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Chapter 4: A Metamorph’s Woes

Harry/Tonks, Harry/Fleur, Ginny/Fleur

It had been a surprise to everyone, especially in their family and friendship circle, when Nymphadora and Remus Lupin had separated shortly after their ten-year anniversary. Though it was a trial separation, what made it so shocking was that, as far as they all knew, they’d been trying to conceive recently.

Unaware if that was relevant or not, Harry had run into Tonks at the Ministry while taking some meetings looking positively glum and unproductive. Knowing Ginny was home on a rare day off, he’d sent Tonks to their house so she could keep the woman company and just hang out and chat.

After making them some watery tea - she was rubbish at hosting - Ginny sat opposite the glum woman in their living room with a concerned frown. The normally bubbly and spunky Auror looked like she apparently felt, her hair was muted, messy and brown - of all things - while her clothing was, if she was being charitable, sensible.

Sensible and brown were two words Ginny had never been able to use to describe her long-time friend. Tonks was always the life of the party, her hair some bright, neon colour and her clothing as punk-rock as they got.

‘I just got tired of carrying our relationship. Sexually,’ she explained, looking into her steaming cup of tea morosely. ‘If I didn’t initiate things, we’d never have sex, and even when I do, just getting him to do anything but the bare minimum or the utterly vanilla was like descaling a dragon. I… I’m tired,’ she sighed, sinking into their plush two-seater and taking a sip of her tea. ‘I’m too young to be tired.’

Ginny frowned. While she didn’t claim to be a relationship expert, none of that sounded good. Or salvageable. ‘That’s… not ideal. You two don’t sound sexually compatible at all. If you don’t mind me asking, was it always like this?’

Tonks snorted and shook her head, a fond smile lighting up her gloomy face. ‘No. Pardon the pun, but Remus used to be a beast. Just a few teasing words and a couple cheeky morphs was enough to whip him up into a sexual frenzy. Now? It’s a bloody ordeal just to get him to snog me in public.’

Ginny sighed, grimacing and putting her tea aside after taking a sip - why did she suck so much at adding water to leaves?! She shook her head, crossed her legs and leaned back into her armchair.

After her morning workout, she’d been expecting to bum around the house all day, maybe read some books and learn a few spells, never changing out of her PJs until Harry came home and shagged her brains out.

Now? Now she just felt depressed.

She sighed again. It was sad, but it just sounded like they’d grown apart into different, incompatible people. ‘Do you see yourself getting back together?’

Tonks grinned ruefully and chuckled, stretching her legs out and shrugging her shoulders. ‘You know, you’re the first to actually ask instead of assuming we would.’

Ginny shifted uncomfortably. As much as she thought separation and even divorce sounded right for them, she didn’t want to be a contributing factor to anything so life-changing. Clearly understanding the look of distress on her face, the older woman chuckled and waved her off.

‘Relax, there’s nothing you could say that I haven’t already thought about a million times over myself.’

Frowning, she sighed. She was doing a lot of that today. ‘If you don’t mind me saying, you two always just seemed like such a personality mismatch. My brothers used to hint that you were a bit of a wild girl -’

‘You can say slag,’ Tonks interceded with a lighthearted grin.

Ginny grinned back. ‘They said wild girl - anyway, I’d always just assumed Remus was a bit of a freak behind closed doors. You know, chains and whips and stuff.’

Tonks closed her eyes and shuddered in faux bliss at the thought. Ginny snorted at the reaction. Still, she tilted her head from side-to-side and shrugged. ‘He is - was. There’s nothing hotter than riling up a werewolf right around his times of the month.’ She paused, and Ginny raised a brow when Tonks looked about discreetly before leaning in close. ‘Can I tell you something I’ve not told anyone before?’

Ginny’s eyes shot into her hairline with surprise, but she humoured her and leaned forward to meet the woman halfway. She looked ready to divulge state secrets, and not even she was immune to some juicy gossip. ‘Go on.’

Blushing prettily - because that was her life now, overly noticing how pretty girls were - her hair shifting colours in her embarrassment, she whispered, ‘Nothing got Remus going more than when I’d shift into Lily Potter and start to go all dominatrix on him,’ she confessed with a guilty smile. Then, she scrunched up her face and shifted her features into ones she’d only ever seen before in pictures.

Tonks’ large, expressive eyes shifted until they were narrower, emerald and mesmerising, then her naturally playful and mischievous features shifted into ones more graceful and elegant, her skin paler like her own and lightly freckled. Finally, her cheeky grin turned into a knowing smirk.

‘Bloody hell,’ Ginny breathed, suddenly even more profoundly sad she’d never get to meet her mother-in-law. The woman was gorgeous.

‘I do hope you’re treating my son well?’

Ginny shuddered. She’d never seen Tonks do a full transformation before. For some reason she’d been expecting Tonks’ own voice to come out of those lips, but what had come out was far too elegant and posh to be her friend. ‘I thought -’

Lily Potter smirked. ‘I shift everything, including vocal chords. Well, not deliberately - it’s rather hard to explain. Anyway, all I had to do was look like this and step on him or something and he’d lose his mind. I’d have to crawl out of bed the next day.’

Gin’s eyes widened and she cackled with glee. ‘Remus would fuck you while you looked like Harry’s mum?!’

Tonks grinned, her features returning to their mischievous norm, a bit of the twinkle back in her dull eyes. ‘Not exactly. Seems a bit disrespectful of the dead and all, but it would push him over the edge. Honestly Gin, a sex-crazed werewolf? To this day, I’ve never had better sex.’

She resisted the urge to grin.

That’s because you’ve never shagged a big-dicked master legilimens.

She also resisted the urge to ask if Tonks was bi. Seeing her mother-in-law’s face like that, her sexy little smirk… it got her rather randy.

Is it wrong if I want to shag my dead mother-in-law? Harry would understand, right?

Gin’s grin turned into a grimace. ‘Let me guess, you’re the only one putting in any kind of effort like that? Of the kinky variety, anyway.’

Taking another sip of the awful tea she’d brewed - showing how much of an angel she was by not even grimacing - Tonks pointed to her and nodded her head. ‘Bingo.’

‘That…does sound exhausting. And dispiriting,’ Gin admitted. ‘And annoying, feeling like you’re the only one who cares enough to put in any kind of effort. You must feel like an absolute mug.’

Tonks snorted and didn’t deny it. ‘You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear you say that. Out of everyone I’ve talked to about this, you’re the first who hasn’t just called me some form of unreasonable.’

She frowned. ‘You talk to your mum about this? I find it hard to believe she’d call you unreasonable for feeling this way, not from what I know, anyway.’

Tonks laughed. ‘Okay, except her, but mum’s always disapproved of Remus.’

Gin frowned, stretching and sinking into the incredibly comfortable armchair with a sigh. She gazed into the fireplace on the other side of the room before speaking. ‘This is going to sound like bragging, and I genuinely don’t mean it to, especially given how you must be feeling, but Harry and I have an incredible sex-life - and that doesn’t come easy,’ she said, looking up at Tonks and shrugging. ‘We both put in a lot of effort in our own ways to have the other constantly turned on and ready to shag.’

Tonks only smiled and waved her off. ‘Brag all you like, it sounds like you earned it, even if I am a little jealous,’ she admitted with a chuckle. ‘We haven’t even had a kid yet, and I’m thinking this may be the reason why. All I can think about is how much worse this would get with a legitimate excuse for a reduced libido?’

Gin snorted, nodding in agreement as she heard the gentle chime of her comms. Thinking it was Harry letting him know he was on his way home, her face flushed crimson at what she saw instead. Fleur - the tireless harlot - had sent her a picture. In it, she was sitting on the floor in a home she didn’t recognize, an olive skinned man standing behind her with his huge, mostly flaccid cock dangling over her shoulder and glistening with - her, she presumed - juices, his body mostly out of frame.

