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Alicia and Angie are pretty similar names and while I've given this one a once over before posting, I might have missed a few mix-ups. Sorry in advance.


Curious to see if the next chapter wins this week's poll.

Chapter 3

When Harry finally came home later that night, Angelina was waiting for him - her libido turbocharged by a day filled with mortal combat and sex.

She leaned against the countless pillows propped up against the headboard of their bed, her legs spread invitingly and her hand slowly rubbing her leaking womanhood. While normally she abhorred having anything covering her glistening, dark skin, she made an exception for lingerie.

Especially lingerie that only further inflamed her husband’s desires.

Not that the lingerie covered anything, the lace was completely transparent and only enhanced the beauty of her body.

Seeing the look in his eyes whenever he saw her in it was as much a turn on to her as seeing her was for him.

All thoughts of shagging her man, and with it her out-of-control libido, flew out the window when she saw the look in his eyes when he slipped into their room. He still admired her form for several moments, but the grim look on his face didn’t change.

Nor did he charge towards her and devour her like he usually would.

‘What is it?’ she asked, closing her legs, her tone serious.

‘You might want to go get Leesh in here, she’s going to want to hear this.’

She resisted the urge to sigh. She’d tried so hard to get her best friend’s mind off her troubles, and when they’d parted ways that evening for their separate rooms, it was with Alicia giving her one of the widest, tipsiest smiles she’d seen on her face in quite some time.

Still, Harry wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t serious.

Hopping up off the bed, she pulled on her silk robe and made to fetch Alicia, but before she could get to the door Harry grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into his chest. She grinned when he parted her robe, breathing heavily through his nostrils as his eyes raked over her mostly nude physique.

‘How do you look so cool when on the job, but so cute for me?’

The serious atmosphere slightly curtailed, she smiled up at her husband, flicking her robe off her shoulders and twirling for his benefit.

‘Oh what? This old thing?’ she teased as he growled and pulled her against his chest again, this time capturing her lips in a heated kiss. She closed her eyes and just allowed herself to be swept away in her husband’s embrace, her libido steadily returning with a vengeance.

She whimpered when he pulled away and spun her around, slapping her on her toned ass. Had anyone but her husband done that, she’d have broken their hand. She didn’t object though, instead biting her lip and looking at him coquettishly. ‘Go and get her. I’ll pour us some drinks.’

‘You’re getting fucked later. I don’t promise you’ll be in one piece when I’m done with you.’

Harry only chuckled, but didn’t deny her as he started pulling off his robes and undoing his tie. Taking a small vial from the potions cabinet by the door she stepped out of their room and headed across the hall to Alicia’s. Knocking twice, she waited patiently for her friend to answer.

When they’d parted, she’d left Alicia already well-past tipsy with a bottle of Lily’s finest to keep her company.

‘Shup Angie?’ she slurred, her eyes glassy and her cheeks flushed with her inebriation. ‘Reconsidered joining me for a night cap?’

Angie grinned at her adorable friend but held up the vial of red liquid and handed it to her.

‘Drink this,’ she offered. She tried not to giggle as Alicia squinted, struggling to see the tiny glass container.


‘Just drink it,’ Angie said with an annoyed sigh. Drunk Alicia was adorable, but she shared her husband’s view that drunk people were mostly annoying.

Shrugging, Angie sighed in relief when she uncorked the sobering potion and downed it in one gulp. Angie watched as all signs of intoxication rapidly faded from her features.

‘Wow,’ Alicia deadpanned, her senses returning to her. ‘Way to be a buzzkill.’

Angie snorted and turned, motioning for Alicia to follow her. ‘Harry’s back, he wants to talk to us. Looked pretty serious.’

‘Wow, not only did you kill my buzz, you’re now stomping on its corpse.’

Giving her an annoyed look over her shoulder, Alicia raised her hands in defeat and followed her without complaint. When they slipped back into her room, Harry was sitting by the large window in a high-backed armchair, gazing out at Noxstella, its light streaming in through the window and bathing the room in a beautiful, ethereal glow.

Thank Merlin for the heavy duty curtains…

He had a glass of one his mother’s non-alcoholic drinks in hand, the bottle and two other glasses, as well as two more armchairs waiting for them. He looked over at them when he heard them enter, smiling encouragingly at Alicia as she timidly followed behind her.

When they took their offered seats, Angie gratefully took the offered glass, the shimmering, violet liquid providing a soothing effect when she took a sip, memories of her wedding day - and night - floating to the forefront of her mind and bringing a smile to her lips.

When Alicia took a sip, she groaned at the taste. The drink truly was delicious. When its side-effect kicked in though, she gasped at the unexpected happy memories.

They allowed her to bask in them for several moments before Harry finally broke the silence.

‘I had a talk with your handler.’

Alicia’s eyes widened at the news. ‘W-what? How?!’

Angie understood her confusion. Undercover operators were shrouded in as much secrecy and mystery as the Unspeakables, for obvious, opsec reasons.

‘It’s easier to just not interrupt with the hows and accept he just has his ways.’

Harry snorted at his wife’s proclamation, but didn’t deny it. Alicia only nodded, looking at Harry in a new light.

‘Turns out opsec in your department isn’t as airtight as you think it is. Your handler, Lucinda Richards, was on the take. She was paid to sell the Aurors working your specific case out. Her employers would organise convenient accidents to befall your predecessors, and she would happily lead your colleagues into them.’

Angie’s eyes narrowed in fury at the shocking revelation. She didn’t doubt her husband for even a second, taking his words as fact.

