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Chapter 4

One of the incredible things about Stark Tower was it ran as deep as it did tall. Quite how Tony managed that in Manhattan Peter didn’t know or particularly care, but it allowed for S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers to have a base in the heart of New York City, out of the public eye.

The lower levels were where the crazier R&D projects took place, the kind that would invariably save the world.

It was also where state of the art combat simulation rooms had been installed, where agents and superheroes could go and pit themselves against drones to not only safely master and control their powers, but to also hone their skills.

Tony said he’d gotten the idea when he’d seen Professor X’s Danger Room at his school for mutants. Naturally, he’d taken the impressive bit of tech as a personal attack and created a better version in his own tower, one that even the X-Men would come to utilise when they wanted the kiddy gloves off.

It was in said room that one could find the Ghost Spider battling wave after wave of self-repairing Iron-man suits and drones while dodging laser attacks and other dangerous hazards. Peter had been steadily increasing the difficulty of the challenge for his girlfriend, keeping a close eye on her energy levels and relative performance.

Was he also deriving a bit of payback for the gruelling torture she’d put him through that morning for his PT? No. He wasn’t that petty or vindictive.

He snorted as he slid over to another screen, his legs still feeling like jello.

Gwen’s readings were remarkable. She’d been at it for hours and while she clearly showed signs of exhaustion, that was more tied to mental fatigue than any physical limitations. Despite that, she did not look like slowing down, even after she’d started incorporating symbiote-assisted body modifications into her fighting style when he’d upped the ante.

Her body is incredible.

He snorted at the thought.

Deciding to really stress test his symbiote-boosted girlfriend, he upped the difficulty three levels without warning, keeping a close eye on the proceedings to make sure she wasn’t in any mortal danger.

The Iron-man suits started to spawn and regenerate faster, the movements of the drones more coordinated while the hazards increased in frequency and lethality. He felt a presence over his shoulder as Gwen started to get overwhelmed, unable to disable her enemies quickly enough to keep up with the tide.

Something to think about.

‘Shame,’ he heard his mentor lament as he watched the proceedings and looked at the readouts. He was dressed in a sweat-stained tank-top and sweats while holding a steaming cup of black coffee. Tony had apparently stopped by after his own morning workout.

When he saw one of the screens monitoring Gwen’s vitals show her energy levels spike, he got up on wobbly legs and quickly dashed over to it, the standards they had recorded after hours of observation rendered moot as the Ghost Spider somehow tapped new stores of energy and shattered the previous norms.

The robots swarming Gwen started to glow then, with a roar, a sphere of electric destruction surged out from her prone body and vaporised all her assailants in one, devastating explosion.

‘You know they can’t self-repair if they’re vaporised…’

‘The symbiote is adapting and changing her on a molecular level based on her needs,’ Peter said in excitement, recording the new baseline energy levels.

‘You might be putting the cart before the horse there, champ.’

Peter conceded the point with a nod. ‘Fair. But it’s a possibility. I’ll need to run more tests, see if she can replicate it without completely draining herself.’

As he said that, his girlfriend rose on shaky legs, her suit in tatters and rapidly receding into her skin, leaving her stark naked as she hobbled towards the control room, clearly unaware of their guest spectator.

He definitely wasn’t vindictive and bitter about that morning. No way!

‘Nice work Doctor Parker.’

He snorted in amusement. ‘What? The symbiote or the girl?’

Tony just looked down at him with a grin and wiggled his eyebrows.

When Gwen stumbled into the control room, bracing herself against the frame and looking ebullient, she shrieked when she saw who was in the room with him.

‘Oh, Tony is here by the way. Do you want your smoothie? We’re done for the day.’

She stormed back in, one arm covering her breasts and the other covering her womanhood, her cheeks flushed with humiliation. He chuckled, tucking the smoothie in the crook of her arm as she robotically stormed back out of the room, her head held high and her glorious, naked ass shaking with every step.

Truly a work of art.

‘It’s crazy, before today I’d have sworn she had no shame.’

Quicker than his normie eyes could track, her hand poked out from behind the wall she was hiding behind and shot a small web-ball at his forehead.

‘Ow! God damn it Gwen! That hurt!’

‘Good! You’re not funny!’

Tony chuckled at their antics before they discussed the results of the test. They’d need a few more sessions like this one to get a baseline of her body’s energy levels, but early signs were promising.

‘I was worried I’d have to supplement her body with an arc reactor or something, and while I could still do it, that looks like it’d be way overkill.’

The grown ass billionaire beside him actually pouted like a child. ‘She’s enhanced, that’s cheating.’

‘It’s okay Tony,’ he consoled the older man, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. ‘I still think your arc reactor is… nice?’

He shot him the stink-eye. ‘Your girlfriend’s right. You’re not funny.’

‘Everyone’s a critic.’

