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Chapter 29

Pete was scrolling through his work emails when the girls found him in the gaming room. The IRI work in Africa was progressing nicely, though his guys were having some issues with local militia and gangs trying to destroy what they’d built.

The guys he hired to build all the infrastructure weren’t really equipped to handle defence. They had their own security, obviously, but if Pete didn’t want all his hard work to get trashed the second they pulled out, he’d need a more permanent solution.

I’ll have to visit soon.

He had just sent his email off to Ororo when the girls walked in.


Apparently they were going to a more upscale club than the girls usually frequented, necessitating nicer clothes - though to call what Gwen was wearing clothes was a bit of a stretch.

After a moment of silent, wide-eyed staring - something all three of them seemed incredibly pleased with - he shook his head and cleared his throat. ‘Wow…you all look beautiful.’

They shared cheeky grins as both Gloria and Felicia looped their arms through Gwen’s. ‘This woman is a national treasure…to be able to create such works of art out of nothing… magnifique.

So Gwen made the dresses out of nanites? Cool…

For Gloria, she’d made a simple, sleeveless bodycon minidress, its white fabric contrasting nicely with her darker skin, her tattoos proudly on display. The straps crossed over in the front before looping over her shoulders, creating an appealing window of cleavage that showed off her epic chest, while the hem was short and ruched at the hem, pinching in the middle of the front and back and not only creating a ripple effect that added some spice to the otherwise plain, white dress, but also contoured to her hips and ass deliciously like a pair of yoga pants. She’d also done her hair again, the mess of blonde up top styled and sweeping down over one eye.

She looked insanely gorgeous, but so did Felicia. Also in a bodycon dress of black leather that perfectly accentuated her voluptuous frame, its most stunning feature - aside from how it looked painted on - was how the dress was completely split up one entire side, showing off an eight inch strip of pale, naked flesh, the string holding the dress together digging beautifully into her soft skin, providing some delightful skindentation. The split was so wide that a healthy amount of her heavy tit was exposed, the side cleavage incredibly distracting.

Her voluminous white hair was done up in an elegant French braid that kept it out of her face and off her pale neck, somehow enhancing her beautiful features and jawline by not obscuring them at all.

Gwen was…well, very Gwen. Her dress was, like the others, a bodycon mini and plastered to her athletic frame. What made it stand out though was it was made of incredibly fine mesh decorated with artfully placed spider and web motifs.

He said artfully placed, but while the designs shielded her womanhood from view, they did nothing to hide her erect nipples and, in the light of the room, her small, pierced buds were completely visible - as well as her belly button and delicious abs. Her asymmetric bang was styled wavy and fell down the side of her face, and she’d gone heavy on the dark eyeshadow, making her crystal blue eyes pop.

She was also smirking at him as his eyes zeroed in on her pert breasts, her lips curled sinfully as she revelled in the fact she’d rendered him speechless.

Clearing his throat, Pete stood and adjusted himself to make his steadily growing erection less obvious. ‘Will they, uh, even let you in wearing that?’

Gwen barked out a delighted laugh before disengaging from the girls and gliding over to him, her hands on his broad chest. ‘We’ll be fine, trust me.’

‘Not if you can’t even make it to the front door because you’re rubbing one out every five seconds from people staring at your tits.’

Gwen bit her lip to suppress her smirk. ‘Fair.’ She looped her arm in his and kissed his Adam's apple, her strappy heels making them much closer in height. ‘I think I’m gonna struggle making it to the elevator to be honest, especially if you keep looking at us like that.’

He wasn’t sure exactly what she was referring to, but he knew one thing, he’d be the envy of every man at the club if he turned up with these three beauties on his arms.

It was especially adorable how Gloria acted like she wasn't thrilled by his admiration.

Such a tsundere…well, she knows my terms…

‘Which club, by the way?’ Felicia asked with a tilt of her head. ‘You never said.’

‘Myst,’ Gwen answered as they started to head to the elevator.

‘Oh, I've been there,’ she noted, her eyebrows raised. ‘Very fancy, I didn't think that was your girls’ scene.’

‘It's not,’ Pete answered before either Gwen or Gloria could, turning to Felicia to hide his cheeky grin from the others. ‘They've always preferred dingy hip-hop clubs, they much prefer the scenery.’

‘Oh?’ Felicia cooed as Gloria rolled her eyes and Gwen sidled up to his side and nibbled on his earlobe.

