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Chapter 35

Tags: Porn, Streaming, Sex-Toys, Threesome, Consensual Infidelity, Teasing, Cum-Eating, Creampie, DP, BDSM-light

Pete's head shot up as Gwen strolled into the gaming room with some company. 

Streaming room now, I guess. Not much gaming gets done here anymore, not by me, at least. 

Behind the laughing and in good cheer Gwen followed MJ and Andre. Pete struggled to hide his snort or grin, the beautiful redhead hearing him and shooting him a glare.

‘Don't give me that, Tiger.’ Though her words sounded venomous, they were delivered playfully. ‘I still haven't forgiven you for making such an exquisite toy and not telling me about it.’

MJ breezed past Gwen and ran her hands over the sex chair in question reverently. His girlfriend barked out a laugh and Andre sent him a deadpan stare.

‘You only think she's joking because you haven't had to put up with her moping and bitching for weeks.

MJ shot her boyfriend a dirty look, only just managing to tear her ravenous gaze away from his naughty invention. ‘You're a lot cuter when you're not so lippy.’

Andre’s smile grew and his eyes flashed dangerously. ‘And you're a lot more willful without your collar, Pet.

Both Pete and Gwen's heads shot up at the all-too familiar moniker, their gazes seeking out each others’ as images of a sexy, submissive, oriental beauty no-doubt flooded both their minds. 

Pete didn't let himself feel wistful or regretful at the memories. Cindy was with Miles now, and the two were incredibly happy together.

That didn’t stop both of them from feeling shock at the unexpected development. Neither of them had any idea that MJ and Andre’s relationship was like that. 

The beautiful, willful redhead actually looked abashed at her boyfriend's rebuke, her cheeks tinting red. ‘Sorry, Daddy.’

Pete was so shocked you could have knocked him over with a feather.

Wow…she must really like him…

‘When the fuck did this happen?’ Gwen exclaimed, looking between her friend and Andre in shock.

Andre shrugged, grinning as the suddenly demure MJ toyed with the chair. ‘MJ started to get a little too rebellious recently, I was as shocked as you with how excited she got when I, ahem, laid down the law.’

When they both turned to the woman in question, her cheeks turned even redder. ‘Daddy, you're embarrassing me…’

‘Oh God, that's so fucking hot!’ Pete snatched his girlfriend's wrist and yanked her towards him before her libido had her assaulting her beautiful, apparently secretly submissive friend. 

‘Hold on to that energy,’ Pete teased, finishing up the code for his latest idea before turning to Gwen. ‘You're gonna need it for your stream. Trust me. Get naked and sit on the couch.’

Gwen sucked in an excited breath at the promise in his words, immediately and eagerly doing as he said without the slightest bit of shame or hesitation. 

Not that shame or hesitation would have made sense. Her insane exhibitionist kink aside, she'd fucked everyone in this room. Several times. 

The group had come up straight from another recording session, the popularity of which having gained a massive spike ever since Gwen's superhero identity had been revealed.

Usually, after their streamed, nude recording sessions, both MJ and Andre would join them for a soak in the jacuzzi and some adult fun. Tonight though, Pete wanted them to channel their heightened libidos into something more interesting

‘What about me?’ MJ asked with a pout, her big green eyes and long lashes batting at him. 

Grinning, Pete flicked his head towards Andre. ‘Feel free to get naked and hop in the chair…if your master allows it.’

Her cheeks flushed a brilliant red but she nevertheless looked over at her boyfriend, her eyes wide and hopeful and her teeth worrying at her bottom lip. 

‘Please, Daddy?’ Her cute tone was completely at odds with what she was actually asking, her smile both submissive and flirtatious. ‘Can I?’

The producer's lips twitched and his nostrils flared as he eyed his pet up and down hungrily. 

‘... Fine.’

MJ squealed and ran over to hug him and pepper his chiselled face with kisses before disrobing. Given that they ended up naked anyway during their recording sessions, the girls had made a habit of coming over in loose, comfy clothes. With a shake of her wide hips, MJ’s sweatpants slid down her long, pale legs and her tee was flung to the other side of the room, the hem of which catching on her large, pendulous tits and causing them to jiggle all over the place deliciously when they fell on her chest. 

Both Pete and Gwen licked their lips at the enticing display, smiling at each other when they caught the other's stare. 

