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This chapter gets perilously close to the bad vibes I try to avoid. As a general rule going forward, ‘good’ characters who are the victims of infidelity will ultimately be compensated to some extent to try and balance the ‘vibe scales.’

I just couldn’t help myself. The Harry/Hermione scene was planned out entirely differently - a little teasing and voyeurism at most, maybe wanking in front of each other at max - but then coombrain just made me change it as I was fleshing it out in real time.

Always blame coombrain.


Chapter 5: Lock and Key for ickle Harry

Harry/Hermione, Ginny/Raheem

Harry looked up from his soup, humming in approval at the complex and delicious flavours.

He honestly didn’t know his best friend had it in her. Seeing her anxious and hopeful look as he had his first spoon was honestly just as adorable as Rosie’s squealing laughter.

It seemed Hermione’s brilliance extended to cooking. His groan of approval as the delicious soup ignited his taste buds earned him a beautiful, if haggard smile of appreciation and relief.

His friends had it pretty rough at the moment - and as much as he loved little Rosie, he honestly didn’t understand why they didn’t wait a bit longer to have children. It’s not like she was an accident, they’d made a conscious decision.

Hermione worked hard during the day at the Ministry while Ron worked evenings as a coach for a quidditch team in Australia. The two alternated shifts looking after their child, leaving little time for each other. While he’d known them for years and probably had a better eye for such things, he felt it was pretty obvious that the strain was starting to show.

He watched as Hermione sat down with an exhausted sigh, having finally gotten a bawling Rose to calm down. While potions could stop bags from forming under her eyes, they couldn’t hide her bone-weary tiredness.

‘So they’re back together? The separation’s off?’ she asked, her eyelids threatening to drift closed as she sank into the plush fabric.

Momentarily caught off-guard by the non-sequitur, he nevertheless nodded, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. ‘Together and finally happy.’

Hermione hummed in approval, her eyes closed and looking dead to the world. ‘That’s nice, I was worried. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Tonks was a werewolf too. Poor woman looked just like Remus during his time of the month the last time I saw her.’

Hearing his snort of amusement, Hermione opened her eyes and narrowed them at him when he just smiled mysteriously at her.

When Rose started to pipe up again, Hermione looked at her watch and cursed. ‘She needs to feed.’

‘Ooh, dinner and a show, lovely.’

Pushing his bowl aside, Harry grinned wide and ogled her chest shamelessly. Rolling her eyes, her cheeks pinking adorably, she came back into the living room with a bottle of milk already prepared, her lips upturned in a smirk. He pouted.

‘Well that’s no fun.’

‘She feeds better from the bottle, so I express in advance.’

It was rare that he often found himself so out of his depth. ‘So you, like…actually milk yourself?’

She grinned at him, lobbing him the bottle before fetching the little ginger nugget. Hermione brought little Rose to him and sat her in his lap. It was a little awkward getting her in a position where she was comfortable, but he eventually nailed it and she was drinking like a sailor.

‘Hah, dunno what you’re all on about this is easy.’ He wanted to laugh at the venomous look she sent his way, but he figured that’d be in poor taste. Still, he couldn’t help but baby-talk the adorable little girl as she looked up at him with her big, shiny brown eyes, her mouth sucking away at the bottle.

He just watched her for a full minute as she slowly drained the milk, tilting his head in curiosity as a thought struck him.

‘What?’ Hermione asked, seeing the look on his face. While she was no skilled legilimens, she was an expert at reading his facial expressions.

‘Just thinking it’s strange that society frowns on adults drinking human milk, but doesn’t blink an eye when we drink from an animal.’

When he looked up, he almost laughed at the dumbfounded look on his friend’s face, clearly at a loss for words.

‘I know, pretty wild, right?’

Hermione shook her head and chuffed, the corners of her lips twitching. ‘Is that what this is? Do you want to drink my breast milk, Harry?’

His best friend should know him better than to try and tease him - it was her fault for assuming he had any semblance of shame in him. When he didn’t blush, stutter or answer at all, and instead just ogled her stuffed jumper again, it was Hermione who blushed.

‘You offering?’

‘I’m joking!’

She groaned and palmed her face when she saw the smirk he was trying and failing to suppress. ‘You’re really too easy.’

‘Oh shut up,’ she groused, her cheeks still pink. ‘I just figured - well, you know. You really are rather shameless.’

His eyebrows rose and his smile widened. ‘I like it when my wife cuckolds me, so naturally, I must be some kind of degenerate - that it?’

Hermione’s cheeks, previously only slightly pink, went full nuclear at his forwardness - she wasn’t wrong to think him shameless.

‘Ugh, nevermind!’ she huffed, raising her hands in defeat. ‘You’re such a prat.’

He wiggled his eyebrows then looked down to ogle her overly stuffed jumper. ‘They have gotten pretty big…’

He laughed when she launched a pillow at his head. Seeing Rose was mostly done with her milk, he put it aside and shielded her with his body. ‘I’ll protect you from the evil troll, Rosie!’

Rose burbled and giggled as Hermione faux chased Harry around the room until they both collapsed side-by-side on the couch in a fit of giggles. Hearing a chime from his pocket, Harry cleaned the milk from around Rosie’s lips with her bib and checked his comms. It was a message from his wife.

“Won’t be able to make it tonight

Daddy wanted to hook up and you know I can’t say no to him


Cover for me”

He felt himself harden at the implications. They were still about a week away from their usual play-date, but Raheem had been pretty eager to meet up with Ginny ASAP, especially after missing their last date. Despite her eagerness, Ginny had had to blow him off several times because of Quidditch.

Looks like she finally gave in, the cheeky slag.

Looking up, he saw Hermione staring at him curiously. He affected an apologetic look and smiled at his friend. ‘It’s Ginny, she says she’s sorry but she won’t be able to make it. Her coach has them running a double-session because of their poor showing the other day.’

‘Pity,’ she lamented as Harry held Rose against his chest and started tapping her back the way Hermione instructed. ‘Any updates on her contract? Ronald says they’re paying her poorly given her talent.’

‘He’s not wrong,’ Harry agreed. ‘But we don’t need the money right now. Dromeda’s telling her to hold out for as long as possible,’ he said, motioning to the comms in his pocket. ‘Injury is less of a concern now given we’re flush with money and can afford the best healing money can buy.’

Hermione watched him and Rose with a contented smile while nodding along with his tale. ‘I knew your comms would sell, but I still can’t believe the uproar around them. Everyone is desperate for one, they’ve almost become a status symbol overnight.’

Harry grinned, winking at her cheekily. ‘I could easily make more, but artificial scarcity is a powerful marketing tool. Now I’ve got Ministries all over the world calling Dromeda, promising all sorts of wild stuff to be the next to receive a shipment. I’ll never want for materials again.’