‘Such a naughty boy,’ she whispered, earning a yelp as she spanked his ass, the thin, tight slacks offering zero protection. ‘How dare you tease your beautiful girlfriend…after she put so much effort into looking her best for you.’

Me and everyone else.

He kept that to himself though and they all took the elevator down to the Loop Station.

Luckily, there was a corresponding station very near the club, and when they rounded the corner, Pete gaped at the line that wrapped around the block.

‘Holy shit, we're never getting in.’

Much to his confusion, this earned him laughter from all three girls.

‘Oh my sweet, summer child…’

Before he could respond in confusion, Felicia grabbed his other arm and their little group crossed the street and approached the roped off entrance, two massive, serious looking bouncers manning the doors and keeping back the tide of humanity. They were dressed in black tuxedos, were built like Kingpin and had earpieces plugged into their ears.

When their eyes scanned in his direction - no doubt attracted, at first, by the gorgeous women on his arms - they widened behind their sunglasses, their demeanors instantly changing.

Surely not…

‘Doctor Parker!’ one of them squealed like a fan girl at the sight of him, his stony, serious and intimidating countenance vanishing in a puff of smoke - the situation was made all the funnier by the fact that the man had a voice like a trombone.

Naturally, the bouncer’s excited, booming voice caught everyone else’s attention, his partner and everyone else waiting in line. People immediately stopped playing with their phones and pointed them at him, excited chatter bubbling up as the crowd treated him like a celebrity.

I mean, I guess I am one huh…?

When he just stood there for a few seconds like an idiot, Gwen took it upon herself to elbow him in the side, motioning to the nice, huge man smiling at them like a doofus with a meaningful look. It took him a second to catch her meaning, the flashing lights making the sheer material seem even more sheer, her nipples clearly visible to everyone snapping photos of him - Gwen made sure they had a good angle, of course.

Before she could elbow him again, he finally caught on.

Oh, right…

‘Um…hi,’ he greeted lamely. He’d have scratched the back of his head like a good and proper anime protagonist had Gwen and Felicia not held his arms hostage. ‘So, uh, it’s my friend’s birthday, she’s inside, do you mind if we, uh…?’

The bouncers stared at him in confusion for several seconds before the one that hadn’t spoken shook his head and immediately unhooked the rope. He looked stunned to even be asked.

‘Dude, even if boss-lady wouldn’t kill us for not letting you in immediately, do you really think we’d make you wait in line?’


Pete narrowed his eyes, his hackles raised. He turned the stare onto Gwen, who did her best to appear as innocent as possible. ‘Whaaaat?’ she asked with wide eyes and an adorable pout. His girlfriend was many incredible things, a good actor was not one of them.  ‘Did I forget to mention this is one of Emma’s clubs? I’m sure I mentioned it…’

With his picture being taken by the nearby clubbers what felt like ten times a second, he poked his girlfriend in the side before turning a thin-lipped smile towards the two bouncers. 

Besides, he had a lot less to fear from Emma Frost these days - a part of him looked forward to running into her again.

He’d made a promise to Jean, after all.

‘Come on in Doctor Parker, but, uh -’ the bouncer with the super deep voice was stuttering like he was Joe Namath. It’d have been endearing if it wasn’t so strange. ‘Do you mind if we get a picture?’

‘Uhhh,’ he turned to Gwen who was silently laughing at his awkwardness. Before he could answer, she’d shoved him towards them and took the proffered phone from the excited bouncer’s hand. Smiling sheepishly, Gwen snapped a couple of pics before they were quickly ushered inside, a pair of giant, giddy bouncers in their wake.

They didn’t even make it into the club proper before they were interrupted again, this time by a svelte, older man in an all-white suit and slicked back blonde hair. The man smiled politely at them and bowed, his eyes locked on the floor. Pete was confused until he noticed the familiar symbol on his jacket.


The man rose from his bow, his hands clasped, and smiled again. Beyond him, Pete saw a hallway that led to what he could only assume was the club proper, the persistent, incessant, thumping beat and trail of mist giving it away.

‘Yes sir, this club is a part of the Hellfire group.’ The man had a cultured, aristocratic voice that screamed butler to him. ‘Any friend of the White Queen’s is an honoured guest at any of our establishments. We humbly welcome you and your beautiful guests - shall I lead you to our VIP lounge?’

Lost, he looked at Gwen helplessly before turning back to the man. ‘Uh, we came for a friend’s birthday, her party are already inside.’

