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...I have a thing for magic trees.

And Yay! Finally back to a story I can post on this page lol...

There's been a pretty hefty timeskip since the first chapter. Harry and Angie are married now and still living at the manor. Lily is still a crazy slut and James still likes watching her be one.

While Harry and Angie won't be turning into James and Lily Jr, they will bring others into their bed - eventually, not in this chapter. Not only women - straight and female bi only, sorry. 

Just a heads up if that's not your thing.

Chapter 2

Harry Potter, his wand held in a delicate grip and dancing in the air, stood in Saint Mungo’s famous ritual room surrounded by two assistant Healers and three mediwitches and wizards - all of whom were ready to step in should something go awry.

The patient he was curing was a tragic case. The poor young woman had finally escaped an abusive relationship, only for her jilted ex-husband - now dead, Angelina had seen to that - to use her own blood to put a horrific curse on her.

It had no catchy name that he was aware of, but luckily, he’d encountered it once before. The obscure curse was slowly liquifying her internal organs, an excruciating and demented way to kill someone one apparently had once loved. Luckily, the piece of excrement had got what was coming to him thanks to the Ministry’s Hit Squad, and even more lucky, the young woman, Annabelle Grace, had landed Harry Potter as her healer.

Unfortunately, she was laying on the cold, marble floor, arranged very specifically North to South in the middle of one of the more complex ritual hexagrams the room had to offer. Complexity brought potency, the geometries and the runes carved into the floor inlaid with a special made Alchemical metal - Truesilver mixed with unicorn blood and phoenix tears, each freely given.

Thankfully, she felt no discomfort. Harry had put her to an enchanted sleep once he’d diagnosed the source of her excruciating pain, and slowed down the curse while he prepared the ritual. Many healers couldn’t cure patients while they magically slept - the magic keeping them unconscious interfering with their own healing magic.

Thankfully for his patients, Harry wasn’t incompetent.

Like so many others here…

He’d quickly prepared the expensive and obscure ingredients and wrangled several helpers should Anabelle need to be adjusted or administered potions. When he began, a hexagonal dome of magic surged from the ritual diagram and sealed his patient within. A wind kicked up around them and Anabelle started to levitate as the magic flowed through her.

Everything was going as planned, the magic he was coaxing into her body latching on to the curse within and breaking it down piece by piece, each chain that held it to Anabelle’s soul causing a violent spasm in her deathly pale body.

Then, something unexpected happened. The healers and attendants around him shrieked in alarm when a second body materialised above the ritual circle out of nowhere with a thundering boom.

Harry didn’t even flinch.

Were anyone else healing Anabelle, the magic being delicately controlled would have been unleashed, and torn her poor, tortured body asunder.

Luckily, Harry wasn’t just a common healer.

Raising his free hand, he arrested gravity’s effect on the new body before it could crash into the magical dome with dire consequences. His stomach had clenched at its appearance, but when he noticed the skin was a caramel colour instead of the black of his wife’s he let out a steadying breath.

The only person who could teleport into this room was his wife - with the amulet he’d given her. And technically she would have been teleporting to him and not into this warded room, but the end results were still the same.

‘Calm down,’ Harry ordered his panicking assistants, his voice hard and cold. One of them should have caught the new patient - that’s precisely what they were there for - but they were too busy gawking and not paying attention.

Utterly unprofessional.

He finally noticed the sorry state of the latest arrival. With a wave of his hand, the body floated towards him. He should have realised when he saw the skin colour and shoulder length, curly hair.


His wife’s best friend - maid of honour even - and his old quidditch teammate looked just as pale as the patient he was working on. She had passed out, from the pain most likely, and was bleeding out of her eyes, ears, nose, mouth - even her pores.

And likely several other orifices I can’t see.

He glared at the healers that were still gawking at him and they finally sprung into action. One removed Alicia’s clothing with a swipe of his wand while the others examined her with him.

Bleeding out of every orifice, cold to the touch, extreme pain…

One of the healers waved her wand over Alicia and paled. ‘Exsanguination…’

Cursing, Harry looked over to one of the Mediwizards. ‘Go and get me the ingredients for a level three curse-breaking ritual. Also bring some blood pills, some Peruvian Leech juice and a kelpie fang.’

The man nodded and immediately left to do as asked. The other two didn’t need any direction, they hurried over to Alicia’s body and, still floating, manoeuvred her over to the ritual circle next to Anabelle’s.

At least they’re competent.

As he pulled out his back-up wand and stood between the two ritual circles, he couldn’t help but the grin that tugged at the corner of his lips.

I don’t think anyone’s ever conducted two level three rituals at the same time…

As he got to work, the useless healers still gawking at him, the Mediwizard crashed through the door with everything he asked for.

Despite feeling confident in the impossible task he was about to undertake, he couldn’t help the twinge of worry in his gut.

He hoped, wherever she was, his wife was okay.


Hours later, Harry sat with an unconscious Alicia in her room waiting for her to awake. The patient’s rooms in Saint Mungo’s were a bit more livelier than their Muggle counterparts, with more magical comforts, but still not a place one wanted to spend too much of their time.

Anabelle had made a full recovery. She had been in tears when he’d explained to her that her ex-husband wouldn’t ever be able to hurt her again. When he realised those tears weren’t of gratitude, but for the dead piece of shit, he’d been ushered out before he’d said something he would regret, his supervisor recognising the annoyance in his features more quickly than Anabelle had.

He quickly put her out of his mind and focused on the sleeping form of his friend on the bed. He’d only encountered that curse a handful of times before, all of the cases dealing with the Transylvanian crime families. It was a curse specifically designed by Vampires to help them squeeze out every drop of blood from a victim without having to get at the internals themselves.

Apparently some Vampires didn’t like to get their hands dirty.

Alicia would be okay. With time, the pills would replenish her stores of blood and she would awaken with naught but a severe headache and a pretty wicked case of dehydration.