When Gwen finally returned to the control room after resting and refuelling, her suit fully manifested - no doubt to hide her embarrassment - he grinned at her and gave her a high-five.

‘Good news! Your body is officially incredible. I even have the maths to prove it!’

‘This, we all knew,’ she snarked, jutting her hip out to one side and faux-buffing her nails.

Laughing, he told her about his theory regarding the symbiote responding to her needs and maybe even altering her body on a molecular level.

‘It’s just a theory for now,’ he quickly emphasises, noticing Tony’s raised brow. ‘But we’ll need to run some more tests to get a clearer baseline of your energy levels, and to see what else you can do with that power, if it wasn’t a one-time thing.’

‘Oh em gee, I got really tired after doing it, but that was so cool!’ she gushed, bouncing around like an overeager child. ‘Hey, if this symbiote thing you put in me runs on my body’s natural energy, can I increase its stores by, like, exercising?’

‘Theoretically,’ Tony answered, taking a sip of his coffee and reading some of the results. ‘You Enhanced and your bullshit bodies.’

Laughing, he continued. ‘On another positive note, you’ll never have to calorie count for the rest of your life?’

‘First, an infinite wardrobe and now the ability to eat as much pizza as I want? Are you trying to woo me, Doctor Parker?’

Instead of answering, he grinned and waggled his eyebrows at her.

‘Anyway, as adorable as your flirting is, did you give any thought to our talk yesterday?’

Breathing deeply, Peter nodded. ‘Sure, knock it down to fifty like we talked about, and give me the royalties and you’ve got a deal.’

He thought about it for a nanosecond before shrugging. ‘Done. I’ll have Pepper email you the contract. Keep up the good work kid, we’ll talk more later.’

He strolled out of the control room reading Gwen’s readouts on his phone when his girlfriend plopped down next to him, finally feeling comfortable enough to dismiss her mask. ‘What was that about?’

‘I’ll tell you later when I tell Ben and May - are we still going? May said dinner will be ready at seven-thirty.’

She shrugged as she crawled into his lap, munching on the bowl of kale chips he had out for her. ‘Mm, these are good. Yeah, as long as nothing crazy happens we should be good. I’ll meet you outside Freddy’s at seven?’

Freddy’s diner had been the local hangout for all the kids in their suburb growing up. It was a block from his aunt and uncle’s house, so it was an ideal place to meet up before they headed over.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll cover for you if something happens. May sounded really excited that we were both coming over though. No pressure.’

She gave him an unamused stare as he grinned and squeezed her body against his chest.

‘How are you feeling?’ he asked, kissing the nap of her neck. She stretched into him like a cat, luxuriating in his touch.

She tilted her head from side to side, thinking about her answer, knowing that it’ll help with his development and testing. ‘A little tired - not exhausted, more like post-workout fatigue?’

‘Good. How was your HUD and AI while fighting? They should still be functional.’

‘Both unchanged,’ she said with a shrug while leaning against his chest. ‘And I have no idea how that makes any sense.’

‘Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that darlin,’ he assured in his best John Wayne impression for…some reason he couldn’t rightly place.

Maybe I’m really not funny…?

Gwen giggled as he shook himself out of his sacrilegious thoughts. ‘Anyway, keep a close eye on your readouts and pay attention to your body. Everything is still a bit iffy until we’ve properly calibrated the symbiote to you, but everything should be okay if you’re careful.’

‘No problem Doc,’ she said, swivelling in his lap in an impressive, acrobatic display, her legs swinging up and over his head, before planting a kiss on his lips. She then grinned, her arms resting on his shoulders and her chest rubbing against his. ‘I’m starting to think you have a bit of a thing for showing me off.’

He blushed at being called out so blatantly, slanderously, and accurately. ‘I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you are quite attractive. I rather enjoy the looks of envy.’

Laughing, she gave him a final kiss on the corner of his mouth. ‘See you later, Stud.’

He watched her walk out, her hips with that extra little bit of sway, a fond smile on his face.


At seven on the dot, one of SI’s cars dropped Peter off at Freddy’s diner just a block from his aunt and uncle’s. When he finally spied Gwen hanging out at the mouth of the nearby alley, wearing a rather casual hoodie and torn skinny jeans and looking incredibly nervous, he moseyed on over to her, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

‘How was patrolling?’ he asked as she dashed towards him, grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him into the alley with her.

‘Hm?’ she asked, sounding distracted.. ‘Oh, fine, just a few purse snatchers and an armed robbery at a bodega. All clear on the symbiote suit too, now, what should I wear?’

Ah. Now everything makes sense.

‘Just wear what you normally wear? What’s the big deal?’

It was then that Peter noticed Gwen had her phone out, on the screen were countless pictures of women in all manner of stylish Fall outfits.

She’s really nervous, huh? That’s…kind of adorable.