He wouldn’t have made such a claim if he wasn't one hundred percent certain.

And Harry had ways of making sure he was one hundred percent certain. He’d shown her his methods when he used them for her benefit in the past. They were brutal, and effective.

Her wand, feeling her fury and desire to kill, flew from the nightstand into her ready and eager hand - apparently sharing in its master’s desires.

Phoenix Feather wands were weird like that.

Alicia’s reaction was far less tempestuous, her voice trembling, she asked, ‘W-what? Mary and Gary weren’t accidents? We sent entire teams to make sure!’

Harry sighed, sinking deeper into his leather armchair as he held the cool glass against his forehead. ‘I’m afraid not. The slave trade is big money with loads of connections in both the government and the underworld. The worst part is that they didn’t even need to pay that much to get her to flip. A thousand galleons a month, most of which she blew on her secret lover - I’m sure you won’t appreciate the irony right now, but he was a plant by your slavers. Most of the galleons they paid her went right back into their coffers.’

Alicia’s eyes were wide and widened further the more Harry spoke.

I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.

‘How could you possibly know so much? We only left you a few hours ago!’

Instead of answering, Harry turned to his wife. They shared a look that said more than words could in such a short span of time. Shrugging, Angie nodded and Harry sighed.

‘I’m… very good at making people talk. I do it often for Angie too. These criminals think that being good at Occlumency means that their secrets are safe.’ He shrugged, and the movement caused the lenses of his glasses to catch Noxstella’s light in such a way that his brilliant green eyes became obscured by the reflection, all other traces of emotion leaving his face also. ‘Occlumency is a very tricky, very difficult to master branch of magic. A skilled legilimens with enough time can unravel a mind, peeling it back layer by layer to get at the secrets within.’

Though Angie knew everything Harry was saying, she still hung on his every word. Alicia was no better, barely breathing as he spoke.

‘That takes time though. Occlumency is not a passive skill, it takes effort and concentration to maintain. Both of which are quite difficult to muster when your organs are being liquefied inside of you and you feel every second of it.’

Alicia’s eyes were wide with shock, she’d stopped breathing all together. Angie only took another sip of her drink and leaned back in her absurdly comfortable chair.

He really is rather good at conjuration.

The silence stretched on for several moments, with Harry, too, opting to take another sip of his drink while Alicia gathered herself.

‘W-what if she runs back to the slavers? Or worse, what if she turns you in to Bones?’

Angie snorted into her glass, her twinkling eyes meeting with her husband’s before he looked back at Alicia. ‘I’m touched by your concern, truly, especially after what I just admitted to, but she won’t be telling anyone anything, of that you can be sure.’

Alicia slumped back into her chair, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

‘She wasn’t the only dirty one either. There were three others, each of them reporting to the same person, someone very high up in the slavers’ organisation apparently. It’s such a shame he was so greedy, he got into a fight with his moles and they all killed each other - their bodies are currently rotting off Knockturn Alley.’

The silence in the room was palpable. Harry just let Alicia absorb all the information while he patiently waited for her, humming as he took another sip of his drink. Angie was sure Alicia was probably freaked out by how casual Harry was about all of this.

Or turned on. She might be a bit biassed though. She loved it when her man took care of business.

Finally, Alicia shook her head, her curly hair bouncing as she seemingly snapped out of her funk. ‘Merlin Harry, sorry, I’m just trying to reconcile you with the kid who used to blush like a tomato when Katie would tease him in the locker rooms. You’re proper scary…’

Both Harry and Angie chuckled at that.

She has no idea…

‘Anyway, Angie will follow up on the leads on the slavers with her team while you can relax here. I’m sure your SOS was logged somewhere, so if Bones gets curious, just tell her the truth. You were attacked and saved by Angie, who brought you here until we can make sure you’re safe.’

Alicia buried her face in her hands. ‘Oh Merlin, Bones. Four of her Aurors and a criminal dead in the street? She’ll be out for blood - there’s no way she’ll let this go!’

This time it was Angie who snorted. ‘It’s a good thing that Harry’s godmother is the head of Internal Affairs then, aye?’

Alicia’s eyes widened. ‘Longbottom?!’

‘Mhmm,’ Harry hummed in approval. ‘She already knows everything. She’ll cover for you if Bones or Dawlish try to put the squeeze on you. They’ll be far more busy covering their own asses though - having so many dirty aurors in the undercover program is a…really bad look. Heads will likely roll. Figuratively, this time.’

‘What do you mean this -?’

Before Alicia could ask her question, Harry tossed her a stuffed mokeskin pouch. It jingled when it landed on the table in front of her. Looking over, Angie’s eyes widened when she saw that it was stuffed full of galleons and sickles.

‘A donation from the slavers. Best make sure that gets to the families of, was it Gary and Mary?’

Alicia nodded, her eyes wide and looking a little frazzled in Angie’s opinion. Harry then stood with a tired sigh and patted both women on the shoulder, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead.

‘I’m gonna go take a shower, it’s been a long day.’

They sat in silence after his departure, Angie sinking into the luxurious chair and watching her best friend try to process everything she’d just been told.

When they heard the water running, Alicia finally snapped out of it, letting out a tired sigh of relief. ‘Bloody hell.’

Angie smirked into her glass. ‘I’m not gonna lie, he’s so hot when he gets like that.’

Alicia’s head thunked back into the cushion of her armchair. ‘C’mon Ange,’ she bemoaned with exasperation.. ‘Not now, bit inappropriate, yeah?’

‘What’s the big deal? Harry just wrapped up your case for you, you can go back a hero and the people involved got what was coming to them.’