MJ didn't waste any time and hopped up into the chair, her feet locking into the stirrups. Her breath was now coming in ragged pants, her green eyes wide as she beheld her own vulnerable pose. She shivered when the cool metal creeped over her skin and covered her nipples and clit, then she moaned when the two, thick, phallic tendrils slithered out and started playing with her glistening pussy. 

Andre, unable to help himself, sat in the nearby chair and pulled out his massive cock, slowly stroking it at the sight of the two gorgeous, naked women. 

Pete ignored MJ for now though, content with the chair’s current orders to tease the stunning redhead. He turned to his pouting girlfriend and grinned cheekily. 

‘What about me?’ Her whine was absolutely adorable. ‘I don't like sharing my toys…’

‘I've got something special planned for you and your stream,’ he teased, clacking away at his laptop. Adjusting the camera, he made sure the girls were perfectly lit and in focus before turning back to Gwen. ‘Spread your legs and lock your wrists over your head.’

Gwen's smile was naughty and excited but she did as asked, exposing her tight, glistening pussy to the room, her excitement dripping down her thigh. 

‘Turn it oooooon,’ MJ whined piteously, but before Pete could cruelty shut her down, Andre stood and stormed over to her, his half-hard cock swaying from side-to-side like a trunk of an elephant. 

‘You'll speak when spoken to, Slut.’

He'd put his hand on her throat to emphasise his point, but didn't squeeze. Regardless, MJ’s flush deepened, her breathing grew more ragged and, though she said no more, her squirming increased.

‘And they say I work miracles,’ Pete teased, earning guffaws from Gwen and Andre, and a silent glare from MJ.

His girlfriend had been waiting patiently in the position he asked. With an application of will, a stream of nanites rose up from under the couch and encased her wrists in vibranium cuffs before melding into the wall.

Technically, she could easily rip her restraints off the wall, but she wouldn't be able to break out of the cuffs themselves. 

‘What’re you planning?’

She tried to sound calm and in control, but the quaver in her voice, the slight tremble in her body and her elevated breathing gave her away. 

Instead of answering, Pete smiled deviously and ran the streaming software before immediately going live. 

Like with their naked recording streams, Gwen's more private, erotic ones had also had a massive jump in popularity. She used to average five thousand viewers on average, but when people found out Ghost Spider was a hard core cam girl…subs and donations went through the roof.

Both Gwen and MJ squirmed with arousal as the silence dragged on, the sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. The chatters, upon seeing not only Gwen, but MJ naked and bound, let their imaginations run wild. 

When the viewer count hit twenty five thousand, Pete finally spoke.

‘Hey guys, first, I wanna thank you all for buying Gwen's replica pussy. You might all just be a bunch of degenerate coomers, but you're literally helping to save lives.’ He grinned and, with a thoughtful tilt of his head, he rephrased. ‘I guess that makes you noble degenerate coomers.’

Chat really liked that, spamming the Ghost Spider-themed ‘coomer’ emotes Gwen had created for them.

‘Now, when we sold you those replica pussies, what we didn't tell you was that they have a bonus feature. One I'm sure you'll all like…very much.’

He had the attention of everyone in the room, all of them looking at him with either confusion, or in Gwen's case, mounting excitement. Chat was still spamming away. While he wasn't in frame, everyone knew who was talking. A surprise from the recently revealed degenerate Doctor Parker was a cause for excitement. 

‘During the last stream, when Gwen was in the chair MJ is in right now, she alluded to the experience being like all of you were actually fucking her. I corrected her then, not because it bothered me, but because, compared to what you'll experience today, that couldn't have been further from the truth…’

Seeing the effect his words were having on his girlfriend and Chat in particular had Pete grinning wide.

Being a hype-man is kinda fun…

‘You see, those replica vaginas you're all no-doubt playing with right now? Thanks to my nanites, for the next hour, Gwen's actual vagina will feel everything you do to the replicas as if you were fucking her yourselves.’

‘No fucking way!’

Gwen's exclamation, while explosive, didn't quite convey the excitement and lust she was feeling. As a thirty second countdown appeared on the screen, she writhed in anticipation, moaning before the first sensation even assaulted her. 

‘How many of those things did you even sell?’ Andre asked in confusion. ‘How does it even work? Like…one at a time?’

The countdown hit fifteen seconds. 

‘No, all at the same time. Overlapping sensations will give more concentrated feelings of pleasure while, say, if one viewer's cock arcs to the left and another's to the right, she'll feel both, simultaneously.’ He grinned at Gwen's wanton groan at the news, her body writhing and her muscles straining against her bindings. ‘It should be an…interesting sensation.’