‘Ugh,’ Hermione grimaced, her face scrunched up in disgust. ‘Who are you and what have you done with my sweet, humble best friend? You sound like a skeezy CEO.’

He barked out a laugh, startling the adorable tyke in his arms.

Well, I am one now, aren’t I?

When his phone chimed again, he looked at it and almost dropped his niece at what he saw. It was a photo of Ginny nuzzling Raheem’s huge, black cock, the appendage so long and the photo taken so close that all he saw was the obsidian, veiny shaft, the knob and root off-screen. The blissful smile on her face, as if she’d been reunited with a long-lost lover, had his pants becoming uncomfortably tight.

I need to find a way to discreetly hand the little Ginger Nugget off, this is getting a bit awkward.

‘So what’s next?’ Hermione asked, leaning against the armrest and sipping on her cup of tea. ‘Are you just focusing on selling the comms now or are you working on something new?’

Thankful for the distraction, Harry shrugged. ‘I thought about tellies,’ he admitted. ‘But that’s too reliant on either people making programming for it, or magicals wanting to watch Muggle telly.’

‘People would love to watch Quidditch on a telly, no?’ Hermione posited and he nodded.

‘I already asked, they’re not interested at the moment. They’re worried it’ll nuke their ticket sales,’ he said with an annoyed huff, then grinned. ‘There’s also porn. Playwizard seemed very interested, but asked for time - they need more talent before they’re prepared for something like that.’

Hermione snorted. ‘I remember my father telling me that that’s always the way with new technologies - porn is always the first adopter.’

Harry chuckled. He’d made the damn things in the first place in no small part because it would enhance his love-life.

‘Computers are another option,’ he admitted, grinning at Hermione’s look of excitement. ‘But unlike comms, they wouldn’t be filling a need that magic isn’t already handling, and convincing consumers they need something when they don’t understand why is an uphill battle I’m not interested in fighting.’

He grinned, Hermione’s pout vanishing as she mimed retching at his language. He did rather sound like a marketing exec these days. Chuckling, he pulled out his comms when it chimed again, his years of poker experience coming in handy when he kept his face utterly blank as he looked at the screen.

The next pic was of Ginny stuffing that huge cock in her mouth, her lips spread obscenely wide, her eyes dark with desire. Raheem had his large hand threaded in her coppery locks, everything about the man dwarfing his wife and making her look petite and tiny by comparison.

‘Ginny?’ Hermione asked, her eyebrows raised.

Sighing, Harry nodded tiredly. ‘She’s just venting about her coaches. She’s too junior still to have a go at them or her teammates so I just let her vent through me.’

‘Such a good husband,’ she teased and he shrugged nonchalantly, no doubt misunderstanding the meaning of his flushed cheeks as he pushed thoughts about how hot Ginny was aside and focused on burping Rose and continuing their conversation.

‘So yeah,’ he continued. ‘I have an idea for my next project, but it’ll be a fair bit more difficult than recreating smartphones.’

Hermione leaned forward, all traces of her tiredness vanished as her curiosity piqued. He had to admit he was being a tad bit boastful, recreating muggle tech, especially smartphones, had been something that had eluded the magical community for years - it wasn’t an easy task.

Well, it was for me. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though…

He had to smirk at that.

‘Oh?’ Hermione asked, and Harry had to laugh at her feigned disinterest. His longtime friend looked ready to burst into a storm of questions.

He leaned into the sales pitch he’d given his wife and Dromeda when he told them the idea.

‘What aspiring witch or wizard wouldn’t kill for their own private vivariums? Terrariums? Aquariums? What about a room where they can practise spells to their heart’s content without having to worry about the Ministry? Most of us live in small apartments and houses amongst Muggles, how about a pop-up function room when the rare need arises? What about something as simple as extra bedrooms, or something grand like a quidditch pitch?’

He grinned as Hermione’s eyes steadily widened, even little Rosie was feeding off their excitement, giggling and burbling as the tenor of his voice rose.

He’d gotten so into his spiel he didn’t even immediately go to his phone when he heard it chime again, instead rocking Rosie as he cradled her against his chest.

‘I figured I’ll try something simple and not only recreate the Room of Requirement, but I’ll make it portable, easily able to fit in your pocket alongside your comms.’

He restrained the urge to cackle madly as Hermione gaped at him in shock.

Man, I love my job.

Switching Rose to his other shoulder, he took out his phone and gazed at the screen. Ginny’s mouth was wide open and filled with Raheem’s goopy discharge, his wife eagerly showing her prize to the camera.

The picture was accompanied by some text.

“Daddy doesn’t believe that you know about us, and that he has your blessing

He’s asking that you thank him for feeding me


With hands almost shaking with arousal, he quickly fired off his response.

“Thanks for looking out mate. She looks full.”

Her reply was quick, almost as if she was just waiting to send it. In it, she was kissing Raheem’s plum-sized head, what he could see of the shaft already ludicrously imposing and hard after its recent discharge. His large hand was also in the frame this time, giving him a thumbs up.

He almost gave up the game immediately with his reaction to her next text.

“I’m not close to being full, but Daddy will take care of that soon.


When he looked up, he belatedly realised he’d been silent for far too long while also smiling at his comms like a dopey, horny idiot. Hermione was looking at him with eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He figured the shock at his latest proclamation would have lasted longer, to be honest.

‘Sorry, Gin’s ranting about her teammates now. She’s pretty adorable when she gets like this - real bitchy. I love it.’

His friend was clearly too smart for her own good. She didn’t look convinced, but dropped it nonetheless.

‘Harry…the Room of Requirement…I’ve studied it myself,’ she began, sounding trepidatious. ‘Half of the runes I’ve still not been able to decipher their meaning or origin, it’s one of the most intense mysteries within runemaster circles that remains unsolved to this day.’

‘Hermione, you’re a brilliant witch, and I mean no offence when I say this, but you’re not me.’

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. ‘It really is remarkable how often that statement is followed by something incredibly offensive.’

He openly laughed at her, bouncing Rosie against his chest. The adorable little ginger nugget squealing and making noises like a baby dinosaur, her smile positively heart-warming.

‘I mean that literally,’ he explained with a grin, soothing his friend’s wounded ego. ‘Most of the runes that went into the Room’s creation are Parcel, you literally can’t read them.’

Hermione’s eyes widened with shock at the casually dropped bombshell, one of the biggest mysteries in enchanting circles exposed for one that literally couldn’t be solved without the help of an exceedingly rare accident of birth.

‘So…you need to be a parseltongue to replicate the Room?’

