, they must like me, because when I asked, I may have gotten some blueprints…’

Tony froze, then turned back to him slowly, his eyes narrowed. ‘Is that what’s in those boxes in your office?’

Pete wasn’t the least bit surprised that Tony knew about them - he didn't dare think about what other things he might have seen going on in his office. He really hoped Karen had sorted that out or he might never be able to look his mentor in the eye again. ‘Not quite.’

With a thrill of excitement, Pete sent a mental command to the nanites stored in those very boxes. Tony’s eyebrows rose when, after several moments of tense silence, streams of black miasmic clouds started oozing out of the vents and collecting in the large, empty space in the middle of his office. The writhing mass coalesced and condensed into the vague shape of an automobile, growing more and more dense until a chasse solidified - but the nanites didn’t stop coming.

Tony watched on with wide eyes as an unreleased supercar was built right before his eyes, using Pete’s nanites alone. When the show was complete, a brand new, red and gold beast of a car sat in the space.

Tony opened his mouth, then shut it as he abruptly stood and made his way over to it, running his hand lovingly over the rear window and gazing at the beastly V10 engine within.

‘This…this is real?’

Grinning, Pete tossed Tony the keyfob and almost laughed as the manchild clutched it to his chest as if it were his precious child. Rushing into the driver’s seat, he hopped in and pressed the ignition, his groan of bliss completely drowned out by the engine roaring to life.

As Tony revved the engine, Pete reminisced on how painless it had been to get the specs from the lead engineer - the man’s mother had been saved by his nanites, he’d all but fallen over himself to get him whatever he wanted.

Sometimes being a celebrity scientist has its perks, I guess…

Leaving the engine idling, Tony opened the rear hatch and gazed at the inner workings lovingly. Peter approached and stood beside him, a smug grin on his face as Tony continued to marvel at the car - very much reminiscent of a kid at Christmas.

‘What is this?’ Tony asked, proving true his ethos of not looking over his employee’s shoulders and spying on their work.

‘Similar concept to Gwen’s suit. The nanites can break down anything into base materials and reproduce. They can also fundamentally alter their makeup and reform into…well, anything.’

Pete reached in his pocket and pulled out an ingot of Vibranium, the man’s eyes widening in shock as he bounced the light, blue-tinged metal in his hand before handing it to him with a grin.

Tony’s eyes started flashing as he analysed the tiny, world-changing political hot potato in his hands.

When the man looked up at him, he had a troubled frown on his face. ‘T’challa won’t like this…’

‘Fuck them,’ Pete snapped back, a spike of irritation escaping his usually happy-go-lucky demeanor. Thankfully, Tony just found his anger amusing - they’d talked often about the advanced, isolationist nation and his boss knew well his thoughts on them, who stood so diametrically opposed to SI in mission.

It also didn’t help that their princess was a smug, arrogant piece of work…

‘Okay, consider me buttered up. What’s your angle?’

Calming himself, Pete shrugged. ‘I can have them build - grow? I’m not sure what the right term is - anything I want with enough base materials…’

Tony’s eyes narrowed, before widening in surprise, looking down at the ingot in his hand before returning his gaze to his protege. ‘The Gravity Well?’

Pete nodded. ‘I figured a fully functional supercar was a suitably complex enough piece of machinery to work as a proof of concept.’

‘Still not seeing why you needed to butter me up…’

Pete grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. ‘Why, bossman, I need you to get me to the great garbage patches in the Pacific. I’ll use my nanites to consume them for base materials, then we can transport them to the building site and have them…reconstitute themselves into whatever Riri needs.’

‘Huh,’ Tony mused, lapsing into silence, his eyes flashing again as he ran calculations. ‘You’ll need a lot more base material than just that dump in the ocean.’

Pete shrugged. ‘We’re not exactly short on dumps and landfills as a species, I just need help with logistics.’

Tony snorted in amusement after several more moments of silence. ‘Riri, huh? First Foster and now Williams? Are you gonna leave any women for the rest of the virgins that work here?’

Pete’s face flushed crimson. ‘What?! That’s not what this is about at all!’

‘Oooh, so you just want to make sure you’re the only one that gets Nobel prizes huh? Too bad, Connors got one before your evil plan could come to fruition.’

Pete groaned, his flushed face buried in his hands. He hated when people brought up his upcoming Nobel prize, it just reminded him of the lecture and speech he needed to give.

How embarrassing.

‘Can we do this or not?’ he groaned, getting over his pity party. He started in surprise when he heard Tony burst out laughing and ruffle his hair.

‘Kiddo, we’re SI, we can do anything.’

Tony turned back to his new baby, running a hand over the rear spoiler before turning back to Pete with a raised brow. ‘Those nanites of yours better be able to unconstitute themselves or you’re the one that’ll be taking this apart piece by piece and putting it in my garage.’

Grinning, Pete pointed at the keyfob. ‘The extra button on that? Point and hold it down for five seconds, the nanites will break apart and reconstitute wherever you want - though I’ll obviously be leaving that function out when we build the Gravity Well.’

Tony looked positively giddy at the thought of his new baby being unconventionally portable. He sighed wistfully, ‘As much as I like the idea of portable megastructures, it’s probably for the best…’

Tony slapped Pete on the back and grinned proudly at him. ‘Good work kid, as usual.’

Before he left excitement and giddiness threatening to burst out of his chest, Pete winced and turned back to Tony.

‘Oh, by the way, I’m not really one for these things -’

‘I’ll be there,’ Tony said, looking up at Pete with a grin. ‘Your girl thought you’d chicken out and not ask so she already asked me. Should I organise the strippers, or…?’

Pete barked out a laugh, his cheeks heating with embarrassment at how accurately Gwen had almost read him.