The second the countdown hit zero, Gwen froze, her blue eyes wide and her mouth open in a silent scream. Her abs clenched and, though there was no physical phallus being thrust into her, her lips still parted of their own volition, as wide as a can of soda.

‘You see that?’ Pete said to Andre, pointing at Gwen's gaping lips, forced open by the nanites thanks to signals from the replica vaginas, ‘that means at least one of the viewers is hung like a horse -’ He was interrupted as Gwen's body spasmed and she let out a loud, long, drawn-out moan. They both chuckled. ‘That doesn't mean she's not feeling those less, ahem, gifted, she's feeling them all.’

Ooooooh,’ Gwen cried, her eyes screwed shut in pleasure, ‘You're actually - mmh - actually f-fucking me, Chat,’ she gasped out in pleasure before giggling hysterically. ‘Guess y-you’re not virgins any - haaaaaah - anymore!’

Pete chuckled before looking over at the sad and piteous MJ. She was eyeing him with pleading eyes, begging him, but still refused to disobey her daddy.

Rolling his eyes, he activated the chair and MJ sucked in a startled breath as a comparatively weak jolt of current was sent through the clamps, while the slick, self-lubricating appendages started to tease their way into her. 

Looking over his shoulder, Pete was unsurprised to see Andre stroking his envious endowment, his gaze flicking between both his girlfriend and Gwen and his fat, plum-sized head leaking and coating his shaft. 

Looking back at his writhing, moaning girlfriend, he couldn't help but feeling a little envious of Andre for a different reason. Unfortunately, someone had to run the stream, so he couldn't jerk off too like he so desperately wanted. 

Leaning into the mic, he decided to metaphorically release the cat amongst the pigeons. 

‘I know you're all busy and the last thing you want to hear is my goofy-ass voice, but I should probably add that donations will increase Gwen's sensitivity to the feelings you're all giving her, soooo…. Have at it?’

Gwen’s eyes snapped open and she stared at him in shock before screwing them shut again and shaking, a small orgasm ripping through her.

Rolling his chair closer, but mindful not to get in frame and block both beautiful, writhing women from the camera's view, he grinned at his moaning girlfriend. 

‘How's it feel?’

‘So good,’ she gasped out, her words almost drowned out by MJ’s euphoric cries. Gwen turned to him, or rather, the sound of his voice, but her eyes were glossy and unseeing. ‘They're not just f-fucking me, I can feel fingers - nnh - t-tongues.’ Her words trailed off into repeated, breathy moans, her face slick and shiny with sweat. When her eyes fluttered open again, she looked at him adoringly, her smile dreamy. ‘I l-love you so much…’

He looked at his phone with a snort and watched as the donations started rolling in, quickly approaching the first tier.

‘Hold that thought…’

She looked confused by his words, adorably so. 

‘W-why - ooooooooh fuuuuuuuck!’

His grin turned positively lupine as Gwen was brought to another screaming, shuddering orgasm, her sexy, ripped body writhing and shaking with bliss. Fluids shot out of her gaping pussy too, at a rate that let Pete know at least one viewer was working over her g-spot well.

Both Gwen and MJ were lost in a world of pleasure, the former tied to the chair with the tendrils and shockers slowly and steadily ramping up, and the latter feeling as if she were being fucked by thousands of different dicks simultaneously. He genuinely couldn’t even imagine the sensations she must be feeling, so alien and unnatural was the idea he’d cooked up.

Andre, still stroking his dick as he watched the girls moan and writhe in pleasure, shot him a deadpan look.

‘Man, you’re gonna get us replaced.’

While MJ didn’t dare talk back to Andre lest he metaphorically pull the plug on what she was experiencing, she did her best to hide her wolfish grin, her head flailing from side to side, burying in her own shoulder as another orgasm was ripped from her.

Before he could say anything, Gwen’s cries became even more intense. Looking at the steaming program, it looked like the chatters had passed another donation goal, increasing the pleasure Gwen was receiving by another order of magnitude.

There was such a thing as too much pleasure, and Pete made sure to carefully monitor his girlfriend as she writhed in bliss, completely dead to the world. With her arms still locked above her head, Gwen had her legs spread wide, the soles of her feet planted firmly on the couch. She was swivelling and gyrating her hips, her entire body tensed and shining with perspiration while her unnaturally gaping pussy leaked her own fluids and made a puddle on the leather below. She was biting her lip, her eyes screwed closed and letting out a continuous hum of bliss, her eyes rolling behind their lids as one orgasm after another ripped through her.