‘No,’ Harry dismissed her assertion with a shake of his head. ‘It just means the one who made them used Parsel runes. You need to be one to see what they do and how they combine with non-Parsel runes, but you can just as easily use any language to replicate the effects and achieve the same goal.’ He grinned impishly, ‘I might just create the whole thing using Parsel though - it’s like the ultimate form of copyright protection.’

Hermione snorted in amusement, and when he scrunched his face up in disgust when his niece started emitting a truly foul odour, she openly laughed at his discomfort. Quickly standing and snatching her baby from his outstretched arms, she rolled her eyes at his reaction.

The little bugger had shat in his arms. He would remember this.

‘You should have seen Ron the first time she did a poo in his arms - he almost called an exorcist,’ she said and they laughed as she expertly changed her nappy, starting when his comms chimed again.

His laughter dying down, Harry crossed his legs to better hide the bulge in his trousers and struggled mightily to hold in a groan at the sight on the screen.

Ginny was face down on their bed, beautiful, toned, pale ass up. Her hand was reaching backfrom between her legs, her wedding and engagement rings glistening conspicuously as she played with her pretty pussy. The picture was clearly taken by Raheem, his imposing cock rising up from the bottom of the frame, the implication clear.

‘I knew it!’

Harry yelped and almost launched his comms over to the other side of the room, Hermione having clearly become a ninja or something because she’d somehow changed Rose in the blink of an eye and sneaked around the back of the couch to spy the screen of his comms over his shoulder without him noticing.

Instead of laughing at him almost jumping out of his skin, Hermione was looking at him with cheeks flaming red with embarrassment.

‘Is she…?’

Sighing and running his hand through his hair, his heart-rate steadily slowing once more, he motioned to the gurgling baby, her arms waving in the air. ‘Why don’t you put her to bed?’

Her cheeks flushing even further in embarrassment, she nevertheless nodded and hurried to do just that.

Is it just me, or did she seem rather eager to put Rosie down?

“I’m sure this was a part of your cunning plan, so you’ll be happy to know Hermione caught me sneaking peeks at your little updates. She's gone and put Rosie to bed, guess we’ll be having a viewing party now.”

When the reply came after a short delay, it was sent with another pic. Instead of what he’d expected, Ginny had her comms aimed down the length of her body, Raheem's giant frame laying between her spread legs, his face buried in her quim.

"Kinky. Ask her if she wants to join me. Would serve Ron right for buggering off to Australia and leaving his wife unattended."

That was hardly fair. Ron did his equal share of fatherly duties admirably, though given Hermione's reaction to the picture - her instant, apparent arousal - maybe he was a little slack when it came to his husbandly duties.

It seemed like his wife was still on a high after having a hand in convincing Tonks to cuck Moony.

‘Did she send another one?’ Hermione asked, sounding out of breath after having rushed back down the stairs. She placed the monitoring crystal on the table that would let her know if Rose started crying, but she only had eyes for his comms, and the noticeable bulge in his trousers.

‘I don’t think I’ve shown you the comms’ latest feature,’ he answered slyly, ignoring her question. Seeing her look of confusion, Harry sat his comms on the coffee table and angled its top edge towards the far wall. With a flick of his wand, the beautiful, landscape painting was levitated aside, leaving the wall bare.

Reaching over to his phone, he triple-tapped the top of his comms and the message conversation with his wife was projected on the wall with crystal clarity - where muggle projectors often had a washed out look, their image affected by light pollution, his comms projected the image perfectly. It looked as if the screen of his phone was painted on the wall.

‘Bloody hell,’ Hermione muttered, eyes wide. He was a bit put out that she seemed more enraptured by the hulking specimen than his projection, but he consoled himself with the knowledge that she was, in fact, rather randy.

‘Language,’ Harry admonished in a teasing tone.

‘He’s so big,’ she continued in understandable disbelief, either missing Ginny’s message saying that Hermione should join her, or choosing not to comment on it. Raheem made Ginny look like a child as he lay between her splayed legs, his huge frame not only contrasting deliciously with his wife’s pale skin, but dwarfing her with his size and sheer bulk.

‘In more ways than one,’ Harry admitted, amusement tinging his tone as he beheld his friend’s awe.

Hermione managed to tear her gaze away from the titillating sight just long enough for her eyes to fall on his own thick shaft bulging against the leg of his trousers. Hermione’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping open in surprise, a delicate pink tongue subconsciously sneaking out and wetting her suddenly dry lips.

‘That looks…uncomfortable.’


Looking at him in confusion, she blushed when she saw his raised brow. ‘I’m just saying… you could take it out if it’ll make you feel more comfortable. I won’t mind.’

‘This is starting to sound like the opening to an incredibly cheesy porno.’

Hermione’s blush deepend, her gaze, however, never leaving his bulge. Despite being called out on her nonsense, she seemed emboldened by his lack of adverse reaction - possibly taking it as tacit approval.

‘I…I want to see it.’

Then again, he was utterly shameless.

‘Then come and take it out yourself.’

The flush on her cheeks spread to the rest of her face and neck.

She still didn’t avert her gaze. She was biting her lip now too.

She has no idea how effortlessly sexy she is, even if she’s trying to win the award for most frumpily dressed wife.

‘I-I can’t, I shouldn’t, I -’

Harry shrugged, crossing his legs to hide his bulge and grinned at her. ‘Then you don’t get to see it, you naughty girl.’

She worried at her lip some more, her eyes burning with desire as she warred with her indecision. Eventually, she must have come to some bollocks justification in her mind - Hermione was truly the master of that - because she sidled up closer to him, uncrossing his legs with hands shaking with excitement.

Harry’s grin widened, his friend clueless to this with her gaze fixed in his lap. She struggled to unbuckle his belt and unzip his trousers, her hands still shaking uncontrollably, her breath coming in ragged, excited pants. He leaned back, threading his hands behind his head and watched her fumbling with amusement, his cock noticeably throbbing with excitement when his eyes flicked up to the sexy image on the wall.

He’s definitely fucking her right now. Where are my updates, you little slag?!

Hermione spread his open trousers, grabbed the hem of his pants and tried to pull them down, revealing the thick root of his dick but getting no further. If she pulled at his pants any harder, she’d tear them in two before getting his dick out.

Hearing his chuckle, she looked up at him, her cheeks still aflame but her eyes narrowed, adorably, in annoyance. ‘You’re too big,’ she huffed.

‘You’ll have to get in there and pull me out Mione, my pants don’t stretch that far,’ he instructed, his voice thick with amusement.

She bit her lip sexily again but then her face firmed with resolve. Closing her eyes, she reached into his trousers, as if by not looking what she was doing was suddenly okay. He groaned loudly and with exaggerated enthusiasm when her cool hand gripped him, her dainty fingers unable to close around his girth.

