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Chapter 19: How a Cheater Saved the Galaxy

Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels

Tags: Cheating, break-up, taunting

Note: Aged up characters. Ezra 22, Sabine 24.

That morning, Ezra Bridger awoke with a skull splitting headache. Not wanting to wake his still peacefully sleeping girlfriend, especially since it was still pitch black outside on the outskirts of Lothal’s Capital City, Ezra silently slipped out of their bunk before turning to pull the covers more snugly over the adorably snoring Sabine.

His gentle smile faltered as his mind was assaulted with feelings of lust and sexual satisfaction, further causing his headache to spike.

Is she having a sex dream…?

Taking it upon himself to be the Ghost’s pseudo intelligence officer, Ezra had been focusing his Jedi training on the mental side of the force specifically. While advancing his ability with mental manipulation, he'd discovered a latent ability to tame beasts through the use of the force. 

He'd thought his breakthroughs on that front to be over, but just the other day, when delving deeper into the mind of someone he expected to be an Imperial spy, he'd almost been paralyzed as his mind was assaulted with a deluge of foreign emotions. 

This new empathic ability was apparently common amongst Jedi, but when he made discreet enquiries as to its use and power in the guise of where he should take his training next, Kanan had waved it off. 

Too much work for too little benefit, he'd said. 

This…wasn't Ezra's experience at all. His newly found empathic talent was powerful, maybe too powerful.

Ever since activating his new ability, he was constantly beset upon by the emotions of those surrounding him. He couldn't yet control it, couldn't turn it off, all he could do was bear with the pain and learn to master it. 

Hopefully, if he succeeded, the splitting, crushing headaches would lessen too.

He had an intelligence gathering mission later that day, but before he subjected himself to that level of torture, he sat atop the Ghost and silently mediated.

Not only could he sense the emotions of his crew mates - even his master, whose force sensitivity was supposed to make him somewhat immune to such mental abilities - but he could also sense the emotions of the fauna in the surrounding area. 

The emotions were like particularly pungent stenches, each one obnoxiously overpowering and distinct. He'd tried turning off his ability, but all that had achieved was making his headache even worse. Then he'd tried just ignoring the emotions, but he could no more easily do that than he could stop his heart from beating. 

Ever since his tutelage in the force had begun, Ezra had found himself grasping new techniques at a speed his master found startling. He had no one to compare himself against, and his impoverished, street-rat upbringing had him instinctively keeping his cards close to his chest but he often wondered if manipulating the mystical energy came as easily to everyone else.

Unfortunately, the Empire had made comparing himself to other Jedi rather difficult… 

With confidence born from months of successes in his force training, Ezra just winged it. Deep into his meditation, he regulated his breathing and calmed his mind before beginning to erect force barriers that would shield him from the worst of his new senses. 

At first, he envisioned particle shields that would block out all foreign emotions save for the ones he chose to let through. As the force acquiesced to his will, Ezra winced as the pain in his head spiked, the coppery taste of blood on his lips.

Okay, bad idea…

After the throbbing in his temple died down, he slipped deeper into his meditation, allowing the surrounding emotions to wash over him until the pain lessened..

Given every attempt to completely block out foreign emotions had resulted in failure, Ezra didn't envision his next mental barriers as solid. An image came unbidden to his mind, of the chain-linked fences he would scurry over as a kid when running away from stormtroopers.

The force easily bent to his will, and such a barrier around his mind was created. Naturally, given how porous a chain-linked fence was, it did little.

Alright Ezra, take it slow…

Forcibly calming down the excited beating of his heart, he slipped into a trance-like state. Kanan always said to let the force guide him, but Ezra, never a fan of surrendering to a higher power, chose to instead guide the force himself. With his features set into a determined frown, he envisioned the chain links on his mental fence half the size, and the force responded to his will like an eager puppy.

Just as it always did.

Still, there was no change in the inflow of foreign emotions, but the gaps were still relatively large.

Ezra spent the next hour progressively making the gaps in his mental chain-linked fence smaller and smaller. He didn’t notice a substantive change until the fence resembled a sieve; emotions still bled through, but they were muted, less overwhelming.

By the time he was finished, the throbbing in his temples that had been an ever present thorn in his side over the past few days finally abated. He could still sense the emotions around him, but they were muted, like background noise.

He even sensed one source of emotion coming his way, the ball of lust and sexual desire that could be no one but his girlfriend. Ezra frowned as he sensed her exit the ship, presumably looking for him.

If she’s so sexually charged, why’s she been so distant lately?

Even the previous night, she’d knocked back his advances and just pulled him into bed before passing out. His frown deepened as she exited the Ghost and drew closer.

With his new powers seemingly under control, he experimented. Ezra tugged at the stream of emotions coming from Sabine and it was as if the shields he’d spent hours erecting disappeared entirely.