‘Very good sir, they are, of course, welcome to join you. Please, this way.’

Instead of motioning to the opening that clearly led to the main area, the man - who hadn’t introduced himself, he belatedly realised - instead motioned to an inconspicuous door to their side.

After a quick trip through a narrow hallway and up a flight of stairs, they came to another dark hallway with a series of doors. They passed three before the man turned and opened the one next to him.

Immediately, the music that had previously just been a dull thumping flooded into the narrow space, whatever sound dampening juju they were using rendered null by opening the door. With a polite nod, Pete led the girls inside to what looked more like a luxury apartment than any VIP lounge at a nightclub.

What immediately grabbed his attention was the floor to ceiling window on the far side of the room, giving them an unobstructed view of the club itself, a sea of humanity dancing and swaying to the music in a no-doubt ecstasy-fuelled trance. Smoke machines constantly pumped out mist, not only giving the club a mysterious ambience, but also making the lightshow more spectacular.

Along the right wall was an opulent, fully-stocked bar with more bottles of alcohol on its shelves than he knew even existed, a small woman in a smart tuxedo manning it and smiling politely at them as they entered. The room had several lounges, but in the centre there was a U-shaped couch that wrapped around a low, wide coffee table, its opening oriented towards the window.

‘The drinks are on us, of course,’ the man explained, motioning to the bar. ‘If you would prefer some quiet, please ask your bartender for assistance, she will control the sound dampening. The door to your left leads to the club proper, should you wish to dance with the masses.’

Judging by the giddy grins on the girl’s faces, they definitely approved.

‘As for entertainment…would you prefer male or female?’

Pete’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but instead of answering, he looked at the girls for guidance. They all looked wholly uninterested and instead were admiring the ostentatious room and the packed dance floor through the window.

‘No need, I think they’ll be spending most of their time downstairs.’

‘Excellent,’ he said with a polite bow while extending his hand out to the bartender. ‘Miss Penderghast will be able to assist you with any further inquiries you may have, please enjoy your evening, Doctor Parker, madams.’

He left quietly through the door they’d entered through and the girls all rounded on him with sickly sweet smiles.

‘You’re better than any set of lockpicks,’ Felicia cooed before pinching his cheek. Gloria snorted and Gwen cackled, slapping him on the chest.

We’re never getting in, he said,’ Gwen mocked with a laugh and a slap on his ass.

‘I’ll go find the others,’ Gloria offered, heading towards the door that led to the club proper while Felicia moseyed on over to the bar. Pete sat in one of the lounges that gave him a clear view of the club itself, groaning in bliss as he sank into the luxurious, plush leather, and Gwen plopped herself down in his lap.

‘You nervous?’

It took him a minute to realise what she was talking about, his confused expression shifting to one of understanding. ‘Harry?’ At her nod he waved her off and shrugged. ‘You remember what happened, right?’

Gwen nodded slowly. ‘Norman wanted you to join Oscorp, you refused. You had your heart set on SI since…well, for as long as I've known you…’

Pete chuckled and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's body, his eyes drifting down to her chest. With the sheer fabric pulled tight and the light above shining on her, it was like she was wearing nothing at all, her nipples and even the lines of her modest cleavage and muscles clearly visible.

Shaking his head, he ignored Gwen's giggle and continued after another shrug. ‘Things got awkward after that and we kind of fell out of touch. I don't think Harry held a grudge, but, well, he never reached out either.’

Gwen rested her head on his chest and sighed. ‘Two best friends not speaking for over a decade because they're both awkward nerds, desperate to avoid conflict at all costs, is the most tragic and predictable thing ever.’

Gwen yelped when Pete pinched her side in retribution. ‘Harry wasn't a nerd, he was on the basketball team.’

That earned him an eye roll. ‘I was a cheerleader, anyone with an IQ over one-twenty was a nerd.’

Pete couldn't help it and barked out a laugh. ‘You have an IQ of over one-twenty.’

Gwen's grin was smug and she shrugged, buffing her nails against her chest. ‘Okay, fine, one-forty.’ She wriggled like an eel and giggled as he kept trying to pinch-assault her, the material of her dress so thin it felt like stockings.

‘How was practice earlier?’ He’d forgotten to ask, and now that they were alone, he was curious. He couldn’t wait to watch back the stream later, the thought of Gwen’s muscular body flexing, straining, sweaty and naked as she beat her drums making him hard.