When she started as if burnt, Harry collapsed into a fit of laughter, the look on her face only increasing his mirth and further annoying her. She slapped him on the back of the head, though her eyes constantly trailed down to his exposed cock.

‘You prat!’

‘I couldn’t help it,’ he wheezed out a laugh, leaning back into the couch while his long, thick cock rested heavily against his thigh. ‘The look on your face, oh Merlin!’

Her face was still crimson, but the corners of her lips twitched. ‘Utterly shameless.’

‘That would be a lot more convincing if you weren’t staring at my dick when you said it.’

She didn’t even react to his teasing, her eyes wide and staring at his cock in wonder. ‘I…that’s ridiculous. How does Ginny fit that thing inside her?’

‘She doesn’t,’ he explained, relaxing and enjoying his friend openly ogling his cock. He started stroking himself, pre-cum leaking from his tip at an accelerated rate as he imagined Raheem railing his wife. ‘Not fully anyway.’

A part of him was sorely disappointed that she was married to his other best mate. Were she with anyone else, he’d already have her bent over the coffee table and be shagging her brains out - he wouldn’t do that to Ron though. While a little teasing was fine in his book, he’d never cross that line.

Well, never say never, but I don’t want to do Ron dirty like that.

‘What?’ Harry asked, looking over at Hermione with a raised brow. She’d gone silent, transfixed by the sight of his hand gliding up and down his slick shaft, the other resting behind his head.’You’re just gonna sit there? At least get your baps out you weirdo, don’t just stare at me like a creeper.’

Hermione’s receding blush returned with a vengeance, her hands coming up to cover her still jumper-clad breasts while her head snapped towards his phone on the table as it chimed again. They both looked up at the wall and groaned at what they saw. Raheem had taken this picture as he stood between his wife’s spread legs, his colossal member resting distressingly high against her belly while she grinned cheekily up at the camera, the entirety of her gorgeous, athletic body on display while her pale skin contrasted erotically with Raheem’s obsidian black shaft.

Hermione looked between the picture and Harry’s shaft several times, biting her lip and whining adorably. ‘Jesus Christ, it really is bigger than yours…’

Harry chuckled, his cock twitching at the innocent, derogatory remark. ‘You women are all so fickle, now, are you going to get your tits out?’

Blushing prettily, Hermione averted her gaze and focused on the titillating picture on the wall, her breaths coming in ragged pants while her fingers toyed with the hem of her thick, woollen jumper. Steeling herself, and before she could talk herself out of it, she gripped the hem and pulled both it and her blouse off in one quick motion.

Harry’s cock throbbed as Hermione’s bra-clad tits bounced free. The bra itself was one of the most unsexy things he’d ever seen - likely designed to make breastfeeding or expressing easier - beige and comfortable, but not even it could discourage his hungry gaze. Hermione’s tits were shockingly big, bigger than he’d even guestimated from seeing her overstuffed jumper alone.

He needed to convince Ron to burn the infernal things. The way they hid his friend’s surprising assets from the world should be criminalised.

When she unclipped her bra, allowing her heavy breasts to hang under their own weight, Harry couldn’t help himself. He started to stroke his cock faster, both the way they sagged on her chest and the galleon-sized dark nipples a sight to behold.

‘Bloody hell Hermione,’ he cursed, the silence of the room shattered by his words and the schlicking of his hand gliding up and down his shaft. His friend looked away from him, both incredibly aroused and embarrassed. ‘How’ve you hid those?’

Her small, pleased smile was one of the hottest things he’d seen that day. ‘I was an upper C-cup,’ she began, her voice quiet yet clearly ecstatic by his praise. She cupped her tits but made sure not to cover them from his leering gaze while also self-consciously supporting them to stop them from sagging - he really wished she wouldn’t, he loved the shape of big tits when they sagged under their own weight. ‘I grew two cup sizes after pregnancy - are you…masturbating over me?’

He looked up into her eyes, his brow raised as he noticed her incredulity. ‘Don’t be daft Mione, you’re gorgeous, now let go of your tits, I like seeing them sag under their own weight.’

Still blushing but looking inordinately pleased regardless, she tentatively let go of her breasts and lent forward, clasping her hands behind her back and tilting her head to the side adorably. Harry groaned and started stroking faster as he watched her breasts sway, gravity moulding her tits into a perfect teardrop shape.

He wanted nothing more than to reach over and start pawing at her pendulous funbags, but he restrained himself. He wouldn’t do that to Ron, despite how turned on he was by the bizarre situation he found himself in.

Hermione was faring much worse. She was torn between watching him stroke his own member and looking over at the wall, at Raheem’s colossal, obsidian shaft. She was seated again, trying - and failing - to discreetly rub herself over her sweatpants. The look of hunger in her eyes was as unmistakable as it was hot.

‘You want to touch me?’ Harry asked, not pausing in his stroking as he watched his almost panting friend melt from arousal alone. Hermione’s eyes were wide at his brazen offer, but, surprisingly, she only nibbled at her lip adorably and nodded in affirmation.

‘Okay,’ Harry agreed, and Hermione’s eyes widened in shock. She’d clearly expected him to be having her on, or to be good enough for both their sakes. ‘First, name a woman other than yourself that Ron fancies.’

Her confusion was apparent, and her eyes sharpened almost instantly, the mere mention of her absent husband’s name almost enough to pour cold water over the fires of her arousal alone.

‘C’mon, you’re you. There’s no way you haven’t slapped him upside the head for staring too long. Who does Ron go gaga over?’

Hermione huffed out an annoyed breath and dropped into the couch next to him, the motion doing marvellous things for her deliciously big breasts.

‘I dunno,’ she pouted, her face scrunched up in confusion and annoyance. She clearly didn’t appreciate or understand his line of questioning. She would. ‘Gabby, probably? The little tart has been flirting with him ever since she turned eighteen.’

Harry brarked out a laugh. ‘Nice try, she flirts with everyone. Try again.’

Hermione pouted and crossed her arms under her tits. ‘I don’t know what you want me to say.’

Harry grinned. He wasn’t ignorant to the fact that he was talking to her fabulous tits instead of her face, but if Hermione minded, she certainly didn’t say so. If anything, he was pretty sure she was sticking her chest out a little bit for his benefit.

‘Okay here’s what’s gonna happen. Tomorrow morning, you’re going to call in sick. Feed and do what you need to do with Rosie, then you’re going to shag Ron’s brains out, and you’re only going to pause when you need to feed and take care of the baby.’