No… It’s just Sabine’s emotions that are strong, everyone else’s are still muted. This works…

With his new empathic abilities working in overdrive, Sabine’s emotions crystallised in his mind. There was lust and desire, sure, but so too was there frustration and guilt along with a myriad other, less powerful emotions.

Ezra’s lips pressed into a thin line as he tried to decipher the meaning behind his girlfriend’s inner thoughts and emotions, with each and every possible answer his overworked mind provided proving less and less desirable.

‘What’re you doing up here?’ Sabine whispered as she crouched down on the roof of the Ghost beside him.

‘Meditating,’ he answered in as serene a voice as possible, not letting any of his inner turmoil shine through. ‘Training.’

A new emotion blossomed in Sabine. Concern, followed by compassion and guilt.

‘Does your head still hurt?’

‘It’s much better,’ he replied assuredly, his eyes still closed. As if to prove his point, he reached out with the force towards a nearby, curious loth-cat and found his ability to tame beasts much improved ever since his boost to his empathic abilities. He barely needed to exert any willpower before the creature loped towards them, scurried up the side of the Ghost and plopped itself down in his lap with a satisfied purr.

Sabine snorted in amusement and Ezra allowed his eyes to flutter open. In the time since he’d been meditating, the sun had risen over the horizon, bathing the rocky, grassy plains surrounding Capital City in its rejuvenating, dawn light. Turning, his eyebrows rose when he saw his girlfriend dressed for a mission.

As usual, she wore her dyed-purple hair in a stylish, asymmetric bob, her personalised beskar armour strategically covering her chest, shoulders, forearms and shins. With her helmet under her arm and her weapons on-hand, she looked ready for battle.

Ezra didn’t consider his girlfriend classically beautiful - she had almond-shaped hazel eyes that glinted with steely determination, a look that was further enhanced by her strong nose and jawline. While he obviously found Sabine attractive, Ezra had been romantically drawn to her because of her powerful, athletic body, her sense of humour, and her willingness to do whatever it took to protect her friends and loved ones.

And her ass. She has an incredible ass. Not to mention her tits, not that anyone would ever know with how tight she binds them…

At times, Ezra was incredibly grateful he was apparently the only one on the Ghost that could sense thoughts and emotions. It had been… a while since they’d been intimate.

‘Heading out?’ he asked, swivelling on the spot so he could properly face his girlfriend.

‘Mhmm,’ she replied, continuing to scratch the loth-cat under its wide jaw. ‘Found a hidden Mando bounty when scrolling through the bounty terminal. Gonna knock it out today.’

‘What do you mean hidden?’ Ezra wondered aloud with a tilt of his head. His long hair fell into his eyes and he sighed, brushing it away.

I should just buzz it all off.

Sabine’s eyes danced with mirth as she eyed him fussing with his hair and she shrugged. ‘When Mandalorians want a job done by other Mandalorians, they’ll hide the details in a typical job using codes we all know. It makes sure clan business stays within the clans.’

Ezra nodded in understanding and frowned. ‘You want help?’

She waved him off with an easy smile and Ezra had to do everything in his power to keep his face neutral and unperturbed. He felt a harsh spike of annoyance, panic and guilt coming from his girlfriend at his suggestion, a complete contrast to what she showed on her own features.

What’s she hiding?

He felt a knot grow in his stomach at the errant thought.

‘Nah, it’ll be a relatively simple one. It’s just we like to keep internal matters…internal.’

‘Right, if you’re sure.’

Her relief shone almost as brightly as her easy smile. ‘What’re your plans for the day? More training?’

Ezra shrugged, a childish part of him wanting to be as vague and evasive as Sabine had been. ‘Always.’

He felt her annoyance spike again and Ezra’s heart sank. He never knew she carried such animosity towards his training - was that why they’d grown distant recently?

Contradicting her emotions, Sabine lent down and planted a kiss on his head and started to back off. ‘Then I’ll leave you to it Ez - I’ll probably not be back until tomorrow, don’t wait up.’

With a nod, he watched her put her helmet on and backflip off the Ghost with a salute, landing softly after a brief burst of her jet-pack counteracted the effects of gravity.

He watched her disappear into the distance, the knot in his stomach growing more insistent.

Sabine’s dominant emotions when leaving hadn’t been resolve or determination like he’d expected, but relief, excitement and lust.


Despite his outward appearance, Ezra was completely calm as he ran through the streets and back alleys of Capital City later that evening.

He’d gone to meet with his contact within the local government and had instead found the woman beheaded and a Sith Assassin waiting in ambush.

He’d bolted before the murderer could attack, new plans and strategies forming in his devious mind as months of work had been undone with the swipe of a lightsaber. Knowing the streets like the back of his hand, Ezra barely had to concentrate as he wondered how his plans had been discovered.

I can think about that later, we’re here…

After his successes that morning, Ezra had pushed himself further by immersing himself in the crowds of Capital City, the immense waves of emotions crashing against his new, porous mental barriers and gently washing over him like particularly insistent background noise. He’d taken the time to experiment with his powers some more, and he was making use of that experience right now.