The thick, strange cock only attracted her attention very briefly however. Fleur’s sparkling, pale blue eyes, her ethereally beautiful face, her salacious smile and her glorious tits fought mightily for her attention, but what won out was her glorious pussy. The whore spread her deliciously inflamed lips apart and revealed a thick, dollop of cum starting to ooze out of her.

Ginny bit her lip and struggled not to moan and give the game away.

She ogled the photo for so long however that Tonks instantly noticed something was ‘wrong.’ She’d been so distracted by the picture - and then by Tonks’ raised brow - that she hadn’t even noticed the text accompanying the image until it was too late, and the flames of her fireplace whooshed as someone floo’d over.

I will see you soon Pet, I have need of my sexy little cumslut.

The stupid, sexy whore had invited herself over. While she had company!

Both Ginny and Tonks’ heads snapped towards the fireplace as a gloriously, unashamedly naked Fleur stepped into the living room like a goddess incarnate, like a phoenix emerging from the ashes.

Tonks could only gape, almost spilling her tea while Ginny just had to face-palm.

‘I have company,’ Ginny groaned painfully as Fleur looked at the two of them with a raised brow and amused smile. Of course the slut was utterly unconcerned with her nakedness, or the audience.

Not that I can blame her. Bitch probably has no idea what insecurity means.

‘I did give you time to respond.’

Fleur approached her and Ginny felt the familiar feeling in her tummy as it flipped and her pussy gushed.

‘You’re in my seat putain.’

Unable to meet Tonks’ gaze out of sheer mortification - a part of her worried what she’d think if she saw the sheer arousal burning in her hazel eyes - she kept her eyes down and jerkily slipped to the floor as Fleur took her seat with a winning smile.

Ginny’s face flushed with shame and arousal as she finally looked up and saw Tonks’ wide-eyed look of shock.

That just made her even hornier.

Fleur didn’t even say anything, she didn’t need to. She’d trapped her between her gorgeous thighs and the second Ginny saw the thick trail of cum leaking out of her, she dove in and started cleaning.

She did not want to displease her mistress.

Her entire body shuddered violently at the sinful and degrading thought, though she moaned with desire as the intoxicating mixture of honeysuckle and pungent cum pooled on her furiously working tongue.

She’d been quick to submit, but a part of her secretly hoped she’d done something to displease her mistress.

Maybe then she’d be punished.

She shivered in delight again.

‘I - what?’ Tonks exclaimed incredulously at the ludicrous sight before her. One moment she’d been having a heartfelt and morose conversation with a close friend, and within seconds she was on her knees and servicing another woman with glee.

An insanely gorgeous, naked one at that.

It sounds like porn…

Ginny looked up the length of Fleur’s perfect, succulent body, past her delicious tits, to see her staring at Tonks with a raised brow, utterly unconcerned with the scrutiny.

Then she explained the situation in one, simple sentence.

‘I was just with one of my lovers, I use zis putain to clean me when I am done with them.’

Silence greeted the utterly ludicrous proclamation. Ginny almost laughed at how Fleur seemed genuinely confused that the statement hadn’t answered Tonks’ incredulity adequately.

‘I repeat - what?!’

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Fleur soldiered on like Ginny wasn’t parked between her legs and doing her best to eat her out. Aside from a barely audible hum of approval, Ginny was a little put out that she’d so easily been able to ignore her tongue.

She made sure to redouble her efforts, using her fingers and lapping at her folds with a zeal that stemmed from her deep attraction for her sister-in-law.

The gorgeous, beautiful, perfect, annoying cunt.

Fleur was apparently done explaining herself though and decided to let the insane situation speak for itself. ‘I ‘eard you ‘ave separated from your ‘usband,’ she said, changing the subject and somehow actually managing to sound like she had a heart. ‘You ‘ave my condolences.’

Sighing - for more reasons than one, Ginny imagined - she heard Tonks sinking back into her chair and chuckling. ‘Thanks mate, yeah, we were just talking about it.’

‘If you don’t mind me, mmm, asking,’ she began, Ginny feeling insanely proud that her efforts were having a noticeable effect. ‘What is ze issue?’

Tonks sighed, a familiar expression for that evening, before relaying her situation again, conveying even more frustration than she had previously. Ginny wondered, as she looked back at her friend between licks, if watching her two friends having sex so casually in front of her only added to her frustration.

It certainly mustn't have helped, especially with the gorgeous, naked Veela just sitting there so imperiously, her legs spread wide as Ginny ate her out. Even moreso when Fleur casually waved her wand and Ginny’s comfy PJs were torn from her body, repaired and folded neatly on the nearby coffee table.

Ginny flushed as Tonks’ gaze briefly turned down to her toned, meaty, pale ass.

She couldn’t hide the nectar that was gushing from her pussy even if she tried, though she had to whine in disappointment when Tonks didn’t even show the slightest bit of interest in either of their forms, just bemusement.

Bollocks. That could have been fun.

When she finally finished her tale of woe for the second time that evening, they all lapsed into a comfortable silence, the shlicking of Ginny’s tongue and fingers against the gently moaning Fleur’s core the only sound permeating the room aside from the crackling fire.

Tonks finally addressed the dragon in the room. ‘So, are we going to talk about this?’ she asked, more exasperated than shocked at this point. ‘Since when are you into girls Gin? Does Harry know?’

Fleur snorted at the last question and Ginny flushed as she looked up and saw the blonde goddess smirking down at her. A part of her hated and rebelled against the fact that Fleur demanded she be referred to as mistress, but whenever she saw that smirk, her pussy would just quaver and submit, so turned on she’d do whatever the woman asked.

Ginny pulled away however and looked back at Tonks with an embarrassed smile. ‘It’s a… recent development.’

‘I’m now sure that’s how that works,’ Tonks rebuked, her brow raised.

Fleur’s laugh turned into a moan when Ginny kissed and suckled on her adorable little clit. Her mistress ran a hand through her coppery tresses in appreciation before butting in. ‘Eet is only natural. When my leetle pet watched me fucking ‘er ‘usband, she fell in love wiz me instantly.’

Ginny wanted to roll her eyes at her insane narcissism, but the fact that she was here, on her hands and knees, going down on the beautiful woman in front of their friend without question or any real shame put any notions of denying her claims to bed.

Fleur must have sensed her brief spark of rebellion however, because with a sharp gesture of her wand, Ginny squealed as she felt a harsh magical spank on her naked, toned bum, perilously close to her pussy. Ginny buried her face against Fleur’s thigh and groaned deeply with arousal.

‘You’re fucking Harry?!’ Tonks exclaimed in shock, missing a lot of the vital context and no-doubt drawing all the wrong conclusions.

Oui,’ Fleur answered smugly, leaning back in her armchair and looking impossibly smug. Ginny wanted to point out that she’d still only had the one night - and morning - with him, but Fleur just held her face firmly against her gushing pussy. ‘This one is a, ‘ow you say, cocue? She very much enjoys watching ‘er ‘usband wiz ozzer women.’

Looking back at Tonks and seeing her eyeing her with shock, she felt she had to set the record straight, and defend herself. If only a little.

Fleur wasn’t lying, after all.

‘We both are,’ she clarified, pausing in her pleasuring of her mistress as she did so. Her mistress was not pleased. Ginny screwed her eyes shut and squealed when Fleur magi-spanked her again, even harder. She didn’t know if she had a specific spell for that, or if she just altered a simple one to achieve the effect, but Ginny hated to admit how much she loved the sensation.

‘I - how - you know what? That’s none of my business,’ she said, managing to sound incredulous, profoundly confused and jealous in the span of a few words. ‘I didn’t know you both were so… adventurous.’

It wasn’t hard to detect the note of longing in her voice, and while Fleur held her face against her pussy, it wasn’t hard to imagine a wistful smile gracing her stressed features.