‘I don’t wanna know, Gwen said she’ll organise everything - sort it out with her.’

That’s how birthday parties should be, after all.


Pete and Gwen had spent a lovely afternoon celebrating his birthday at May and Ben’s new waterside property in Nassau County. Ben had grilled them some delicious rib-eyes and, after eating entirely too much of May’s cheesecake, Pete had nearly died from embarrassment when she’d started to needle them about marrying.

While Ben was hiding his smirk behind his beer, Gwen took it in stride. Smiling mischievously and joining in with his aunt to tease him mercilessly.

They’d nearly been together for two years, after all - best-friends for much longer. Marriage was just a formality at this point, according to his devious aunt.

Later, while taking a company car back to his place, Gwen had taken his hand and looked at him with a shy smile. ‘Is that something you want?’

‘Hm?’ he’d replied, turning to her with a raised brow.


His stomach had been assaulted by an entire colony of butterflies as she brought the topic back up, her mischievous look long gone and replaced by one of such earnestness and vulnerability he just wanted to wrap her up in a hug and never let go.

He’d done what any self-respecting man would do.

He deflected.

‘Eh, I dunno,’ he’d replied with a careless shrug. ‘You can’t cook and the robots do all the cleaning - what do you even do again?’

He’d cackled at her look of mock outrage and had yelped when she leapt across the divide and straddled him, pinning him in his seat before tickling him mercilessly.

He’d had no chance.

Instead of tapping out, he’d darted forward and planted a peck on her nose - effectively stunlocking her and halting the assault. ‘Don’t worry about that, okay? I’m biding my time for the perfect opportunity to jump scare you - when you’re least expecting it. I’m aiming for maximum embarrassment and full waterworks.’

Her breath had hitched and with eyes shimmering, her smile wider than he could ever remember, she’d wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, her hips grinding needily against him.

Instead of pulling away when she was done, she’d pressed her lips against his ear. ‘You won’t even make it to one knee before you’re blubbering like a baby.’

That time he’d been the one to instigate the tickle fight, the tension of the moment having passed.

Now that they were back at his place, there was a mad scramble to finish setting up before the guests arrived. Gwen had somehow gotten her hands on a huge, circular poker table that they’d just squeezed through the door in pieces and set up in his living room while Pete had rushed out to get some drinks and snacks.

Gwen shooed him out of the kitchen - a horrifying thought if one knew her - and told him to stay by the door and start greeting the guests who were due any minute.

As if willing it into being, he skipped to his front door when he heard a knock.

‘Hey Miles, thanks for coming,’ Pete greeted with a handshake, shoulder bump and a grin. His girl’s apprentice handed him a small bag with an embarrassed smile.

‘It’s not much, but what do you even get someone as rich as you?’

‘Video games!’ Gwen yelled from the kitchen and they all laughed.

Pete shrugged. ‘She knows me too well.’

Everyone else quickly showed up soon after. Tony breezed in, looking delighted at the sight of the poker table while casually handing him a watch that probably cost more than this apartment. He grinned and politely accepted the bottle of scotch he’d never drink from Logan. Jane and Riri showed up next and handed him a small bag from the both of them, looking like they’d come directly from work while Scott showed up looking like a kicked puppy.

‘Hope mad at you again?’

He let out a long, suffering sigh. ‘You need to give me some pointers, Parker, I swear I sleep on the couch more than my own bed.’

Pete grinned, knowing the man to be exaggerating. ‘I’ll tell you my secret Lang, but you can’t tell anybody okay?’ he began conspiratorially, leaning in close as if worried he’d be overheard. ‘You see, what I do with Gwen is I make sure she knows who’s boss -’

‘Hah!’ she scoffed from the kitchen, unable to help herself.

Scott rolled his eyes, wished him a happy birthday and joined the others at the table with a smile.

He turned to join them before immediately starting in fright. Steven had opened up a portal right in front of him and stepped through with a fond smile. Pete exchanged ‘fist’ bumps with Cloakey before taking the Sorcerer Supreme’s hand.

‘I didn’t think you’d make it,’ he greeted with a wide smile.

‘What? And miss your birthday?’ the older man said, enveloping him in a one-armed hug before winking conspiratorially. ‘It certainly helps when you can be in two places at once - don’t tell Wong.’

Pete mimed sealing his lips, the man’s grin infectious.

Looking out at the people seated around the poker table, Pete couldn’t help but smile fondly. He didn’t really have any friends other than Gwen before joining SI - just the concept of a birthday party had been pretty foreign to him, alienated as he was due to his accelerated studies.

Pete joined Gwen in the kitchen and bumped her hip with his. ‘Wow, now I feel bad that we only hung out together for your birthday last year.’

‘And that’s what I wanted,’ she said with a fond smile, bumping him back. ‘But you don’t spend enough time with your friends, so get in there and start playing some cards or so help me, you’re getting unlucky tonight!’

‘Yes ma’am!’ he agreed, the hand he’d used to give her a cheeky salute swinging down to spank her toned behind. When her only reaction was to close her eyes and moan, biting her lips to hide a grin, he blushed and hurried out, his girl’s cackling laughter at his back.

Pete had a blast playing poker with his friends, even when it turned out Miles and Riri didn’t know how to play and they had to teach them. Gwen had yet to join them though, she’d taken some requests for drinks and had scurried off to handle them. While Jane was dealing out a hand, Pete frowned when he realised how long Gwen was taking.

When Jane paused mid deal to look behind him, her eyebrow raised and her lips twitching in amusement, Pete knew something was wrong. Next to Jane, Logan bit down on his unlit cigar and steepled his hands to hide a smirk. Everyone else had various expressions of shock and surprise on their features while Miles looked like he might have an aneurism.