‘I -’

‘I don’t want to hear it,’ he snapped, his voice sharp and his eyes narrowed, the situation absurd given he was still slowly stroking himself and looking at both her jiggling tits and shimmering eyes. ‘The fact that you’re even considering cheating on Ron shows how horny and desperate you are - this can’t go on.’

She finally looked away, her face flushed this time with shame and her eyes wet with unshed, frustrated tears.

Then,’ Harry continued in a gentler tone, ‘you’re going to call Susan Bones over, and you’re going to invite her into your bed. Give your husband the threesome of his dreams. She’ll be eager, trust me, that girl is a freak - oh, and make sure you give Ron a double boob-job.’

She was gaping at him in shock, her eyes wide in disbelief. ‘But -!’

Then,’ Harry interrupted her again, continuing with a grin, ‘having been responsible for getting him a threesome he would have never had otherwise, I won’t feel guilty about letting you suck my cock.’

He made sure to lean towards her and drop the tenor of his voice until it was deep and seductive. Her indignation was gone, the flush on her cheeks now one of arousal, her eyes wide with need.

‘That’s what you want, isn’t it? You naughty, horny, sexy little slutwife,’ he teased, each word like a slap to her face and causing her to jolt and squirm in her seat. Her eyes were locked on the shaft he hadn’t stopped stroking, her breaths coming in ragged pants. ‘You’re thinking about it, aren’t you? About how this will feel in your hands…in your mouth… in your pussy…’

She shuddered with each word, her hands going to and massaging her pebbled nipples and her tongue poking out to wet her dry lips.

Then her eyes cleared and she looked up at him, her brown eyes wide and vulnerable. ‘Why didn’t we ever shag? At Hogwarts, I mean. Did you not find me attractive?’

Harry would have been thrown off by the random non sequitur if he hadn’t been reading her surface thoughts - not that he really needed to, Hermione wore her insecurity like armour. Her question nearly had his eyes rolling out of their skull at the absurdity of it.

That question is why. You’re my best friend, and you’re sexy, but you’re always so insecure - that’s the opposite of sexy to me,’ he answered with blunt honesty. At least she knew herself well enough to not get offended. ‘Do you know what Gin did when she found out I’d been spying on her shagging?’

Eyes wide, she shook her head in the negative, leaning forward in her eagerness to learn.

‘She grabbed me by the bollocks, dragged me to an empty classroom and shagged my brains out. The entire time, she had her hand wrapped around my throat, taunting me and calling me names for not being man enough to take her myself - it was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced in my life up until that point. That’s what I find sexy and that’s why we never shagged.’

She raised an eyebrow, though his story had clearly had an affect on her. ‘Because I didn’t sexually assault you?’

‘Now you’re getting it.’

She snorted out a laugh, the tension oozing out of her as she gazed down at his cock with need, biting her lip sexily. He read her surface thoughts and saw that she was imagining what a threesome with Ron and Susan would be like. He was surprised to note that she wasn’t entirely against the idea and was even turned on by it, but none of the images involved the two women so much as looking at each other - Ginny would be devastated.

‘If you keep staring at it like that we’re going to get in trouble.’

That didn’t stop her, if anything it turned her on more. Hermione clearly wanted to shag him, so much so that she was considering letting her husband have a threesome with another woman. He wasn’t sure that sat all that well with him, but he figured he would be breaking even on the karma scale so he put it out of his mind.

‘So if I do the things you said… you’ll - you’ll do stuff with me?’

Looking down at her naked, hanging tits, he imagined laying his head down in her lap and suckling on those big nipples. He nodded, ‘If you start shagging your husband again, have regular threesomes with him - sending me photo evidence to prove it - and let Sue go down on you -’

She squawked, her face grimacing in disgust, ‘I’m not bi!’

Harry grinned. ‘Neither was Ginny, until she watched me shagging Fleur.’

Her mind almost shut down at that. ‘She - what?!’

‘Do we have a deal?’ he asked, holding out his hand and grinning, skillfully dodging her question. She gaped at him, looking at his hand warily, but then she looked at his cock and her eyes darkened with hunger. Smiling impishly, she shook his hand but her eyes widened when he didn’t let go. His grin widened, ‘think of this as incentive.’

She gasped when he pulled her hand over to his cock, wrapped it around his shaft and enclosed it with his own.

‘Looks like Ginny sent us another update,’ he casually said, as if Hermione wasn’t gaping at him in shock as he used her hand to steadily stroke his cock.

They looked up at the wall and Hermione gasped, her grip tightening on his member when the new image popped up. It was similar to the previous one, except Raheem’s huge, black knob was kissing his wife’s nethers. Harry grinned, looking over at his blushing friend and nudging her with his shoulder.

‘Check this out, new feature. Tap the photo on the screen will you? My hands are full.’

Hermione’s face had turned beet red, but she didn’t look displeased. She was pressed up against his side, her hand trapped around his cock while the other rested on his thigh. Biting her lip, she reached over and did as asked, then she gasped when the image on the wall started to move, crystal clear audio blaring out over the comms sound crystals.

Ginny’s whining voice came through loud and clear as Raheem ran his knob up and down his wife’s glistening lips, collecting her copious leaking juices.

‘Fuck me, please Daddy, fuck me.’

They heard Raheem’s deep chuckle before he pressed his hips forward, his knob first spreading then slowly sinking into his wife’s delicate pussy.

‘Oh fuuuuuck, so big Daddy, so fucking big.’

They both watched in silence as the huge cock sank into his moaning and groaning wife, her lips spreading wide around his ridiculous girth and bottoming out with more than half of his shaft still outside of her.

‘Does your old man shag you as good as I do?’

‘No Daddy!’ Ginny wailed, as Raheem slowly pulled out and slowly thrust back in, Ginny’s lips stubbornly gripping the obscenely huge shaft as he did so. With a chuckle, Raheem turned the camera up to her face, his wife’s pale skin was flush with arousal, her eyes shining with equal parts delight and desperation.

The video ended, then looped back to the beginning. Using Hermione’s cool hand, Harry’s strokes picked up in intensity, the erotic sight before him, his own little kinky play with his best friend and the feeling of her big tits pressed against his arm quickly driving him closer to his climax.

With awkward movements, given he still held one of her hands captive, Hermione stood from the couch and removed her sweats and knickers. He watched his naked and deliriously horny friend hungrily as she sidled up next to him, one of her hands stroking his cock while the other ran along her glistening lips.

Hermione was gorgeous. Even so soon after having Rose she didn’t have an extra ounce of fat on her aside from her chest. Seeing his look of admiration, she preened and sidled up closer to him, biting her lip as she alternated watching the sexy show on the wall, and eyeing Harry’s dick.