His girlfriend purred like a kitten. ‘So hot - you should have seen Chat, they were losing their mind. At the start, they just wanted us all to get on with it and fuck, but what was really cool was that all calmed down after we started playing and while they were all still horny as hell, they liked the music.’

Gwen was leaning back against his chest as she spoke, his hands resting on and tracing the lines of her abs through her sheer dress, his fingers dipping in and poking her belly button. ‘And how was Felicia?’

‘She’s got an incredible voice - powerful and soulful,’ she said, arching her back in delight and reaching back to gently cup the side of his face.

They were watching the woman in question as Gwen spoke. Felicia was leaning on the bar and chatting with their server, a sensual smile on her plump, violet coloured lips, apparently amused with their conversation.

‘You wanna fuck her again?’

‘Does a bear shit in the woods?’

Pete chuckled and Gwen whined cutely when he reached up to pinch her nipples, his lips pressed behind her ear as he kissed her and deeply inhaled her flowery scent.

‘Now that Cindy is running around with Miles, we need a new - mmh - fuck-buddy.’

‘What happened to Gabriel?’

‘I said we,’ Gwen corrected, turning her head to grin devilishly at him. ‘Unless there’s something you’re not telling me…’

He pinched her a little harder and she giggled. ‘I wouldn’t mind a repeat there either, to be fair…’

Pete hummed thoughtfully, kissing her again at her admission. Gwen’s libido had clearly been turbocharged from the nude stream earlier and he didn’t hate it. If anything, he knew very well he was fanning it.

‘Then why don’t you invite him over?’

Gwen’s back arched again as she reached back to hug him, her whines growing more desperate and needy. ‘Can you stop being so hot?’ she faux pleaded. ‘I’m getting too turned on…’

Pete chuckled, his hands running over her midsection. ‘Now you know how I feel…’

Their heavy petting was interrupted when the door to the lower level opened and Betty charged through with a drunken squeal, shortly followed by a grinning MJ, a surprised Harry and the ever-cool Gloria. 

Betty had long since mastered looking both cute and sexy, her midnight blue long-sleeved bodycon dress covering her from neck to knees, the material sheer in places very much like Gwen’s but…well…more tasteful.

Being tasteful is overrated.

She had her short hair slicked back, and her thick-rimmed glasses still on her face, the lenses as much a part of her as her brown eyes.

MJ was smiling wide as she approached them, and he couldn’t help his gaze from trailing down to her chest as Gwen stood up and accepted Betty’s hug. Her dress was very elegant, the thin fabric clinging to her body like a second skin with a neckline that plunged in a deep V - he didn’t know what sorcery was at play to keep her breasts high and firm, because she sure as hell wasn’t wearing a bra, but Pete found it hard to complain.

Harry’s surprise had quickly shifted to elation, his trademark easy smile relaxed his demeanour at the sight of him. Harry was dressed very similarly to him, a slim-cut suit that accentuated his physique, though Pete did note, with amusement, that Gwen’s rigorous training regimen had made him more muscular than his old friend.

Who’s the nerd again?

After Betty hugged Gwen, she pulled him up with an excited squeal before throwing her arms around him too.

‘Thanks for coming!’ she screamed, as if she were still on the dance-floor downstairs. ‘That’s so cool!’

‘Happy birthday,’ Pete greeted with a warm smile, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a long, slim box. It was a nice necklace Gwen had picked out for her the previous week. ‘From me and Gwen.’

‘Aww, you didn’t have to!’ she protested with a drunken giggle, accepting the jewellery box gratefully, gasping when she opened the lid before quickly shutting it with a cute, conspiratorial giggle. ‘Thanks guys! Pete, have you met my boyfriend Harry?’

Betty turned to Harry before she could clock the incredulous looks on their faces.

She’s drunker than she looks.

Harry’s grin widened when Betty turned to him, her finger pointed in Pete’s direction. ‘Harry’s that’s Gwen’s boyfriend, Peter Parker. Be best friends, okay?’

Harry reached out a hand towards Pete with an embarrassed, easy smile. ‘Yeah, we’ve met,’ he replied, his lips quirked in amusement.

‘Once or twice,’ Pete added, unable to hide his own mirth. Their grip, almost as if it were muscle memory, shifting from professional to a dap with Harry pulling him close and patting him on the back.

‘Good to see you again, Pete,’ Harry greeted with an almost sad smile as Betty dragged MJ and Gwen away like a whirlwind.