‘Idiot!’ she cursed him and reached for one of the previously unseen - by him - plastic bags by her feet. ‘This is the first time we’ll be visiting your aunt and uncle’s as a couple, we can’t just turn up like it’s any other day. You’re essentially bringing me home to meet your parents!’

Huh, I never thought about it like that, but she’s kinda right.

She tossed the bag she’d grabbed at him. ‘Here, go in the bathroom and put that on.’

Looking inside, he saw a brand new pair of tan chinos, a nice denim shirt and brown loafers. They all looked nice - smart-casual. Perfect for introducing your girlfriend to your parents.

‘This really means a lot to you, huh?’

Instead of being intimidated by the death glare she consequently sent him, he only felt his heart melt. ‘That’s kinda sweet. Though I do find it pretty hilarious that I give you what’s essentially a superpower every woman on earth would kill to have, and you have analysis paralysis.’

‘You’re,’ she began, poking him in the chest, ‘not,’ she added with another poke, the corners of her lips twitching, ‘helping!’

She said that, but she already looked calmer now that he’d broken the tension. Doubly so when he stepped behind her and started rubbing her tense shoulders. She sighed and leaned back into him, scrolling through more of the outfits on the screen helplessly.

Looking down, he saw the other bag by her feet had a cake box within.

Heh, she’s bringing out the big guns.

‘Honestly Gwen, you’d look good in anything, here.’

She yelped in protest when he reached over and flicked the screen, causing the image to rapidly scroll through whatever social media feed she was browsing. After it had scrolled for a few seconds, he jabbed at the screen, pausing it on a random outfit.

‘And of course you don’t have safe-search on,’ he muttered as the screen paused on what could best be described as porno-cosplay before flicking the screen again to renew the scrolling. He could hear the grin in her tone when she answered the unasked question.

‘I need to start thinking about your birthday. I have some ideas.’

‘And now I’m going to see my aunt and uncle to tell them some life-changing news with an awkward boner. Thanks.’

She cackled, completely uncaring for his plight when he stopped the screen a second time, his finger now pausing the screen on a photo of a woman in a high-waisted, knee-length, brown plaid skirt, a tight black turtleneck, black stockings and brown ankle boots with two-inch heels.

‘There, try that.’

Tilting her head from side to side as she considered, she shrugged and, while focusing on the image, willed her casual outfit to change while he shielded her body from scrutiny with his own.

In the blink of an eye, Gwen’s casual outfit morphed into the one in the photo, except Gwen also added a knee-length, brown coat to finish the outfit.

Her smile wide, she twirled for him, her arms outstretched and the coat flapping in the wind. She then frowned when she saw his expression.

‘What? Does it look bad?’

Taking a deep breath in through his nostrils, he shook his head in disgust. ‘I’ll never understand how girls can be so stupid sometimes. There is literally nothing you can wear that’ll make you even close to looking bad,’ he said with an annoyed roll of his eyes. ‘I just realised I can’t remember seeing you in a skirt before. Also… I think you might have just given me a new kink.’

Her grin widened when she noticed where he was looking. Spreading her coat open, she put one foot in front of the other, lifting a leg so her skirt rode up, exposing more of her stocking-clad thigh. ‘You like my legs in stockings?’

‘As great as your ass looks in tight jeans, I’m sorry, I think I’m just going to have to burn them all. I’m banning everything but skirts and stockings. Forever.’

‘Chauvinistic pig,’ she teased, lifting her other leg to show off that thigh too.

‘You wear stockings whenever we’re together and I’ll get that tattooed on my forehead.’

‘Hurry up and get dressed so we can go,’ she urged, hustling him towards Freddy’s. When he stumbled into the busy diner, Freddy himself saw him and waved, a big smile on his pockmarked face.

‘Peter is that you?! I haven’t seen you in years!’ the kindly old man laughed before his eyes widened. ‘Where are your crutches?!’

Grinning wide, he backed into the bathroom with an equally wide smile. ‘Freddy, great to see you! What can I say? Modern medicine is a marvel.’

When he’d changed into his new clothes, his fur-lined parka going well with the outfit, he met up with Gwen again outside as she eyed him appreciatively. She fussed with his messy, curly hair for several moments before finally giving up with an annoyed sigh.

‘Remind me to take you to my stylist so we can do something with that mop you call hair.’

‘I will definitely remind you to do that.’

Slapping his chest with the back of her hand with a chuckle, she gave him one more once-over before nodding in approval. ‘Passable.’

‘Gee, I’m blushing.’

Giggling, she threaded her arm through the crook of his and they headed towards his aunt and uncle’s place in a companionable silence. He could feel the nervous energy radiating off her, but realising words wouldn’t do anything, he only pulled her tight to him and hoped his presence would serve to comfort.