A part of him was surprised that the Sith didn’t even realise how enthralled he already was, an even bigger part of Ezra was baffled that anyone - especially his master - could overlook the value of empathic force powers.

It felt like cheating.

While Ezra ran, the Sith followed in his wake from the nearby rooftops, with Ezra manipulating both of their emotions, or rather, he manipulated his opponent’s while fabricating his own. In the assassin, he fanned the flames of self-confidence and pride while making sure he radiated such intense fear and terror, the Sith couldn’t help latching onto the false emotions like a starving rancor smelling a juicy, freshly slain bantha.

I have a kriffing Sith assassin chasing after me and I genuinely have to feign fear and terror… I’ve come a long way…

Seeing the fusion power plant up ahead, a tall, imposing structure that took up most of the block and cast everything around it in shadow, Ezra dashed into the deserted alleys behind. The plant was protected by a thick, twenty metre tall durasteel wall manned by stormtroopers that didn't even give him a second glance as they raced by. 

Rounding the wall along the back side of the plant, Ezra slowed when he saw the dozens of half-metre thick pipes emerging from the concrete wall and disappearing into the ground. He remembered as a kid what had happened when one of these pipes burst and intended to make use of it today. 

With a loud, despairing cry, Ezra stumbled and fell to the unforgiving ground, holding his ankle and rolling around in agony.

The Sith dropped to the ground upon seeing his prey fall, and though his body was covered in a flowing, black robe, his face shrouded in shadow, Ezra could sense the cruel amusement roiling off him in waves.

Ezra whimpered and crawled away, his hands held up defensively while using the force to artificially spike his fear and terror even higher. The Sith silently advanced on his prone position, the footfalls of his heavy boots echoing off the stone wall.

‘Please, don't hurt me!’ Ezra pleaded, making sure his voice sounded as pathetic as possible. ‘I don't know anything, please!’

Aside from the negligent stormtroopers, they were completely alone in this part of the city. Ezra was sure the Sith thought this was to his advantage. 

He would soon be proven wrong.

‘This hunt grows tedious,’ the Sith growled, his gravelly voice thick with hatred and malice. ‘If you try to flee again, I will cut off your legs. Now…where is Kanan Jarrus?’

Ezra wasn't the least bit surprised to hear his master's name. The crew of the Ghost had been getting a little too successful lately in their insurgency - it was only a matter of time until the Empire sent Sith assassins, especially when his master's presence became known.

Still, Ezra played his part. He trembled and he projected an intense wave of fear towards the murderer. This earned him a dark, hissing chuckle.

‘Your fear is…delicious,’ he purred sinisterly. ‘Your emotions are as easy to read as words on a datapad.’ He took one more purposeful step forward and Ezra whimpered, scurrying away further and drawing his target closer. ‘Tell me what I want to know and I will make your death swift and painless.’

A lie, he could tell, but it hardly mattered at this point. 

Ezra had one chance to end this quickly, otherwise the resulting fight would cause him all kinds of headaches - least of which the stormtroopers around the corner…. 

That’s the kind of collateral damage I can tolerate…

When Ezra trained with his force abilities, he was very much a proponent of jumping in the deep end. As soon as he had a workable method to stop his head from splitting open in pain, he’d thrown himself into the centre of Lothal’s Capital City. Not only did immersing himself amongst the masses help him better control his new abilities, it let him experiment.

Sensing the emotions of everyone around him, and singling them out, had become child’s play - a powerful new sense that let him see the world in ways he could only dream about before. From there, it was a relatively small step to manipulate said emotions. It proved remarkably similar to the Jedi mind trick that his master had taught him, only far easier and harder to detect.

Ezra had quickly realised that there was a step further he could take his new ability however. An incredibly powerful and dangerous step. He wasn’t sure it would work, especially against another force sensitive, but if his target’s guard was suitably lowered, he was willing to try.

Worst case, we fight.

Ezra immediately stopped shaking, his cowering performance coming to an end after serving its purpose. Looking up at the advancing Sith through his wild bangs, Ezra grinned.

This Sith thought himself a hunter.

Ezra would show him how terrifying an ambush predator could be.

‘Stupid and weak,’ Ezra goaded, his voice silky smooth and having lost all traces of the previous hysteria. ‘How…disappointing.’

The Sith reeled as if he’d been struck. Shock was his most prevalent emotion, quickly replaced by hatred, anger and rage. His senses were almost overwhelmed, it was as if he were staring into the sun.

Though powerful, it was nothing compared to being surrounded by tens of thousands of people going about their everyday lives.

As the Sith reached for his lightsaber and ignited the orange blade, Ezra latched onto the blazing emotions, the source of all Sith’s power. He didn’t reach for his own weapon, he didn’t need to.

The force was his weapon.