Through all this, Pete carefully monitored her vitals, even as his cock strained painfully in his pants, desperately crying out for his attention.

Almost too soon, the hour was up and the stream was over. They’d raked in another mind-boggling amount of money through donations, and that wasn’t even mentioning the amount of orders they’d received for replica vaginas from those who’d missed out on that night’s fun.

Celebrity porn for charity…so hilariously effective.

After an hour of being forced to sit on the sidelines and making sure everything ran smoothly, Pete quickly excused himself when he finally ended the stream. Before that, he released Gwen from her bindings, gently laying her sweaty and exhausted body down on the couch - she looked as if she’d just got done running a marathon - well, if she were a regular human and a marathon were difficult - but despite that, she whined and tried to pull him down with her. Pete could only chuckle.

‘I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.’

MJ was only slightly better off. He’d been steadily ramping up the chair’s intensity ever since she started and she was still moaning and groaning away, completely lost to the world.

Andre had watched the entire show with his impressive dick in hard, his gaze spent equally on both Gwen and his own girlfriend. Before Pete left the room to go and freshen up, he tossed his friend a roll of paper towels from below the desk with an amused snort.

‘Thanks man,’ the handsome producer said absentmindedly, ripping off some towels to clean up the puddle of cum from his chiselled abs.

Pete took his time freshening up, scrolling his emails while sitting on the toilet. He laughed as he got some panicked messages from his guys handling the production of Gwen’s merch, spending a good ten minutes telling them what happened and how they could keep up with demand.

When he was done, he splashed some water on his face and gave himself a good scrubbing before rejoining the others in the streaming room.

Predictably, MJ was where he’d left her, the same couldn’t be said for the others.

Pete’s cock throbbed when he looked at the couple on the couch. Andre had taken Gwen’s seat, his legs spread wide while a ravenous Gwen had impaled herself on his towering shaft, her gorgeous, muscular ass gliding up and down as they slowly fucked.

Pete watched, the lustful urges he’d been holding back for the past hours roaring in his chest. With his eyes locked on Gwen’s ass, he growled as he watched it ripple every time it came crashing down on Andre’s lap, his huge balls jiggling every time he’d thrust up to meet her thrusts.

Tearing off his clothes, he joined them, his broad chest pressing against his girlfriend’s back and his lips kissing the nape of her neck. Gwen froze, then whined, reaching back to pull him closer.

‘I couldn’t wait,’ she said with a pout in explanation. ‘The stream was amazing, but I needed the real thing…’

‘You’re just a greedy little slut,’ Pete growled, emphasising the last word by sliding his cock into her tight, receptive ass. Gwen’s head flung back at the surprise impalement, resting against his shoulder as he buried himself to the hilt.


He didn’t give her time to re-gather her wits. With Andre’s hands on her cheeks as he bounced her up and down while his own pinched her pierced, pebbled nipples, his lips kissing and suckling her neck, they fucked her in tandem, coordinating their thrusts to bring Gwen as much pleasure as possible.

The situation was made all the more erotic by having MJ’s moans and cries as a constant, musical backdrop to their threesome.

‘What’s better?’ His growl was directly in her ear, her euphoric cries stilling as the deep, guttural tone had her body shivering from head to toe. ‘Fucking Chat, or this?’

He punctuated his question with a deep, punishing thrust into her rear end that ripped a deep groan from Gwen, his balls pressing against her ass as he swivelled his hips with the motion, almost like a corkscrew. He was pressing her powerful body hard against Andre’s, the three of them locked in a tangle of limbs. Her skin was sweaty and sticky, her euphoric cries like a drug he couldn’t ever quit.

‘This!’ she gasped in bliss, reaching both arms behind to thread her fingers together behind his neck and pull him tighter against her, she’d also turned her head in an almost owl-like attempt to try and lock eyes with him, an attempt that ultimately failed. ‘S-so much more to sex than - oooh - than t-the physical sensations - mmmh.

He rewarded her correct answer by leaning around and capturing her lips in a heated kiss. She moaned deep into his mouth, both his and Andre’s actions driving her wild.