Silence descended over the duo again. Angie went back to reliving her happiest memories, taking small, measured sips of her drink. She wasn’t a fan of overdoing it and taking large gulps, it made her feel loopy. Sirius compared the feeling to being on mushrooms - hard pass on that one for her, thanks.

When Alicia finally spoke again, she sounded tired and weary.

‘I don’t think I’m going back. I - I just can’t. Too many bad memories are tied to it now.’

Angie looked at her over the rim of her glass and eventually shrugged. ‘You do what’s best for you. Stay here for as long as you want, and whatever you decide, I’ll support you all the way.’

Her eyes shimmering, Alicia leapt off her chair and collapsed into her arms, hugging and quietly sobbing her pain into her shoulder. Angie rubbed her back and whispered sweet assurances into her ear, a devious plan taking shape in her still incredibly horny mind.


When Harry walked back into the room half an hour later trailing a cloud of billowing steam, looking fresh and with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he dropped it when he realised he was alone with his wife in his bedroom once more.

From her position still seated in the armchair now gazing at him instead of at Noxstella, her eyes locked onto a trunk of a different kind. With a lascivious grin and a twinkle in her eye, she eyed her husband’s heavy cock hanging halfway down his thigh and cooed.

‘Ooh, you have no idea how much I missed you baby.’

‘My eyes are up here,’ Harry joked, stalking towards her, his cock swaying with each step. She looked up at him, her grin widening.

‘I was talking to your cock.’

‘Yeah?’ Harry asked as he stood beside her chair, his manhood inches from her face. Taking the rapidly hardening shaft in hand, he held it out towards her thick lips. ‘Maybe you should say it again, I don’t think he heard you.’

He groaned when Angie didn’t hesitate to run her fingers along the entire underside of his shaft, gradually lifting and guiding it into her warm mouth. She suckled on his knob, paying special attention to it while gently massaging his glans with the tip of her tongue.

Pulling back, her hand coming up to cradle his shaft against her face, she grinned up at him impishly. ‘Your mum and sister were at it again today. Made a real impression on poor Alicia.’

Harry groaned in annoyance, earning an amused giggle from his cheeky wife. Running his hand through her curly frohawk, he gently thrust into her mouth as he focused on her oral efforts, and not the mental image of his mum and little sister acting like little fucking whores.

His wife giggled when she felt his cock throb again.

‘I’m sure Alicia was suitably scarred.’

Giggling, she suckled on him for a bit longer before answering. ‘She thought I was having her on when I said they could be a bit much. I swear her eyes nearly popped out of her skull.’

Chuckling deep in his throat, now massaging her scalp as she suckled on his dick, he let her do her incredible work for a whole minute before speaking again. He could feel an orgasm rapidly approaching, but he didn’t want to cum too soon.

‘Is that why you’re so horny? Did my naughty wife get turned on by watching the strange men do their thing?’

Harry’s eyebrows rose when she didn’t deny him, instead groaning in lust with his cock in her mouth, her eyes looking up at him with a needy expression. ‘It’s not just them,’ she confirmed, surprising Harry more. It seemed she wasn’t immune to effects of the rampant debauchery often on display at Potter manor. ‘Hearing about my big, bad hubby taking care of business gets me even hotter.’

‘Yeah?’ Harry asked. He was sure he looked ridiculous grinning down at her while he strained to hold back his climax. ‘Does my slutty wife like hearing about me taking out the trash?’

Angie groaned deep at the words, her eyes closing as she took more of his cock into her mouth, her thick lips sliding as far down his huge shaft as she could go. When she pulled off with a gasp, her eyes wild with lust, she looked up at him while biting her lip. ‘You’re so hot,’ she moaned, licking the length of his shaft again. ‘Almost as hot as Leesh when she was sucking strange dick this afternoon…’

‘Shut up!’ Harry gasped, and his wife giggled when she felt his shaft pulse in her grip.

Now he couldn’t get the image of his cute friend fucking those horndogs. Alicia was gorgeous, more traditionally feminine than his wife, which didn’t make her less attractive to him, only different. Definitely cute.

Definitely not someone that would suck random stranger’s dicks…

‘She sucked one of the guys off before he buggered your mum,’ she teased, enjoying his clearly ashamed arousal at the description of events that afternoon. ‘She lubed him up real good. He offered to fuck her too, but she resisted. Only just. She fluffed the others up too while they rested and swapped between Jaz and Mum.’

Harry groaned, his cheeks aflame and his hands running through her hair encouragingly. Here, in the privacy of their bedroom and with only the woman he loved most to see it, he didn’t hide his feelings. ‘I wish I’d seen it.’

‘Naughty boy,’ she grinned as she finally stood up from the armchair and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his head down so they could snog furiously. They were both charged up and raring to go, but Harry could tell Angie was holding back.

Normally she’d have thrown him on their bed by now and been riding him already.

She pulled back from their kiss, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes and a serious expression. ‘Babe, we need to talk.’

‘Uh-oh,’ Harry joked, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her toned body against his own. ‘Sounds ominous.’

‘It’s nothing bad,’ she assured, before tilting her head and shrugging. ‘At least I don’t think it is.’

Harry knew his wife well enough to know he found it hard to think clearly when she pressed her body up against his like this - he didn’t doubt it was deliberate. Especially when he looked down at her and noticed her grinning as she pulled herself even tighter against him, grinding her toned midriff against his steel-hard cock.

‘Listen,’ she began, ‘she’s hiding it well, but Alicia is in a really bad way. She was already really hurting after divorcing Dickhead, now, after everything that happened today, she’s really stressed out and could use some help.’