When they were finally standing outside their place, she was virtually shaking in fear. Turning, he put his hands on her shoulders and lowered himself until he was eye-level with her. ‘Hey,’ he began, his voice as calm and soothing as possible. ‘Calm down. They already love you, you’ve got nothing to worry about.’

She was shaking like a leaf. It was so shocking to see someone so powerful be so vulnerable that he didn’t even crack a joke, hoping his smooth and calming voice would ease her worries.

‘You told me your uncle tried to warn you off me,’ she said, her voice sounding miserable and afraid.

‘He’d heard things about you being a little slut,’ he couldn’t help but joke, and he thanked God that it earned him a little smirk instead of causing her to freak out. ‘So what? You are one. My little slut. What’s the big deal? He’s not some kind of puritan. He only thought you were going to hurt me,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘Are you?’

Her eyes narrowed and she gave him a heated stare with such intensity it almost took his breath away. ‘Never. Not again.’

‘Then what’s the problem? I love you. They love you. Relax.’

She was still a little shaky, so he grinned. ‘This is nothing. Imagine if you had brought me home to see your dad. That’s scary. He’d have killed me. How dare I defile his princess?!’

She gave a watery laugh, her eyes shimmering but twinkling in mischief. ‘He’d have broken you.’

‘Right? This is nothing compared to that. Stop being a little baby.’

Taking a deep breath, she nodded and wiped her eyes before slapping herself. ‘Right. You’re right, of course. I’m being an idiot.’

‘You’re being adorable.’

She smiled and, their elbows locked, they headed to the front door and knocked. When May answered, she squealed when she saw them. She ran to Gwen and looked her over like she was a brand new puppy.

‘Oh Gwen you look great! Your hair, my gosh, it’s so stylish! It suits you. I can’t believe you’re dating Peter! I’m so happy!’

Gwen looked startled and shocked by May’s enthusiasm, but she definitely rubbed off on her because all the angst completely melted away from her features and she returned the smile, handing May the cheesecake she brought.

When May finally turned to Peter, her smile froze on her face. ‘Peter,’ she began, her brows furrowed. ‘Where are your crutches?’

Smiling sheepishly, he jumped up and clicked his heels the way Gwen showed him to that morning. ‘Surprise?’

She was staring at him, open-mouthed. He really couldn’t blame her. They’d known all about his Cerebral Palsy, almost as much as medical professionals. They knew damn well there was no cure.

When Ben came to the door, wondering why May was all of a sudden silent, his eyebrows went to his hairline when he saw Peter sans crutches. Seeing the state of his wife, he turned to Peter and Gwen and ushered them in. ‘Right then, you two best come inside and tell us everything.’


‘You had brain surgery?!’ May asked, her tone shrill and her eyes wet from tears, both happy and terrified.

He’d told them everything, from having invented the chip when he was still a teenager to never using it and finally to showing his new boss and getting it installed - curing, or rather circumventing his brain damage.

‘Not exactly,’ he said, running his hand through his hair. ‘I’d be bald if they’d cut me open and there’d be no way I’d be on my feet again so quickly. Doctor Strange kind of…magicked it in? Don’t ask me how, I’m no expert.’

‘What if something went wrong? What if you died?!’

‘May,’ Peter began, starting to feel frustrated. Gwen, noticing his annoyance, grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. ‘May, he began again, with a grateful smile to his girlfriend. ‘I’m not a child, nor am I suicidal. I didn’t rush into this decision on a whim. I invented the chip years ago and I never used it. I was never even tempted.’

‘So what changed?’ Ben asked. He was far more sanguine about the entire situation, pride shining in his eyes that he’d done something so miraculous at such a young age, but he’d made it known that he would have liked to have been told beforehand.

‘I showed my work to the smartest man on the planet, and then he showed it to the smartest doctor and surgeon, and they both agreed the tech was flawless and the procedure simple. Only then did I agree to go through with it.’

‘We’re just worried about you Peter. This is all so sudden.’

Sighing, he fell back against the comfortable couch and nodded. ‘Of course I understand. You guys care, right? It’s only natural.’

Ben smiled and squeezed his shoulder while tears started to flow freely from his aunt’s green eyes.

‘So you’re… healed?’ she asked, sounding hopeful.

‘It certainly seems so,’ he said, looking over at Gwen who had stayed mostly silent throughout. ‘I went out dancing with Gwen twelve hours after the operation. I still tire really easily, but that’s more a fitness issue than a medical one, an issue Gwen is helping with through physical therapy.’

‘Oh, how romantic.’

Gwen blushed and he and his uncle looked at each other with long, suffering sighs, the corners of their mouths twitching.

‘Oh, I feel like I brought the mood down. We should celebrate! Come dear, help me put the cake in the fridge.’

Peter grinned at the helpless look Gwen sent him as she was dragged into the kitchen.

‘That poor girl’s got no idea what’s coming.’