When he heard the commotion outside, he let out a sigh of relief and smirked. When his wife burst into the room, her frohawk a mess, utterly covered in blood and grime and her eyes wide, he sent the group of Aurors on her heels away with nothing but a glare.

Knowing better than to question him, they fucked off and left him alone with his wife who, after a quick hug and peck on the lips, hurried over to Alicia’s bed. He didn’t feel slighted in the least - they were best friends and the last time she’d seen her she was bleeding out and on the verge of death.

So while she ran her hand through Alicia’s curly hair, Harry admired his wife. She was garbed for war, almost all of her articles of clothing and armour enchanting by him for her protection. The sleeveless robe that she wore open? Loads of defensive charms woven into it, but, if she turned it inside out, she could also make use of the Potter family heirloom, their invisibility cloak, that was stitched into the lining.

The golden hoop earrings? One bolstered her Occlumency while the other enhanced her Legilimency attacks, allowing her to even read surface thoughts without her wand.

The dragonhide trousers? Aside from an equally impressive array of defensive charms, they had countless bottomless pockets sewn into them, each of them filled to the brim with tools of the trade.

Does making her ass look incredible count as magic?

The wicked looking, blood-stained knife attached to her belt? That beauty could easily puncture through all manner of magical shields and could be recalled to her with naught but a thought.

The boots? Well, knowing how much she loved kicking people, it added power to those while also silencing her footsteps.

The amulet she’d sent with Alicia was the very first bit of gear he’d created for it. It put her body under stasis and teleported the wearer to him wherever he or she was. It had saved Alicia’s life.

The tight white crop-top? Well… that one wasn’t enchanted, but it showed off her chiselled abs and perky breasts brilliantly. Something they both very much adored.

Just because he didn’t mind his wife’s line of work did not mean he wouldn’t send her out as prepared and unkillable as she could possibly be.

I don’t mind the rewards she gives me with each new toy either…

Done examining Alicia, his wife turned to him with wet, shimmering eyes. He pulled her into a hug and held her tight as she squeezed him for all he was worth.

It was at times like this he was painfully reminded how strong his warrior of a wife was.

‘You saved her life,’ Harry confirmed, as he squeezed her tighter. ‘She wouldn’t have made it to a healer without you.’

Finally, she pulled away and looked at him with a raised brow. ‘Really?’

Flushing, he looked down at his trousers where his cock was trying desperately to drill a hole through his pants. ‘In my defence, I just did what no other Healer has done before. Simultaneous level three curse-breaking rituals - babe your husband is amazing.’

Her eyes widened. ‘Simultaneous? You were in the middle of a ritual? Oh Merlin, I could have killed an innocent person.’

‘Hey,’ he said, stopping her with a firm tone. ‘I always knew that was a possibility when I gave you the amulet. It’s why I’ve been practising casting with two wands - I was flawless by the way. I’m pretty sure they’d have given me another Order of Mungo if they weren’t so pissed at me for breaching the wards of the hospital. So of course I’m horny, I just did the impossible.’

She grinned sexily up at him, her hands running up and down his muscular chest. ‘Oh yeah? Well I just won a six on one fight with a group of assassins. Your wife is pretty amazing too, you know?’

His grin vanished, and she shivered in arousal at the look of fury no doubt burning in his eyes.

‘What happened?’

‘I’m not exactly sure yet. We got an SOS from Alicia and I apparated into a warzone. She was working undercover and had apparently been made, when I got there she was already bleeding out,’ she smiled and patted her sleeping friend on the leg. ‘The bamf took out three of them before I even got there.’

He frowned in thought. Someone had inadvertently put his wife in danger. They’d also tried to have his friend killed. Heads would be rolling.

Then his eyes widened when his wife bit her lips and sank to her knees in front of him. ‘You know how I get after a fight.’

He did know. He knew very well. He groaned when she unzipped his trousers and pulled out his hefty cock.

‘Thank you for saving Leesh’s life,’ Angie whispered, her lips gliding over his shaft and peppering it with feather light kisses, her voice thick with emotion. ‘I love you.’

Nonsense platitudes like it was part of his job and the like floating to the forefront of his mind, but he only groaned and enjoyed the sight of his wife’s dark, thick lips sliding down his pale shaft.

Luckily, he had enough presence of mind to shoot off a locking charm at the door before he lost himself to his wife’s efforts.


When Alicia Spinnet regained consciousness, it was to a splitting headache and a mouth so dry, it felt like she hadn’t had a drink in days.

‘W-water,’ she croaked out, making out the bleary image of a man standing with his back to her at the side of her bed.

Turning his head, Alicia recognised the familiar glasses then face of Harry Potter. He smiled down at her - though even in her foggy state she noticed it was strained - then pointed his wand at the empty glass on the bedside table. She watched as a stream of crystal clear water was conjured from the tip and filled the cup.

Now that she watched it fill, the water wasn’t actually crystal clear. It had a violet hue. Shrugging, she snatched the glass when he was done filling it and greedily drank its contents. She moaned in pleasure at the taste, she’d never tasted water so refreshing, so pure. It somehow had a sweetness to it, and a few other flavours she couldn’t quite place.

‘Feeling better?’ he asked, his voice coming out in a grunt despite him trying to sound gentle.

It was then that Alicia noticed what she hadn’t before. Wet slurping, feminine moaning and even a little gagging. She chuckled, which sent her into a coughing fit. ‘I guess I don’t need to ask where Angie is.’

The slurping briefly paused, then she heard a muffled chuckle and Harry groaned. He jerked as Angie did something to him, then he convulsed, his hands going down to his groin as he apparently came in his wife’s mouth.

She watched, highly amused at the rosy tint to Harry’s cheeks as he composed himself and her best friend stood with a self-satisfied grin on her beautiful face. Her eyes widened at the streak of cum that had escaped her lips. Alicia motioned to her chin, alerting her friend to the spillage.

Angie only chuckled, scooping up the errant discharge and licking it off her finger. She showed off her work to her husband, opening her mouth wide while placing both hands on his chest. He was clearly turned on by what he saw, groaning at the sight of his wife’s mouth full of his cum before she swallowed it all - earning another appreciative groan.