She might be drunk, but there’s no way this wasn’t planned.

‘You too man, how’ve you been?’

Harry chuckled and backed up, looking at Pete up and down appreciatively. ‘Not as good as you man, clearly. Wow… I’ve seen you on the news, but seeing you in person… I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.’ He gave his body another once over before staring up at him with a cheeky grin. ‘Did you end up using that crazy microchip you invented back in highschool?’

Pete barked out a laugh and shook his head in the negative, a not insignificant part of the action tied to released, unneeded tension. He tilted his head from side to side, his cheeks hurting from his incessant grinning. ‘Kinda, the one I ended up using was the fifth revision and what my nanite processors were based on.’

‘Wow…’ Harry exclaimed in wonder, ‘that’s incredible man, really.’ He shook his head in disbelief for a few seconds before his smile widened. ‘Almost as incredible as you dating Gwen Stacy. I mean, you always had a thing for her but… wow.’

Pete scratched the back of his head and chuckled, revelling in the easy camaraderie. ‘Yeah, well, you’ve been with the same girl for how long now?’ His teasing was met with an embarrassed, but proud grin.

‘Yeah, six years now.’

His embarrassment stemmed from shared memories of Harry proclaiming as a teen that he’d never settle down.

I think his exact words were that he didn't want to deprive womankind of his charms…

Before they could continue, Gwen popped up next to them, a wide smile on her beautiful face and her arms wrapped around his bicep. ‘Hey Harry, I’m taking my man downstairs to dance, y’all can catch up later.’

With a lopsided grin and a helpless shrug, Pete allowed himself to be dragged away from a laughing Harry, who waved at him as if he were being dragged to the gallows.

The second they passed through the door out into the main area of the club, Pete understood how comprehensive their sound dampening tech must have been. The beat had been audible in their VIP lounge, but it was muffled, dull thumping at best. Out in the club proper, the music felt like a kind of psychic attack, so loud he could barely hear himself think.

The room was also dark with laser lights flashing out in every direction in time with the music. The air was hazy with mist from the always-on smoke machines and, as they descended the stairs into the sea of humanity, it was hard not to think this was all some kind of fever dream.

He held onto Gwen’s hand for dear life as she dragged him through the crowd, not stopping until they were somewhere in the middle where she spun around and flung her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his. Pete’s arms automatically circled her waist and pulled her even closer, his forehead pressed against hers as their bodies swayed to the beat.

He didn’t know how long they were out there, but at some point the others joined them as well, MJ and Felicia even cutting in at times while Gwen danced with whoever was in arm’s reach. When he felt himself start to tire, his back slick with sweat, he grabbed Gwen’s bicep to get her attention and motioned to the VIP room.

There was no way they could hear each other with the music pounding like it was, so he sent her a message.

Pete: I’m getting tired, you stay and keep dancing. I’ll be upstairs.

She reached up and kissed him, her tongue slipping domineeringly into his mouth before pulling away and responding in kind.

Gwen: You lasted longer than I thought you would. Let me know when you want to bounce.

Before he left her to the sharks, Pete grinned and leaned in close, his fingers disappearing under her dress and probing at her naked, glistening sex.

Pete: Have as much fun as you want… I’ll be watching.

He started backing away towards the stairs that led back up to the VIP booth, grinning as his girlfriend stared at him with wide eyes, her teeth nibbling on her bottom lip sultrily when she realised he was serious.

Turning when Gwen finally disappeared amongst the throng of dancing and swaying bodies, Pete turned and nodded at the bouncer guarding the stairs up to the VIP lounge. The room itself wasn’t visible from the dance floor at all, the glass being completely one-way.

When he passed through the door and shut it behind him, Pete let out an audible sigh, the constant pounding beat instantly dying down to manageable levels. Rubbing at his aching temples, he started when he noticed he wasn’t alone - well, aside from the bartender who was still dutifully manning her station, an adorable flush on her cheeks when she spotted him.

Harry was also there, sitting by the window and scrolling on his phone. His old friend looked up and grinned when he’d heard the door open, but quickly went back to scrolling.

He’s the CEO now isn’t he? That’s so weird to think about… Both Harry stepping up and Norman stepping down…

Pete saw Harry’s empty glass so he strolled on over to the bar to get them both a drink. The bartender’s - Penderghast, he thought her name was, easy to remember given its strangeness - smile was strained and her back straightened when he put his hands on the bar.