Pete turned to see what they were all looking at and nearly fell out of his chair. Gwen…had changed since she’d scurried off to get the guests’ drinks.

She wore a black leotard cut extremely high on the hip and low in the chest, fine fishnet stockings, turquoise heels, detached maroon cuffs and collar, and white bunny ears. She smirked at his expression while expertly holding a tray filled with drinks aloft, handing each to their intended targets. As she sashayed around the table, Pete nearly died. The back of the leotard was a thong and she had the most adorable little bunny tail.

The room had gone silent, and while Gwen’s cheeks had a dusting of pink on them that was nothing compared to his own. Pete was pretty sure he could cook an egg on his face.

When she finally circled back around to him and put down a tall glass of coke before him, she leaned down and kissed the corner of his mouth. ‘Happy birthday babe, I know you’re always begging me to dress up like one of your ridiculous bunny girls - well, here you are.’

Logan and Jane snorted while the others sent him mock accusatory stares. Pete just wanted the floor to open up and swallow him…

But then he wouldn’t be able to keep perving on his girl in that…insanely hot outfit.

Though Gwen was an unabashed exhibitionist, it was one thing to expose oneself to strangers, quite another to do so in front of such auspicious company. Her cheeks were getting progressively redder, only matched by her ever growing cheeky grin.

‘Perv,’ Jane accused, shooting him an affectionate and amused stare.

He turned back to the woman he might have had a crush on with wide eyes. ‘I-I meant in the bedroom,’ he defended himself.

‘That’s not what you said the last time you were begging me to put this on,’ Gwen teased, her highly amused voice singing out from her perch behind him.

He gripped the hand that was resting on the back of his chair and squeezed, his cheeks flaring. ‘Shut. Up!’

Everyone laughed at his expense, and even he couldn’t hide his smile at the ridiculousness of it all, though he couldn’t help burying his face in his hands.

‘Wait a minute…’ Scott said slowly, his eyes widening as he pointed at Gwen with a look of realisation on his face. ‘Are you the Ghost Spider?!

Now Scott was the centre of attention. Everyone turned to him with various looks of disbelief on their faces. Scott Lang might not have been his father-in-law when it came to his intellect, but the man wasn’t typically so dense…

He frowned. ‘Why do I feel like the only person who didn’t know that?’

Grinning, Gwen shot a tiny web-ball at his forehead. ‘Guilty.’

‘Woah,’ he said with a wide smile. ‘My kid loves you! Hey, you think we could get a picture later or something? Err…preferably in your other outfit - I’m in enough trouble as it is…’

Gwen laughed and shrugged. ‘Sure.’

‘Such an inspirational role model,’ Pete sniped cheekily, sending her a wink for which he earned a cuff on the back of the head and more laughter at his expense.

As they slowly returned back to their game, Pete couldn’t help but chuckle at Tony’s jealous sulking. The man’s own fiery on-again, off-again relationship with business tycoon and world-renowned advocate for mutant rights Emma Frost was in its ‘off-again’ cycle, and he never failed to let that be everyone else’s problem.

‘Emma wouldn’t dress up for me,’ he all but pouted into his drink.

‘What are you talkin about, Tin Can?’ Logan snapped gruffly, his face scrunched up with disgust and a distinct lack of empathy. ‘Every time I see her at Hellfire she’s wearing that leather corset-leotard thing and thigh-highs…’

Tony sighed dreamily, smiled and stared off into the distance. ‘...yeah she does.’

‘Well Pete?’ Gwen asked, smiling sweetly at him. ‘What d’you think? You’ve been begging me to put something like this on for months.’

Pete licked his suddenly too-dry lips, unable to form words as his eyes raked over his girlfriend’s body and the god-tier outfit. The others all started chuckling at his expense again while Riri bumped his shoulder with hers.

‘Perv,’ she teased, mirroring Jane’s earlier slur. ‘You anime nerds are all the same.’

Pete completely lost all ability to focus on the game going forward. Gwen would strut around the table serving drinks and snacks and Pete’s eyes would follow her like laser-guided missiles - a fact his friends exploited ruthlessly. Logan, Scott and Miles made a game of launching chips at his head to wake him up every time one of Gwen’s teasing caressess or brushes against his shoulder would cause his brain to shut down.

‘Come on Gwen,’ Pete said, pulling up a chair and shuffling across. ‘You don’t need to keep playing the waitress, come join us.’

‘That’s not what you said when you begged for this outfit though,’ she pouted, her eyes dancing with glee. ‘You wanted me to serve you, Master.’

Everyone started laughing and booing at him, throwing more chips at him as his face exploded with crimson and he tried to sink under the table with mortification.

Just when he thought his embarrassment couldn’t be any more complete, he froze like a rabbit at the naughty look in his girl’s eyes. She leaned down and kissed him on the head after the chip barrage had ceased and announced she needed to use the lady’s room.

Pete sat stiff and tensed over the next few hands, wondering what Gwen had in store for him next.

He didn’t have to wait long.

In the middle of Logan’s next deal, Pete froze in shock when he felt a silent and invisible hand slowly pulling down the zipper of his jeans. He reached under the table, pretending he had to scratch his thigh and instead gripping his little slut’s wrist, but it was no use, she was just too strong.

Before he could even get out a token protest, Gwen had his cock out and slipped it into her mouth, choosing the absolute worst time to give him a sneaky birthday BJ.

‘Peter?’ Steven snapped him out of his daze with a raised brow.

Starting, Pete shook his head and realised everyone was looking at him. ‘Uh, call,’ he grunted out, throwing in two chips.

‘I raised…’ Riri, to his right, said with a frown, her face scrunched up in confusion. Coughing into his hand, he tossed his cards and shook his head.