‘I’m pretty sure you guys broke several health and safety codes by doing that,’ Alicia joked at the highly erotic sight.

Bloody hell, I need to get laid…

Angie smiled down at her, now that their sexy shenanigans had been dealt with, it was clear she was welling up with emotion. ‘How you feeling Leesh?’

Clearing her throat, she marvelled at how her headache had all but vanished, and with it her dry throat. ‘I was feeling pretty shit a few seconds ago, but your husband seems pretty good at conjuring up miraculous liquids. I’m fine now..’

They both collapsed into a fit of giggles as Harry’s blush deepened and he composed himself.

‘What happened Leesh?’ Angie finally asked, when the giggle monster had left them.

Alicia frowned. The last thing she remembered was the meeting with Nikolaj…

‘Ugh,’ she groaned, the memory coming back to her.. ‘I got ambushed. The gang I was running with somehow found out I was an Auror. There’s no way I screwed up, I hadn’t even met the bosses yet. I was running with those idiots smuggling dark artefacts - no way they made me. I hadn’t even seen a single slave yet…’

Angie turned to Harry at his confused look. ‘Alicia was working undercover with a group of slave runners. They’ve been kidnapping mostly Veela, but any young pretty women for years now and selling them to the highest bidder. The worst of the worst.’

Harry’s face was grim and the room elapsed into silence for several moments. ‘This was clearly an assassination attempt,’ he finally said, turning to look at the still bedridden Alicia. ‘Take her to my parents’ house, she’ll be safe there. I’ll see you two later when I’m done with my shift and we can discuss plans - assuming I have any patience left after these wankers get done screaming at me for making a teleporter that can bypass the wards on the ritual room.’

Angie sank into her husband’s arms and gave him a deep, passionate kiss before he left. He didn’t even seem to mind that her mouth had been full of his cum only a few moments ago. With a nod at Alicia and a slap of his wife’s meaty ass, he unlocked the door and got back to work.

The two giggled when an irate man started screaming at him before he’d even fully left the room, the silencing wards snapping back into place and cutting the tirade mercifully short when Harry shut the door behind him.

‘I’m not gonna lie, it’s really hard not getting jealous watching you two together.’

Angie smiled softly and sat on the bed next to her, brushing a hand through her curly hair, no longer matted with her own blood.

‘Fuck Oliver,’ Angie said, her eyes flashing dangerously. ‘You can do better than that needle-dicked wanker anyway.’

The painful memories were washed away at the comment and the two collapsed into a fit of giggles again. Alicia wiped the tears from her eyes - she wasn’t sure what had caused them, happiness, a release of stress, memories of her failed marriage, relief? All that mattered was that she was feeling a lot better now.

‘It really was tiny. How does a bloke with a tiny dick find a woman to cheat with - she must have been so disappointed.’

They laughed again as Angie took her hand in hers. ‘You feeling okay? We should go. As pumped up as I am, we still probably shouldn’t risk another group of assassins showing up to try and finish the job. Harry’s bosses are annoyed enough as is without his wife blowing up the place.’

The grin on Alicia’s face morphed into a frown at the reality of her situation. ‘What did Harry mean, take me to his parents’? I don’t want to put anyone in danger. We have safe-houses for this situation.’

Angie snorted at her concern. ‘I don’t think you quite understand how ridiculous my husband is. Did you know I teleported you to him with this amulet?’ she said, holding out the gold chain draped around her neck, the amulet itself a jewel-encrusted, flashy faire. ‘It punched right through the wards of this place’s most heavily protected area, their ritual room, and dropped you right in the middle of an ongoing ritual. Not only did he save your life, he did it while he was saving another person’s life at the same time.’

Alicia’s eyes were wide at the tale.

‘Besides, you’re a good Auror, you don’t make silly mistakes that’ll blow your cover. Who else knew your legend?’

Alicia didn’t answer, not because she didn’t know, but because she did. Only two other people knew anything at all about her mission and her cover identity. Both of them were Aurors.

‘Exactly. Trust me, there’s no place safer than Potter manor. You’ll soon see why.’


‘Bloody hell!’

At the curse and the look of slack-jawed amazement on her best friend’s face, Angie couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘Told you.’

‘Bloody hell!’ she repeated, her eyes taking in the massive, intensely magical tree growing out of the middle of the huge lake before them.

Angie had side-along apparated her when the healers had cleared Alicia to leave. They’d arrived with an almost silent pop in the gazebo, the structure now nothing more than a landing pad for those with permission to visit Potter Manor.

Harry’s… project had completely gazumped it in terms of both utility and splendour. No longer was the charming magical building the centre of attention during the famous Potter parties, but rather the truly massive tree that dominated the entire area, bathing everything in an ethereal light.

Angie had seen taller trees, but none came close to being as wide as the one Harry had grown for his parents. It was around forty metres tall and growing by the day, with a canopy so wide and dense it covered a large majority of the lake in darkness.

The trunk itself was hollow, the inside as spacious as a manor, and that had been Harry’s intent.

While the canopy was thick and blocked out all light, one could still see thousands of glittering lights shining within - it looked like fireflies, or even -

‘Stars,’ Alicia said breathlessly.

‘That’s why this place is so secure,’ Angie explained, smiling at Alicia’s reverent tone. ‘This tree is a magical marvel, its fruits and nectar miraculous. The Ministry has been trying to get their grubby hands on it for years - Harry just threw up wards and told them to fuck off.’

Alicia gasped when one of the lights fell from the canopy and plopped into the lake, its light causing a visual shimmer across its surface.

‘This is Harry’s greatest creation - until he knocks me up I suppose,’ she said with a teasing grin. ‘He calls it Noxstella.’

‘Nox Stella? Night and Stars?’ Alicia asked, her eyebrow raised.

Angie rolled her eyes, her pearly whites on full display as she let it show how much she thought of the name. ‘He was so proud of it too. Got real annoyed when I couldn’t stop laughing at him.’