Remembering Harry’s drink of choice, he ordered a glass of their finest whiskey and an iced-coffee for himself.

He watched her as she stiffly made him his drink before pouring Harry his own. The bar was very narrow, giving him very little visibility with what was happening below the bench, but Pete had noticed something in his hours of dancing, or rather, or lack of something. Someone, even.

Accepting the drinks as the cute woman slid them towards him - a slight tremor in her hands - Pete took a sip of his and groaned in approval. ‘You want something to drink too Felicia? She’s very good.’

The bartender’s face flushed even deeper and his question was answered with a sultry chuckle from somewhere beneath and behind the bar. ‘Oh, I know,’ she replied, unseen, with a soft purr. ‘I’m already sampling her best, thank-you though.’

Snorting, Pete winked at the mortified bartender and took another sip of his delicious, creamy coffee. 

Turning, he made his way over to Harry who was so absorbed in what he was seeing on his screen, he either hadn’t noticed what was going on behind him, or didn’t really care.

He’s been dating Betty for so many years…he’s probably seen and done some pretty wild shit too…

His old friend started when he put the fresh glass of whiskey down by his empty one, smiling when Pete took the armchair next to his. The seats were right by the window and looking down on the club, but unless Pete used his AR lens and AI to help him scan the sea of humanity, there was no way he could spot the others.

‘Not a fan of clubs either?’

Harry snorted in amusement, groaning in bliss as he took a sip of his drink. ‘Man that’s good whiskey.’ He turned to Pete with a raised brow, his grin infectious. ‘And what do you mean either? You seemed to be enjoying yourself a heck of a lot, Travolta.’

Pete chuckled, sinking into his seat as his cheeks heated. ‘Oh I hate clubs, but ever since I fixed my legs, I love doing anything that lets me use them.’ He slapped his thigh for emphasis before smiling bashfully. ‘Especially if it’s with Gwen. You know she taught me how to skate? That was incredible.’

Harry’s teasing smile shifted to one more genuine and he reached over to squeeze his shoulder. ‘That’s awesome dude.’ Harry shook his head, taking another sip of his drink. ‘Man, I still can’t believe you two ended up together - I mean, you were always gaga over her, but I figured you’d get over it.’ 

‘I almost did,’ Pete replied, not offended by Harry’s observation in the least. He’d been there when Pete had been at his lowest too, helping with his teen angst when Gwen fucked her way through every jock that didn’t bully him. Pete regaled Harry with a heavily edited version of how they got together, his friend’s smile growing and turning into a teasing grin when he got to the part where Gwen had shown up in his apartment.

‘Man, that’s hilarious,’ Harry said, wiping at his eyes and chuckling merrily. ‘Good on you man, really. That’s awesome. Betty and I met at one of the girls’ gigs, kinda been together ever since.’

Pete hid his grin behind the rim of his glass. ‘Mm? Bet your dad loved that.’

Harry hid his wince poorly.

‘He’s not that bad.’ Pete could tell that even to Harry’s ears, the half-hearted defence sounded lame. Norman Osborne was a grade-A elitist prick - Pete wouldn’t be surprised if he learned the old man had sat his son down and told him in no uncertain terms that Betty Brant wasn’t good enough for him.

He wasn’t always like that…

‘Oh yeah?’ Pete asked in mock surprise. ‘Does he still hate me?’

This time, Harry’s wince was even harder to hide. ‘He never hated you.’

Seeing Pete’s raised, disbelieving eyebrow, Harry sighed and relented. ‘Okay, he may have broken a few things when he learned you decided to join Stark -’

This time, it was Pete who cringed apologetically. Seeing him about to apologise, Harry raised his hands and stalled him. ‘Hey, relax Pete, I know it was always your dream to join SI - you don’t need to explain yourself to me.’ He grinned, shrugging helplessly. ‘Just don’t expect any Christmas cards from my old man, yeah?’

They both chuckled and took another sip of their drinks.

Man, so much time wasted. Why did we let something so stupid pull us apart…?

‘So,’ Harry teased, the tone of his voice completely changing as he leaned over his armrest towards him, as if trying to not be overheard. ‘Did you catch the stream earlier?’

Pete barked out a laugh and shook his head in the negative. ‘Haven’t had time, I’ll catch it later. Was it good?’

‘Oh man,’ Harry groaned, leaning over conspiratorially. ‘They’re all so hot, it’s fucking unbelievable. Betty and MJ were saying that wasn’t Gwen’s first time doing something like that either?’