Ezra focused intently, his incredible willpower focused on one simple, devastating task. He reached out to the Sith’s emotions, his anger, his hatred, his rage…and he severed the assassin’s connection to them completely.

His opponent instantly reeled as if he’d been punched in the throat, stumbling back and sucking in a startled breath.

Simultaneously, while depriving the Sith of the source of his power, Ezra also used the force to rupture the nearby, durasteel pipe. The nearby fusion reactor used water for cooling its components, water that quickly boiled over and was ferried away by these very pipes…

The assassin still had the presence of mind to sense the danger and he drunkenly swiped his lightsaber to his right in a wholly useless attempt to protect himself from the violent jet of scalding hot steam. Before the Sith’s shrill cries of pain as his skin melted could alert every stormtrooper in the city to their presence, Ezra ripped his lightsaber from his grasp and beheaded him in one smooth motion, silencing him forever.

‘Well,’ Ezra observed with a sigh of relief, the Sith’s screams still echoing off the stone walls, ‘that was anticlimactic…’

Patting down the assassin’s body, he was able to track down where he’d been staying based on what he found on his person. Finding his room above a nearby cantina, Ezra searched it and found not only a probe droid - that he promptly sliced then deactivated for Hera’s later perusal - but a data pad that held access codes to the assassin’s ship, as well as a Sith holocron.

I doubt the codes will be enough to steal the ship…

Finding a nearby bag, he stuffed the deactivated drone inside and exited the Sith’s room before freezing in his tracks, an incredibly familiar set of emotions tickling his senses.

Ezra didn’t just see emotions as colours or anything so banal. He could identify them, yes, but each emotion also had a unique signature that tied it to the person who was exhibiting them. Two people exhibiting strong feelings of anger would both register to his senses as anger, but different flavours.

Thankfully, Ezra didn’t have to actively think about this. It came to him instinctually.

Turning to their source, the bottom of his stomach fell out at what he saw. Sabine, his girlfriend. From his vantage point in the shadows on the second floor of the cantina, he spied her sucking the face off a rugged looking, handsome guy - a merc, if he had to guess. The familiar feelings he’d sensed that morning - her unique flavour of lust, excitement, arousal - were flowing off her in waves.

She’s…cheating on me?

He almost couldn’t believe it, not the Sabine he knew. Loyal, kind, would die for her friends and comrades. A part of him desperately hoped it was an imposter, a hallucination of some sort, but he knew deep down it wasn’t.

His senses didn’t lie.

Sticking to the shadows and with his guts churning with angst, he silently watched them, her laughter and smiles as she made out with the man like daggers to his heart.

When they finally got up to leave - arm-in-arm, of course - he followed them. He was like a shadow, expertly slinking from rooftop to rooftop just as he had his entire life. Not that it mattered, the two lovebirds weren’t even the slightest bit aware of their surroundings.

Naively, he actually wondered where they could be going before remembering what Sabine had told him earlier that morning..

‘I probably won’t be back until tomorrow, don’t wait up.’

Pausing, he took a deep, calming breath as rage threatened to overwhelm him. Steadying himself, he resumed his pursuit, following them until they disappeared into a hotel he knew well near the space port. He remembered stealing from an Imperial officer that was staying here when he was a kid - he’d scoped the place out for days before making his move. It had been…lucrative.

Ezra didn’t need to follow them inside, instead using his senses to track them through the walls. 

Scaling the walls when they finally stopped on one of the upper levels, Ezra silently landed on the balcony outside their room and watched with growing dread as the couple burst through the door, their lips pressed together in a storm of passion as they tore at each other’s clothes.

Sabine’s armour was nowhere in sight, nor were her weapons. He marvelled at this impossibility as he watched them, with Sabine tearing off the large man’s shirt before they disappeared into the bathroom.

Crouching low, Ezra made quick work of the lock on the balcony door and slipped inside. The room was both opulent and cosy, just as he remembered it, the space occupied by a large bed and a small living area with two, wide, load-bearing pillars somewhat bisecting the two spaces. The only thing that made it obvious the room was occupied - other than the discarded clothes now littering the floor - was the armour rack by the window holding a set of armour that looked remarkably similar to Sabine’s…if less artistic.

Another Mandalorian?

Ezra had just enough time to wonder what the hell he was even doing in there when the two, now-naked lovers stumbled back into the bedroom.

This somehow made the nightmare feel even more real.

Thankfully, they were too absorbed with each other to even notice him, and Ezra used the distraction to scale the pillar just as he’d done when he was a kid, slipping through a hidden maintenance hatch in the ceiling.

What the hell am I doing? Why didn’t I just confront her? Or leave?!

Now, unless he wanted to reveal himself, he was stuck here until they either left or fell asleep.

Looking at the dark, cramped, empty space ahead, he noted it was obviously much more cramped than he remembered. As the soft moans and groans of the lovers below rang in his ears, Ezra wasn’t even surprised to see a hidden camera pointed at the bed through the perforated ceiling panels above it. Given the amount of Imperial officials that likely stayed there when visiting, he doubted the hotel’s staff were responsible for the illicit surveillance.