After a few more moments of silence where Ginny shut her eyes and lost herself in Fleur’s nethers - making love to her clit with her tongue and gently rubbing her fingers against her g-spot - the Frenchwoman was the one to break the silence again.

‘Mmm, you should, ahh, take a note out of these ones’ book,’ Fleur suggested with a breathy tone, appreciative moans breaking up her speech. That appreciation was short-lived however because Ginny pulled back from her pussy and looked up at her with a raised brow. Ginny could only assume the lack of retribution meant that Tonks was giving her a similar look.

‘Werewolves are easy,’ she began, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture and letting out an annoyed sigh, her cheeks flushed and clearly annoyed that Ginny was no longer pleasuring her. ‘Most of ze good ones are self-pitying bores - but you still love ‘im, non?’

‘Yes,’ Tonks answered, the immediacy of it a good sign for Moony, Ginny thought.

‘And you wish to stay married to ‘im?’

The immediacy wasn’t so apparent with this answer and her voice broke a little when she did. ‘I-in an ideal world.’

‘Zen you must take control of ze relationship,’ Fleur said with a careless shrug, nudging Ginny with her thigh so that she’d get back to pleasuring her, the cum in her having long since been cleaned. Ginny didn’t hesitate - she really had an unfairly beautiful and delicious pussy - though she paid close attention to the conversation, taking immense delight in each of Fleur’s moans and groans.

‘I… don’t understand what you mean.’

‘Werewolves are in a constant battle wiz their, mm, inner beasts,’ Fleur explained, humming again in approval of Ginny’s efforts. ‘This shows as zey, aah, unconsciously exhibit traits of said inner beasts, even if zey despise it, mm, all ze time. Assuming ‘e still loves you and wants to, haah, wants to stay wiz you, ‘ow do you think ‘e would react if ‘e smelt another man on you?’

Ginny’s entire body shuddered at the beautiful woman’s implications, knowing exactly where she was going with this and finding herself wanting it more than Fleur even apparently did. Ginny made sure to show her appreciation by upping her efforts, her arm and tongue growing noticeably tired as she did so.

How did Harry do this for so long?!

Tonks didn’t answer immediately. She wondered what was wrong but she eventually spoke. ‘Sorry, it’s really hard to carry on a conversation while you two are just having sex. He’d be…even more devastated, probably.’

Fleur tilted her head from side-to-side. ‘Maybe. You know ‘im better zan I, but I know how people like us are affected by our natures. If, mm, a werewolf smelt anozzer man on ‘is woman? I imagine ‘e would get… territorial… haaah, bonne pute.

Ginny knew enough French at this point - having learnt the curse words first like any other self-respecting student of a new language - to understand what her mistress had said and, embarrassingly, preened.

As Fleur neared her climax, Tonks didn’t answer immediately. Ginny imagined her mind was going to a myriad of wild, forbidden places, but she still needed it spelled out. Her suspicions were confirmed when she asked in a guarded tone, ‘What are you suggesting?’

Fleur didn’t answer though. She couldn’t. She was hunched over and gripping Ginny’s hair tightly, rocking and gyrating her hips and womanhood against her face and cursing up a storm in rapidfire French.

She was so close.

Ginny stopped licking her clit and instead replaced her tongue with her thumb as she leaned back and turned to Tonks with a proud, anticipatory smirk, her hand thrusting in and out of Fleur’s gushing, glorious pussy.

‘Cum for me,’ Ginny demanded, leaning up and taking a perfect nipple between her teeth. ‘Cum for me and I’ll let you shag Harry later.’

That certainly did the trick. It had been two whole months since she’d got to sample her amazing husband. Fleur’s eyes flew wide with excitement, her back arched and she gripped the armrests of her chair in a vice-like grip. Her moans were music to her ears, getting more desperate and overwhelming as her big orgasm approached.

In a feat that proved all that Auror training wasn’t just for show, Tonks dodged to the side just in time as Fleur hollered out in bliss, announcing her climax with a scream and a squirt that shot across the room, right through the space Tonks had just been occupying.

Fleur collapsed bonelessly against the armchair, dazed and content while Tonks shot the grinning cuckold an annoyed glare.


‘Come on, it would have been funny!’

‘Hilarious,’ she deadpanned, the corners of her lips twitching. Any possibility that the woman might be repressing latent bi-curious tendencies died for Ginny at that moment.

Bummer. She’s so cute. At least I’ll get to watch Harry fuck her if Fleur has her way.

Speaking of, the beautiful woman came back to her senses a moment later, patting her head like she was a particularly good puppy.

Or a pet.

She picked up the conversation from earlier as if she hadn’t just cum and squirted across the room - the woman was utterly without shame and it was so hot. She briefly composed herself, and aside from sounding utterly relaxed, she didn’t come off as someone who’d only just been screaming her lungs out with pleasure.

‘It looks like your relationship is over anyway, ze situation is untenable,’ Fleur said with a shrug, sitting up in her armchair and tucking a loose blonde lock behind her ear. ‘Call it a last gambit. I wager if you return ‘ome filled with anozzer man’s cum in you, ‘e will get…bestial. Possessive. Territorial. What’s ze worst that can ‘appen? ‘E gets upset and leaves you? You are planning on doing zat anyway, non?’

‘And at best I’d get a horny werewolf that actually wants to shag me,’ she mused, and Ginny was shocked to see her friend actually considering the insane idea. She worried at her bottom lip sexily and, while not in Fleur’s league, the spunky metamorph was definitely a looker. She might not be bi, but Ginny could still appreciate her beauty - even if that was a bit odd given her Metamorph nature.

At the very least, she rocked those big tits well. She wanted to see them bouncing as Harry fucked her.

She wanted that a lot.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Harry paused by the fireplace at seeing her sitting on the floor beside the naked and grinning Fleur's feet. He then turned to look at Tonks with a raised brow.

'I'd offer to whip up something for dinner, but it looks like Fleur already fed my wife,' he joked as he approached them and sat on the arm of Tonks' couch. Seeing her flushed face and refusal to meet his gaze, he turned to them and raised a brow while rubbing a comforting hand on his friend's back. 'What's going on here then?'

Tonks' tense shoulders instantly relaxed at the comforting, genuinely platonic touch and she gratefully leaned into it. Gin idly wondered if the woman’s thoughts were as platonic as her husband’s actions though.

Gin grinned up at him, leaning her head back against Fleur's nethers and resting her arms on her thighs.

'This whore is trying to get Tonks to cuck Moony.'

She jumped and squealed when Fleur reached down and pinched her puffy nipples. Hard. Fleur then leaned down with her lips right next to her ear, sending a delightful shiver down her spine as she felt her hot breath.

'Bitches should be seen and not heard.'

Ginny hissed and groaned with both pleasure and pain as Fleur pinched her sensitive nipples again for each emphasis. She looked up to her man for some support, but seeing the look in his eyes, and feeling his gentle touch on her mind, she knew he wouldn't intervene.

She enjoyed being dominated too much, even if her pride didn't like to admit it.

And Harry was always attentive to her needs, particularly the ones she didn’t want to admit to herself.

Harry grinned and walked over to them. Her face flushing with humiliation when he leaned down and tenderly kissed Fleur while completely ignoring her. The whore made sure to audibly moan into his mouth while squeezing her with her thighs, as if reminding her of her place.

Ginny gushed, especially given how Tonks scrutinised the interaction and then looked at her as if to say, ‘Are you mental?’


Harry then turned to Tonks with a grin. 'Is that right? Are you letting these sluts corrupt you?'

'Wotcher Haych' she finally greeted with a tired smile, noticeably side-stepping his question. 'Today, I learnt you lot are freaks,' she said, motioning to his whimpering wife.

Harry only smiled wider, but didn't deny it. 'It keeps things interesting,' he admitted and Tonks groaned when his hand trailed up to the back of her neck and started to firmly massage her right where her subconscious mind had been begging for attention.