‘Sorry, fold,’ he said, tossing his cards. ‘Must be getting old,’ he joked lamely, but a few of the other players weren’t fooled. Logan smirked around his cigar while Jane rolled her eyes, an indulgent smile on her face. Even Riri, who wouldn’t normally notice such things, eventually realised something was up given how Pete was hunched over and his face was heating up.

It didn’t take long for her to put two and two together, especially with the memory of finding Gwen under his desk in mind. His cute, younger colleague was almost as embarrassed as him, but instead of protesting, she kept trying to steal sneaky glances.

He’d had to be prodded several times when it was his turn to bet, more and more of his guests finally realising what was happening given Gwen’s continued absence and Pete’s behaviour.

They exploited the situation ruthlessly.

When he finally came undone, he folded, steepled his hands in front of his mouth and did so with his face flaming red and only the barest of jerks, one in which several of the others still picked up on. Miles was almost dying with silent laughter and the others weren’t much better.

Gwen silently retreated and made a show of coming back with a cheeky grin on her face, her cheeks rosy. She made up some nonsense story about Aunt May having called that absolutely no one bought, but the look on her face, like the cat who literally got the cream, spoke volumes.

Later, past midnight, after everyone but Riri had left in good cheer, with plenty of back slaps and well-wishes, Pete and Gwen brought the young woman over to the couch and handed her a neatly wrapped box.

‘I thought it was your birthday,’ Riri teased as she carefully undid the wrapping, her eyes dancing with mirth. Looking at his flashy new watch with a grin, Pete shrugged as Gwen sat and watched them from the nearby couch.

‘Not anymore,’ he teased, flicking his head towards the unwrapped container. ‘Open it!’

Sensing his growing excitement, Riri’s eyebrows rose and she chuckled. ‘Okay, okay…’

When she opened the last flap, she started when a small cloud of black miasma surged out and floated in front of her.

‘You…shouldn’t have?’

Pete snorted and his eyes darted over to his girlfriend when he heard her sultry chuckle. She was still wearing the bunny outfit - after briefly changing out of it to take a photo with Scott - but the smouldering look in her eyes let him know she only had one thing on her mind.

‘That,’ Pete said, having to tear his way from his saucily grinning little slut, ‘is not only how we’re going to build your Gravity Well, but it’s how we’re going to make it indestructible.’

Riri’s eyes widened at his proclamation, her excitement getting the better of her before they quickly narrowed in suspicion. ‘I’ve read your research on your molecular nanites… I don’t see how -’

With a mental command, the cloud of writhing nanites vibrated before them before condensing, shrinking in size until all that was left was a wrist watch almost identical to the one on his wrist. What made Riri gasp however, and even drew Gwen’s attention, was what made the watch almost identical.

While the watch Tony had given him was sleek and silver with black accents, the watch on the table was made of a dark blue, almost black metal that glowed with a soft blue light.

‘I’m pretty sure you’re looking at the world’s most expensive watch,’ Pete announced with amusement, waiting to see Riri’s reaction.

It was, predictably, hilarious.

She hopped up on the couch, and while pointing at the watch - her mouth gaping and her eyes wide - Pete couldn’t help but snort, despite the gravity of the situation. She was acting as if it were cursed.

Given the reaction his latest marvel could garner from a certain nation in particular, she might have a point.

He nodded grimly as Riri ripped her gaze away from the table and turned her wide eyes to him.

‘My nanites can alter the arrangements of their own molecular makeup - given enough resources - and reform into whatever base element I desire. Including Vibranium. They can also do so while arranging themselves into complex structures like a computer, a watch or -’

‘Or a theoretical Gravity Well,’ Gwen finished, her tone no longer sultry and instead tinged with awe.

A complicated series of expressions crossed Riri’s face and Pete understood why. This was the perfect answer to her problems, it was everything she needed to cement her legacy amongst the scientific elite of Earth. Sure, there were less inflammatory ways they could use his nanites, they didn’t need to turn themselves into Vibranium, but it would also make for a weaker megastructure.

Pete also knew his colleague well. This was only the first step on the road to meeting her ambitions. It was better to rip the band-aid off now, because he could think of no better material to reflect and protect against their star’s ultraviolet rays than the one sitting innocently on the table between them.

And while that might be all that relevant for a megastructure on Earth, when Riri started building starships?

They’ll be incredible…

The only reason he figured his friend wasn’t jumping for joy was because she was also close friends with SI’s irregular part-timer - Shuri of Wakanda.

Pete frowned as he thought of the girl. Needless to say, for someone who tried to do as much good as possible with his work, he wasn’t much of a fan of the isolationist country and their royal family.

‘This is bad…’ Riri said with a pained look on her face. ‘This…this will cause an incident.’

‘You don’t have to make the nanites turn into Vibranium, but I figured you’d want only the best for your legacy.’

Her eyes snapped up to him, and while they narrowed, Pete smirked when he saw her lips twitching. ‘You’re manipulating me.’

‘Is it working?’

‘Well, I said it would cause an incident, I thought the implication was pretty obvious…’

‘Good,’ Pete said, breathing out a sigh of relief as Gwen bounced in her seat, her smile giddy. She was no scientist, but she was still incredibly smart. His girl understood the enormity of what they were talking about very clearly. ‘All you need to do is make a functioning model and I’ll handle getting the materials and the logistics with Tony.’ He tapped his head, grinning. ‘I control the nanites with a chip in my brain - I’m assuming you’ll want something less invasive, I’ll make you a headset so you can handle the building on your own.’

She grimaced. ‘It feels like you’re the one doing all the hard work. You supplied the tech, you’re supplying the resources I’m…what? Drawing up the plans? Following instructions like it’s the world’s biggest lego project?’