Pete returned Harry’s sly grin with a shrug. ‘My girl’s a hardcore exhibitionist - dude, I’m serious,’ he added, seeing Harry’s disbelieving look. How anyone could doubt that about Gwen baffled him. ‘I’m not kidding, when she’s bored, she’ll just turn on the camera and stream herself playing games to thousands of dudes completely naked.’

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise.

‘You’re okay with that?’

Pete laughed at the absurdity of the question, marvelling at the easy camaraderie they had slipped back into even after years of being estranged. ‘Dude, one doesn’t date Gwen Stacy if they’re not okay with other people seeing her naked - you saw the dress she was wearing tonight!’

Harry’s grin was cheeky, conspiratorial and reminded him of all the times he got them both in trouble as kids. ‘I didn’t wanna say anything…’

Pete waved him off. ‘Don’t worry about my feelings, she’s a kinky little slut - and I love it.’

Harry shook his head and sank deeper into his chair with a fond smile. ‘Yeah, they kinda all are…’

Pete turned to him, his eyebrows raised. ‘Gloria said Betty didn’t get naked?’

Harry was staring out at the throng of people dancing downstairs, his eyes vacant but his lips curled in a smile. ‘Don’t you worry about Betty, I’ll work on her. Next time they practise, I want her as naked as the rest of them.’

As if sensing there was a natural lul in their conversation - and he wouldn’t put it past her given who the sender was - Pete received a notification that pinged in the corner of his vision.

Emma: Really? You wait until I’m out of the country to visit one of my clubs?

Pete couldn’t help the cheeky smile that graced his features. Spotting the discreet camera in the upper corner of the room, and somehow knowing the woman was watching him through it, he winked.

Pete: How was I supposed to know? You can’t expect me to keep a track of your itinerary - I’m a very busy man.

She didn’t reply immediately, and Pete took another sip from his iced-coffee to hide his amused grin.

Emma: You used to be such a nice boy Peter - my worse half has corrupted you.

Hilariously, Emma referring to Tony as her worse half was probably the sweetest term of endearment he’d ever heard from her.

Honestly, it’s kind of adorable, even if her ire is entirely misplaced. Gwen’s the only one who’s corrupted me…

Thinking of Emma and, thus, Tony, had sparked in his mind another topic of conversation. ‘So,’ Pete said, getting his old friend’s attention and motioning to the phone on the nearby lamp table with a flick of his head. ‘How’s work?’

Harry surprised him by letting out a long, weary sigh. ‘Well, I’m up here glued to my phone instead of down there, pretending like I’m having a good time on my girlfriend’s birthday…’

Grinning, Pete gave a sympathetic shrug.

‘Don’t give me that look,’ Harry joked, throwing a scrunched up napkin at his head. ‘It’s like every time you guys pop your heads up you do something that makes even more work for me…’

Pete was about to laugh but he stopped himself, a thoughtful look crossing his features.

Pete: Hey, I’m with Harry Osborne at his girlfriend’s birthday party. Conversation went to work - I know, I’m pretty hip - thoughts on outsourcing the new particle beam cannons to them?

Tony, ever the workaholic, replied almost immediately.

Tony: Sure, why the fuck not? Lets us focus our manufacturing on mass producing the QSR.

Tony: That’s actually a good idea in general, kid. We should be focusing on R&D and the high end only, let the plebs deal with the grunt work.

Tony: Old Norman still a prick?

Pete’s lips twitched as a file packet immediately followed Tony’s last message, the schematics.

Pete: Apparently so. Talk later.

Tony: k. Spoke to Pepper, she’ll email you the contract in a bit if they agree.

‘I know that look,’ Harry joked as he no doubt watched Pete’s eyes go vacant as he looked at his notifications through his AR lens. ‘Work?’

‘Yeah,’ Pete admitted, ‘but not in the way that you’re thinking. Can you guys handle more work right now? You’re still focused on weapons, right?’

Harry’s demeanour instantly shifted, his back straightening and his hands gripping the armrests of his chair. His teasing, laidback expression changed into one that was more serious and considering, his head slowly nodding.

‘Yeah,’ he admitted. ‘A lot of our focus lately has been on mass-producing railguns and point-defence systems for the US’s new fleet of starships.’ He shrugged, his smile not reaching his eyes. ‘Who knew? Alien invasions are pretty good for business…’

Pete mirrored his humourless smile and stared into his friend’s steely, grey-blue eyes. ‘Think you can handle more work?’