‘He’s several inches bigger than you,’ she whispered in awe, the schlicking of her fingers as they thrust in and out of her pussy audible over their ragged breaths. Harry only grunted, feeling his orgasm fast approaching.

The next clip was more of them shagging, but Raheem had pulled Ginny so her bum was hanging off their bed as he thrust up into her, his knob grinding against her g-spot - her response positively orgasmic. They couldn’t see her face, but every time he thrust into her Ginny would squeal in delight, her voice no doubt pissing off the neighbours.

After a few more loops, with pre-cum oozing out of his cock and coating both of their hands, Harry jolted and grunted. ‘I’m about to cum, show me your tits Mione.’

He almost checked for polyjuice when, instead of hesitating, Hermione immediately and excitedly knelt on the carpet between his legs. With his hand no longer trapping hers, she cradled her tits for him, presenting them as an eager target as she bit her lip and watched his hand rapidly stroking his cock.


With a grunt, he angled his shaft down and unloaded all over his long-time friend’s married tits with a long, guttural moan.

Hermione gasped at the sight of his first, hefty load. But when his body just kept jerking, more spurts shooting out and pooling in her cleavage, her eyes steadily widened in shock. When he was done, her gorgeous tits were utterly soiled with his seed, a pool of his cum collecting in her surprisingly substantial cleavage.

He huffed and collapsed back into the couch, a lazy smile on his relaxed face. ‘That should tide you over until you take care of your husband, you naughty, slutty wife.’

Hermione groaned and shuddered at the reminder of what this was. No matter how she justified it, and how much she intended to make Ron feel like a king afterwards, she had been unfaithful. He read her surface thoughts and, despite the reality of the situation, he only felt her arousal as she stared at his prodigious load hungrily.

‘Looks good on you,’ Harry chuffed, gently stroking his sensitive and flagging cock.

His phone chimed again, they both looked up to see this one was not like the others. Ginny had turned her comms on herself and while she was still being shagged, they only saw her flushed face.

‘Mione, if you’re still - unh - with him and you’ve - uungh - finished what I asked you to make, can you - haah - go and get it please?’ She paused, burying her face in the crook of her elbow and screaming as Raheem did something that drove her wild. When she calmed down, she looked back into the comms, her eyes wild with lust and desire. ‘Use it and send my cuck home.’

Hermione sucked in a sharp, excited breath and turned to him with wide eyes.

He could have discovered what his wife was referring to by delving into her thoughts, but why ruin the surprise?

‘Well? You heard the bosslady.’

Biting her lip, she gave him a sexy grin and stood. His cock throbbed as she stood utterly bare before him, her hand on her cocked hip as his cum flowed down the valley of her tits and down her flat stomach. She smiled shyly when he grabbed his comms from the coffee table, cancelling the projection, and snapped a few pics of her gorgeous, cum-stained body.

She was utterly breathtaking.

Disappointingly, she vanished it with a flick of her wand instead of tasting some of it.

Sorry mate, I can’t wait to shag your wife.

He was a horrible mate, but he consoled himself with the knowledge that he was getting Ron a threesome with a girl he’d fancied since Hogwarts.

His eyes followed her as she sashayed to and disappeared up the stairs. Their actions tonight had clearly boosted her confidence and she was all the more sexier for it.

When she came back, Harry was watching some of the clips Ginny sent and was steadily stroking his cock to hardness again.

Hermione hadn’t bothered to don a robe or anything. She stood before him, naked, holding a box between her hands and shifting from foot to foot nervously. ‘Hands off mister, and close your eyes.’

Harry’s brow rose at her unconvincing demanding tone, but he just shrugged and, with one longing look at her naked body, one that elicited a preening grin from his friend, he did as instructed.

He heard her opening the box she was holding, then he shivered and started when he felt something cool come into contact with the entire length of his shaft.

‘Keep your eyes closed,’ Hermione demanded, her voice breathy and almost panting with excitement.

The cool sensation enveloped his entire shaft and even travelled down and around his balls. He shivered at the sensation, feeling a genuine spike of worry when he felt the cool sensation tighten and constrict around his bits. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. He had an inkling of what was encasing his cock and balls, and he grinned cheekily.

That grin slipped off his face when he beheld what now dangled between his legs…rather pathetically.

‘What the -?!’ he exclaimed in shock.

He looked up at his friend, who was looking supremely smug and satisfied with her handiwork.

‘Ginny was tired of your constantly breaking out of and ruining your chastity cages. She asked me to make one you couldn’t break or slip out of easily - as you can see, she also had some…other requests.’

‘Bloody hell!’ he exclaimed when he finally got over his shock. His cock and balls had been magically shrunken and encased in a tiny, two-inch, steel, chastity cage.

‘Obviously you’ll grow back to normal when you remove the cage,’ Hermione said, a hint of nervousness in her tone. ‘You’ll have to ask your wife to do that though, her wedding ring has the unlocking charm inscribed on it.’

Is she worried I’ll be upset…?

As shocking as the sight was, he had to admit it was an impressive bit of enchanting.

‘You’d best head home,’ Hermione teased, a hint of disappointment evident in her tone as their naughty night was coming to an end. ‘I think Ginny wants to show off her little cuck to her Daddy.’

He felt his cock throb with desire and he groaned as, even in its shrunken state, it strained mightily against its prison.

He had to admit it was a rather novel experience to look between his legs and see such a pathetically small cock and balls. It was…hot. He couldn’t wait to see Ginny’s reaction.

‘Oh, before you go,’ Hermione said as he stood, walking up to him and pressing her tits against his chest, her sparkling eyes looking up into his. She grinned wickedly and his knees buckled when he felt her gently caress his, apparently, incredibly sensitive bollocks. The sensation was unlike any he had ever felt, like a lance of pure, white-hot pleasure shooting straight to his brain.

‘Enhanced sensitivity,’ she explained, her cheeks flushing at his groan and surprising reaction. ‘You’ll also not be able to finish while wearing it. How do you like it?’ she asked, her grin wicked, no doubt enjoying lording this over him. ‘Is my enchanting up to your standards, Harry?’

Harry looked down into her eyes, hornier than he could ever remember being. He could feel the heat in his cheeks and his breath came out in ragged pants. ‘Acceptable,’ he said with a shaky grin, walking towards the fireplace on unsteady legs after zipping himself up and taking one last, long look at Hermione’s naked body. After an unreasonable amount of time just ogling his best friend as she fidgeted and preened under his scrutiny, he shook his head and took a step back. ‘I best head back to the missus - don’t forget our deal, I want evidence!’

Hermione’s grin turned positively salacious. ‘Why? What am I supposed to do with that pathetic little thing?’

He groaned, his eyes screwing shut as he shuddered in bliss.