Tonks and Harry had been really close for as long as she could remember, the genesis of their relationship before even their own. While Harry didn't have a family he liked to acknowledge, Ginny considered Tonks, Dromeda, Moony and Padfoot to be the next best thing.

That is to say, Harry likely knew all about Tonks' woes long before he told his wife. He’d no doubt seen the trouble brewing and had had many heart-to-hearts with her, just like the one she’d had that evening.

‘Stop beating around ze bush and just fuck ‘er already!’ Fleur exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. ‘You must, ‘Arry, eet is to save their marriage.’

Harry turned to Tonks with a raised brow and the woman had the decency to look abashed and avert her gaze.

Avert it right to the prominent bulge in his trousers.

‘I’m not gonna lie, the idea is starting to grow in me,’ her eyes widened at her slip and both she and Fleur cackled in glee. Harry only smiled reassuringly at her, his massage suddenly feeling a lot less innocent. ‘Grown on me,’ she corrected, flushing crimson. ‘Oh bugger off you annoying slags!’

‘Don’t worry about them,’ Harry assured her with a gentle smile and soothing tone. Tonks shuddered and leaned into his touch, her thighs noticeably rubbing together as she squirmed in her seat.

‘Yeah, well, as things stand we’re probably gonna get divorced anyway, so may as well try something, right?’

‘Yeah?’ Harry asked, his gaze suddenly raking over her in a far less innocent way as he drew in a heavy breath. Tonks noticed his intense scrutiny and blushed anew, but didn’t look displeased. Honestly, from what she’d heard about the woman, she hadn’t expected her to be so…timid.

When Harry drew her close and leaned down so his lips were against her ear, the metamorph’s eyes widened and her breath hitched in excitement. ‘You want to fuck me Nymphadora? Is that it? You want to go home with my cum filling your slutty, married pussy?’

Tonks didn’t answer, she didn’t even arc up when he referred to her by her dreaded birth name. Her entire body shuddered and her eyes fluttered closed at the dirty talk. She couldn’t see what he was doing with the hand behind her back anymore, but whatever it was Tonks clearly appreciated it. She then whined when Harry planted a gentle kiss on her temple and stood.

‘I’m gonna go have a quick shower and I’ll be right back,’ Harry confessed as he brushed a strand of dark hair behind her ear. ‘Why don’t you watch these two skanks to get in the mood?’

Tonks whined but nodded obediently, her eyes tracking her husband all the way to his room while her hands buried themselves in her lap, her robes conveniently hiding that she was likely touching herself.

Ginny knew her husband, and while he definitely was going to have a quick shower, it was going to be a quicker one than either woman realised, because first he would be calling his godfather to talk about the situation. Ginny didn’t doubt the horn-dog would give his blessing, even if it did his best-mate dirty - Moony honestly had it coming and she figured Sirius would think the same.

‘’Ave you ever played with women?’ Fleur suddenly asked and Ginny trembled with excitement as Fleur pulled her up into her lap, wrapped her arms around her and started teasing at her desperate and aching quim.

‘Nope,’ she emphatically denied, though Ginny loved that she didn’t look away when Fleur started to slide her fingers into her. ‘Not bi or whatever.’

‘Neither was I,’ Ginny panted as Fleur suckled on her earlobe and played with one of her perky tits with the hand that wasn’t teasing her nethers. ‘I, mmh, just look at her, so bloody, nnh, gorgeous.’

Fleur’s throaty chuckle sent her stomach aflutter, her spine tingling.

Une si bonne petite salope pour ta maîtresse,’ she whispered directly into her ear huskily, chuckling low and throatily as Ginny bucked, whining in arousal.

‘I have no idea what she just said,’ Ginny said with a gasp as she looked at the wide-eyed Tonks desperately. ‘But it’s, nnh, it’s still the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.’

‘I think salope means slut,’ Tonks said with a cheeky grin. Ginny just groaned as Fleur bit her ear and pinched her nipple at the same time.

‘She can call me whatever she wants as long as she keeps doing this to me,’ she panted, her eyes reopening to see Tonks still sitting there in her baggy robe and watching them with interest.

‘If you’re gonna, nnh, shag Harry, you might want to get more, hah, comfortable.’

Tonks looked down at herself and flushed. ‘O-oh,’ she stammered. ‘I thought, I mean, we’re just gonna shag here?’

‘No need to be shy,’ Fleur teased as she molested Ginny. ‘Zis is as much for ze leetle bitch as it is for you. ‘Arry ‘as to fuck you in front of ‘er to cuckold her.’

‘And you’re really…into that?’ Tonks asked, wide-eyed. ‘You get off watching other birds shag Harry?’

‘Mhmm!’ Ginny hummed her agreement, her eyes shining with desperation as Fleur toyed with her. ‘It’s, mmh, so hot!’

‘Bugger it,’ Tonks muttered, apparently over questioning her bizarre situation and just rolling with it. Gin watched with bated breath as she stood and shucked her robe and heavy boots. Beneath it, she was wearing an overly baggy Weird Sisters tee that hung off a shoulder and tight - gloriously tight - ripped jeans.

‘Blimey Tonks,’ Ginny groaned at the sight of her. ‘You look incredible.’

‘Quit drooling, slag,’ Tonks grinned cheekily, her spunk steadily returning as she psyched herself up for what was to come.

As she retook her seat on the cosy couch, both Fleur and Ginny’s breath hitched when Harry walked into the room looking like something right out of the cover of a romance novel, his body still slick and shining from the shower and only a white, fluffy towel around his waist.

Mon dieu,’ Fleur whispered as he stalked towards the back of Tonks’ couch and dropped his towel, his big, rapidly hardening cock hanging only inches away from the back of her head. Upon seeing the reverent and needy looks on their faces, Tonks tilted her head and scrunched her face up in confusion.

A confusion that was quickly dispelled when Harry put his hands on Tonks’ shoulders and started to massage her. She started in shock then groaned at the exquisite feeling.

The benefit of being a skilled legilimens, he knows exactly where to touch her.

‘Are we doing this?’ he asked, his voice deep and soothing. Tonks, her eyes shut as she steadily melted into a puddle of satisfied goo, could only nod and hum in approval.

‘Yeah?’ Harry asked, continuing his massage. ‘You want me to stick this in you Tonksie?’ he teased, grinding his cock against the back of her head and causing her to stiffen, her eyes widening. ‘You want me to fill you up?’

She turned woodenly and cursed at the sight of her husband’s hard and imposing cock. ‘Bloody hell!’

‘Don’t be scared, ‘e knows ‘ow to use eet so wonderfully,’ Fleur groaned and whimpered out from behind her. ‘Go ‘ome with a womb full of ‘is cum, force your useless ‘usband to reclaim you!’

‘Or lose you,’ Ginny helpfully added, whimpering when the comment earned an appreciative lick along the side of her neck from her mistress.

Tonks, eyes wide at their words, slowly turned back to Harry’s cock and licked her lips as she eyed his imposing shaft. Harry’s hands then went to her head, his hands threading in her thick - now fire-truck crimson - locks and massaging her scalp as he swayed his hips from left to right and waved his gorgeous cock in her face.

‘On the floor, putain,’ Fleur hissed, sounding both demanding and as excited as her. Ginny didn’t have time to obey before Fleur shoved her off and she caught herself on her hands and knees. ‘Good girl.’

Ginny flushed with humiliation as Fleur put her feet up on her back and used her as a foot-rest as she touched herself and watched the unfolding show. Tonks turned back to them at the commotion, her hand raised and almost within touching distance of Harry’s cock. Her eyes widened when she saw the scene before her, ‘You guys are bloody mental.’