They both giggled at the mental image of a pouting Harry.

‘You can’t really tell from here, but the trunk is completely hollow and there’s a platform over the water. If you think the tree looks impressive from here, and it really does, you should see it when they do it up from underneath, the water shimmering with pure magic.’

‘It sounds incredible, but… why?’

Angie couldn’t help but laugh at the look of confusion on her friend’s face.

‘Because he could. Because he was bored. Because he didn’t like it when so many people would praise his parents for buying this gazebo. I’m married to him and I still don’t know how his mind fully works.’

‘Wow,’ Angie muttered, far less sincerely. ‘Overreaction much?’

Angie laughed, pride shining through her expression. ‘It is incredible though. Those lights you see? They’re a kind of sap that secretes from the leaves and hardens into crystals. The day after the full moon every month, the crystals, having absorbed the moonlight, start to fall into the lake. The Potters need to employ people once a month just to collect as many as they can, the ones they don’t dissolve into the water. That’s why the water looks like it’s shimmering.’

‘Do they use the crystals for Alchemy or something?’

‘Yup. The stuff those two can do with the fruit, the crystals and the water is borderline miraculous. The Wizengamot tried making a new law that would have had Noxstella taken away from them. Obviously, that didn’t work out too well for them. Harry’s not got many fans in the Ministry at the moment.’

‘Good on him,’ Alicia replied, a clear hint of vindictiveness and bitterness in her tone that Angie was sure had a lot to do with her ordeal earlier that day.

Turning, Angie pulled her in for a tight hug. Her friend hugged her back equally as hard, her shoulders trembling in silent sobs.

‘You’re alright,’ Angie reassured as she rubbed soothing circles into her back. They stood like that, Angie holding Alicia in her arms until she composed herself.

Pulling away and wiping tears from her eyes, she looked miserable. ‘First Oliver and now this? What am I supposed to do now? It feels like my whole life just collapsed in the blink of an eye.’

‘Hey,’ Angie exclaimed, gripping her shoulders and looking into her eyes. ‘You can do whatever you want. No pressure, take your time. The Potters have more room than they know what to do with, and you can stay as long as you like.’

She looked unsure. ‘Can you just invite me like that? It’s their house, I don’t want to impose.’

‘This is the Potter family manor, and I’m a Potter. You’re my sister Leesh, so you are too. Everybody knows that. Just, ahh, be ready for them yeah? They can be a bit much.’

Her eyes wide, nightmare scenarios clearly flying through her mind’s eye, Angie winced. ‘Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad - ah - you’ll see. Come on.’


It didn’t take long to get Alicia settled in the room next to theirs. Harry had moved out of the attic - using it as a full time Alchemy lab now - after they married and into one of the spacious bedrooms.

They’d talked about getting their own place, but neither of them were home enough to justify it.

Angie lent Alicia one of her rarely used bikinis after telling her Lily would often be hanging out and sunning herself by the lake if she was home. She got a real kick out of how deeply Alicia blushed when she turned and saw how much her soft, meaty bum was exposed by the thong.

If she’s blushing now? Hoh boy.

Angelina just threw a robe over her naked body and led her friend out of the manor.

As they approached the lake, Alicia gaped at the group of incredibly fit and handsome young men gathering Noxstella’s bounty in baskets affixed to their little boats, then bringing them back to shore when they were full. When they stood from the boats, Alicia gasped when she realised they were all completely naked, each of them sporting an impressive thick and long shaft between their legs.

Their cocks were almost as impressive as their physiques. These men had been hand-picked for a specific reason, one her slutty mother-in-law took advantage of often.

It would probably be highly inappropriate, but not one of them complained about their working conditions. The pay was amazing, and the bonuses incredible.

Angie smiled widely at her blushing best friend, nudging her with her hip, and waved as Lily turned to greet them. As expected, she was lounging by the lake with Jasmine, both women perving unashamedly at the bevy of manflesh before them.

Lily sat on a rock as she ogled her workforce, wearing a bikini even skimpier than Alicia’s that did little to hide her luscious assets. Jasmine, much like her, cared little for modesty, she was sunbathing topless, only the tiniest of bikinis covering her privates, her tits bare for all to admire.

Honestly, Angelina was shocked she even bothered with the bottoms. Jasmine was as much of a nudist as she was.

Unlike Harry, who had clearly inherited his father’s handsome features, Jasmine and Clementine had the pale, slightly freckled skin, sharp, beautiful features and curves of their mother, with their father’s hair and eyes.

They were both stunning, with Clementine usually wearing her hair in a French braid and Jasmine opting for shoulder-length, wavy tresses.

As they got closer, Angie finally noticed that Lily wasn’t smiling, she looked concerned. She hopped off her rock and rushed over to them, her tits bouncing distractedly with each hurried step as she embraced her in a tight hug. She then turned to Alicia and did the same.

‘Harry told me something bad happened - are you two okay?’

Alicia was clearly touched by the concern, the naked men all-but forgotten as her eyes started to shimmer with unshed tears.

‘I’m fine mum, thanks. Alicia needs a place to stay and lay low for a while. You don’t mind?’

‘Of course not,’ she answered, sounding insulted that she even needed to be asked. ‘We have more than enough room, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like. You’re practically family, dear.’

‘Thanks, it, uh, it means a lot.’

Lily smiled widely at Alicia and hugged her again. ‘Think nothing of it dear. My house is your house.’

Lily turned and sashayed back towards the lake, her thick behind equally as distracting as her bouncing, unrestrained tits. With a casual wave of her wand - pulled from Merlin knew where - she conjured up two comfortable looking banana lounges next to Jasmine’s and her own.

Attempting to break the ice, Alicia motioned her head towards the dozen naked men. ‘I like the view.’

Lily looked over at her with an impish smile. ‘It is rather nice, isn’t it? You can take any of them as a lover if you like - trust me, they’re all willing. And so able.’