With MJ otherwise occupied for the time being, Gwen had the arduous task of sating both of their lusts, one she undertook like a champ. Neither man stopped after unloading their seed into his girlfriend once, or even twice, and Gwen didn’t seem to mind one bit. They were making a mess of the couch, their excitement frothing up and leaking out with their continued fucking, but nobody seemed to care, the only thing on any of their minds… chasing down the next orgasm.

They eventually stopped after another couple of hours of intense fucking, with he and Andre sitting at opposite ends of the soiled couch and catching their breath while Gwen lay lengthwise, her head in his lap and her legs in Andre’s, coaxing his colossal shaft back to life by sandwiching it in between the powerful calves and rubbing gently. She did likewise for him, kissing and licking his recently spent member.

They watched as MJ luxuriated in the chair, her eyes briefly opening to stare at them tiredly every now and then before closing once more, a smug grin permanently affixed to her beautiful features. She was as gross and sweaty as them, the two tendrils fucking her pussy and asshole ceaseless and tireless, ripping orgasm after orgasm from the submissive, naughty redhead while current was slowly and steadily passed into her most sensitive parts.

‘You can kinda tell she’s smug as shit right now,’ Gwen remarked in a put-upon tone. ‘It kinda pisses me off.’

Looking over at both Gwen, then Andre, he snorted in amusement when he saw the feeling was mutual.

‘I could always…change the mode?’

Andre turned to look at him, intrigued while Gwen’s head snapped up to him, her eyes wide. ‘Mode? What mode? That thing has modes?’

Pete grinned and reached down to cup his girlfriend’s face and ran a hand through her damp bang. ‘Well, you’ve been a very good girl lately, so I haven’t had to demonstrate them.’

She bit her lip and smiled cutely, pressing her face against his hand like a luxuriating sex kitten. When her eyes fluttered open again, her cheeks tinged pink, she whispered, ‘What modes?’

Instead of answering, Pete closed his eyes and accessed the chair remotely with his nanites. Currently, it was set to, for lack of a better term, fucking. Max pleasure, steadily ramping intensity based off of the user’s vitals and brainwaves.

With a mental flick of a switch, he set it to tease. The intensity would not only drop way down, it would use the same methods of reading the user’s vitals to make sure she not only wouldn’t orgasm, but it would bring her right to the edge before cruelly snatching away that euphoric prize.

The existence of the mode was questionable, but give him a break. He loved edging Gwen, but it could be so energy intensive to do so sometimes. So he made a machine that could do it for him, sue him!

It was immediately apparent to MJ that something was wrong when the tendrils not only slowed in their fucking, but they pulled out of her gaping holes entirely, their mushroom like tips instead gently prodding and circling her hyper-sensitive nethers tentatively.

‘W-what’s wrong?’ she asked in confusion, looking over at him with a puzzled frown. ‘Did your toy run out of batteries?’

With an impish grin, Pete shrugged and flicked his head towards Gwen and Andre. ‘No, these two just got annoyed with your smug grins, so they had me change the mode from pleasure to teasing.’

MJ’s emerald eyes widened, her huge, natural tits jiggling and flopping all over her chest as she tried to pull free. ‘No, I’m sorry, please! Put it back!’

Gwen’s grin turned positively evil. Hopping up off the couch, she strolled towards her bound friend like a sexy, evil supervillain. Pete tried to pay attention to what filthy things she was saying to her supposed friend, but his eyes were invariably drawn to her nethers. Thick cum oozed out of her raw pussy and ass, running down her thigh like a river of magma.

Without even realising he’d done so, Pete had crawled after his girlfriend, earning a surprised squeal when he cupped her ass, spread her cheeks and buried his face in the juncture between her legs. She was a complete mess - aside from all the cum oozing out of her, the creampies had left a frothy discharge all over her thighs that he dutifully cleaned.

When Gwen spun around at the waist with wide eyes to stare down at his kneeling form, he shrugged, his cheeks pink.

‘You were making a mess,’ he defended, embarrassed at his own display as he dove back in to clean her pussy.

He’d done this so often when it was just the two of them, cleaning her after another man poured his seed into her, that he hadn’t even hesitated to do so again in front of others. 

She’d trained him a little too well.

‘Oh my fuck,’ Gwen gasped, her hand threading itself into his hair as she sighed and moaned in bliss. ‘You’re so fucking sexy, Stud.’

Move bitch! I wanna see!’ MJ whined as a grinning Gwen shielded his kneeling form with her body. ‘Is he eating the cum out of your pussy?!’