‘Don’t worry about them,’ Harry instructed in a soothing voice, easing her back into the couch and moving around so he was standing behind it and her. Tonks’ gaze was locked on them as Harry ran his hands from the top of her head, down the sides of her face, over her shoulder and to her large tits. She shuddered and moaned loudly when he slipped his hands into her loose top and gripped the impressive pillows of flesh.

‘Mm, big tits look so good on you Tonksie,’ Harry groaned as he bent low and started massaging, squeezing and smooshing said breasts together with glee. Tonks sunk back into the couch and let him have his way with her, moaning with delight as Harry obviously handled them just how she liked.

‘They’re my actual tits,’ she moaned and tilted her head back to grin up at him, biting her lip sexily, her hair cycling between all the colours of the rainbow - something she did when she was excited. ‘I, mmm, shrink them most of the time for work reasons.’

‘That’s a bloody crime, I should tell your boss,’ Harry grunted, earning a breathy chuckle as he reached even lower. ‘Lift your hands up.’

She blushed but did as she was told. Harry gripped the hem of her loose shirt and removed it with one, swift tug. Ginny groaned as Tonks’ big tits, topped with large, dark pink nipples, spilled out. The woman in question whined as Harry palmed the undersides of her tits and jiggled them with glee.

Tonks chuckled at his childish playing, but that quickly turned into a moan when he bent down and started kissing the side of her neck. ‘Your tits are so beautiful,’ Harry praised, smoothing them together and now gently pinching her nipples. ‘So much fuller and nicer than my wife’s.’

Now it was Ginny’s turn to moan with need as Tonks’ eyes snapped open to look at her in shock, clearly not expecting the harsh words.

It was incredibly hard not to just break eye-contact and look away with shame. Verbally degraded by her husband and used as a simple footstool by her mistress, Ginny couldn’t remember a time she’d felt so humiliated, and aroused.

The look of disbelief on Tonks’ face was only icing on the cake.

Ginny made sure to keep her posture strong and secure. She knew that if she wanted Fleur to shag her, she had to be on her best behaviour.

And more than anything, she wanted those gorgeous, thick, pouty lips on her aching pussy. She wanted it more than she wanted to watch her husband give Tonks the shagging of her life.

And she wanted that desperately too.

I really am a greedy, worthless little slut tonight.

While Ginny was lost in her thoughts, Harry had unbuttoned and pulled down Tonks’ tight jeans, exposing her beautiful pussy with the adorable pink landing strip directly above it.

She felt an overwhelming desire to crawl over there and feast, but she doubted she’d make it a single step before Tonks stunned her. So she resisted, barely. Tonks was beautiful, and with those big tits, she may even be more beautiful than her.

Tonks groaned and rested her forehead against Harry’s arm as he slipped a finger into her glistening pussy. ‘When was the last time Moony touched you?’

Tonks screwed her eyes shut, arched her back and moaned deeply with a bone-deep arousal, her arms wrapped around the arm fingering her, grasping it like it was a lifeline. ‘Too long,’ she whined.

Harry kept fingering her for the next several minutes, revelling in the closeness and enjoying the reactions he was earning from the undersexed woman, kissing the side of her face as he prepped her.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.’

Tonks’ eyes widened in shock at the seemingly random comment. Harry was doing his legilimens thing again, and Tonks was not prepared.

‘Relax, he won’t hate you - you’re too lovable. Just make sure you’re completely unapologetic and tell him he doesn’t even need to shag you if he doesn’t want to,’ he soothed, his grin turning wicked. ‘I’ll just take care of his obligations to you for him.’

Tonks’ eyes had been growing progressively wider the longer Harry talked - both at having her innermost thoughts aired to the room so easily and at how much the words - and their implication - were turning her on.

‘Harry,’ she panted, her eyes wild with desire. She shot a brief, apologetic look at Ginny who was trying her best not to look like the desperate and needy slut that she was, before turning back to her naked husband. ‘I need you to shag me. Now.’

‘I know,’ Harry purred as he rounded the couch and plopped on the seat beside her. Tonks only had eyes for his throbbing and manly cock, biting her lip as she imagined that thing spearing her. Harry ran his hands over her belly, her wide hips and her shoulders. ‘Is this you too?’

Ginny suspected he knew the answer without having to ask, but he was making a point. Her husband had a preference, after all. It was one of the things he loved most about his wife’s body.

‘Um, no, not quite.’

His raised brow said all she needed to hear. Her hair, both upstairs and down below, started cycling through colours again before her body shifted. Her shoulders widened, her arms bulked up, her abs became more toned, her thighs got thicker and her hips narrowed.

She’d lost a lot of her classically womanly charms and her natural tone and definition showed true. Tonks was an Auror and worked hard to stay in shape. She had a body that matched her profession, a body of a warrior, with several scars only adding to her appeal.

While she wasn’t as shredded as someone who spent most of their time in the gym - someone like her - Harry still clearly approved.

He had a type.

‘You worked hard for this incredible body,’ Harry purred. ‘Don’t ever hide it from me again - it’s sexy as hell.’

‘Gin’s is nicer, mine’s all uneven, and the scars...’ she mumbled, adorably embarrassed and shooting glances at the professional Quidditch superstar.

‘Don’t worry about her,’ Harry continued to purr. ‘She’s about to watch you fuck her man. Eagerly. What do you have to feel inferior about? Besides,’ he paused his hands going straight back to and gripping her tits so hard the fat flesh squeezed out from between his clenched fingers, ‘this is the only unevenness I see. These will be just perfect for the baby I’m about to put in you.’

His illicit comment earned him three, almost identical, shocked and erotic groans from the women in the room.

‘You like the sound of that Tonksie?’ he teased, kissing her neck as she mewled like a docile kitten as he had his way with her.

Ginny whined, grinding her thick thighs together in a desperate attempt to get some relief while Fleur laughed at her futile efforts, uncrossing and crossing her legs again at the ankles on her back.

Tonks yelped when Harry lifted her onto his lap. She was doing the hair thing again as Harry pulled her against his chest, his towering shaft rising from between her legs and resting against her aching, criminally neglected womanhood.

‘Bloody hell Haych,’ she said with awe, tentatively reaching down and gripping his shaft for the first time.

Her fingers did not touch.

‘You’re huge.’

‘’E is going to fill you up so well,’ Fleur purred, her fingers teasing her own pussy as she watched them with lust shining in her eyes. When Harry’s hand covered the one gripping his cock and he lined his knob up with her glistening womanhood, Fleur continued. ‘Do not ‘old back Tonks - show ‘im ‘ow much better a Metamorph’s pussy is than ‘is wife’s bland, boring, useless one.’

Tonks’ eyes flew to Ginny in desperation and her eyes widened in shock, her mouth open in a silent scream as Harry’s thick, plum-sized knob eased its way into her. Tonks’ head flew back and she groaned like a Knockturn Alley whore as his thick shaft sank deeper and deeper until she eventually fell forward and had to support herself on his knees.

‘Fuck!’ Tonks cursed, panting at the exertions of taking such a big cock while still gazing at the ground. She looked back over her shoulder and grinned, ‘I can’t believe we’re shagging, bloody hell, I’ve always thought of you as a little brother!’

Harry barked out a laugh. ‘An odd time to admit that, I think - not that I’m complaining - your pussy feels, hnng, incredible sis!’

Tonks’ entire body shook at the naughty teasing and she groaned long and deep when Harry reached up to palm her tits again as he started to gently thrust up into her. Abruptly, his squeezing of her tits shifted to pinching and pulling on her nipples while the speed of his thrusts unexpectedly picked up in tempo.

His secret weapon at work again. Tonks has no bloody idea what she’s in for.

Tonks’ eyes widened in shock and she wailed as Harry started to thrust up into her at an unrelenting pace. He was literally changing his entire style the second the desire popped into Tonks’ surface thoughts.