‘Okay…?’ Harry replied, a look of confusion plastered on his face. ‘Aren’t we already doing that? This place is basically a resort and she’s got her best friend right across the hall willing to do anything for her.’’

Angie took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving his before continuing. ‘It’s in that spirit that I wanted to have this conversation. Listen, I want you to fuck her. Properly shag her brains out until she’s a sexually satisfied puddle of goo that can’t even remember her ex’s name.’


Harry grinned down at her, not falling for that one. ‘Good one, I’m sure you’d cut my bollocks off if I’d have even twitched at that joke?’

‘I’m not joking,’ Angie said, her face deadly serious, her grip around him tightening. ‘I know what we’ve said in the past about this, but Alicia is different, she’s basically my sister -’

‘Bloody hell!’ he cursed, eyes widening when he realised she really was serious. ‘You’re starting to sound like my mum.’

She grinned at his comment but soldiered on. ‘You’ve no idea how much she needs this, and she’s already comfortable around you. The only reason she didn’t let the other blokes shag her is because she didn’t feel comfortable around them - you’re different. You’ve always been a little brother to us -’

‘It’s all over, you’ve been corrupted by the force of nature that is Lily Potter,’ he joked, though he was sure the strained grin on his face gave away how uncomfortable this made him.

After a few moments of chuckling at his observation, she calmed down and returned to looking deadly serious. ‘I’m only offering this because I love you both so much - there’s no way I’d have done this with any of my exes. You’re different though, because you’d never ask for this, and because I trust you. And because Alicia honestly really needs it.’

‘Absolutely not,’ Harry immediately shut her down. ‘As I’m sure you’re aware, I’ve seen where this road leads and I don’t particularly care for it - that aside, I don't want to shag anyone but you.’

She smiled lovingly up at him, clearly touched by his proclamation. Still, he winced when her smile turned brittle and her grip around him tightened to a slightly uncomfortable level.

His wife’s muscles weren’t just for show.

‘Babe,’ she began, injecting forced calm into her tone. ‘Stop being annoying. I know you’ve had fantasies about shagging all three of us, you told me. I know you fancy her, and you won’t be doing anything behind my back - I’ll be right there with you. This isn’t like your parents.’

Harry sighed, finally breaking eye contact with his wife and looking up at the ceiling, massaging the bridge of his nose to stem the oncoming headache.

‘Consider it a personal favour from your wife. Alicia really needs a good shag, and I want you to give her one.’

He didn’t say anything for several moments. All he could think about was how this could blow up in their face.

He wanted nothing to come between them. He didn’t want something so pointless to bring any strife or discord into their idyllic relationship.

A relationship built on trust and respect. Which went both ways.

Harry sighed as he palmed his face, his wife squealing in excitement, knowing full well he had folded like a house of cards.

‘You don’t even know if she wants to shag me!’

As if rewarding him for capitulating like a good, whipped husband, Angie started stroking his cock again. ‘Do you honestly think I was the only one turned on when you came in here and started acting like a cold-blooded assassin?’

She whispered the words as she continued to stroke his cock.

‘She was practically leaking by the time she went back to her room. You should have seen her hurrying out as if I didn’t already notice. I bet her door barely shut before she had her wand stuck up her twat.’

He flushed at the mental image. He hadn’t been trying to sound appealing, but apparently his wife and her best friend were as messed up as he was.

‘I don’t want this to become a thing between us, where you resent me later for doing this.’

‘Never,’ she said, baring her teeth at him and pulling his face down to her’s until they were practically eye-to-eye. He saw the conviction - and arousal - in their depths.

Weirdly, he believed her.

‘I have one condition,’ Harry said, after several more moments of silence. Several moments in which his wife grinned up at him as she felt his cock slowly harden against her.

‘Name it. You want my ass? Done. I’ll ask mum how she does it, shouldn’t be too hard.’

Harry chuckled, tilting his head and nodding. ‘I’ll have that too, but not what I was referring to. If this happens, we both fuck her, or no one fucks her.’

His wife’s eyes widened at his demand, her breath hitching and a whimper escaping her mouth before she bit her lips to stifle the sound.

‘I don’t know if she’ll go for it.’

She wasn’t fooling anyone.

‘Then it’s not happening. Either she shags both of us or she can be happy with her wand. And don’t try to bullshit me, do you seriously expect me to believe you two didn’t get up to some hanky panky back at Hogwarts?’

She didn’t answer, but her sultry, teasing grin spoke volumes.


‘What are we doing here?!’ Alicia asked with an excited whisper.

After her, frankly, insane day, the last thing she’d expected was for her best friend to barge into her room - thanking Merlin she’d had the foresight to be pleasuring herself under her covers - uninvited and drag her on an adventure to Hogwarts in the middle of the night.

Angie had refused to say anything, only grinning mysteriously at her and leading her by the hand past prefect patrols, nosy ghosts and a too observant Hagrid and Fang.

With Angie’s invisibility cloak, they’d snuck past all but Peeves, the annoying poltergeist quailing under Angie’s threatening stare and making himself scarce.

Both she and her husband are bloody terrifying.

Still, Alicia allowed herself to be led all the way to the Quidditch pitch, and into the locker rooms. When she heard the shower running within, her cheeks flushed and she finally stood still, refusing to be led any further.

Unfortunately, Angie wasn’t taking no for an answer, with a quick yank, Alicia yelped as she was tugged along and shoved into the showers. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw who was waiting for them.

‘I-I thought you already had a shower?’