‘Not a clue,’ Peter agreed with a knowing chuckle. May may sometimes look and act ditzy, but she could be as vicious as the rest of them, and the interrogation would start in earnest.

‘So, miraculous cures aside, how’s life?’

‘Life’s amazing!’ he said enthusiastically. ‘I’ve never been happier. There’s Gwen, obviously, and now my legs, but the work I do at SI is so fulfilling and satisfying. I feel like I can make the world a better place, and Tony’s given me a blank check to do so.’

‘You’re on a first-name basis with the richest man on the planet?’ he asked, raising his eyebrow curiously.

‘Well, I work with him pretty closely, and he pretty much insisted I call him Tony from day one…’

Peter went on to explain what he could about his work at SI, only stopping when May and a frazzled looking Gwen called them to tell them dinner was ready.

After a delicious and filling meal, one Gwen utterly devoured - much to May’s delight - the tense atmosphere had been completely dispelled and his girlfriend finally felt comfortable enough around them to start cracking jokes - mostly at his expense.

Naturally, they loved her.

Clearing his throat during a lull in the conversation and getting everyone’s attention, he pulled out a slip of paper from his shirt pocket and waved it in the air. ‘I should note, while my work at SI is satisfying, it’s also very rewarding. I wanted you two to have this, as a thanks for being the best parents a kid could ask for and always being there for me.’

Both Gwen and May huddled around Ben and their eyes widened at what they saw. Before the women could say anything, Ben shook his head resolutely. ‘We can’t accept this Peter, it‘s too much.’

‘Ben, I know you guys struggled to put me through college. This is the least I can do, it’s the least I will do.’

He handed the cheque to May, who looked faint all over again. ‘Peter, this is many, many times more than what college cost us. Where did you even get this much money?’

He tapped his head and his uncle’s eyes widened. ‘SI bought the rights to my tech. They’re far better suited to getting it to market and approved for the masses.’

Gwen’s eyes widened. ‘That’s what you guys were talking about earlier? With Mister Stark?’

He nodded at his girlfriend, smirking when the numbers they had been referencing finally clicked in her mind and she nearly choked on her spit.

‘Peter, I don’t like this,’ his uncle said with a frown, ever the lawyer. In his defence, he made a career out of screwing over the big guys that shit on the little guys. ‘It sounds like he took advantage of you.’

Rolling his eyes, he opened his banking app on his phone and was pleased to see the payment had already gone through. Handing it over to his uncle, his eyebrows disappeared into his hairline once again. He grinned as Gwen and May crowded him again and their eyes widened in shock.

‘That’s a lot of zeroes,’ Gwen muttered helpfully.

‘There was supposed to be one more zero, but I took half of his original offer instead for one percent royalties on any profits made using my tech. Call it investing in myself.’

‘Fifty million?’ May gasped, looking faint.

‘Smart,’ Ben nodded in approval, taking it much better than his wife. ‘If your chip can help with all manner of brain damage, fifty million will be chump change in the long run.’

Peter tapped his nose before pointing at his uncle in affirmation. ‘Tony knows that too. He’s not stupid, nor is he a bad person, despite what the tabloids would have you believe. He wants the brightest minds in the world working for him and creating a better future. There’s a reason no one who works at SI is ever headhunted, despite how much his rivals try.’

Chump change?’ Gwen muttered eyes wide. ‘Peter, you’re scary.’

Grinning, he turned to his uncle and brought up the second thing he most wanted to talk about tonight.

‘So, do you guys like it here?’

‘Here?’ Ben asked in confusion, before his eyes widened in understanding.

‘In Queens, this house. Ever wanted to live in Nassau County?’

‘Peter, we can’t -’

‘Don’t,’ he interrupted his uncle before he could launch into another selfless spiel. ‘This money? It’s meaningless to me. I live in an apartment paid for by my work, and when I’m not spending time with Gwen, I’m at Stark Tower. I don’t even need money to run my own research and experiments, Tony has literally given me a blank check to work on whatever I want. And before you tell me to invest it, I already have, as I said, in myself.’

Seeing his aunt about to object, he shook his head. ‘Just accept it, you guys earned it and thensome - let me do this for you. Besides, if you don’t, I’ll just buy a random place and put it in your name anyway.’

‘Uh-oh you don’t want that. He’ll probably buy you a place in Miami or something.’

‘You know, I hear the old folks like it there - the New York winters are just too tough on their brittle bones.’

‘You always were a smart ass. You get that from your dad,’ his uncle said fondly, ruffling his hair. His uncle was never one to let his emotions show, so the gratitude shining in his shimmering eyes spoke volumes.

May was a lost cause at this point. She was openly weeping into Gwen’s shoulder.

Laughing, he grabbed his phone and started scrolling through some places. ‘None of that now. Here, I had a look at some places earlier. Tell me what you think.’


Later, Gwen and Peter snuggled together in a mostly empty subway car making their way back to his apartment.