It was such a ridiculous cheat, but one that made her husband the best lover she’d ever been with, bar none. Who could compare? He had the equipment, the looks, the personality and the magic to turn any woman he shagged into a steaming, sexually satisfied puddle of goo.

One of the hands playing with her tit slipped down her toned tummy and started circling and dipping into her belly-button. Tonks squealed and moaned ecstatically, finally understanding what was going on. She jerked, gyrating her hips as Harry kept up his bruising pace.

‘God you’re such a, aah, cheating, hnng, manwhore!’

‘Right?!’ Fleur exclaimed with amusement, her fingers now pinching her clit and slipping in and out of her glistening pussy. ‘Zis leetle putain doesn’t deserve him all to herself.’

Tonks looked down at Ginny, her face flushed and her eyes wild with desire. A complicated expression crossed her features, one Ginny couldn’t quite understand but Harry was soon to clarify.

‘Don’t, hnng, worry about her mate, she absolutely, hnng, loves it. She’s more turned on than even you are right, hah, now.’

Ginny’s face flushed with shame and undisguised arousal and Tonks grinned cheekily at her, groaning as Harry had his way with her in front of his wife.

‘Do ze thing Tonks - you can do it, non?’ Fleur asked with a cheeky grin. ‘I’ve only ‘eard rumours.’

Tonks looked from Fleur and back down to her. Ginny licked her dry lips at the sight of her gyrating hips and toned body and Tonks only shrugged, looking supremely smug about something.

Shutting her eyes in concentration, Harry’s thrusts instantly stilled, his entire body freezing as a result of whatever Tonks had done.

‘Morgana’s saggy tits!’ he cursed, and Tonks laughed as Harry gripped her tits in a death-grip, his bum arching up off the couch and his entire body vibrating with desire as whatever Tonks was doing drove him wild.

‘Yes! That’s it!’ Fleur cheered, the squelching as she furiously fingered herself audible even over the sounds the two lovers were making.

‘She’s pulsing!’ Harry groaned and explained for the peanut gallery. ‘And her pussy is getting hot? It’s like she’s giving me a shiatsu massage.’

Ginny had no idea what a Shit-zoo massage was - she’d have to ask him later - but whatever Tonks was doing to him was clearly driving him wild. As Tonks laughed and moaned with delight, Harry held her toned body tightly against him and started to thrust up into her again, his pace much slowed as his lover gave as good as she got.

‘Ugh, what the bloody hell is Moony playing at?!’ Harry grunted as he worked himself in and out of Tonks. ‘How’s he, ugh, not shagging you every, single, day?’

‘I don’t know!’ Tonks moaned, leaning forward and balancing herself on his knees. Her eyes were screwed shut and she had a look of intense focus as she bounced in Harry’s lap. Ginny was mesmerised by her jiggling tits, her lips pucking like her baby niece during feeding time.

Harry chuckled, running his hand up and down her back. ‘Maybe he just can’t keep up with his needy little slut?’

Tonks smirked and, without opening her eyes, scrunched her face up further as she frowned in concentration, no doubt redoubling her efforts with her pussy. Harry groaned his loudest yet as Tonks panted and cackled with glee. Bucking his hips violently at the sensation, Tonks yelped as she was launched off his lap like a bucking bronco, landing on the floor on her hands and knees, her face inches from Ginny’s.

Grinning at her, her face shining, Tonks winked before turning and looking at her looming lover over her shoulder, waving her bum at him enticingly. ‘Was that too much for you Haych?’ she teased, her tone both cheeky and insanely sexy. ‘I thought you were supposed to be showing me a good time?’

As Harry loomed over her, stroking his huge cock and eyeing her bum hungrily, his smile showed way too many teeth.

Merlin, he’s so hot!

‘I’m gonna make you cum so hard you cheeky slut.’

‘Promises, promises,’ Tonks airly replied, her grin still firmly in place but now biting her lip, her eyes shining with eagerness and delight. Her breath hitched when he knelt on the floor behind her and started running his knob around her desperate and needy quim. ‘Please,’ she finally begged, as he kept teasing her and not putting it in. ‘Please, Haych, fuck me, I need it so bad.’

Grinning, he tilted his head from side to side and, instead of doing as she begged, Tonks gasped and shuddered when she saw him raise his palm up menacingly. When he brought it down on her meaty bum with a thundering crack, Tonks groaned so long and loud that Ginny wondered if she’d just had a mini-orgasm.

‘What are you?’

When she didn’t answer immediately, his hand met her other bum cheek with an equally loud crack. Tonks squealed then bit her lip to try and muffle her cries. ‘I asked you a question!’

‘I’m a slut!’

She turned to look Ginny in the eye when she answered, no longer looking back at her lover. When his hand came crashing down again, apparently displeased with her answer, Ginny saw such a look of pure lust and desire in her eyes she wondered if Tonks seriously liked it a little rough.

Would make sense, especially with how she described the early days with Moony…

‘What else?!’ Harry barked, as he spanked her a few more times.

‘I’m a naughty, slutty wife!’ Tonks squealed after Harry’s unrelenting spanks. ‘I’m a slutty wife who’s cheating on her husband! I’m the worst!’

‘You deserve these spanks, don’t you?’

‘Yesssssss,’ Tonks hissed, her entire body shuddering and vibrating with desire, her moans turning into one long, deep, guttural scream.

When Harry finally sank back into her at the sexy admission, Tonks just about went cross-eyed as her climax hit her like a raging bludger to the gut. The fact that she was fucking her husband aside, Ginny was insanely jealous.

She was desperate to cum, and seeing the look of pure joy and pleasure on her sexually repressed friend’s face had her feeling all kinds of mushy, sappy, pathetic feelings. She needed to cum so bad.

‘Do you think you deserve release?’ The French whore asked with amusement, apparently not needing any fancy mind-magicks to see the look of sheer envy on her face as Tonks screamed like a banshee.

Her face flushing in shame at being so easily read, she just about managed to give the correct answer. Bowing her head and making sure not to meet her gaze, she shook her head in the negative. ‘No mistress, I don’t deserve it.’

She could feel the smug smile as Fleur stroked her with her foot. ‘Good pet, no, you don’t. Buuuut,’ Ginny’s breath hitched as Fleur paused - was she considering it?! ‘If you bark like ze bitch you are, I will consider it.’

Ginny felt a wave of humiliation assault her, making her entire body tingle with desire and flush crimson. Even Harry and Tonks had paused in their shagging to see what she’d do and, unable to meet their gazes less she chicken out if she saw their amusement or, worst, disgust, she kept her eyes on the floor and barked.

Fleur clapped her hands and laughed with glee as she barked again, her pussy gushing as the degrading act had her hornier than she could ever remember being.

‘Good!’ Fleur exclaimed. ‘Good pet, you are such a good girl! I will certainly consider allowing you release now.’

She should have expected it, and she wanted to cry at the injustice of it all, but she couldn’t deny how much being dominated turned her on. Fleur would just have to blow on her pussy and she’d cum harder than even Tonks had moments ago.

‘Bloody hell,’ Tonks gasped with awe. Ginny looked up and flushed anew when she saw the woman fucking her husband staring at her with wide, shocked eyes - as if she hadn’t truly seen the real Ginny before.

Having calmed down from her powerful orgasm, Harry had started to slowly build up speed again, sawing in and out of her as his eyes danced around the room, taking in and drawing strength and inspiration from the three, beautiful, naked women.

Harry’s sudden chuckle snapped her to attention, and when Harry ruffled Tonks’ hair, she shuddered and flushed, understanding she’d had her dirty thoughts read again. ‘How are you doing that?!’

Instead of answering, Harry turned to both his wife and Fleur with a grin. ‘She’s wondering if she should make Moony bark for her before letting him touch her again.’

‘That and so much more,’ Fleur agreed with an aroused groan as she sunk into her armchair and started fingering herself anew.