Harry was leaning against the tiled wall, the water from the shower running in rivulets down his toned, naked body, his hands stroking the biggest dick she’d ever seen.

Her pussy throbbed with need at his sexy smirk.

She yelped when Harry’s wife encircled her arms around her waist and placed her chin on her shoulder, her lips against her ear.

‘Isn’t he gorgeous?’ Angie whispered, her hands practically molesting her. She whimpered when her best friend started to gently nibble on her earlobe, memories of their shenanigans in this very room back in their Hogwarts days causing her already supercharged libido to sore.

Taking her question as an invitation, Alicia boldly looked again, devouring his form. Those beautiful eyes, that cheeky smile, the shredded muscles, the manly body hair, the completely groomed groin area, the massive dick…

He’s so bloody hot.

‘What’s going on?’ she asked, a quaver in her voice, her eyes never leaving the slab of meat Harry was stroking for them, while otherwise remaining still and silent.

‘What do you think?’ Angie asked, as her hands roamed down to start rubbing her between her legs. Her knees nearly gave out, but her powerful friend held her against her chest while she continued to whisper sinful things into her ear. ‘I reckon you need to get laid, Leesh. I’m offering our services while also fulfilling one of my husband’s oldest fantasies.’

Alicia felt her pulse quicken as a grin tugged at her lips. ‘Let me guess. Foursome with the Gryffindor chasers in the locker rooms?’

Harry only shrugged, his own bashful grin masked by the water running down his face. ‘I’m a simple man, and two out of three ain’t bad.’

‘You turned down those blokes earlier because you didn’t know them. You weren’t comfortable with them. You know Harry though, are you comfortable with him? Do you want that big, strong dick stretching out that little pussy of yours? Trust me Leesh, it’s life-changing, he’ll make you feel so good.’

Alicia moaned, her face heating up as her eyes locked on the object of her desires.

It really is rather big… I can’t believe it. Katie actually sold him short!

‘I don’t want to come between you two, you have such a beautiful marriage,’ she whispered, her mind screaming at her to shut up and just let it happen. Harry was gorgeous, and she really was terribly horny - no thanks to the Potter women.

It would only be right for their son and brother to deal with the issues they caused.

‘Oh but don’t you get it Leesh?” Angie cooed in her ear as she started unbuttoning her blouse without any hint of resistance. ‘That’s exactly what we want, for you to cum between us. Over and over and over again.’

She shivered at the sinful words, and whimpered when Harry finally stepped out from under the shower and approached her. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head up in invitation and leaned back into her best friend, moaning when she felt his lips capture her own.

‘Let go Leesh, we’ll both take real good care of you. Make you forget. Make you scream,’ she promised and Alicia whimpered into his mouth as Harry wrapped his arms around Angie and pulled both women against his broad chest.

With her blouse fully soiled and unbuttoned, Angie ripped it off her body, exposing her naked tits to her best friend’s husband. She opened her eyes and moaned as she watched Harry step back and admire them hungrily.

Angie didn’t remain idle though. As soon as Harry stepped back, she grabbed hold of both her booty shorts and knickers and pulled both down to the ground, exposing her nude form in its entirety to the young man they’d tutored in Quidditch in this very room all those years ago.

‘You’re beautiful Leesh,’ Harry proclaimed, his tone gravelly and full of desire after giving her nude body a thorough once-over. ‘Oliver is a dumbass. His loss -’

‘Is our gain,’ Angie finished for her husband as she leaned in and nibbled on her ear again.

I can’t believe she remembered how much that drives me wild…

‘Oh fuck it!’ Alicia groaned and jumped into Harry’s arms. He chuckled and caught her, capturing her lips in another kiss while his big, rapidly hardening cock was sandwiched between them. Pulling back, she looked into his eyes with a grin, ‘It’s only fair, your bloody mum and sister got me so horny earlier I nearly rubbed myself raw before Angie came to get me.’

Her eyes widened when he shut his eyes and groaned. She felt her best friend sidle up behind her, her powerful body, along with her husband’s, wrapping her in a cocoon of flesh. Hearing her giggle, she looked over her shoulder to see Angie’s pearly whites.

‘You see him groaning?’ she cooed. ‘But did you feel his cock throb against your belly? If you really want to get him going, keep bringing up his mum. Bring up how much she wants to fuck him - it drives him wild.’

Eyes wide, Alicia looked back at the man holding her and grinned at his look of tortured exhaustion. She heard Angie laugh and Alicia couldn’t help but grin at his expression.

‘Is that true Harry? You wanna shag your mum? I watched her earlier, you know. You should have seen how big the cock was that she let bugger her, I’m sure you could squeeze in there too.’

Both women giggled when he closed his eyes and groaned, an excited thrill running down Alicia’s spine when she felt exactly what Angie promised, Harry’s huge cock throbbing against a distressing amount of her belly.

‘Mum’s gonna be so mad when she finds out we had a threesome with Leesh instead of her,’ Angie teased, and the groan from Harry was of an entirely different kind this time. One of future annoyance, knowing the truth of her words.

‘You’ll just have to make it up to her,’ Alicia teased, biting her lip. ‘Maybe for her birthday? I’m sure she’d love it.’

‘That’s enough out of you,’ Harry shut her up, spinning her around in his grip and holding her up against his chest from his grip under her knees.

Bloody hell, I didn’t know he was this strong, he’s manhandling me!

‘Shut her up, dear.’

Alicia flushed when Harry spread her legs and presented her eager pussy to her best friend. They’d walked back under the spray of the warm shower, so any of her wetness was thoroughly disguised, but her arousal was still as clear as day.