This has Imperial Intelligence written all over it…

Shaking his head at the useless thoughts, he grimaced and looked down at the bed from above through the perforated ceiling panel. Both Sabine and her beau were on the bed and continuing their make-out session. His girlfriend was straddling the larger man, her hands pinning his arms above his head as she gyrated in his lap in a painfully familiar manner.

That didn’t last long however. With a growl, her lover flipped them over and he started attacking her neck with bites and nibbles as Sabine laughed and panted with need, her powerful legs wrapping around his narrow waist.

More painful than watching this with his eyes was experiencing it with his new senses. Sabine still radiated lust, excitement and arousal, but mixed with them was joy, relief, fulfilment

So we’re done… Sabine doesn’t want me anymore. Not like she apparently wants this guy.

He sighed and ruthlessly quashed the tears that threatened to spill. Anger felt simpler, more comforting… then he quashed those feelings too.

Guess that’s why the Jedi forbade romantic attachments… would have been a nightmare with a temple full of horny teenagers…

He watched them rolling around on the bed, their passion resembling a wrestling match more than lovemaking. They’d growl and grab at each other’s throats, restrain each other with grappling moves and smack each other around, all the while they kissed and licked every inch of each other’s bodies.

Is this some kind of violent, Mando mating ritual…? Sabine never even tried to do things like this with me…

Finally, Sabine seemed to win the war for dominance and she sat astride her beefy lover’s chest, her muscular ass in his face while she gazed in wonderment and awe at his jaw-dropping manhood. It was the first time Ezra had a clear view of the man’s package and it was, frankly, ridiculous. It towered up like a thick pillar from his groin, almost of a size with Sabine’s forearm. His girlfriend licked her lips as she beheld it with awe, her eager anticipation, excitement and lust rolling off her in waves.

When she took him into her mouth, her lips spread wide around his ridiculous girth, Ezra could only sigh with disappointment. He watched from his hidden vantage point as she stuffed as much of his prodigious member down her throat as she could manage, the parts she couldn't, she stroked with her rough hands. Her pleased moan as her lover also started to play with her womanhood was muffled, his hands gripping her ass so tightly he was leaving indents in her skin.

Sabine seemed to be enjoying the rough treatment.

Their battle didn’t end there, taking on a new form. From that position, the huge merc rolled off the bed with Sabine still clutched in his arms and stood. His girlfriend was suspended upside down, her lips still sealed around his cock, but her powerful legs either side of her lover’s head. He gripped her thighs, his long tongue lashing at her gushing womanhood while he thrust his hips, fucking Sabine’s mouth.

Sabine actually looked to be on the losing end here, she was struggling to keep up while being held in this precarious position, though her emotions and the sounds she was making didn’t indicate anything other than she was enjoying herself, even if she wasn’t content with the status quo.

Sabine only let this go on for a couple of minutes before she wrapped her legs tightly around her lover’s head like an anaconda and, in an impressive display of martial prowess that had her gorgeous, sweaty body flexing and straining with effort, she flipped her lover over and slammed him down on the bed with a pained grunt. The merc stared up at her in awe and Sabine roared in triumph, her hand wrapped around his throat.

‘You’re crazy,’ the merc struggled to gasp out with his restricted airways and Sabine grinned like a maniac. Despite his words, the man was as turned on as his girlfriend was.

‘Shut up,’ she hissed, rising up on her knees and reaching back to aim the man’s towering erection towards her gushing womanhood. ‘And fuck me - oooooooh!

She’d violently impaled herself on the monstrous member and Ezra winced in phantom pain. The man was freakishly large, and no matter how much of a badass his girlfriend was, getting your cervix smashed by such a huge cock had to hurt. It did, but Sabine somehow relished the pain, leaning back and supporting herself on his knees, she gyrated her hips and groaned like an animal in heat as she stared sightlessly at the ceiling.

Ezra had a front row seat, he watched the expressions flitter across her face. Gasps of pleasure, winces of pain, biting her lip to stifle the sounds she was making and moans of ecstacy. Her lover’s hands cupped her perky, flailing tits and brutally pinched and twisted her dark nipples, causing even more wild groans as Sabine increased the tempo of her fucking, her glorious, muscular body flexing and writhing in pleasure atop her lover.

‘Fuck,’ she gasped again, gritting her teeth in pain. ‘You’re so kriffing big - hnnng!

The merc couldn’t have looked more smug and pleased with himself if he’d tried. 

As was the theme with their mating ritual, Sabine’s lover didn’t lay contented in his position for long, launching himself up with a roar and flipping Sabine around so he could fuck her doggy style. He had one foot planted on the bed for leverage and sawed in and out of his partner’s abused hole. Ezra watched with fascination from his vantage point as the huge cock disappeared and reappeared in and out of Sabine’s pussy like some kind of freakish Krayt dragon, his girlfriend somehow able to take more of the large member inside her than Ezra thought possible. 