‘That wasn’t so bad, right?’

Gwen looked up at him, still glowing after their fun evening with his aunt and uncle. ‘May and Ben are awesome,’ she agreed before snuggling into his side again.

‘Right?’ His eyes were very obviously on her exposed, stocking-clad thigh, her legs tucked under her on the seat. She giggled when he unashamedly ran his fingers along it, his gaze almost reverential.

‘You definitely have a new kink.’

‘Your legs look so good,’ he burst out with a groan, as if he’d been wanting to get that off his chest for a while. ‘I love how they stretch the fabric and make it transparent enough to see through.’

‘You’re a dork,’ she replied with an eyeroll and Peter grinned.

Leaning in so his lips were next to her ear, he whispered, ‘That guy over there agrees with me. He’s been checking you out non-stop.’

Gwen didn’t even bother looking at the guy who was pretending to read the paper, but kept glancing towards her. ‘I know. I’m used to it by now.’

‘Humble brag,’ he joked, and she shushed him with a poke.

‘Does it turn you on?’ she asked, mischief starting to dance in her eyes. ‘Having guys check out your girl?’

‘It’s so hot,’ he admitted with a tortured whine, his cheeks pinking.

With a salacious grin, she very deliberately dropped her phone onto the floor, the train’s inertia causing it to slide down the aisle. ‘Oops,’ she said, with the fakest look of innocence he’d ever seen.

Standing, she strolled over to where her phone had fallen and, without bending her knees, she bent over to collect. He almost gave the game up by groaning aloud at the sight. It had been incredibly apparent to him and the three guys watching that Gwen wasn’t wearing any panties under her stockings, the thin material stretching so much that they all had a pretty clear view of her ass and pussy lips for the briefest of moments before she straightened again and rejoined him, a sexy sway in her steps.

Peter was vibrating in his seat by the time she rejoined him, this time sitting in his lap with a coquettish grin on her face. ‘Ooh, someone’s happy to see me.’

Whining, he buried his face against her back and hugged her incredible body to him. ‘You’re so sexy.’

Instead of responding, she grinned at her admirers and started grinding on his lap, her delicious ass rubbing against his hard dick.

She teased him like that for the rest of the ride. By the time they got off at their stop her new admirers gazing at her with wide eyes, he was ready to fuck her right there.

When they burst through the door of his apartment, he spun them around and pushed her up against the door and started kissing and nibbling her neck.

Before he could drop to his knees and eat her out right there, she pulled him up and stopped him while biting her lip sexily.

‘Give me five minutes, then come join me in the bedroom, okay?’

Nodding dumbly because he had no idea how else he was supposed to respond to that, he got himself a glass of water and watched as she very slowly disappeared from view, her knowing giggles trailing behind her.

The five minutes may as well have been five hours, he was so horny and excited that the hand holding the glass of water was shaking. When the second hand ticked over and five minutes had passed exactly, he shot off like a rocket towards his bedroom.

Opening the door, the first thing he noticed was the dim lighting and the dozens of lit candles sitting atop nearly every flat surface of the room, providing a romantic ambiance. Adding to that ambiance was the music softly playing over the speakers of his sound system, a smooth and sexy R&B tune whose volume was set just loud enough to provide sensual background noise without being too overpowering.

He frowned when he fully stepped inside and closed the door behind him, not seeing his girlfriend anywhere.

The second his door clicked shut however, he yelped when something smacked his wrist. Hard.

Looking to his right, he felt a thrill of excitement shoot down his spine when he saw his arm affixed to the door with a blob of webbing. Another impact on his other wrist and both arms were now stuck to the door either side of him, leaving him rather vulnerable.

If he wasn’t secured enough, several more web bullets were shot, fixing his shoulders, ankles and hips to the door as well. The shots were so masterfully placed, he felt utterly immobilised.

Then Gwen re-materialised before him, deactivating her stealth, and he nearly swallowed his tongue.

Gwen was hanging upside down before him, a devilish grin gracing her gorgeous features. She was dressed in only black, thigh-high stockings, a garter belt and the turquoise ballerina slippers she wore with her suit.

She slowly lowered the string of web she was hanging from until they were eye-level, and while they briefly locked gazes, his eyes quickly went back to admiring and salivating over her nude, muscular form and those incredible, stocking-clad legs flexing in front of him.

‘How do I look?’ she asked, in a tone that let everyone know she knew damn well that answer to that question.

He tried to answer, but his mouth had suddenly become drier than the Sahara, words escaping him. If she didn’t already look incredible, the way her muscles tensed in the stockings as they supported her weight only made her look even more enticing to him.

She's my little Spider Slut.

He sincerely regretted not having been there to see more of her gymnast…recitals or whatever they were when she was younger. Though, he doubted she’d have looked better than she did at that moment.