‘Such a beautiful pussy,’ Angie cooed as she got to her knees. Alicia’s breath hitched when her best friend parted her lips with her dark fingers, exposing the delicate, pink skin within. ‘Just like old times,’ she teased with a smirk before leaning in and giving her needy pussy and long, languid lick.

‘Oooooooooh fuuuuuuuck,’ Alicia groaned, leaning her head back on Harry’s shoulder as she bucked and rocked at the contact.

‘You miss this?’ Angelina teased, her smile wide as she paused between licks. Alicia didn’t answer, only panting in arousal as her eyes stayed locked with her best friend’s, the valley between her naked, sagging tits giving her a window into this erotic sight.

‘Were you guys just shagging every time after all of us went back to the dorms?’ Harry whispered in her ear, his deep tone so close causing pleasant tingles to flow through her body.

‘Not all the time,’ Alicia admitted with a flush, squealing when Angie liked the entire length of her pussy again.

‘Katie too?’

‘Katie was the biggest slut,’ Angie said with a wide grin, ratting her friend out in an instant. ‘She’d sneak in here and watch you all showering, then go back to her room and rub herself raw.’

Alicia chuckled breathlessly, remembering how unapologetic Katie was about her voyeuristic escapades. ‘It made us feel less bad when we tied her down and had our way with her. Not that she was complaining.’

Angie, the tip of her tongue running circles around the bucking Alicia’s clit, paused in her ministrations with a thoughtful look on her face - despite Alicia’s protestations.

‘Remember the time we were pumping her with her dildo, telling her to imagine it was Harry?’

Alicia laughed breathlessly. ‘She said she couldn’t, the dildo wasn’t big enough.’

They both giggled and Alicia boldly reached behind her to palm the hard shaft she felt pressing against her back.

‘I can’t believe this is going to go in me,’ she groaned, running her hand up and down Harry’s shaft in that awkward position.

‘Is it?’ Harry teased, kissing her neck as his wife went back to licking her nethers.

‘Stop teasing me,’ she whined, and she felt his chest rumble when he laughed. She yelped when he suddenly let her go, but when she didn’t immediately hit the floor like she was expecting, she realised she was floating by magic.

Walking around to her side, she saw Harry, his eyes dark with lust and desire, watching his wife licking her pussy. He gently guided her levitating form until her back was pressed against the tiles, her legs still splayed for Angie’s benefit. When his eyes then turned to her, Alicia’s breath hitched.

He’s going to fuck me. Harry Potter is going to fuck my brains out.

Her eyes then trailed down his buff body until they reached his groin. His hard cock was so massive that it couldn’t even defeat gravity, hanging at a downward angle despite throbbing and looking harder than steel.

It looked angry, and if she were being honest, a little scary. She’d never had anything its size before and wondered what it would feel like to have it stretching out her womanhood.

‘Eyes up here Leesh,’ he teased, sidling up next to her and rubbing her belly with gentle, circular motions.

She did as commanded, looking up into his beautiful, emerald eyes while moaning from Angie’s efforts. Her mouth slightly parted, her pussy grinding against her best-friend’s face, she didn’t know what to say as his domineering presence loomed over her.

Lame joke it is.

‘I see you brought your bat with you.’

He grinned and her eyes widened when he leaned in and kissed her. She moaned into his mouth, not just because of the exquisite feeling of Angie’s tongue, but of her husband’s now too. The pleasurable feelings intensified when Harry palmed one of her tits as they snogged.

Her eyes closed, a particularly powerful jolt of pleasure rocketed through her body when she felt Angie replace her tongue with her fingers.

‘Oh shit,’ she cursed at whatever she was doing. Harry pulled back after a sweet kiss on her little nose and they both looked down to see Angie hooking a finger into her womanhood while also licking her clit, her wide grin still firmly in place.

‘Oh no,’ Alicia groaned, closing her eyes as she weathered the assault.

‘You a squirter, Leesh?’ Harry teased, going back to playing with her tits and tweaking her dark nipples as he whispered sinful nothings into her ear. ‘Are you gonna cum for us?’

‘I am,’ she announced, her breath heaving as she felt an orgasm rapidly approaching. ‘Oh Merlin I’m gonna cum so hard.’

‘Do it, you dirty little slut,’ Harry ordered, his fingers rubbing the parts of her clit Angie wasn’t already assaulting with her tongue. He was pressed up against her side, his presence feeling so warm and inviting that she took comfort in it while they both watched Angie do her work.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ Harry whispered. ‘You have a perfect little pussy, I can’t wait to ruin it when I fuck your brains out.’

‘CUMMING!’ She screeched, her hands going to her nipples and squeezing as her lower body rocked and convulsed with pleasure, her vision filling with stars.

She lost track of all sensation during her orgasm, the euphoria pumping through her the only feeling registering for several moments.

Sound was the first to return, and she realised with embarrassment that she was still moaning like a slut. Next was her vision, as the stars cleared. Angie hadn’t stopped licking and fingering her and Harry was nibbling and kissing her neck while holding his wife’s drenched head against her pussy.

‘Oh fuuuuuuck,’ Alicia groaned as she fully came back to her senses, panting as she watched Angie finally pull away from her pussy, the wetness on her face not entirely because of the shower. ‘Oh fucking Merlin you have no idea how much I needed that…’

‘Needed?’ Harry asked with amusement as he ended the effects of his spell and picked her up with both hands on her bum, her front pressed against his as she shivered and convulsed with pleasurable aftershocks. ‘I’m about to fuck you now Leesh, how much do you reckon you need that?’