Each time the man bottomed out, angling his thrusts to get as much of himself inside as possible, his hips would crash against her powerful ass and cause it to ripple with the impacts, his large hand coming down and spanking one of Sabine’s best features to add to the pleasing display. He cursed in Mando and fucked her brutally in this way until Sabine swung a powerful leg around and clocked him on the side of the head, sending her lover reeling.

While he was dazed and laid out flat on his back, Sabine proved the man’s flexibility by grabbing his ankles and pushing his legs back until he was folded in half, his glistening, towering pillar of man-flesh still standing tall and strong. She mounted him, taking his huge cock once more inside her while holding him in this dominating position, flinging her head back and roaring in triumph.

At this point, both of their bodies glistened with sweat from their exertions, the action looking just as much like a spar as it did a casual fuck.

The mating ritual seemingly ended when the man gasped in despair and came inside his girlfriend, his body jerking and spasming in pleasure as he unleashed so much ejaculate, it started to squirt out from the tight seal Sabine’s lips had around his obscene girth.

Sabine’s grin was triumphant and she was exuding smug satisfaction and exultation in waves.

When the man’s ecstatic convulsions stopped, he stared up at Sabine in deference, his eyes wide and reverent. Sabine leaned down, clasping his square jaw with a tight grip.

‘I win,’ she gloated victoriously. ‘You’re mine tonight, bitch.’

With a groan, she stood and unsheathed herself, a torrent of cum oozing out of her abused pussy. She leapt off the bed, almost fumbling the landing due to her shaky legs, and strutted towards the bathroom. She paused at the door frame and turned to eye her hulking lover with an impish grin, his cum now trailing down her powerful thigh.

‘Your first job is to clean me, bitch.’

The large man looked ready to protest, but Sabine only raised a challenging eyebrow, he deflated and nodded, obediently getting off the bed and following his dominant lover into the bathroom. When Ezra heard the water running again, he took that opportunity to slip out and return to the Ghost with his bounty from the Sith Assassin still in hand.

He’d seen enough.

He ran across the rooftops of Capital City, his rage gnawing at his insides and his heart slowly dying.

Yeah, the Jedi were probably onto something with this one…


Sabine whistled an old, catchy marching tune as she strolled through the secret rebel base on the outskirts of Capital City, the Ghost coming into view as she entered the well-hidden hangar bay.

She was in an incredible mood, a vast improvement on how she'd been feeling over the past several months. 

Honestly, it was hard not to feel giddy after a night of raw, passionate, violent fucking.

With the completion of the Mando bounty, she'd also finally have enough creds to upgrade her jet pack’s energy supply, making her much more lethal in combat. 

With a grunt, she shouldered her way into the ship then stopped dead in her tracks, her merry tune dying on her lips at the sight that greeted her.

‘What's that?’ she asked with a deathly serious tone, a knot of worry forming in her gut. She knew exactly what the probe droid was, and Hera thankfully deduced the real meaning of her question, despite the oppressive atmosphere. 

‘A Sith assassin attacked Ezra last night -’

What?!’ she shrieked in outrage and fear, her mind immediately going to the worst possible place. 

‘Kid’s fine,’ Zeb’s booming voice snapped, before grinning proudly.

‘Yes,’ Hera confirmed with a cautious nod, eyeing Sabine and her luggage cautiously. ‘Ezra…killed the assassin, tracked him back to his room and raided it. He found this droid there…its information is troubling.’

Okay…that sounds like good news. No way some kriffing Sith would get Ezra, he's too powerful

Now that the panic had died down, she could think rationally and feel embarrassed by her outburst. 

‘Okay,’ she said with a calming breath. ‘Good, that's good. Why are you all acting like somebody died then?’

She didn't miss the look both Kanan and Hera shared, or the fact that Zeb decided to make himself scarce. Sabine's eyes narrowed and she turned to Hera, her face set in a steely frown. 

‘What is it?’

Hera and Kanaan shared another look before the Twi’lek sighed. 

‘Did something…happen between you and Ezra?’

Sabine’s blood turned to ice and the grip on her bag tightened but she didn't otherwise let her guilt and shame show. ‘No…I haven't even seen him since yesterday morning. Why?’

‘We don't know,’ Kanaan admitted, his head flicking towards the back of the ship. ‘Ezra hasn't said a word since coming back. He's been running maintenance on the engines since last night.’

Sabine’s face scrunched in confusion. ‘Didn't he do that last week?’

Both the Jedi and pilot shrugged helplessly and Sabine felt her gut clench in foreboding.

Turning on her heels, Sabine hurried into the engine bay to find Ezra sitting silently and cross-legged in front of an open access panel, the main engine of the Ghost being disassembled telekinetically in a jaw-dropping display of both force control and technical know-how.