Ginny was torturing herself by looking over her shoulder at her beautiful mistress’ glistening pussy, licking her lips and wondering how bad her punishment would be if she just shucked her long, pale legs off her back and dove for her glistening womanhood.

Tonk’s giddy cry wrenched her attention back to her husband, however. He’d grabbed a fistfull of Tonks’ now-pink hair and tugged on it as he increased the tempo of his thrusts. ‘Yes!’ the needy slut cried, her head pulled back and her gorgeous tits shaking violently with the power of her shagging. ‘Yes, Haych! So big, so good!’

‘You should just ‘ave him put a baby in you,’ Fleur sinfully teased, the intensity of her self-pleasure increasing with the intensity of the rutting couple. ‘You ‘ave been trying to conceive, non? ‘Ave ‘Arry put a baby in you and give Remus the child he wants.’

Tonks screwed her eyes shut and wailed as she came with thunderous force, her pussy apparently doing its thing on overdrive too as Harry stilled and held on for dear life.

Ginny, of course, would never let such a thing happen, but as always, the taboo nature of it and the teasing was so hot. Just as she teased her husband with her daddy doing likewise to her.

Tonks’ orgasm seemed to last forever. She had her head bowed, her body convulsing as Harry gently thrust in and out throughout. Her moans were guttural, long and low, but as Harry would slowly thrust into her, the pitch would rise and she’d almost whine at the gentle overstimulation.

Harry couldn’t have looked prouder at the state of his longtime friend, his proverbial ‘big sister.’ He ran a hand up and down her spine as Tonks rode out her orgasm, clearly admiring her toned, muscular back. He then leaned around so he could eye her heavy, hanging tits.

‘I love big tits,’ he admitted, his eyes dark with hunger as he locked eyes with his desperate wife. ‘Especially when they’re just hanging like this, looking like big tear drops.’

He giggled like a child as he pushed her tits so they’d sway pendulously and knock into each other. Tonks laughed and pushed his hand away, ‘Stop it you idiot.’

Harry’s grin was wide and adorable. ‘Ready for another round?’

Instead of answering, Tonks shot Ginny a cheeky wink before she spun about, wrenching Harry’s cock from her pussy with a shudder, and pushed Harry so he stumbled back onto the couch. ‘You like my tits, do you?’ she teased, palming the heavy mammaries as Harry, now sitting on the couch, stroked his glistening shaft and eyed them with greed.

‘They’re pretty decent, yeah,’ he replied with a handsome grin that only grew wider as Tonks situated herself between his legs, pulled his hand away from his towering shaft and sandwiched it between her pillowy breasts.

Ginny had seen Harry get a tit job before, this was different. He’d admitted to not really caring for them in the past, but rather than just dragging her tits up and down his shaft, Tonks alternated strokes, one boob sliding up while the other slid down. The speed of her strokes was also rapid, and Harry’s head rocked back as he moaned at the treatment, sinking into the plush cushioning.

‘I still can’t believe we’re doing this,’ Tonks mused with a chuckle, looking up into Harry’s eyes with mischief. ‘Just a couple of mates, helping each other out, ay?’

Harry chortled, clearly nearing his own orgasm as Tonks started kissing and licking his knob. Harry ran a hand through her hair appreciatively as she did so, his breathing becoming ragged as he neared his climax. Before he could cum all over her face and tits, he shoved her back, her excited laughter turning into a moan as he joined her on the floor and sheathed himself inside her again.

Planting his fists on the carpet, either side of Tonks’ head, Harry started thrusting again, grunting as he rushed towards his end. Ginny wet her lips as she watched Tonks’ body rock with the motions, her tits flattening on her chest now that she was laying back, but jiggling delightfully.

She wanted nothing more than to bend down and take one of those pretty nippels into her mouth.

Ugh! It’s so unfair! Why couldn’t she be bi?!

‘You gonna cum in me Haych?’ Tonks asked breathlessly, her eyes wild with lust and her voice thick with need. ‘You gonna fill me up?’

Harry grinned down at her and hummed in affirmation. He leaned down and they both shut their eyes as he captured her lips in a heated, passionate kiss with Tonks’ arms wrapping around his neck to hold him close.

‘Are you gonna show Moony?’ Ginny asked, momentarily forgetting her own desperate and humiliating position.

‘Won’t have to,’ Tonks answered with a chuckle around her constant moans without looking at her - her eyes still locked with her husband’s - ‘He’ll smell it.’

‘Are you going to make him clean you?’ Ginny asked, her pussy tingling as she remembered each time she made Harry do the same. Fleur laughed with delight at the suggestion, clearly amused with her pet’s suggestion.

‘Oh blimey, don’t,’ Tonks whined, screwing her eyes shut and shuddering with need as the sinful thought was planted in her mind. ‘Why does that sound so hot?!’

‘Ask Harry,’ Ginny replied cheekily. ‘I make him do it all the time with the blokes I shag.’

Tonks’ head had snapped in her direction at the scandalous claim, when she looked back at Harry in disbelief, he could only shrug - though the affected air of nonchalance was somewhat diminished by his strained smile, his imminent orgasm making him desperate. ‘Happy wife, happy life.’

Ginny jerked and moaned with delight as Fleur sat up, removing her feet from her back, trailed a hand down her spine, over her toned, pale ass and rested it oh so close to her pussy.

‘Maybe you’re not as boring as I thought you were,’ she purred, her delicate fingers circling, but not yet touching her aching and needy womanhood.

Not even Tonks’ wail as she came again could distract her from the feeling of Fleur’s fingers, so close yet so far. Harry’s loud gasp as he filled her soon after didn’t even register as she shuddered, closed her eyes and whined with need.

‘Touch me,’ she begged. ‘Please.’

She felt her fingers inch closer and closer and Ginny opened her eyes, her vision filled with Fleur’s ethereal, angelic face. She drew her face closer, and Ginny shut her eyes, wetting and puckered her lips, hoping she would kiss her.

When the expected touch never came, Ginny whined and opened her eyes, groaning with despair when she saw her husband had plugged her whore mouth with his cock, his hands running through her blonde tresses.

The bitch even had the temerity to smirk at her around his girthy shaft.

Her gaze shifted to Tonks and she licked her suddenly too dry lips again, cursing every deity she knew that Tonks wasn’t bi as she saw her beautiful friend panting and recovering from her recent orgasm, her husband’s cum oozing out of her inflamed and freshly fucked pussy.

‘I don’t like that look in your eyes,’ Tonks joked as she stretched and palmed her heavy tits.

‘I can’t help it,’ Ginny whined. Now that her mistress was distracted with her husband, she sat on her bum and started running her fingers over her glistening lips as she eyed her beautiful, thoroughly shagged-out friend.. ‘Your pussy looks so pretty…’

Tonks gave her a weird look and sat up so she could see what she saw. The woman laughed, shaking her head. ‘My pussy looks like I’ve just been fucked by a centaur,’ she cackled. ‘Why? You wanna blow me?’

Ginny whined, wishing Tonks wouldn’t tease her. ‘Would you hate me if I said yes?’

‘Hate you? Don’t be stupid, though I suppose I’m flattered,’ she admitted as she rested against the foot of the couch and watched Harry being sucked off and cleaned by Fleur. ‘Blimey, does he ever stop?’

Ginny chuckled. ‘He’ll be ready to go again soon. Did you enjoy him?’

Tonks shut her eyes and shuddered, sliding her fingers in and around her soiled pussy. ‘That…was probably the best sex I’ve ever had. Though I suppose it helps that he -’

‘Cheated?’ Harry finished for her, smirking as the metamorph’s eyes narrowed.

Ginny laughed at her expression. ‘Never shagged a master legilimens before then?’

Master?’ Tonks asked with a raised brow. Before she could continue, Harry did it for her.

‘That’s a bit much.’

Tonks, ignoring Fleur’s muffled chuckles, narrowed her eyes at him and Harry barked out a laugh.