She didn’t answer, instead burying her face in his shoulder and groaning in arousal. Angie only giggled at her response, turning off the water as Harry carried her over to the lockers. Both Harry and Alicia watched as Angie pulled the wand from her thigh holster and summoned all the towels from the cabinets, laying them down on the wooden bench.

He’s going to fuck me on that bench. Harry Potter, my best friend’s husband, is going to fuck me on that bench.

However, while she expected Harry to lay her down on the bench and take her missionary style, her eyes widened when he sat and instead laid on the bench himself, positioning her so she was now straddling him.

‘It’s probably best if you're in control for your first time,’ Angie explained. Harry lay flat on his back, stroking his cock as he looked up at her like she was Morgana herself. Alicia was blushing, sitting on his naked thighs, her legs either side of the bench.

‘My first time? Merlin Angie I’m not a virgin.’

She blushed when Angie barked out a laugh and Harry smirked.

‘You might as well be. You may have had sex before, but you’ve never had a real cock. Not yet.’

Alicia couldn’t help but shiver at the truth of her words. Oliver hadn’t even been a quarter of Harry’s length, and the less said about girth comparisons the better.

‘Go on, stop wasting time,’ Angie urged and Alicia’s flush darkened when Angie forced her to raise herself up above Harry’s cock, her knees either side of his waist. She looked down into Harry’s lust-filled eyes, both of his hands now occupied with her hanging tits instead of his cock.

When she felt a thick, blunt object be pressed against her wet and needy pussy, she looked back between her hanging tits to see Angie’s dark hand holding Harry’s pale, colossal shaft against her opening.

‘Oh Merlin, that's so hot,’ Alicia whined as she rocked backwards and forwards, gently butting up against the tip of Harry’s cock, as if practising for the real thing. Looking up into Harry’s eyes, she couldn’t help the slightly hysterical giggle that escaped her lips. ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this!’

Harry winked at her, reaching up to pinch her dangling nipples gently. ‘Just take it slow, Leesh, you’ll be fine.’

‘You’re drenched, slag,’ Angie called out from behind her with amusement. Alicia just closed her eyes and bit her lip, taking rapid, deep breaths as she psyched herself up and rocked against Harry’s cock. She could feel his mushroom head kissing her pussy, spreading it open as she bumped into it each time and, with one more heavy exhale, as if she was about to do a deadlift, she finally sank backwards, forcing Harry’s huge head through her tight lips.

‘Ooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,’ she groaned, her head bowed and her eyes screwed shut as she felt Harry’s obscene shaft split her open. She just held the position, trying to acclimatise herself to the feeling.

‘You’ve only got his head in you,’ Angie laughed, spanking her on her meaty bum. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see Harry looking up at her with patience, his hands behind his head as his wife guided his shaft into her.

‘Living the dream, huh?’ She asked him with a strained grin.

‘My wife is guiding my dick into her crazy hot best friend. I guess I’m living pretty large, yeah,’ he joked, and Alicia couldn’t help the pleased flush at his words. Steeling herself, she groaned long and loud as she sank further onto his shaft.

‘Merlin how do you do this Angie?’

Her best friend barked out a laugh. ‘To be fair, my ex had a bigger dick than Olver, it wasn’t as much of a shock.’

With a grunt, Alicia sunk down even further. She’d never felt so full, or so turned on in her entire life. She would pause and catch her breath after every impaled inch, her forehead breaking out in sweat at the sheer effort. When Angie started playing with her clit again, she felt herself loosen, and her pussy starting to leak around the foreign invader even more effusively.

Finally, she bottomed out on his cock, his knob pressing up against her cervix and going no further. Looking down, she groaned and laughed when she saw that he was only buried halfway the length of his shaft.

Bloody hell, he’s ridiculous.

‘You did it babe,’ Angie said, standing up coming up to her side. ‘How does it feel? Getting your pussy stretched by my man?’

Looking up at Angie, who had her curly hair in her fist, she bit her lip and moaned. ‘So good,’ Alicia admitted as she gyrated her hips, Harry’s thick shaft touching her in places she’d never been touched before. ‘I’m shagging little Harry Angie, oh Merlin, I can’t believe this is happening.’

Both Harry and Angie chuckled at her delirious babbling, the former groaning when Alicia started to slide up and down his throbbing shaft, her lips gripping tightly around him and fighting her every step of the way.

‘You’re doing it babe, nice and easy,’ Angie encouraged as she looked over Alicia’s shoulder and watched her bum sliding up and down Harry’s huge shaft.

‘Nnng,’ she moaned as she bottomed out once more, the sweat from her exertions now utterly coating her entire body. Angie leaned down and, with a gentle tug of Alicia’s hair to get her attention and turn her face towards her, captured her lips in a searing, passionate snog.

‘You’ve no idea how hot you two are,’ Harry praised with a groan, his hands slipping from behind his head, one going to his wife’s ass and the other pinching one of Alicia’s dangling tits. She squealed when he pinched her nipple and continued to tug on it and, as Alicia felt another big O coming, she started to increase the pace of her thrusting, hoping to urge it along.

Pulling away from their snog, Alicia and Angie still had their gazes locked, their faces only inches apart. Alicia’s mouth was open in a silent moan as she bounced and rushed to her climax while Angie only smiled indulgently at her, stroking her face and kissing her face.

‘I’m cumming again,’ Alicia whined, looking deep into her best friend’s eyes. ‘I, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, Harry feels so fucking good Angie!’

‘Cum all over him slut,’ Angie cooed, stroking her face. ‘Let my man fill you up, he cums so much babe. I’ll clean you up, don’t worry.’