‘That good?’ mirth was suffusing her tone. She knew damn well the effect she had on him.

‘...you’re the sexiest woman alive.’

She bit her lip at his words, her cheeks colouring and her smugness levels rising exponentially. ‘Yeah? What about MJ?’


Grinning wider, she asked, ‘What about the Black Widow? I’ve seen her hanging around Stark Tower a few times already.’

‘I haven’t.’

She was clearly holding back laughter now, but he was being completely serious. He hadn’t really noticed her. He’d been too engrossed in his work, or with Gwen. He supposed that was the point of her amusement, now that he thought about it.

‘Miss Potts is pretty sexy.’

‘I’ll take your word for it.’

Her smile had grown with each of his answers, she’d also been steadily lowering herself until she was no longer eye-level with him, but with his cock instead. His hardness was painfully tenting his jeans and he was thankful when Gwen unzipped him with a pleased hum and pulled him out.

His relief was short lived because, aside from the brief, blissful contact when she pulled him out, she left him hanging there and, after attached the bottom of the web to the floor, crawled back up it until she was lying against it, her arm above her and her abs at his eye level.

She looked like she was lazing on a couch, just… vertically, while smirking knowingly at him.

He was panting at this point, so turned on that he was sure she could balance on his cock if she wanted to.

Her smirk widening, she gripped the web with both her hands and started twirling around it like it was a stripper pole, while also shaking her hips and humming along to the soft tune playing over his speakers.

Except, the web wasn’t a metal pole, it was more like a rope, and the way she twirled around it reminded him more of Cirque Du Soleil than a regular striptease. She held herself up acrobatically and in various poses - upside down, sideways and the right way up, she did it all and it was all incredible.

‘Karen,’ he wheezed, ‘please tell me you’re recording this.’

Of course Peter,’ his AI’s highly amused tone announced over the speakers, pausing the music to do so and causing Gwen to giggle in the middle of her routine.

Then Gwen started to do more gymnast moves than stripper ones, hooking a leg or arm then swinging and swaying around on the web, causing her sexy muscles in her arms, legs and core to bulge in effort. His eyes were mostly glued to her legs, quickly glancing up to occasionally look at her sweaty, pleased face before looking back down at her bulging stockings.

Then she upped the ante again, lifting her lower body up and placing a foot either side of his head against the door. Letting go of the web, she stood as if the vertical surface was the ground and squatted low until her ass was right in his face.

His vision was filled with her glistening pussy, each time she’d drop low enough to almost be in reach of his tongue, then pulling away before he could touch her. She cackled at his groans and whines before turning around so she was now facing the ground instead of the ceiling.

His breath caught when she crouched over him in a sixty-nine position, then he bucked so powerfully he thought he pulled something straining against the unbreakable bindings when she sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, before kissing the tip and standing up again and grabbing her web.

‘You’re a demon,’ he whined and she cackled again, apparently highly pleased with the feedback.

‘You enjoying yourself, Stud?’

‘I’d be enjoying it a lot more if I could touch you.’

‘Nuh-uh,’ she teased, doing another acrobatic manoeuvre while gripping her web and repositioning herself so she was leaning against the flexible strand and looking him in the eye, her grin wide. He was like a fly in her trap, and instead of drinking his blood, she was sending it all to his cock. ‘No touching the dancers.’

‘What if they’re naughty little sluts who want to be touched?’

She bit her lip sexily, her blue eyes darkening in lust and desire.

‘You especially can’t touch her then, because then she’d stop dancing and just fuck your brains out instead of doing her job.’

He whined when his pleas fell on deaf ears.

‘If this is your way of getting your sugar daddy to buy you a penthouse in Manhattan…it’s working.’

She giggled. ‘I was thinking maybe a villa in the Caribbean daddy.’

He groaned when she said that, the way she said that. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, and she was loving it.

She continued her little routine, often going back to suckle on his cock in between her undulating and erotic movements. She could read him like a book, and no greater proof of that existed than when she started rubbing her stocking-clad calves and thighs against his face.

Not even Gwen was immune to her own libido though, and she’d started to drag her soaking pussy against his face when she went in to suckle on him more and more. He took those brief opportunities to give her as much pleasure with his tongue as possible, hoping to excite her enough that she let her lust take over and just ravish him.

He adored the show she was putting on for him. The way her enhanced body shimmered with perspiration in the dim candlelight, enhancing her beautiful, athletic frame, drove him wild.

But he just wanted to fuck her now.

Then, when she next dragged her pussy against his face and he slipped his tongue into her back door, she relented with a needy groan.

Her entire body shook with repressed arousal, then she spun atop him and mounted him in one, swift move. Peter groaned in exaltation at the unexpected collapse of her willpower and Gwen moaned at feeling him fill her deliciously.

Then, with her hands either side of his head, she started riding him against the door, her symphonic moans drowning out the softly playing music and replacing it with something far more pleasing to his ears.