Sabine had learned to stop being amazed by her boyfriend's ability with the force a long time ago. The speed with which he picked up new concepts and grew his abilities was faster than any force sensitive she'd ever known or heard of, and Kanaan had confirmed as much also. 

Hoisting her heavy bag higher on her shoulder, she approached Ezra and greeted him with a kiss on the top of his head and a comforting squeeze of his shoulder. Sabine frowned and her gut clenches with worry when he not only didn't reciprocate, but he didn't even acknowledge her presence.

Does he know…?

‘Yes, he does.’

Sabine quavered and felt the bottom of her stomach fall out, but before she could spiral, she took a deep, calming breath to both quell her fear and her guilt, then frowned.

‘You know I hate it when you do that.’

She felt her irritation spike when he replied to her like he always did lately, like a kriffing droid.

‘What you hate or don’t isn’t really my concern anymore.’

Sabine shuddered at the coldness of the response - a trip to Krownest in the winter would have been less frigid. Again, she felt her anger and frustration spike. ‘You’re not even going to ask why?!’

‘Doing that would necessitate that I care about the answer.’

That hurt, and Sabine despised herself when she felt frustrated tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. Yes, she’d been a selfish bitch, a lying whore, but she still cared for Ezra - loved him. The last thing she wanted was for her callousness to ruin their relationship.

What made everything so much worse was, despite how much Sabine was angsting, Ezra didn’t even seem the least bit bothered, he hadn’t even paused his ridiculously complicated work on their engines. Sabine grit her teeth and growled.

That’s the kriffing problem!

Sabine dropped her heavy bag on the ground with a loud crash and kicked it over in a fit of rage, sending its contents skidding across the floor in front of a motionless, still-meditating Ezra. When the familiar helmet came to a stop right in front of him, Sabine grit her teeth and spoke in as measured a tone as she could manage.

That was my job, I basically took it off his corpse.’

No reply.

‘He was responsible for the death of countless innocents.’

Sabine’s nostrils flared when Ezra kept at his patient and intricate work, not showing that he’d even heard her in the slightest.

‘I could say it was part of the mission,’ she began, letting out a long, calming breath. She needed to be honest, Ezra would be able to tell if she wasn’t anyway. ‘That I only slept with him to get close, and to get him to lower his guard, but we both know that’d be a lie. I did it because I was horny and he was stupidly hot.’

Again, no reply.

‘Our time together has honestly been the longest I’ve ever been exclusive with anyone. Truth is, until we got together, I was never really the monogamous type. Sex was just something I did to scratch an itch, to take the edge off. I was horny, he was convenient.’

‘If you’re ever in another relationship,’ Ezra began, showing no emotion at all as the incredibly intricate and delicate parts of their engine floated before him with the aid of the force. ‘I suggest opening with that. It would save a lot of time.’

Sabine resisted the urge to scream. That right there, that was the issue. When she and Ezra first met in Capital City, a cocky street rat that ran circles around stormtroopers with an ever present smug-grin on his handsome features, it was hard not to fall in love with him. He’d been charismatic, charming and always reliable for a good laugh. He’d been an invaluable ally, an ever-present drinking buddy and even a shoulder she could cry on.

Now? Ever since he’d begun his Jedi training, all that was left was…this. A droid that wore an Ezra Bridger skin suit.

Anger and rage boiled in her at the injustice of it all but she controlled it, deciding to change tack. Her current plan wasn’t working so she decided to try saying what she’d been dreaming to for months now - what she’d held herself back from saying at the behest of Kanan. Her face flush with anger, she turned and watched his amazing work with the engine with fury.

She’d heard of Jedi assembling and disassembling their lightsabers as a form of practice and meditation, she’d never heard of them taking apart a kriffing starship engine so casually before. Kanan could only dream of replicating such a feat.

‘You’re the most talented force user I’ve ever met or even heard of. From everything I’ve been able to learn, what you’re able to do shouldn’t be possible.’

Predictably, no reply. She went in for the kill.

‘And yet, what do you do with those gifts? Kanan has you playing with animals, reading people’s minds and, what? Maintenance?’ she scoffed, her lips curled in a genuine sneer. ‘All the while the Empire runs around unchecked, destroying innocent people’s lives. Destroying our galaxy.’

Ezra’s brow twitched and Sabine felt a surge of triumph at the miniscule victory, so she pressed her advantage.

‘You could be doing so much more, but you’re shackled like an animal. Chained. Weak.

‘So I should become an assassin like you, then?’

If he thought that was supposed to hurt her feelings, Ezra didn’t know her as well as he thought he did. Sabine would happily butcher every murderer in the Empire’s employ and sleep like a baby right after, not an ounce of guilt or shame in her heart.

Instead of answering, Sabine grabbed the helmet that had spilled out onto the floor and set it directly in front of Ezra before crouching down behind him and wrapping her arms around his chest. He flinched at her touch and, while that hurt, she didn’t back down.