Pete’s cheeks flushed deeper, but he didn’t stop. Gwen’s hand massaged his scalp as if in reward as she answered, her tone smug as she told a bold-faced lie. ‘No, he’s just giving me a massage.’

‘Bullshut! Let me see!’

Gwen didn’t, in fact, let her see, and when Pete was done and his girl no longer felt gross, he rose back to his feet and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s belly, his chin on her neck. MJ was writhing, her face slick and shining with sweat, but this time, instead of looking euphoric, she looked distressed.

‘Pete! Tiger! Switch it back, please! I’m sorry!’

She barely got the words out before the tendrils stopped teasing her and MJ’s entire body seized, her body locking up as a current of electricity just past what the redhead would consider comfortable zapped her, killing her impending orgasm dead in its tracks.

‘Nooooo! Andre, Daddy, please!

MJ’s boyfriend joined them, pulling up beside Gwen to run his hand tenderly over MJ’s cheek. She pressed against it, eager for his touch and hoping he’d go easy on her.

He did not.

‘You’ve been a naughty little slut,’ he pronounced, his verdict and tone unforgiving. ‘It’s about time you’ve had an attitude adjustment.’


Pete didn’t flinch. He didn’t doubt the two had a safe-word, one MJ could use if she was really desperate. The fact that she didn’t use one let him know that Andre knew his girl’s limits and how far he could push her.

Turning in his grasp, Gwen bit her lip and hummed in approval when she saw Andre’s trunk-like cock hard and hanging almost down to his knee. ‘Good,’ she purred, eyeing them both with a hungry smirk before dropping to her knees. She took Andre’s cock in one hand and his own in the other and, while he was certain she didn’t intend to compare them, it was hard not to when she held them so close together. Andre’s cock was thicker than his and almost double in length, it dwarfed him and the watching Gwen kiss the angry, purple head before turning to kiss his own had him throbbing with a perverse desire. 

‘I hope you two are fully recovered… mama’s horny.’ Biting her lip, she bent down and placed a tender kiss on the heads of both of their cocks before looking up at them with an impish, sexy smile. ‘And mama needs her boys to take good care of her.’

Pete felt both love and desire swelling in his chest as he watched his girl servicing him and his friend eagerly, rubbing their hard cocks all over her face as she bathed them with her eager, elongated tongue.

As was usual after the girls’ recording sessions… it would be another long night.


Gwen grinned conspiratorially as she and May huddled by the huge, windowed wall and had their whispered conversation. The woman looked ready to pop, her pregnant belly distending the woolly material of her comfy cardigan.

‘So…how did it feel?’ May asked with an impish grin as the two women huddled closer, their men relaxing by one of the fireplaces and arguing about football. ‘I know you tried to explain it live but… you were a little distracted.’

Grinning wide, Gwen leaned in even closer and cupped May’s soft behind out of the boys’ line of sight. ‘Were you watching the stream you naughty girl?’

May flushed adorably and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Despite having just turned fifty, Pete’s aunt was undeniably gorgeous, even to this day. She reminded Gwen of an ageing-gracefully movie star, a total knockout in her day, and only adding on a few wrinkles as she grew older.

I wonder if the nanites have anything to do with that? Pete did say something about them reversing or halting ageing, but I thought he hadn’t patched that in yet…

‘It’s…hard to describe,’ she began with a saucy grin. ‘Weird, for sure, like being fucked by thousands of phantom cocks at the same time, in the same hole…but the sensations were real. It was…intense.’

May whined and bit her lip sexily, her eyes showing her desperation and need. ‘God that sounds… wow.’

Gwen chuckled quietly. ‘Damn May, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this horny… even when you and Ben play.’

May’s flush darkened and she shot the younger woman a conspiratorial smile as she recalled her cuckolding adventures with her husband. ‘Honey, it’s the pregnancy, my hormones are all over the place. Poor Ben’s jaw has been getting a real workout lately…’

They both collapsed against each other in a fit of giggles, earning two bemused stares from their other halves.

‘When was the last time you had sex?’

May sighed with a forlorn and thoughtful expression on her beautiful features. ‘Twenty weeks, I think?’

Gwen’s grin was wicked. ‘I mean real sex you naughty slut.’

May flushed again before matching Gwen’s smile. ‘Not since we found out I could get pregnant…’

‘Ooft,’ Gwen said, making a sympathetic noise. ‘You must be so horny.’