Pete frowned, sending a look Gwen’s way who just shrugged and crossed her legs. She grinned when she caught him staring a bit too long at said, stocking-clad legs before snapping her fingers to break him out of his trance and motion him back to the despondent Riri.

‘I gave you the basis for the tech and you improved on it. And you’re acting like drawing up plans for a megastructure of this magnitude is somehow insignificant? What? Are you going to cry because you didn’t invent physics too?’

She pouted, though he could tell his words were getting through to her. ‘I had a lot of help from Jeffrey too…’

Pete groaned and palmed his face. ‘You think I didn’t have help from Karen to create my nanites?’

Riri stood, ready to retort but she yelped and Pete’s eyes went wide when a sharp crack interrupted their verbal back and forth. Riri and Pete slowly turned to the grinning superhero, the former looking mortified and incredulous.

‘Sorry,’ Gwen said, sounding completely unapologetic. ‘I was getting bored of your pity party and I’m super horny - then, when you stood and put that incredible ass in my face I thought, you know what? I should smack dat ass.’

‘I…don’t even know what to say to that.’

When Riri turned her incredulous gaze to him, as if desperate for some kind of explanation or rationale, Pete could only palm his face while Gwen kept eyeing Riri like she was a particularly delectable piece of meat.

‘Stud, I know it’s your birthday, but would you mind if I ate her ass? I’ve been desperate to do it for ages…’

Riri’s gaze snapped towards Gwen in shock, her face suffusing with heat in her embarrassment before turning back to him, her eyes wide. ‘Is she serious right now?’

Pete, deciding to go along with Gwen’s anti-pity-party agenda just grinned and shrugged. ‘I mean, objectively? While I prefer a bit more muscle on my women, I suppose it is an incredible ass.’

Gwen barked out an appreciative, incredulous laugh - clearly lacking faith in his ability to play along - while Riri buried her face in her hands and all but squealed, ‘That’s not what I meant Peter!’

Pete laughed before raising his hands placatingly. ‘Sorry, sorry. Just ignore her, she’s super horny after spending a day prancing about in that outfit she pretends to not love, I’ll see to her after you leave.’

Riri peaked at him through the fingers still covering her face. ‘You don’t care that she just propositions random people in front of you?’

She is sitting right here still admiring your amazing ass.’

Pete tilted his head as something finally dawned on him. ‘Huh.’

‘What’s with the ‘huh’?’ Riri asked, equal parts exasperation and trepidation tinging her tone.

‘Oh nothing,’ Pete said, shaking his head. ‘I just realised you’re more concerned that Gwen came onto you in front of me than with the proposition itself.’ He grinned, poking her in the tummy and eliciting a hop and a squeal. ‘Do you want Gwen to eat your ass?’

‘Wha - no!’ Riri exclaimed as Gwen continued to watch them with a growing grin. ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’

She’s protesting way too hard.

‘You sure?’ he asked, his eyebrow raised. ‘I don’t mind.’

‘No - I - I’m just curious by your lack of reaction!’

‘So you don’t want my incredibly beautiful and insatiable girlfriend to eat your ass?’

She almost screamed in frustration, running her hands through and pulling at her curly black hair, though Pete didn’t miss the quick glance she sent his little slut’s way. ‘No? …yes? Why doesn’t it bother you?’

Pete nodded sagely. ‘So you’d not mind, as long as you like my answer for why it doesn’t bother me?’

She covered her face with her hands again and screamed into them to mask her embarrassment.

Either embarrassment or arousal…

Gwen cackled at her reaction and Pete grinned. Riri then stiffened when Gwen hugged her from behind, her hands snaking around her waist and pulling the stiffened girl close, her chin resting on the shorter girl’s shoulder.

‘You wouldn’t be the first woman we’ve had a threesome with,’ she teased and Riri shuddered, her entire body going slack when Gwen licked the shell of her ear. ‘Are you a lesbian?’

‘N-no,’ Riri stuttered out, her breath coming in rapid, excited pants as Gwen invaded her personal space. Pete felt himself get hard almost instantly, his cock threatening to tear through his jeans.

Is this really happening?!

‘Are you bi?’ Gwen followed up, leaning over her other shoulder and licking that ear too.

Instead of answering, Riri opened her eyes and looked at Pete beseechingly for help. He only shrugged.

‘She’s a superhero, there’s no stopping her when she gets like this. I find it best to just hand on and enjoy the ride - ow!

‘Stop making me sound like a rapist,’ Gwen said, her voice muffled by Riri’s neck as she all but molested the poor girl.

Riri was breathing heavily, but she relaxed and chuckled throatily at their byplay before biting her lip. ‘You guys…really want to?’ she asked, her voice sounding sexy and vulnerable. ‘With me?’

‘What a ridiculous question,’ Gwen snapped, sounding annoyed, her hands trailing up her midriff to cup her tits over her tight tee. They looked to be a nice handful, in between Gwen and MJ in size. ‘You’re acting like you’re not gorgeous. I want to fuck you as much as Pete does.’

Riri closed her eyes and looked away, embarrassed. ‘Well…compared to you…’

Gwen barked out an incredulous laugh. ‘What happened to the girl that thought it was the funniest thing in the world to tease her nerdy colleague?’ Gwen prodded. ‘Is that all you are, little nerd? Are you all talk?’

Riri moaned softly as Gwen kept feeling her up, leaning back against her powerful body and into her embrace, shuddering under her ministrations. ‘I’m…I’m not very good at this…stuff.’

‘Don’t worry baby,’ Gwen soothed, running her tongue up along the side of her neck. ‘We’ll take good care of you…’

We?’ Riri squeaked, her eyes snapping open and looking at her colleague in shock. Pete just shrugged as he gripped and rubbed at the growing bulge in his jeans.

He thought he should say something, but figured he’d take a step back. Gwen looked to have this handled, like Riri was another fly she’d caught in her web.