I hurt him much more…

With her lips pressed against his ear, she continued with a fervour that only months of bitten off words and repressed feelings finally being released could conjure. ‘He may have been pure osik, but he had a huge cock and knew how to use it.’ She felt Ezra stiffen and Sabine grinned. ‘You know, don’t you? You watched us.’

For the first time ever since she’d met Ezra, a pang of fear shot through her when the engineering bay around them started to tremble, no doubt as a result of his fury. It was brief, and Ezra quickly reigned in his emotions, but Sabine felt a spike of adrenaline shoot through her.

This is exactly what you wanted! Don’t bitch out now!

‘Did you watch us fuck? Did you see how I moaned when that huge cock split me open?’

The entire ship started to tremble again and Sabine gulped. Was this perhaps a bad idea when Ezra was currently working on their incredibly delicate engines? Probably, but she trusted in him, trusted in his ability with the force.

‘Did you wonder why I never moaned that way with you? Did it eat at you? Wondering how I could so easily enjoy this stranger’s touch while we’ve barely touched in weeks?’

She steeled her nerve as the trembling once more grew more intense, a bead of sweat breaking out on her boyfriend’s forehead and his face set in a pained scowl.

‘Were you comparing yourself to him?’ Steeling her resolve, she continued, not really meaning the words she was about to say but recognising their necessity regardless. ‘Not a fair comparison, to be honest. He was a proper warrior. Huge, muscles on top of his muscles, powerful, dominant and with a weapon that was worthy of me. Not like yours.’

Sabine almost lost her footing as the trembling grew more violent, the pressure almost suffocating. It felt as if they were experiencing an earthquake and the gravity had increased tenfold all at once and Sabine found it hard to breathe, let alone continue speaking. Less vital instruments surrounding them started to break under the pressure, bursting in small explosions of sparks and electricity.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she forced his eyes open to stare at the armour arrayed in front of him.

‘Ezra, the Jedi eschewed anger and emotion, look where that led them. Don’t be like them. Anger doesn’t have to be your enemy. It can make you stronger. Use it, like you would any other tool, but don’t let it use you.’

Impossibly, the pressure around Ezra increased and it felt like the mountain the Rebel base was hidden under would collapse atop them, but she didn’t stop. Though this was more important than their relationship, she missed the man she fell in love with, and she’d do anything to get him back.

I should have done this sooner, not scurried into someone else’s arms like a kriffing coward.

Use it,’ she urged, unable to hide the excitement in her tone as the set of armour before them started to levitate and discolour. She heard shouting coming from the others behind her, but she ignored them, her entire focus on her boyfriend’s trembling form. ‘Don’t let it use you! Master it! Control it!

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she hugged him with all her might, her mouth dropping open in shock as the armour started to glow.

That’s…that’s not possible!

Sabine watched in disbelief as the armour got redder and redder until it finally started to deform. Ezra didn’t stop until he’d forcibly pressed it all together until it more resembled an amorphous blob of writhing magma.

Quicker than her eyes could track, the Ghost’s engine reassembled itself and the access panel shut with a loud bang.

‘We’re done,’ he harshly whispered, his voice thick with barely controlled rage.

Standing abruptly, Ezra shrugged Sabine off and stormed out of the engine bay past a gobsmacked and pale Hera, Kanan and Zeb.

Sabine watched him go, a pain in her heart she’d never experienced before. Feeling an impact against her boot, Sabine glanced down to see the rapidly cooled chunk of metal that had once been her lover’s prized armour, now little more than a perfectly round sphere. She bent down to pick it up, grunting in surprise by how dense and heavy it was.

Zeb chased after Ezra while Kanan hurried over to her, his eyes wide with panic, Hera trailing close behind.

‘What have you done?’

Sabine had been staring at the chunk of metal in her hands with awe, but upon hearing Kanan’s accusatory question, something in Sabine snapped. She glared up at her friends, her jaw clenched in fury.

‘Don’t take that tone with me,’ she hissed furiously. ‘I stood by and did nothing while your osik Jedi teachings turned my boyfriend into a kriffing droid.’ Sabine angrily shoved the sphere of metal into Kanan’s hands and his eyes widened in shock at its surprising heft. ‘What did I do? What the Jedi should have done years ago.’

She shoulder-barged past the stunned Kanan and Hera, but before leaving the hanger, she turned, glaring at the Jedi. ‘That’s beskar, by the way. You’re welcome, for saving the kriffing galaxy.’

She needed to be alone. Ezra’s heartbroken expression would haunt her dreams for a long, long time.

I need a kriffing drink…

Only after leaving the hanger and slipping into one of the secret tunnels that would lead her back to the city did Sabine let the tears fall.

I’m such a selfish bitch…

Note: Ezra applying so much pressure to the beskar armour with the force to melt it is obviously even beyond Starkiller levels of OP. This is smut, don’t overthink it, lol.


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