Angie watched Alicia glow at Lily’s words with great relish, her mother-in-law a force of nature that just could not be stopped. Approaching Jasmine, she held out a fist which her sister-in-law bumped in reciprocation.

‘Where’s Clem?’ she asked curiously, causing Jasmine to finally break her silence with a snort of derision.

‘Back in France. Julian.’

It was curt, but nothing more needed to be said, really. Apparently the saga of Clementine and Julian continued on.

‘Ugh,’ Angie groaned in disgust and exasperation. ‘When is she going to move on?’

‘Tell me about it,’ her twin sister groused. ‘At least you’re here, where you don’t have to put up with her crying on your shoulder every other week.’

‘Leave her alone, she’s in love,’ Lily admonished. She had been chatting with Alicia but had gone back to blatantly ogling the help - she hadn’t bothered to stop doing so when she addressed them.

Angie and Jaz rolled their eyes at each other, but left it.

‘Where’s Dad? Watching from the house?

Jasmine smirked at the question and Lily shot the confused Alicia a grin before answering. ‘Unfortunately, he’ll have to make do with a verbal recount. The boys went land-hunting, trying to find more property like ours to see if Harry can replicate Noxstella there.’

‘Because getting pestered by one government isn’t annoying enough, apparently,’ Jasmine added with a cheeky grin, her large sunglasses no doubt hiding the twinkle in her eyes.

‘I’m so confused,’ Alicia groaned as she luxuriated in the lounge next to Lily. Angie noticed several of the workers looking over at her when she untied the belt of her robe and let it hang open with a sexy smile, like a pack of starving lions being dangled a new, fresh haunch of meat.

‘The’re looking for property with intersecting ley-lines,’ Angie explained, and calmed Lily when she saw her giving her a warning look.’ Relax Mum, everyone knows what Harry did, they just don’t know how. He keeps telling me how much of a kick he gets out of watching everyone try and replicate his work though.’

‘I hear some Herbologists from Uagadou are getting close,’ she said with a pout, as if someone was trying to steal her toy. She clearly enjoyed having access to something everyone else wanted, but no one else had.

Angie kind of understood. The new drinks and potions Lily made with the fruit, water and crystals of the tree turned her little side-hustle into a multi-million galleon venture overnight. They weren’t even alcoholic, but they had a differing effect on the mind while also tasting divine.

Still, Angie shook her head. ‘Harry reckons they’re falsifying reports in the hopes of getting more grant money. He’s apparently acquired their research.’

Jasmine snorted, her gaze as firmly fixed on the beefcakes rowing their little boats around as her mother’s was, but her ear still theirs. ‘Of course he did.’

Lily laughed but said no more.

Their conversation finally over, Angie finally removed her robe, revealing her completely naked frame to the workers and her sunning-mates alike. Alicia gaped at her boldness, knowing of her exhibitionist tendencies, but not expecting her to disrobe in their current company - especially with the men eyeing them like particularly tasty pieces of meat.

Angie just winked at her best friend and plopped down on the lounge next to her. She slathered her chiselled body with some of Lily’s specially-made tanning oil, not only highlighting her toned physique, but also protecting her from the Sun’s harsh rays. She tossed the jar to Alicia so she did the same.

They all-four mostly relaxed in silence, happy to perve on the eye-candy and bask in the tranquillity and peaceful ambiance provided by Noxstella.

An hour later, a soft bell chimed from the manor, letting the workers know their monthly shift was over. They all watched as they rowed their boats to shore and hefted the heavy baskets on their shoulders to deposit their contents.

It was a…rather titillating sight. Not even Angie was immune to the array of handsome blokes completely bare before her.

‘Why don’t you just use House Elves?’ Alicia asked out of the blue, the woman enraptured as she watched the big cocks dangle, and muscles bulge as they emptied the crystals into a large container. ‘Or better yet, charm the boats to move and collect the crystals on their own?’

Angie snorted in amusement. She’d asked the very same thing, and she still thought the answer was utter horseshit.

‘House Elves react poorly to the crystals. It’s like catnip to them,’ Lily explained, her eyes narrowing playfully when her own daughter snorted at the likely embellished factoid. ‘And, sure, we could have charmed boats to collect the crystals, but they just weren’t as accurate -’

‘Or attractive,’ Angie helpfully interrupted.

‘Or well-hung,’ Jasmine added with a giggle.

Her eyes narrowing further, but her smile widening, she didn’t bother denying it. ‘There’s also that.’

Alicia giggled at their antics, her earlier malaise all but forgotten. Apparently, all she’d needed was a group of naked men to perve on to take her mind off everything.

‘They’re also naked so they don’t have pockets they can stow crystals away in.’

‘At least that’s what she tells them,’ Jasmine added, enjoying teasing her mother.

‘Harry, of course, has already put wards up to discourage such behaviour.’

‘Can you two stop making me look like a dirty old pervert in front of our guest?’

‘Yeah, she does a good enough job of that by herself.’

Jasmine and Angie burst into laughter at Alicia’s unexpected jab, Lily crossing her arms and pouting hilariously at her new guest.


After their giggles died down, the women watched as the men headed towards a nearby building that served as their locker room. After conversing with her daughter in hushed whispers and giggles, Lily pointed her wand at the group and fired off a patronus charm.

The silvery, translucent doe burst from her wand and bound towards the unsuspecting troupe. When the magical construct started circling three men in particular, separating them from the rest, they cheered and high-fived each other, smiling wide in their direction as they split from the pack and headed towards them.

They didn’t care one bit about the jealous glares knifing into their backs.

Jasmine sat up as they approached, her perky C-cups jiggling at the abrupt movement. ‘Ooh, about time.’

‘What’s going on?’ Alicia asked Angie with a panicked, whispered hiss. Angie only smirked, spread her legs wide and started running her hand up and down her dripping slit. Her friend only looked at her in shock before she turned to the approaching men.

The three were all buff, like they spent all of their free time living in a gym. They were each all over six feet tall with hefty cocks to match. One was black, one white and one latino, all of them incredibly attractive.

Lily does like her variety.