Putting her lips against Riri’s ear, Gwen purred, ‘Mhmm, don’t tell me you haven’t been fantasising about him for ages. Look at how sexy he is… Even now, with him helping you so selflessly so you can achieve your dream - Heh, I bet when you were freaking out about the Vibranium earlier, you were torn between being scared…and ripping off his shirt and kissing him…’

Riri was panting, her eyes wild, desperate, needy and absolutely not denying anything his girlfriend was saying. The way she was looking at him now bordered on reverent, so much so that Pete blushed.

‘I told you, you weirdo, it’s no big deal. Friends help each other out…’

Both Gwen and Riri groaned and Pete’s blush intensified. ‘Isn’t that hot?’ Gwen teased, taking Riri’s earlobe between her teeth and tugging gently. ‘I have to admit it can be a bit frustrating at times how clueless he is. He doesn’t even know how sexy he is. Tell him.’

Riri shuddered, completely melting against Gwen’s embrace, her eyes fluttering closed. ‘Y-you’re so sexy Peter. So smart, so incredible, amazing…’ Riri whined, managing to sound both embarrassed and relieved to get it off her chest. Her eyes opened and Pete wanted to squee at the utterly adorable look she was giving him. ‘I… I -’ she looked away before she could finish her sentence, her embarrassment getting the better of her.

‘Tell him,’ Gwen urged, her hands cupping and massaging Riri’s tits.

Still unable to look him in the eye, she bit her lip and continued. ‘I’ve had…fantasies…about you coming into my workshop late at night and…helping me…’

Gwen chuckled and purred while Pete’s cheeks went pink. ‘Helping you?’

‘With work,’ she admitted, shyly. ‘Then…then I’d thank him…like the way you did…today and the other time…under his desk.’

Pete gulped. He was pretty sure his dick was about to tear through his jeans.

‘Show me,’ Gwen hissed, gently guiding his colleague to her knees. Gwen looked up at him and winked, motioning to his junk.

Blushing, he unzipped his jeans. He didn’t know how far Gwen wanted to take this stuff with other women, but he figured if she was into it and offering, he’d be crazy to turn her down.

Especially with someone as cute and smart as Riri.

When Pete pulled out his achingly hard dick, Riri looked at it with wide eyes, licking her dark, glossy lips as she eyed it hungrily.

Honestly, it felt pretty good. Being surrounded by sluts like MJ and Gwen all the time, it was a novel experience to have someone react that way when seeing his dick.

‘Thank him,’ Gwen purred huskily, gently tilting Riri’s head up so she stopped staring at his dick and instead looked into his eyes.

Biting her lip, Riri whimpered as Gwen slipped a hand into her jeans and started running her fingers over her nethers.

‘T-thanks Pete,’ she whimpered. ‘Y-you’ve done so much for me…b-been so nice.’

Pete reached down and ran his fingertips along the side of her face then back up her neck to her chin to stop her from looking away. ‘You never need to thank me,’ he said softly, his cock throbbing as Riri’s eyes darted to it. ‘We’re friends, right? That’s what friends do.’

Riri bit her lip, now back to eyeing his cock, before she turned those big, adorable eyes back to him. ‘What…what if I want to…thank you?’

Gwen chuckled and Pete groaned when, unexpectedly, Riri darted forward and placed a chaste kiss on the head of his dick. She hesitated just before making contact, but when he felt her warm, thick lips linger on his glans, he had to fight the urge to grab her head and hold her there.

Thankfully, she only backed off an inch, her eyes wide and sparkling with mischief before darting forward again and kissing his tip. Pete gently ran his hands through her medium-length curly hair, very much appreciating her efforts.

‘Sit down, Stud,’ Gwen urged and, rather than taking a seat, Pete let his knees buckle and fell into the armchair behind him with a groan. Spreading his legs, he made room for Riri to crawl forward but before she did, she stood and eagerly started removing her clothes. Gwen leaned back and they both watched as she stripped without an ounce of finesse, hopping around as she struggled to shuck her skinny jeans. As comical as it looked, Pete just stroked his cock and watched the awkward flailing eagerly, finding it adorable and titillating.

As if realising where she was, her eyes widened when she stood in just her sporty bra and panties, looking between both him and Gwen in a shocked stupor. Neither he nor Gwen hurried her however and she eventually mustered her courage and shucked them too. Gwen groaned when Riri’s full, meaty ass was completely revealed to her, shimmying forward on her knees until she was palming each cheek.

Riri yelped, her eyes wide as Gwen spanked her. ‘Pete, just look at this ass,’ Gwen urged, turning the embarrassed woman sidewards. Pete did indeed look, continuously stroking himself as Riri’s soft, plump ass came into view, sticking out surprisingly far on her small, sleight frame.

Gwen gave the cheek closest to him another spank and Pete watched, his eyes focused as intense as the soft, dark flesh rippled enticingly after the blow.

Pete finally looked up at the embarrassed girl, his eyes smouldering with lust. ‘She’s right,’ he admitted, his voice almost sounding like a growl. ‘You’re so hot.’

Riri seemed inordinately pleased with his praise, dropping her arms so they were no longer shielding her tits - like he’d expected, bigger than Gwen’s but not as big as MJ’s, though he eagerly drank in her hard, dark nipples with big areola.

Riri seemed pleased by his hungry gaze, biting her lip to hide her giddy smile. She yelped and moaned again when Gwen gave her another spank, but eagerly dropped to her knees when his girl pulled her down. Pete watched as Riri crawled to him, her eyes fluttering and her lips parted as Gwen buried her face in her ass. Before she could kiss his cock again, she looked up at him with an embarrassed smile.