He really was an absolute deviant.

Hermione cackled, drunk on lust.

His hand full with floo powder, he once again stopped to admire his friend’s naked form. His eyes roamed over her soft curves, her beautiful smile, her sparkling eyes, her heavy tits, her pretty pussy -

‘Go!’ Hermione barked out and laughed, a proud smile on her pretty face.

Shaking his head, he stopped into the Floo and disappeared in a flash of green fire, promising himself to finish what he started here that night. And soon.


The second he appeared in his living room with a flash of green fire, he was greeted with Ginny’s euphoric moans. Still, she’d somehow heard him as he approached the bedroom and called out to him.

‘Take off your clothes, cuck!’

Shuddering at both the upcoming humiliation and the demanding tone in her voice, he did as she asked, his hands shaking and his breath coming in ragged, excited gasps. He looked forlornly down at his pathetically shrunken and caged member, a growing sense of dread and queasiness forming in his gut as he rounded the corner.

His wife was lying on her side and propping herself up on an elbow as she faced the door with lust and excitement clear in her eyes. Raheem’s colossal form loomed large behind her, one of his hands supporting and holding up one of her legs as he spooned and shagged her from behind, each moan-inducing thrust causing her entire body to jolt and her muscles to tense. The position had the added benefit of allowing him to be less cautious with his hard thrusts, both her meaty ass and body providing an ample buffer between them.

When Ginny saw him, her eyes widened with glee and she moaned the loudest yet. Raheem looked up at her obvious reaction, his concentration broken. His eyes widened at the sight of him and his caged todger, his deep, baritone laugh feeling like it shook the room.

Ginny crooked a finger at him, and smiled sensually. ‘Come here, my love.’

He obediently approached, his knees wobbly as both Ginny and Raheem smirked at him, especially when Ginny reached down to caress the obscene shaft still spearing her absentmindedly.

‘You look so adorable,’ she cooed, reaching up and running a finger over his exposed bollocks. He shuddered at her touch, his knees almost giving out at the magically enhanced sensations. Ginny broke character and her eyes widened in surprise at his reaction, but seeing he wasn’t hurt, she just smiled coquettishly and jingled the tiny cage. ‘See what I have to deal with, Daddy?’

‘I see, baby girl,’ he soothed in a deep, powerful voice filled with mirth. He acted like a man that had been in this situation many times before. ‘Don’t you worry, Daddy will take care of you whenever you need.’

Biting her lip, her eyes wide with excitement, she pulled off her lover with a shuddering groan, her pussy inflamed and already well-soiled with his creampie. Sitting up on her knees, she arranged them so they were standing side-by-side at the end of her bed. Harry wasn’t as short as he’d been before puberty kicked in, standing at a respectable six-feet tall, but Raheem towered over him, at least a head taller and with a chest that looked twice as wide.

With a giddy smile, she held both of their packages, though in demonstrably different ways. For Raheem, she gently caressed his big bollocks, his shaft resting along the entire length of her forearm, being of a length with it. For him, she merely pinched his caged shaft with her index finger and thumb. The lovers both giggled at his expense and his face flushed with delicious humiliation as she jingled his caged cock, sending waves of intense pleasure flowing through him.

She quickly hustled over to the bedside table, fetched her overused comms and handed it to him with a cheeky grin. ‘My love, take a photo of this please. Make sure you send a copy to Hermione too.’

With his hands shaking so much he was genuinely worried it’d ruin the picture, he however did as asked. His cock looked even more pathetic when compared so brazenly next to Raheem’s still-hard monstrous member.

Hermione will like that, I think. I wonder if she’s still naked and frigging herself?

‘Record,’ his wife then demanded, her naughty, domineering gaze never leaving his as he shook under her ministrations, the situation doing as much to him as the charm on his chastity cage.

Nodding to let her know the comms was recording, Ginny smiled wide. She let go of Raheem’s bollocks, moaning in need as her pale hand started gliding up and down his obsidian shaft while she simultaneously jiggled his tiny, caged member.

‘Mmm, Daddy’s so much bigger,’ she purred, her giggle so insanely sexy he wondered if he’d cum on the spot if the device was apparently stopping him from doing so. At this point he was shaking with so much excitement and repressed arousal he worried if he might ruin the video. ‘Cuck,’ she said, addressing him, ‘thank Daddy for taking care of your wife and showing her what a real man shags like.’

He cleared his throat, hoping he didn’t sound as pathetic as he felt when he moaned out a weak thanks.

Raheem’s baritone, domineering chuckle added an extra emphasis on his delicious humiliation.

This was mostly new territory for them. In the past, Harry had been more than content with just watching his girlfriend and then wife shagging other blokes. While he’d sometimes been in the same room as them when the situation allowed, he’d never participated like this, never been so utterly emasculated - it had never really been a possibility. Even now, with Ginny comparing and contrasting their cocks so naughtily, it wouldn’t have hit as hard without Hermione’s chastity cage - Raheem was honestly not that much bigger than him.

With just one little device, they’d added an entirely new dynamic to their cuckolding play.

I’ll be thanking Hermione appropriately for this. Soon.

He looked away from the comms into his wife’s shining eyes. She was panting, her face flush with desire - this was turning her on as much as it was him. ‘Don’t you think every woman deserves a cock like this, baby?’

Clearing his throat, he again answered in the affirmative, earning another chuckle from both.

‘Do you want to watch how Daddy shags me with a real cock, Cuck?’

‘Yes,’ he pleaded with a hoarse whisper and his wife purred with delight, releasing both of their members and pulling her lover closer by wrapping an arm around his tree-trunk-like thigh. He ended the recording and sent it to Hermione unprompted - if she hadn’t already, she'd have soaked the couch by the time she’d watched the rest of this.

Instead of getting right to it like he expected, Ginny pulled her lover down onto the bed next to her and leaned back, supporting herself on her elbows and spreading her legs wide. ‘Well, you can’t expect Daddy to fuck me with such a dirty pussy, can you?’

He handed the comms to his wife and dutifully dropped to his knees, his face flush and his hands shaking with repressed arousal. He had to fight every impulse screaming at him to remove or destroy the chastity cage so he could fuck his wife - he already had several ideas as to how he might go about that - and insread dutifully dropped to his knees and watched as a veritable river of cum oozed out of his wife’s inflamed, bald pussy. It was as if she’d been somehow saving it for him this entire time.

He licked it up, starting from her thigh and travelling up to the source. The room was dead silent aside from the sounds of his slurping and his wife’s appreciative moans, her hand threading in his messy, ebony locks as she held him against her. Her moans were then suddenly muffled and he was greeted to the sound of lips smacking as the two lovers snogged while he cleaned and prepped her to be shagged.