‘I warned you before coming here, my in-laws are a bit… much,’ she whispered back, nodding her head towards Lily. Alicia turned and her eyes widened when two of the blokes, the black and hispanic ones, stood before Lily, their cocks half-hard and only getting harder for the beautiful woman.

‘Looking good boys,’ Lily purred as she removed her bikini top, causing both nearby shafts to pulse with desire. She took one cock in each hand and, with hands slick with tanning oils, started to stroke them with lust clear in her emerald eyes.

The white bloke went straight to Jasmine. She didn’t particularly recognise the three, not always around for these little orgies every month, but it was pretty apparent that they were familiar with the women. Jaz and her bloke started snogging like cats in heat, the woman’s pale legs wrapping around her partner’s hips and pulling him against her heated core.

Lily just casually conversed with her two blokes, her hands never pausing in her stroking as she smiled up at them. Her big tits jiggled alluringly as she ran her hands up and down their long lengths, causing the two cocks in her grip to harden in record time.

Alicia just turned back to look at her, eyes wide and face flushed.

Angie only shrugged, her grin a little sheepish. ‘You get used to it.’

Alicia turned back and watched as the blokes removed Lily’s thong while the white bloke was grinding his hard cock against Jasmine’s core, earning pleading moans from her every time he pressed against her.

‘You know Leesh,’ Angie whispered, getting her embarrassed friend’s attention again. ‘There are three of them.’

‘W-what about you?’ she asked, looking almost terrified by the question.

Angie only grinned. ‘They know better than to try. I’m very much in the look but don’t touch category, besides, they’re all terrified of Harry, and…’ She then leaned in, her whisper getting even quieter and more conspiratorial, ‘His dick is way bigger too.’

Alicia’s eyes widened at that, Katie’s old proclamation about Harry’s size no-doubt coming back to her.

Leaning back in her chair, Angie motions over to Jasmine. ‘It’s not as scandalous as it looks. Jaz over there is single, she’s just a massive slut.’ She laughed when Jasmine, who’d apparently heard them, gave her the finger without stopping her sucking of her partner’s face.

‘Mum and Dad, well, they have a rather… open relationship.’

‘I had no idea,’ Alicia admitted faintly, turning and watching the beautiful, older redhead kissing the knobs and licking the shafts of each of the blokes she was stroking. ‘You mentioned something about Mister Potter watching from the house? Is that what he normally does?’

‘Dad’s a cuck.’ Jasmine added helpfully, apparently their conversation was not as quiet as they’d hoped.

Angie just rolled her eyes at Alicia’s shocked look. ‘Sometimes,’ she allowed. ‘He likes to watch Mum, and Mum very much likes to perform.’

Lily’s answering giggle and sexy grin was proof enough of the truth for Alicia’s tastes, especially when she punctuated it with a raised brow and a long lick of the obsidian shaft in her hands - as if daring Alicia to comment.

‘So?’ Angie interrupted Alicia’s shocked ogling. ‘You definitely could use a shag Leesh, give one of them a go. You’re a free woman now.’

‘I - I couldn’t,’ she stammered, eyeing the show before her with arousal, her nipples poking through her orange bikini deliciously. ‘I don’t even know them.’

‘More for me,’ Lily sing-songed. She stood beside the large rock she had been sitting on and one of the blokes hopped up, his large, dark brown cock directly in her face. She quickly swallowed the large appendage, getting almost half of it down her throat before she groaned, the black bloke behind her running his knob up and down her leaking pussy lips.

‘This is insane,’ Alicia whispered, but she was now leaning against the back of the lounge and touching herself like Angie was. When she looked back at her, she gaped when she realised that Angie wasn’t just touching herself discreetly, she was openly masturbating out in the open.

‘What? Angie asked with a shrug. ‘Just because Harry and I aren’t open, doesn’t mean we don’t like to watch.’

‘We?’ Alicia asked with a raised brow, amusement finally replacing the shock that had been marring her features over the past several minutes. ‘How...naughty.’

They both giggled at the implication and turned back to the sexy show being graciously put on for them.

They watched, enraptured, as the black bloke sank his huge cock into Lily’s tight pussy, his hands then reaching around to palm and play with her heavy tits as he started thrusting away. The woman’s moans and groans were quickly muffled by the latino man’s dick she then eagerly throated.

They watched as Jasmine finally pulled away from snogging her bloke, the two lovers watching the older woman with naked arousal. They then turned back to each other, lust burning in their eyes. After their brief non-verbal communication, Jaz stood on shaky legs and allowed her bloke to lay down on the lounge beneath her. With a hand on his broad chest for balance, she lifted a leg over his groin and, holding his towering cock against her bald pussy, sank down onto it with a deep, sensual groan.

She sank down as far as she could comfortably take him, wincing only briefly as the thick shaft stretched her wider than expected, and started riding him, her lover’s hands going to her bouncing tits as she rode him.

After several moments of this, her moaning a titillating symphony for her enraptured voyeurs, she looked over at Angie with a teasing grin.

‘When are you going to stop being a prude and join us sis?’ she asked, her face flush with arousal and her pleasure there for all to see. ‘Think of how hot it’d be, the three of us fucking these hotties while Dad and Harry watch from the house and wank.’

‘And you wonder why you’re still single,’ Alicia shot back with an equally teasing smirk, laughing at the harumph and rude gesture she sent back. Turning to the shocked Alicia, she grinned. ‘See what I mean when I say they’re a bit much? Sluts are just bitter that Harry won’t shag them.’

When Lily and Jaz both whine at her words, not just not denying them, but getting obviously turned on by the sheer idea of it, Alicia looked at her in disbelief.

Angie only laughed. ‘You’ll stop being shocked eventually, trust me. I was just like you in the beginning. To be fair, it is kinda hot when you think about it. I’d love to watch him shag them rotten, but he’d never go for it.’

Both Lily and Jaz whine again at her words, the latter’s hands going to her clit and rubbing it furiously as the pace of her riding increased. ‘Stop teasing us slut, or I might just tie him down and force the issue one day.’