‘I…can’t believe we’re doing this…’

She gave his cock another kiss before looking over her shoulder. Gwen was still in her bunny outfit and eagerly playing with Riri’s meaty ass, content to keep spanking it and watching it jiggle hypnotically. ‘You’re both so sexy…’

Finally, she turned and took his cock in her mouth, her large, expressive eyes looking up at him as if seeking approval as she slid her thick lips up and down his shaft. Pete groaned, his hand running through her curly hair as his head lolled back and sank into the plush couch.

He luxuriated in Riri’s affections until he felt and heard her moan. Looking up, he saw Gwen had her face buried in Riri’s ass again, the upper half of her face still exposed while her eyes danced with mirth.

Riri pulled off his cock, instead opting to nuzzle and stroke him as she moaned. ‘You’re actually eating my ass,’ she whined. ‘No one’s ever done that to me before…’

‘Just wait until she fucks it,’ Pete joked and Riri’s froze, her eyes wide. Seeing her incredulous stare, he shrugged, his cheeks tinged pink. ‘We get up to some kinky stuff.’

Riri moaned the loudest yet, burying her face in his groin. ‘Why is that so hot?!

Gwen pulled out of Riri’s ass with a slurp and a chuckle. ‘I’m telling you Stud, every girl that hears about it is gonna get turned on.’

Seeing Gwen fiddling with her phone and turning on his TV, Pete palmed his face and groaned in embarrassment.

‘Yo Ri, look at the TV.’

Riri had started stroking and kissing his dick again, her head now turned as her eyes took in the image on the screen - naturally, a video of Gwen pegging him with her strap-on, then riding him in the amazon position, his body belt almost in half and his feet past his shoulders.

Riri was whimpering as she watched, incredibly turned on by not only what she was seeing, but what she was doing and what Gwen was doing to her. Riri squealed, her wide eyes turning to him with a look of disbelief as Gwen did something to her.

When Gwen next pulled out of Riri’s ass with a gasp, Pete finally got to see her unnaturally long, prehensile tongue shrinking back and folding into her mouth for the first time. She blew him a kiss and winked, enjoying his reaction as much as Riri’s.

Gwen got on her hands and knees and crawled alongside the shuddering girl, her hand reaching back and her fingers likely playing with her leaking pussy.

‘Do you like sucking Pete’s cock?’ Gwen purred and Riri, whining, could only nod, her big eyes locked with his as her lips - stretched wide around his thick shaft - slid up and down his cock.

‘Next time I see you in his office at work, you’re going to crawl under his desk like a good little slut and suck his dick again, no questions or hesitation, am I understood?’

Pete groaned at the look in Riri’s eyes. They were pleading - for what, he wasn’t sure - and desperate, her whimpers as she sucked him adorable.

Gwen got up on her knees and Pete couldn’t help but stare at how her legs flexed in those fishnets. She shot him a naughty smirk and started playing with her dangling tits too. ‘Lube up your finger and stick it in his ass - trust me, he’ll love it.’

Pete didn’t say anything. All of his attention was focused on not cumming and enjoying this for as long as possible, even if Gwen in that outfit and his colleague were making it incredibly difficult. As usual, Gwen was in full control of the proceedings, some guys might not like a girl who took control, but Pete found it sexy as hell - he was very much an eager participant.

Whatever she decided, wherever she wanted this to go was perfectly okay with him.

Riri was pretty cute, after all. And smart. And the thought of her crawling under his desk at work did things to him…

When Riri pulled off his cock, gasping in air as she went back to nuzzling his dick, he groaned as she sucked a finger into her mouth, her innocent eyes looking even bigger and wider as she excitedly snuck a hesitant finger in his ass.

‘That’s it, get it all the way in there,’ Gwen cooed, looking up at him with a smirk. ‘You having fun, Stud?’

Pete grunted in approval, his hips sliding off the couch to make the task easier for Riri.

Without needing to be told, Riri went back to sucking his dick, her finger now inexpertly wiggling around inside him too.

‘Hook your finger,’ Gwen urged. ‘You want to put pressure on his -’

Pete groaned as Riri stopped wiggling her finger, found his prostate and, seeing his reaction, pressed down on it. Gwen chuckled, purring with delight.

‘That’s it,’ she urged, licking and nibbling the younger girl’s ear. ‘Just like that, keep pressure on it.’

‘Fuck,’ Pete groaned, his hips gently thrusting up and down in time with Riri’s motions as Gwen also started nuzzling his cock, her beautiful face right next to Riri’s. When his girl started trailing licks and kisses along his shaft while Riri focused on his tip, he nearly lost it right there.

‘Happy birthday, baby,’ Gwen teased between kisses while Riri let out a muffled chuckle, grinning with the head of his cock in her mouth.

‘Take a photo,’ Gwen urged him and Riri whimpered. ‘Something to remember this by…’

Pete did as instructed, fumbling around for his discarded phone and taking a pic with shaky hands. Both of the girls’ eyes were locked on the lens, with Riri’s thick lips spread wide and Gwen’s tongue licking his shaft.

‘Fuck!’ Pete roared, tossing his phone aside as his hips arched off the couch, spikes of pleasure lancing through his mind. He ran his hands through both of the girls’ hair and gasped. ‘Cumming!’

‘Swallow it, you naughty little slut,’ Gwen purred and Riri whined needily, eagerly increasing her suction and pressing harder against his prostate. The room was so silent his ragged breathing sounded thunderous in his ears, the squelching of Gwen’s hand as it lanced in and out of Riri’s gushing pussy equally as loud.

With a final gasp, he unloaded in his friend’s mouth, his hips jerking and more lances of pleasure shooting through him with every rope of cum he shot into Riri’s mouth.