When he was done, he stood, eyes only for his wife as she pulled away from her lover, her eyes wild with desire. ‘Lay on the bed,’ she demanded.

Doing as asked, she positioned him so his head was almost hanging off the end of their bed then she crawled over him, her freshly cleaned pussy directly in his face. He couldn’t see her, but he imagined her looking over her shoulder as she waved her bum at Raheem. ‘Fuck me, Daddy.’

He watched with bated breath as a huge, black cock invaded his vision and easily slipped into his wife’s dripping pussy. He had the best ever angle to see his wife’s small pussy be violated and it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. When he pressed against the invading shaft from the outside through the skin of her mons, his wife almost collapsed as she wailed with glee. Harry tried to ignore the big, swinging bollocks out of the corner of his eye and also used his other hand to tease her swollen clit.

‘Yes, yes, FUCK,’ Ginny cried at the dual assault.

Ginny was screaming now, moaning so loudly he was sure they were soon to get complaints. He didn’t know why she never put up silencing charms - maybe to add to his humiliation - but Harry didn’t much care for their neighbours so he put it out of his mind.

They would be leaving this place soon anyway.

Ginny’s vociferous approval was so extreme, he was surprised when she had the presence of mind to grab her comms and toss it under her onto his abdomen. Chuckling, he hit the record function again and captured his wife’s glorious pussy being stuffed and pleasured by the both of them before quickly sending it to his horny best friend.

I wonder if this’ll mean she’ll just work harder to get Ron that threesome?

When she came, she squirted all over his face and the comms, her arms giving out and letting out a long, undulating wail that sounded like it originated from the depths of her soul.

‘Yeah, cum for Daddy,’ Raheem grunted as Ginny convulsed and shook with each of Raheem’s urgest thrusts. With a roar, he thrust in as deep as he dared and emptied in his wife once more.

When both lovers recovered, Raheem pulled away on unsteady legs, unplugging his wife’s tight pussy and allowing a torrent of his cum to ooze out onto his face. Without being asked, he leaned up and captured however much of it he could. Ginny’s cries let him know she appreciated his efforts.

They shagged in that position several more times that night, the cycle repeating itself over and over until Raheem’s stamina ran out and he left with a disdainful glance in his direction and a passionate snogging of his wife, easily lifting and shoving her naked body against the outside of their front door, where anyone could see them. Ginny wrapped her pale legs around his waist and moaned into his mouth - despite it being the middle of the night, she clearly hoped someone would come out and catch them.

When they finished, Raheem pulled back and saw him standing there and watching them with a perverse grin on his face. He’d put on a robe, but other than that he was as naked as his wife. The man sneered, ‘Jesus mate, have some self-respect.’

Ginny laughed wickedly, uncaring of who heard her and her lover left after kissing his wife one last time.

When it was just the two of them, Ginny came back inside, shut the front door and leaned back against it, smirking at him and looking like seduction personified.

Tearing off his robe, he shook as the cloth brushed against his caged member. ‘You need to get this off me Gin, I’m going crazy.’

Her smile widened and she took her time dropping to her knees and running her hand gently over his caged member, cooing and giggling at his exaggerated, magic-induced reactions. Explaining to her the charm Hermione had added had the opposite effect, causing his wife to giggle and continue tormenting him.

‘You know, I told Mione to put self-cleaning charms on it,’ she teased, looking up at him with her big, brown eyes and cheeky grin. ‘Maybe I like how much of a docile little cuck you are with that thing on? Maybe I’ll keep you in it a little longer?’

She emphasised her point by squeezing his bollocks. His knees actually gave out as his mind was assaulted with a white-hot lances of intense pleasure and his wife squealed at the added, unexpected wright, cackling at his plight.

Taking pity on him, she held her wedding ring to the cage and intoned ‘Alohomora.’

They both watched as the cage seemed to lose all tensile strength, the metal turning into what looked like mercury and shifting into a metallic, almost insectoid-like shape - a wand-sized spine with a dozen rib-like ‘legs’ sprouting off it along its length.

With the metallic device falling to the floor, his cock rapidly grew to its normal size, as hard as rock, and throbbing with need. With one hand on his wife’s shoulder to support his weight, he pumped his cock with the other and after two, embarrassingly quick tugs, he was cumming all over her laughing face.

He watched as Ginny licked up his cum without complaint, eyeing him sexily as he regained his composure. ‘Looks like Hermione read my paper on enchanting liquid metals,’ he chuffed, collapsing onto the nearby couch.

‘How do you feel?’ his wife asked, finally breaking character as she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his neck.

‘Hermione outdid herself,’ he confessed with a chuckle. ‘A wicked little contraption you’ve commissioned for yourself. Colour me impressed.’

‘I’m going to display it on the mantelpiece,’ she decided with a chuckle. ‘Everyone will see it, but no one will know what it is.’

‘Fill your boots,’ he said with a shrug and a chuckle.

‘Did it help?’ she asked, her voice muffled by his skin as she nuzzled closer to him.

He chuckled again. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on. It was so hot, you were so hot. When you started teasing me and comparing our cocks, I was thinking up ways to destroy the cage and break the Statute just so I could shag you.’

She slapped his chest. ‘Don’t,’ she whined. ‘Hermione will hex your bollocks off, if I don’t get to them first.’

Speaking of his best friend, he told her about his evening with Hermione. Ginny groaned, laying him flat on the couch and sheathing herself on his throbbing cock as he told the story. ‘Oh, I’d love to see you shag her,’ she moaned, her eyes closed as she rode him. ‘I want to see those big tits swaying almost as much as I want to see her losing her composure…’

‘Not even an ounce of concern for your beloved brother?’ he teased with a snort, reaching up to palm her perky tits. She was self-conscious about them - especially after Tonks and Fleur - he made sure to pay them extra attention when she mentioned others’ big tits in general.

She moaned, putting her hands over his and holding them in place. ‘He’ll be fairly compensated. So tell me, exactly how big were Hermione’s tits?’

Grinning cheekily, he summoned his comms and showed her the pics he’d snapped. She especially loved the one with her covered in his cum.

‘Bloody hell,’ Ginny whined, her gyrating increasing in intensity. ‘Are you sure she’s not bi?’

He laughed. ‘I even checked her surface thoughts.’

Screwing her eyes shut, she started to swivel her hips, moaning as he filled her deliciously and hit every one of her spots deep inside her pussy. ‘Maybe we need to put Fleur on the case?’

Laughing, he gave her toned bum a meaty spank and pulled her down against his chest.

As fun as the evening had been, he was happy to have his wife in his arms, his dick where it truly belonged.



Loved it!