Angie rolled her eyes and grinned at her sister-in-law’s words before turning back to Alicia and whispering so they actually couldn’t hear her this time. ‘I only say that because I know Harry would never go for it,’ she said, motioning to the two women. ‘It drives them wild. These sluts will shag anything with a pulse, even if it’s their brother or son.’

‘It looks like they’d do it because he’s their brother or son,’ Alicia said in disbelief, earning a snort from her best friend. ‘Bonkers.’

Her words and expression said one thing, but the way she touched herself as she kept watching the erotic show said something entirely different.

‘So…what? They just fuck men out here all the time?’

‘It certainly feels like it,’ Angie joked as she started to rub her aching, rock-hard nipples. She briefly wished she had more hands so she could rub them and her pussy at the same time. ‘Hey Leesh, give us an extra hand over here - for old time’s sake.’

‘Stop!’ she laughed, though her flushed cheeks and lingering gaze belied a long-ago buried desire. Memories of steamy nights alone with her best friend at Hogwarts clearly playing in her mind’s eye, supplanting any sadness or melancholy from earlier.

Angie didn’t miss the looks Jaz kept sending her as she rode her bloke, her beautiful sister-in-law apparently having tastes in women similar to her brother.

She’d known of her sister-in-law’s crush on her for a while, and while she found her constant advances and flirting tiring, she couldn’t deny that she also found them flattering.

And hot.

As images of her forcing Jasmine’s head between her legs as Harry fucked her from behind played in her mind, Angie couldn’t help but groan and rub her clit just a little harder.

Harry isn’t the only one who has these taboo fantasies.

While they were watching Jasmine fucking her bloke, Lily had cum with a shuddering groan, both of her lovers pulling out of her with rock-hard dicks. As Lily pulled the latino man down to the grass and mounted him with a shuddering groan, the black guy approached them with a wide smile that contrasted with his dark skin.

Looking past him, she noticed the other men, now dressed and still glaring daggers at the lucky trio, leaving Potter Manor through the apparition point.

They’ll be back.

‘Wanna lube me up?’ he asked Angie, waving his huge and hard dick in her face.

Angie smiled up at him sweetly. ‘Wanna die?’

Honestly, she was so turned on that she couldn’t deny how tempting the offer was.

The guy showed an impressive amount of stones as he just chuckled and turned to the pretty Alicia, the only one in the yard not naked. ‘What about you luv?’

Alicia flushed at the question, her eyes tracking the cock he was bouncing for her with clear lust. When it looked like she was about to regretfully turn him down, Angie reached over and untied the string of her bikini top.

Alicia shrieked as she felt the fabric fall away from her perky tits and looked at her with wild, panicked eyes.

‘Go on Leesh, how long has it been since you’ve sucked a dick? Especially one that big? You need to get over the Asshole and have some fun again.’

The bloke’s grin widened at his unexpected ally and, taking confidence from her words, he slowly approached the pretty, caramel-skinned beauty, holding his big dick out for her.

With one last, helpless look at Angelina, Alicia licked her suddenly dry lips, her eyes locked on the obscene appendage.

‘He really is rather big…’

Angie’s grin widened and she added some nipple play as she watched Alicia wet her lips again and slowly open them as the cock slowly approached her. When the plum-sized knob spread her delicate lips around it and he started pushing into her mouth, both Angie and Jaz cheered.

‘Imagine Oliver seeing you right now. Imagine how angry and humiliated he’d be seeing you suck on a cock that dwarfs his needle dick.’

Her words were clearly having an effect on her best friend. Her eyes narrowed, as if she was looking at her ex-husband and not the dick filling her vision, her hands going to the shaft invading her mouth and wrapping as far around it as she could reach, her fingers and thumb not even close to touching.

‘Merlin Leesh, that’s so hot,’ Angie groaned as she started masturbating again, her best-friend’s hands stroking whatever of the colossal shaft she couldn’t get into her throat.

At the obscene squelching sounds of her fingers thrusting into her wet cunt over and over caught her best friend’s attention, Alicia’s cheeks darkened. She watched, arousal clear in her dark eyes as Angie masturbated to the sight of her sliding her widely-spread lips up and down the thick, veiny shaft. She started touching herself as her arousal spiked, then started whimpering around the invading shaft when the bloke reached down and started playing with her dark, pebbled nipples.

Angie's eyes saw her best friend sucking on that huge, strange dick, but her traitorous mind supplanted that, replacing the bloke with Harry, her lips spread around his thicker shaft as she watched them.

Angie shut her eyes, shivering in pure arousal at the fantasy. She’d never had one like it of her husband with another woman, but given said woman was her best friend, it didn’t feel as wrong, as dirty.

It felt hot.

‘If I had known your best friend was so fun I’d have invited her over sooner,’ Jaz teased, having paused her riding to watch Alicia’s attempt at fellatio.

‘It’s only Harry and Angie that are the prudes apparently,’ Lily bemoaned, piping up for the first time in a while, probably wondering where her second cock had gone.

‘She says while the object of her slander is completely naked and frigging herself to a live sex show,’ Angie replied in deadpan, her fingers not pausing their rubbing of her clit, her pink and dripping pussy bare for all to see - contrasting beautifully with her glistening, dark skin - as she spread her legs and touched herself.

‘Watching,’ Lily sneered derisively. ‘Prude,’ she reiterated.

Angie only barked out a laugh at her mother-in-law’s expected antics. If she had her way, Angie would be shagging strange men on the daily while she absconded with her son and had her wicked way with him.

With shaky legs, the bloke getting his dick sucked by Alicia pulled out, his shaft glistening with her saliva and as hard as steel.

‘Do you wanna shag?’ he asked, still playing with her pebbled nipples. She didn’t stop him, but her cheeks did darken and she shook her head in the negative - to her credit, after several moments spent thinking it over.

‘Sorry,’ she apologised, looking away from the incredibly handsome man. ‘But I barely know you.’