May fixed her with a deadpan stare. ‘Honey, after I’ve recovered from the pregnancy, I’m gonna go on a rampage like you wouldn’t believe…’

They giggled again but forcefully stopped themselves as Pete approached with a telescope mounted on a tripod. Gwen eyed it with raised eyebrows, the device far more advanced than any she’d seen before.

‘Do I even want to know?’ he asked dryly, and both she and May shot Pete indulgent, innocent smiles. He snorted and rolled his eyes before setting up the telescope by the window and pointing it up at the moon. It was incredibly large in the clear sky that night, shining brightly and reflecting in the Hudson.

‘I thought we needed to be outside to use one of those,’ Gwen remarked as she watched him tap at the telescope’s LED screen. Ben joined them, watching Pete work with the device over his shoulder.

‘This isn’t a normal telescope,’ Pete answered, distracted and mumbling under his breath as he fiddled with the controls. If Gwen didn’t know any better, she’d think something was bothering him. ‘AI and nanite-glass lenses work together to create a perfect image despite less than ideal conditions -’

‘Like pointing it through a thick, glass window?’

Pete looked up at her and grinned cheekily, the expression a little strained. ‘Bingo.’

‘What’s this for then?’

Pete motioned up at the Moon and smiled. ‘SI started working on the Moon Base today, I figured we could have a peek at what’s going on.’

Gwen instantly forgot about Pete’s weirdness, her eyes lighting up in delight. ‘That’s so cool!’

Pete went first, gazing through the telescope and fiddling with the controls a bit more. Satisfied, he motioned towards his uncle to have a look. The handsome, older man whistled appreciatively, his eyes glued to the lens as he gazed for a solid minute.

‘Wow… I can read the names on their suits. What are they doing?’

‘Just some quick electrical work,’ Pete answered but Gwen paid him no mind, bouncing on the balls of her feet and eager to have a turn. Unfortunately, May went ahead of her and Gwen did her best not to whine like a spoiled child, the pregnant woman oohing and aahing as she also gazed at the magnified image. When she pulled away and allowed Gwen to have a look, she had a strange, wide smile on her beautiful features.

Is it really that impressive…?

She’d seen the Moon in photos plenty of times before. She reasoned it might be different when she saw it in real time though.

When Gwen looked through the lens, she couldn’t help but gasp. She could see the surface of the Moon with such clarity that she could make out individual dust particles on the drones that were flying around, she could even make out individual strands on the sleek space suits the astronauts wore.

Much more flattering than the old, bulky ones, that’s for sure…

Gwen was distracted when a bright light was switched on, illuminating the image and bathing the surroundings in its luminescence. She had just blinked the stars out of her eyes when another was switched on, then another, and another. Looking closer, the lights were arranged in some kind of pattern, one that she couldn’t immediately make out. Each one couldn’t have been larger than a basketball.

‘Something weird’s happening,’ she murmured,’ her eyes glued to the lens. ‘It looks like random lights are being switched on. Landing lights, maybe? They’re…really bright.’

‘You’re not wrong,’ Ben observed thoughtfully from somewhere behind her. ‘We can kinda see it from here.’

‘Try zooming out a little,’ Pete instructed in a tense, soft voice. Swipe gently down on the screen by the lens, that should do it.

Doing as he asked, Gwen’s eyes widened. She laughed when she realised what was happening - the lights weren’t random, they were letters, spelling out a word. 

No, two words…

Gwen ignored May’s shocked gasp and focused on the letters before barking out a laugh when she realised what they spelt. ‘Hah! The lights are spelling out words, it says Marry Me. Someone at SI is actually using the Moon Base to propose! That’s so corny!

‘I dunno,’ she heard Pete’s amused, shaky voice from behind and below her. ‘I think it’s a pretty cool idea, definitely never been done before, that’s for sure.’

Gwen froze at the odd tone in his voice and slowly turned, all thoughts of the Moon and what she’d just seen and said instantly fleeing from her mind when she saw Pete down on one knee, a beaming Ben and a crying May hugging behind him. 

Pete sucked in a shaky, lungful of air but he didn’t even get a word out before she screeched like a banshee and tackled him to the ground, her arms and legs wrapped around him like a vice as tears and joyful sobs came unbidden.

‘Woman!’ Pete yelped, his own voice filled with humour and thick with emotion. ‘You didn’t even let me give you the ring!’

‘I don’t care!’ she wailed. ‘Yes, yes, YES!