‘That’s not very nice, mate,’ he joked, his eyes twinkling with mirth. ‘Especially after I just made you cum, like, three times. Though your threats lose a lot of their efficacy when you’re just sitting there playing with your big tits and pouting at me.’

She blushed prettily, having not even noticed she was doing just that, though her frown was still firmly in place. ‘Harry, I’m an accomplished Occlumens, I have to be for my job. How can you be in my head without me noticing?’

Ginny found it pretty hilarious that, while the topic of conversation was pretty serious, as was the expression on her face, her eyes were locked onto and staring at the cock sliding in and out of the sexy veela’s mouth.

‘Sorry mate,’ Harry shrugged. ‘You’re accomplished by the Ministry’s standards. That’s,’ he tilted his head from side-to-side, thinking of a way to be delicate and failing miserably. ‘That’s not saying much.’

‘Don’t listen to him,’ Ginny assuaged her ego as she saw her friend’s frown deepen. ‘The only thing more annoying than his clinical overachieving is how smug he is about it. Besides, he started learning young and out of necessity with the Dark Wanker always in his head and all.’

‘Right,’ Tonks said with a sigh, remembering darker times. ‘I forgot about that. I suppose it’s fine -’

‘Given that he made me cum like a two-knut whore?’

Tonks barked out a laugh and threw a pillow at him. ‘That’s not what I was thinking, you lying prat!’

Harry dodged the projectile and eased Fleur’s mouth off his reawakened shaft with a few softly spoken words in French Taking a seat on the floor again, he tapped his thighs and motioned Tonks over with a flick of his head. ‘Come on Tonksie, the night’s still young.’

Tonks scrambled over to him with an excited flush to her cheeks, her hair cycling and settling on red as she climbed into his lap and straddled him, lining up his cock with her dripping and eager pussy.

‘That’s it, good girl,’ Harry praised as she slid all the way down with a shuddering groan, not stopping until her bum was resting on his big bollocks.

Fleur, having seen Ginny pleasuring herself at the sight of her husband and Tonks fucking, snaked her way over to her and firmly pulled her hand away from her pussy. Ginny would have sobbed had she not quickly replaced her hand with her own, instead she nearly came on the spot. Ginny leaned back into her soft frame, moaning as she felt her perfect tits and hard nipples press against her back and her breath in her ear.

They watched as Tonks slid up and down his shaft, Harry’s entire, towering cock somehow disappearing into her pussy with each descent.

Fucking cheating Veela and Metamorphs.

Both Fleur and Ginny watched Tonks’ beautiful bum as it slid up and down, her pussy lips spread obscenely around his thick shaft with his cum frothing and oozing out of the tight seal it had around him.

‘Another woman who can take all of ‘Arry’s magnificent cock,’ Fleur teased, nibbling on her ear and sliding her fingers through her tingling womanhood. ‘Another woman you cannot compete with.’

Ginny groaned, feeling her orgasm rocketing towards her like the Hogwarts Express. She gripped Fleur’s arm like a vice, making sure she couldn’t pull away and stop touching her. Fleur just licked her ear and chuckled throatily, not resisting her.

‘You’re such an adorable little putain,’ she purred. ‘Do you know ‘ow I know zis?’

Ginny didn’t answer, her gaze was locked on Harry and Tonks. They were giggling and smiling at each other, exchanging sweet kisses and jokes as they shagged. They looked like the best of friends, like partners.

Like true lovers.

Realising she hadn’t answered her mistress, and not wanting to displease her, especially now, she obediently shook her head.

Fleur chuckled, the sound sounding far more sinister than she liked. Still, it was so sexy it made her stomach feel like a flock of snitches were flying about in it. ‘I know zis because not once ‘ave you asked whether the cum I ‘ad you clean out of me was your brother’s.’

The thought hit her like a wet fish to the face. It was so shocking, so disgusting, so wrong that it wrapped all the way around to being hot.

Ginny wailed and instantly came all over Fleur’s hand as her mistress laughed with delight. As her vision whited out and her pussy assaulted the rest of her body with waves of euphoric delight, she saw both Harry and Tonks look over to her with wide eyes.

She must have cum so hard that she passed out, because the next time she opened her eyes it was to see Tonks getting dressed and looking positively radiant. Ginny bit her lip as she ogled her sexily hanging tits as she pulled her jeans back on - she didn’t fail to notice the prominent damp spot on the knickers either.

Tonks caught her ogling and chuckled, her cheeks flush and her smile wide. It was a stark contrast to how she looked when she first showed up that evening. ‘Welcome back to the land of the living mate. I’m sorry to shag and run, but I’m heading home to have a talk with my husband,’ she chuckled as she pulled her tee over her head and donned her robes again. ‘Besides, if I stay here any longer, one of you sluts is going to jump me, I know it.’

Ginny bit her lips and grinned at her salaciously. ‘It’s not my fault you’re so pretty.’

She didn’t fail to notice Harry shagging Fleur out of the corner of her eye, the two lost in their own little world as she rode him in the armchair. She ignored the pang of jealousy and insecurity that image conjured up within her and instead smiled at her friend.

She chuckled, walking towards the fireplace. ‘I figured you’d say something like that. Maybe take a look at your comms. Harry made sure you’d have something to remember tonight by.’

With an excited intake of breath, she looked over at the coffee table and, indeed, her comms was just sitting there all innocent-like and likely filled with material that would fuel their sex life for months to come.

Until they made new ones, at least.

Tonks left with a flash of green fire and Ginny turned to watch the rest of the show, her hand sliding down to and touching her hyper-sensitive pussy.

At least I’m not stuck in that bloody chair this time.


A few days later, Ginny ran into Tonks while running some admin errands at the Ministry. Her friend looked exhausted, but she couldn’t remember a time where she looked so happy.

It was a sign of how tired she was that the woman didn’t even notice her presence until she was standing right next to her. She started when she realised it was Ginny that had placed hands on her and, with only the briefest of hesitations, she enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug.

‘I take it everything worked out?’

Tonks chuckled. ‘Mate, I can barely walk. Fleur’s plan might have worked a little too well.’

‘Everything good then? Gin asked, her eyebrow raised. ‘No more drama?’

Tonks shrugged. ‘We had a heart-to-heart after the, um, shagging,’ she admitted with a girlish chuckle. ‘I’d say everything is brilliant, but, well, everything was brilliant before it all went to shit, wasn’t it?’

‘You think he’d let it get so bad again?’ she asked with a surprised look on her face.

Tonks huffed out a chuckle. ‘As I said, Fleur’s plan might have worked a little too well. I’m more worried he’ll let it get so bad on purpose.’

Ginny’s eyes widened and she had to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh. Tonks elbowed her in the side, the corners of her lips twitching in amusement.

‘Don’t laugh, you lot turned him into a deviant.’

Ginny, her smile wide, could only shrug. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

‘Ahuh,’ Tonks said in deadpan, her eyes rolling. ‘Listen, I know you and Haych have that rule, once every other month or whatever, but, well, if I need your guys’ help, would you, um…mind?’

Ginny’s cheeky grin turned sympathetic and she hugged her friend. ‘I’d mind a lot less if you let me go down on you,’ she whispered, squeezing her meaty bum and nibbling on her ear. She cackled when her friend stiffened before pushing her away, her cheeks flaming as she sent half a dozen stinging hexes at her before she could even blink.

‘I should have you arrested for sexual harassment you horny skank,’ Tonks groused and Ginny could only smirk at her cheekily.

‘I’ll see you later Tonks,’ Ginny said as she turned to walk away and get on with her business. She paused, however, looking over her shoulder with a sexy grin. ‘By the way, that rule? It’s more of a…guideline, if you catch my meaning.’

Ginny laughed as she walked away with a sexy sway to her hips, her friend a wide-eyed, stuttering and blushing mess.


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