She ignored the scoffs from Lily and Jaz as the man bent down and captured her lips in a tender kiss. When he pulled away, Alicia looking noticeably flushed and perhaps even regretting her decision, Angie smirked. ‘You’ve been hanging around these slags for so long you’ve probably forgotten what it’s like to be rejected.’

The man placed both hands over his heart and pouted, as if her words had struck a mortal blow. Both she and Alicia giggled at his antics while Jaz shot her another rude gesture. Lily didn’t even bother denying it, she only eyed the big, hard cock bobbing its way towards her.

Oh, and the man attached to it. Probably.

Lily whimpered when the bloke pushed gently down on Lily’s back, the man she was riding now having a face-full of her big tits. He very much took advantage, squeezing both of the pliable mammaries together so he could suckle on both of her dark pink nipples at once. Lily moaned then whimpered again when she felt the man behind her place his thick knob right at the entrance to her backdoor, metaphorically knocking and awaiting permission to enter.

‘Bloody hell!’ Alicia exclaimed as Lily palmed her ass cheeks and spread them wide for him. Groaning, the man gently but firmly pushed his spit-soaked cock into her rear end, earning a deep and guttural moan from the lascivious woman.

As Lily winced and grunted at the huge foreign member invading her back door, Alicia looked on, gobsmacked.

‘How the bloody hell did she take that thing there?’

Angie and Jaz looked at each other and grinned cheekily. ‘Lots of practise,’ they chorused, giggling at the old inside joke Alicia had no way of knowing.

Lily paid them no heed. Aside from running her fingers through the latino man’s hair, she stayed perfectly still and allowed the both of them to sync up their thrusts, grinding against each other through the thin walls of her vagina and anus. Lily let her appreciation show with her low grunts and groans, perfectly timed for each time the duo bottomed out in her.

Alicia, long past being shy around this lot, removed her thong and started rubbing her clit in gentle circles as she watched. When she saw Angie watching her and grinning, she flushed but shrugged.

‘I’m horny. Sue me,’ she snarked, and Angie’s grin only widened.

They watched Lily’s double penetration for several minutes, her moans and grunts getting more urgent the longer they continued their dual-pronged assault.

‘I’m cumming!’ she eventually announced, her head bowed and her body shaking. The blokes picked up the speed of their thrusts to help, now virtually jack-hammering into her.

‘Oh fuck, ooooh,’ Lily groaned, her body freezing as she tipped over into climax. Whether the eroticism of the day had finally caught up with them, or Lily’s tightening around them sent them over the edge, both blokes grunted and emptied their seed into her virtually simultaneously.

This had Lily moaning anew, the feeling of their warm seed inside her magical as they ground their softening cocks inside her.

‘Nearly there!’ Jaz announced, the timing of her own orgasm no coincidence. She leaned back and balanced herself on her lover’s knees, her tits jiggling as she gyrated her hips in a circular pattern, her orgasm imminent. Hearing that she was close, her lover put a thumb on her clit and started rubbing.

‘Oooooh shit,’ Jaz groaned. ‘I’m taking you home with me, you’re too good.’

‘Oi, stop trying to knick my workers,’ Lily grouched, finally standing when her legs could support her weight, though still looking like a newborn fawn.

Angie and Alicia looked over to the woman, both groaning at the copious amount of seed trailing down her inner thigh and legs. Hopping up on the rock she had been sunning herself on earlier, she spread her legs and showed the two non-participants her bounty. Spreading her legs and then her lips, the cum started oozing out of her in rivulets, obviously from both holes.

When Jaz stood up to get herself a sip from her glass of water, cum could also be seen trailing down the inside of her thigh.

That was only the end of round one. Both women, Angie could confess with confidence born of experience, could go for a long time yet. And would.

Both Angie and Alicia watched the show until the air cooled and the sun disappeared behind Noxstella, the duo having cum multiple times from self-pleasure while Alicia happily sucked off and fluffed any of the blokes who ambled over to her.

She had sucked each of them at least once, and Angie honestly felt a little jealous. She’d never cheat on Harry, but there was only so much eroticism one could absorb without starting to feel left out.

Harry is getting his brains fucked out later.

Eventually though, Angie’s proclamation that Alicia would get used to it proved true. They started to treat the nearby orgy as background noise - after several orgasms for the voyeurs, to be fair - in favour of gazing at the beauty of Noxstella by moonlight.

Still, when the men had finally left, they’d done so with both Lily and Jasmine being reduced to sexually satisfied puddles of goo, the duo laying on their respective lounges in a daze, their pussies and Lily’s bum filled with several loads of cum.

‘Wanna grab some dinner?’ Angie asked, snapping her best friend out of her reverent basking.

‘Yeah,’ she finally answered, sounding distracted. Shaking her head as if to gather her thoughts, she frowned and they giggled when her tummy let out an adorable growl. ‘I’m famished.’

‘Come on then, the dining room has a pretty great view of the tree too. You’ll love it.’

At Alicia’s bright smile, Angie watched her put her bikini back on as she herself fetched her silky robe. The duo headed into the manor, Angie’s arm wrapped around her shoulder and her best friend snuggling into her side.

She’d hoped for a relaxing afternoon where her best friend could forget about her troubles, she got that and more.

Now, all she could think about was how she wanted to extend that into the evening. As devious thoughts started to worm their way into her sex-starved mind, she made sure Alicia didn’t see the sexy smile that sprouted on her dark features.

When the Marauders flood back home and saw the naked and half-naked Angie and Alicia walking past them into the kitchen, their eyes wide and their tongues practically wagging, the girls only looked at each other and giggled.

‘You missed the show dad,’ Angie called over her shoulder, making sure to pause in the doorway to give him an extra long look at his daughter-in-law’s exquisite body after Alicia had slipped into the kitchen.

She grinned when Remus looked away bashfully while James and Sirius only ogled her with naked desire. She let them have their little perv - quite liking the looks they were giving her - before she followed her best friend into the kitchen.

Harry needed to get home soon. She needed a good dicking.