He was trying to break free. How adorable. Gwen just squeezed him tighter, peppering his face with kisses, her smudged mascara dirtying his face as they rolled around on the floor, laughing like hysterical idiots.

When she finally returned to her senses, Gwen stood, her hands covering her mouth as tears ran free down her cheeks. Pete went back to one knee, giving her a playful glare as he fought to regain his breath.

‘Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy, will you marry me?’

The tears were flowing so strong that Gwen could barely see the beautiful ring Pete revealed as he opened the box. Wiping her eyes when she heard May and Ben gasp, she cleared her blurry vision and joined them in their wonder.

As was usual with Peter Parker, he’d gone a bit… over the top. Unlike normal rings, the band in the box was made entirely out of finely faceted diamond, but instead of it being crystal clear, it was a beautiful, vibrant, impossible turquoise.

‘That’s…’ Gwen began, at a loss for words. ‘How?’

Pete grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. ‘I…kinda made it? You have no idea how much energy you need to make a solid piece of diamond that -’

She cut off his boastful, nervous rambling by bending down and giving him a deep, passionate kiss, the taste of salt on her lips as tears flowed freely out of both of their eyes.

When she pulled away, she wiped at his eyes and nodded silently, earning a sobbing cry from May and a cheer from Ben. Pete let out a sigh of relief, his forehead pressed against hers and his smile shining brighter than the lights he’d proposed with on the moon.

‘Man…I’m so over calling you my girlfriend, I can’t wait to call you my wife…’

Her vision blurred again, her laughter sounding wet in her ears as she slapped his chest playfully. ‘Shut up, idiot, you’re making me cry.’

Pete mirrored her laugh, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist and his face buried in her neck. ‘How is it my fault you’re a little baby?’

Their tender moment was interrupted when they heard a shocked gasp from May, followed by the sound of fluids splashing onto the hard floor. Gwen wiped at her eyes, concerned that something had caused May to drop her drink, but then her mind caught up with her eyes, realising May hadn’t been drinking. May couldn’t drink, because she was pregnant.

When both she and Pete looked over at May, her hand was on her belly and her eyes were wide, they leapt to their feet in a heartbeat.

Ben wrapped his arms around his wife while May’s look went from pained and surprised to sheepish. ‘I’m…really sorry for spoiling the moment, but I think my water just broke -’

Gwen lost it.


Pete, his chest ready to burst with joy and happiness watched, amused, as Gwen started squealing and hopping up and down around a laughing May like an excitable chihuahua. Without even thinking to pause to ask Ben for permission, she picked his aunt up in a bridal carry and rushed towards the elevator - her destination no doubt the Loop Station beneath their building, and then Helen Stacy Memorial.

Soon, we won’t even need hospitals for births…

Pete, his cheeks hurting he was smiling so wide turned to an equally ebullient Ben with a chuckle. His uncle sighed, flicking his head towards the elevator.

‘A part of me wants to be annoyed, but…’

Pete chuckled and shook his head. ‘She’ll get there way quicker than us.’

The wide smile on his uncle’s face looked weird. While never unkind or lacking in warmth, his uncle had always generally been a stern but fair, ex-Army man. You wouldn’t know that now judging by the look on his handsome features though.

Smiling proudly, Ben put a large hand on his shoulder and pulled him in for a one-armed hug. ‘Good job kiddo, your old man would be so proud, and your mom would have been crying more than May and Gwen combined… even with that corny ass proposal. I mean, seriously, who uses the Moon?!’

Pete barked out a watery laugh. ‘I had to beat Tony in a street race to win the rights to do it first. Do you have any idea how much that big baby cheats?!’

Ben’s face scrunched up in confusion. ‘You street race? Against Tony Stark?’ Pete was concerned his uncle was about to reprimand him - he needn’t have worried. ‘In Manhattan? Where?!’

Chuckling, Pete shook his head and handed his uncle his jacket before donning his own. ‘Remind me to show you - after we go and greet little Hope into the world. Can you believe it? You’re gonna be a dad!’

Ben’s smile softened and he pulled Pete in for a one-armed hug against his chest. ‘I’m already a dad, kid. Have been for years.’

Pete thought he had been all cried out at that point, but, ridiculously, his uncle’s words had his eyes starting to sting. Giving his uncle a light punch in the ribs as the older man refused to let go of his headlock, he laughed.

‘And you have the nerve to call me corny?’

Both men laughed as the elevator returned to take them down to the Loop Station.

They were about to greet a new Parker into the world.


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