Each time her perky tits came close to his mouth, he’d envelop a pierced nipple and start licking and pleasuring it with his tongue. She loved it so much that she gave up trying to tease him all-together, keeping her boobs in his face and hugging his head against her chest in approval.

‘Gwen,’ he panted, now perspiring as much as his girlfriend in his efforts to hold back his own orgasm. ‘I’m not gonna last much longer.’

‘Me either Stud,’ she panted, pulling back enough so she could stare him in the eyes with her smouldering gaze. ‘Are you gonna fill your mistress up? Have you got a big load ready for me?’

He nodded urgently, in lieu of answering.

‘Are you gonna clean your mistress up after you fill her with your dirty cum?’ she asked, her eyes wild with lust as her thrusts and gyrations increased in intensity.

There’s only one right answer here.

He nodded dutifully, and that was enough to send her over the edge, her body freezing then convulsing as her orgasm crashed into her. The way her pussy squeezed and fluttered around his cock quickly sent him over the edge too. He desperately wished he could hug her body close, but immobilised against the door by her webbing as he was, he settled for nibbling on her pebbled nipple.

When they both calmed, she looked down at him with a delirious smile.

‘That was certainly… an experience.’

She grinned, running her hand along his face. ‘Did you like it?’

‘I loved and I hated it,’ he admitted, chuckling at her pout. ‘I want to hold you so much right now.’

She smiled, but that quickly turned into a cheeky grin as she crawled up the door, letting him slip out of her, until she was kneeling above his head, her pussy at eye level. He looked up as she looked down at him, her fingers playing with her pussy as his cum started to slowly ooze out of her.

‘Clean your mistress up Stud, be a good boy,’ she groaned, still rubbing her pussy as gravity caused his spunk to dribble out of her. Sighing, he stuck out his tongue and started to lick her. He’d have a much bigger issue with this if it didn’t so obviously drive his girl wild.

And he kind of owed her for the jump scare with Tony that morning.

'Save some for me, Stud,' she pleaded, her tone breathy with arousal and excitement. When he nodded, she backed further up the door and bent down, filling his vision with her beautiful, upside down face when she kissed him. He passed the rest of his load into her mouth with his tongue, the naughty little slut groaning like she did earlier when she was sampling his aunt's first attempt at Indian cuisine.

She grinned and passed it back into his mouth, only for them to play the most bizarre game of hot potato with each other, the two giggling like children as they passed his load back and forth between them, until, finally, she swallowed.

'Good girl.'

She grinned impishly at him, the oddness of their faces being inverted not affecting their loving gaze.

They showered after she released him from the webbing but, as he was getting ready for bed, she materialised her suit again after kissing him.

‘Crime never sleeps.’

As much as he wanted to snuggle with her, he knew what he was signing up for.

'Go get em my little Spider Slut,' he urged with a hard slap to her world class ass as she crouched on his window frame.

Before she left she jumped in bed with him and gave him another heated, passionate kiss, whining when she forced herself to pull away and activating her invisibility before jumping out of his window.

Gwen handled it well, but the hours she had to keep to protect her home city were pretty brutal.

What kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t do his best to lighten her load?

Before he drifted off to sleep, he pulled up the recording of Gwen’s performance on his phone and cast it to his TV.

That kiss had made him horny again, god-damn it.


Ike Vann

Great chapter.

Ike Vann

Gwens embarrassment at being seen naked by Tony was a funny surprise. Like Peter said I didn't think she had any shame in her by thus point.

Ike Vann

Peter really should keep some the money for himself. If he uses Starks resources for researching and inventions they would be combany property. So with that money he could invest and build a separate lab for his personal research and inventions while learning to market them. Basically don't keep all his eggs in one basket.

Ike Vann

So has Peter come into contact with any of Gwens rogues yet like MJ has when Peter was Spider-man? It would be interest to see how Peter handles a situation like that.


He did. He was given the option of a lump sum or half of that and royalties. He chose the latter and gave some of that to Ben and May and the rest is just invested. He doesn't need a place for 'personal research.' Stark lets him do whatever he wants with a blank check with the best facilities and AI in the world. Pete's not the only one with this deal (Shuri and Riri Williams are there too, for example, the money they generate goes to help every one of them do more). Stark collects geniuses like Pokemon here and gives them everything they need to grow. Why waste time marketing when your boss can handle it and nosy politicians for you? Then he can focus on his work. And Gwen.


Some of that is revealed next chapter IIRC. Pete's making Gwen a bit too 'big time' for them though. They're in their mid twenties, assume she's already had arcs with the likes of the regular rogues (I'm not too familiar if Gwen's Rogues are any different tbh).

Ike Vann

Alright, can't wait to see what comes next. What is your update schedule for this story?


Headed here straight after reading the first few chapters on AO3. Amazing stuff.