The reminder that she was fucking her best friend’s husband, and the saucy proclamation earned a keening wail from Alicia as she tore her gaze away from Angie and looked down to the grunting Harry, her hands threaded through his chest hair and balancing on his pecs.

‘I’m gonna cum,’ Alicia announced, her thrusts getting more frantic and her grip on his chest hair tightening. ‘Oh Merlin I’m gonna cum, you’re so big, bloody hell!’

‘Me too,’ Harry grunted, his hands going to her meaty bum and squeezing the pliable flesh, helping her and urging her along with her thrusting as his own moans reached a crescendo along with her own.

‘Oh fuck,’ Harry grunted, gripping Alicia’s ass tight in a death grip as he jerked and unleashed load after load into his wife’s best friend, each jet ripping another, pressure-releasing moan from his lips.

When Alicia felt the warm discharge rocket into her core, more than she ever felt possible, her eyes crossed, her toes curled and her vision blanked as she was hit with another hair-raising orgasm. She didn’t and couldn’t say anything clever, just acknowledging how naughty it felt to feel Harry’s cum rocketing into her and convulsing as wave after wave of euphoria assaulted her senses.

Her head bowed and her hips gyrating as she worked to milk as much of Harry’s cum as possible while keeping him inside her, she eventually looked up at her grinning best friend, her eyes both showing her gratitude and pleasure in equal measure.

‘You should see your pussy,’ Angie joked as she rubbed her shoulder. ‘It’s a complete mess, cum leaking out and frothing all around Harry’s cock.’ The mental image made her groan needily. ‘Not to mention how your delicate little pussy is stretched wider than if a beater’s bat was shoved in there - and you know how that worked last time we tried it.’

This time it was Harry who groaned, gripping Alicia’s bum so hard he left imprints in her flesh as the women giggled hysterically.

When they were finally able to, Alicia got off Harry’s cock and Harry sat up to admire his handiwork. Sitting back and resting on her arms, Alicia spread her tortured pussy lips wide and groaned when Harry’s cum started trickling, then oozing out of her hole.

Mine,’ Angie growled and Alicia’s eyes widened when the formidable Hit-Witch dove between her legs and started to drink up all of her husband’s cum directly from her womanhood.

Alicia looked up and watched the already hard-again Harry with shock as he stood behind Angie and held her hips steady before sliding his cum-soaked cock into its proper place.

Angie, her face pressed against her inner thigh, shut her eyes and groaned, releasing an afternoon’s worth of pent-up lust as her husband sunk that ridiculous cock directly into her - and, she noticed, much deeper than she’d been able to manage.

Getting accustomed to his penetration, Angie opened her eyes and looked up at her with a devilish grin. Giving her a wink, she went back to lapping up the mess Harry had made of her pussy.

‘Bloody hell,’ Alicia groaned, leaning back on one arm while the other ran through Angie’s hair. ‘You two are incredible.’

‘Just wait until we’re done with you,’ Angie promised with a teasing grin, moaning as Harry slapped her ass hard and thrust deep. ‘This is only round one, Harry can go for a long time yet…’

‘Bloody hell, you’ve ruined me for other men!’

She looked up and saw Harry grin proudly at her statement, looking utterly unconcerned by her plight. Angie, biting her lip and looking up at her through lidded eyes, only shrugged. ‘Maybe if you behave yourself, this doesn’t have to be the only time?’

She shrieked and groaned when Harry slapped her again, so hard that Alicia was momentarily concerned that he’d actually hurt her. Her best friend’s eyes only rolled into the back of her head and her entire body shuddered at the rough treatment.

Wow. I didn’t know she liked it like that…

Still, she couldn’t deny the excited thrill that had coursed through her entire body at Angie’s promise.

As she watched her best friend clean up the remainder of Harry’s cum, she shivered in pure delight.

Quitting the Aurors and becoming a full-time mistress doesn’t sound like the worst idea in the world…

Her hysterical cackle only increased in intensity at the concerned looks both Harry and Angie shot her.


Standing outside the Gryffindor Quidditch locker rooms, Jasmine Potter had to try desperately hard to stifle her mirth as her mother pouted like a child.

‘I can’t believe they would betray me like this!’

At the sound of her daughter’s muffled laughter, her mother glared over at her and pointed an irritated finger in her face, the sounds of Harry, Angie and Alicia’s vigorous love-making providing a torturous backdrop to their little bit of skullduggery.

They’d apparently forgotten to put up silencing charms, if  they ever wanted them to begin with.

‘What are you laughing at - you want to shag him too, you hypocrite!’

Jasmine only shrugged, her grin wide. ‘Just seeing you get your comeuppance after years of cucking dad is pretty brilliant.’

Lily’s cheeks flushed and her eyes widened incredulously. ‘He loves it!’

Jasmine shrugged again, she wasn’t wrong. ‘Be that as it may, you still needed to be put in your place. This is proper funny.’

Lily, her face scrunching up in anguish as she heard her baby boy announce another climax into the traitorous sluts. ‘I let them into my home, welcome them into my family and this is how they betray me?!’

She glared at Jasmine when the beautiful young woman could only cackle at her ridiculous mother.

‘They were supposed to be prudes!’ she whined, like a misbehaving child who couldn’t understand why she wasn’t being given a toy. ‘Now they sneak off to Hogwarts to have threesomes?! This is totally unacceptable - stop laughing!

Jasmine did not, in fact, stop laughing.

I can’t wait to see the look on dad’s face when I tell him about this…


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