When he calmed, his breathing now deep and relaxed and his vision no longer blurry, he looked down and saw both Riri and Gwen messily kissing, both of their tongues clearly visible as they passed what remained of his cum into each other’s mouths over and over with childish giggles.

‘Fuck!’ Pete roared and Riri squealed when he got up off the couch and picked her up in a feat of strength that would have been laughably impossible only a couple of years ago. Riri squealed again when he dropped her where he’d been sitting, her eyes wide with excitement. Gwen held her legs spread wide, her saucy grin infectious and Pete leaned down, spreading her lips to reveal the fetching, pink flower within. He penetrated her with two of his fingers, leaning down to start kissing and licking her clit.

Riri squealed, her hands threading in his hair as Pete worked to return the favour. Now that she was on the receiving end, his friend was quite the screamer. Her squeals were quickly silenced by a laughing Gwen who captured her lips in an eager kiss. Pete watched as he worked her over, Gwen back to kissing his eager and desperate coworker while she played with her big, dark nipples.

He didn’t know what made Gwen feel like she had to bring other girls into their bed, but he couldn’t deny he had a lot of fun first pleasuring MJ and now Riri. What made it even better was that they did it together. Despite bringing another woman into their bed, it somehow felt like an intimate act between the two of them.

It was strange, and he struggled to rationalise it in his head, but seeing the heavily-lidded looks Gwen kept shooting him, he knew what he had to do.

Hooking his fingers in Riri’s pussy and searching for her g-spot, he got ready to make another woman lose her mind and squirt all over his furniture.

As much fun as he was having playing with Riri, he didn’t know how much more of Gwen’s smouldering looks he could take before he bent her over and started fucking her right there.

And that would be rather rude - they had a guest to see to first, after all.

There would be time for that later.


The next week, Riri was in his office as they went over the logistics and planning for her megastructure - how much material they’d need to harvest, where he’d be sending it and how he’d go about doing it.

It was one thing controlling his nanites to create something relatively simple like a watch or car, or even an ingot of Vibranium - it was quite another to control countless or orders of magnitude more to build a complex megastructure the likes of which humanity had never seen before, all of them to Riri’s exacting specifications.

He’d need Karen’s help, of course, but there was no way he’d cede full control of his biomass-consuming nanites to another machine - no matter how much he liked his AI partner.

Ben and May didn’t raise an idiot…

They were startled out of their strategizing when Gwen strolled into the room dressed in sexy, skin tight yoga pants and a Jets hoodie. His girlfriend looked at the clock on the wall with a raised eyebrow and Pete palmed his face when he realised the time.

They’d been going at it all day and he hadn’t even realised it. Pete looked at his watch as if to check the clock was accurate and cursed, they had plans to go to the football that night.

‘Oh, no rush,’ Gwen waved off cheekily as she strolled over and hopped up on the desk next to him, crossing her legs and looking over at Riri with a predatory smile. ‘We’ve got plenty of time, especially if we take Air-Spider. I believe I asked you to do something the next time we were all in here together…’

Pete looked over at his co-worker in surprise at the lack of rebuttal. Her eyes were wide and she was biting her lip, the awkwardness of their first run-in after their little threesome back in full-force.

Pete’s eyebrows rose even higher when, instead of back down or arching up, Riri only started panting with need. Without so much as looking at him, she dropped her gaze to the ground and slid off her chair, crawling around his desk on her hands and knees and disappearing into the cavity of his desk between his legs.

Pete’s breath hitched as he heard his zipper be pulled down. He…hadn’t expected that. It was one thing to say and agree to something sexy in the heat of the moment, it was quite another to do so after the fact.

Gwen, her smile widening to epic proportions at the sound of his zipper being pulled down, leaned down and kissed him, swallowing his groan when Riri took his rapidly hardening cock in her mouth.

‘Fuck meeee,’ Pete groaned, gripping the armrests of his chair and groaning as Riri started shyly lapping at his cock.

‘Later,’ Gwen promised with a cackle. ‘Let the cute little slut drain your balls so you don’t fuck me in the bathroom again.’

He let out a breathy laugh, yanking Gwen down so they could continue their kiss.

He couldn’t believe this was his life now. The most beautiful woman in the world as his girlfriend, one who was utterly shameless, insatiable and apparently eager to bring other women into their bed.

He’d feel a lot worse about their arrangement - given how uncomfortable he still was with the reality of the reverse happening - were it not for how obviously turned on Gwen was by all of this.

In fact, the only thing that would make this hotter for Gwen was if -

His girl groaned into his mouth when his secretary knocked on his door and stuck her head in, her cheeks pink as she quickly averted her gaze.

‘Sorry Doctor Parker, um, is Doctor Williams still here? Her assistant is calling for her…’

Gwen grinned, her hand slipping under the desk and threading through Riri’s shiny curls.

‘Sorry, her hands are full at the moment, tell him she’ll get back to him as soon as she can.’



Great fucking chapter. Wow, I felt just like Peter. After the extreme slutiness of Gwen and MJ, Riri was a breath of fresh air.

Ike Vann

Great chapter. Riri's shyness was a nice touch after being with MJ and Gwen. I just wish it was Peter who seduced her instead of Gwen initiating the threesome. Though I get Peter's to shy to do that and that'swhy ge has his slutty dominate girlfriend for. Do you think you could have tge next women they have sex with be introduced by Peter?


That's not happening any time soon In retrospect, this answer was needlessly curt. It will happen (and by 'it', I mean, Pete seducing a girl without being directly prompted by Gwen and bringing her to their bed), but it has to be the right girl AND the right time character-wise. Riri is the right kind of girl, but it's too early. I have a girl in mind, but she hasn't been introduced yet. And she's omegahot. And maybe a little crazy. Will Pete be Silky smooth? Doubt it, but it'll be fun I think.