Harry steepled his fingers and shrugged noncommittally. ‘We can do a lot of things if it’s worth our time. Washington is giving out contracts like candy - my job these days feels like figuring out what’s a waste of time and what isn’t.’

Nodding slowly, Pete used the holo-emitters on a nearby drone to project the schematics for several variations of their new particle beam weaponry, from something as small to building-mounted turrets and scaling all the way up to ship killers.

Doctor Erik Selvig had been working on particle beam technology for years, with it only really having become anything more than theoretical with the invention of Tony’s QSR.

To be fair, a whole lot of projects became a lot less theoretical when Tony shared the QSRs with everyone at SI…

‘Holy shit…’ Harry gasped in awe, his hand swiping through the hologram as he read the specs on each image. ‘How is this even possible? The power requirements alone…’

That’s propriety,’ Pete teased, before shrugging. ‘For now. Suffice it to say we’ve got a new energy source that can power these weapons and, understandably, a lot of our focus is on bringing it to market as soon as possible…’

Harry nodded slowly, his eyebrows raising when he saw not only weapons, but shield generators too. Though the Particle Beam weapons were a marvel, one Doctor Selvig was rightfully being hailed for back at SI, the shield generators based on his tech - in his opinion - were the real game changer. 

They just had so many applications…


Harry’s eyes were rapidly scanning through the data package but turned to him at the sound of his voice. ‘If these perform even half as well as you say they do, I don’t think I could turn you down even if I wanted to…;’

‘Awesome!’ Pete exclaimed, clapping Harry on the shoulder and smiling wide. ‘It’s pretty great that we’re finally going into business together. I’d say you should call my secretary if you have any more questions, but she’s currently going down on Miss Penderghast over there…’

A soft, embarrassed squeak, a sultry laugh and a wide-eyed stare were his reward for his candour. Harry leaned close, his hand gripping Pete’s bicep tightly.

‘Your secretary is Felicia fucking Hardy?!’ His words were hissed through clenched teeth, his shock and jealousy apparent. ‘How the fuck do you get any work done?’

Pete smiled at Harry mysteriously and brushed some imaginary dirt off his shoulders. ‘You’d be surprised what one can grow desensitised to.’

Pete had to hold back a laugh as Harry pouted at him like a child.

‘I hate you.’


They chatted and shot the shit for another hour before Pete remembered to check up on what his girl was up to, in the meantime, several of the others had come back up to the VIP lounge to get drinks or to take a break - all except Gwen.

MJ’s conspiratorial grin when Pete asked how she was doing told him plenty though.

Leaving Harry to take care of the wasted birthday girl, Pete sent his drones out to try and find his naughty, horny girlfriend once he realised she wasn’t on the dancefloor anymore. It took him a bit of time without cheating, and he enjoyed the building anticipation, so he didn’t. She wasn’t outside, she wasn’t in a dark nook and she wasn’t in the toilets. His gut roiled with angst and perverted glee, spiking with each failure, but inspiration struck when his drone left the far too busy restroom downstairs.

Theirs was only one of a dozen VIP lounges overlooking the club proper. What kind of VIP experience would the club provide if they were forced to mix with the ‘common rabble’ every time they needed to go to the bathroom.

Did that sound elitist? Sure, but having seen the state of the restrooms in his search, Pete was more than happy to discriminate and take advantage of his status here.

Pete hadn’t had a need to avail himself of the facilities yet, and when his drone managed to make its way into the one closest to their lounge, he was pleasantly surprised. The bathroom was bathed in a soft, ambient golden light that accentuated the marble walls, floor and decor, with large, elegant mirrors sitting atop the vanity and rich, designer faucets in the sinks.

This bathroom is nicer than my old apartment… cleaner too.

He struck out with the first few bathrooms, but eventually found his target when he checked the third. Gwen was sitting up on one of the marble counters, her legs spread wide around her hulking friend as they made out like teenagers. Gwen’s arms were wrapped around the dude’s wide shoulders, the buttons of his shirt having been torn away as his girlfriend had likely split it open to reveal pale skin and rippling muscles.

The dude had Gwen’s dress hiked up over her hips, her naked pussy bare to the room while two thick fingers pistoned in and out of her gushing womanhood. More than the sight, Gwen’s excited moans and squeals had his cock painfully hard.

Pete: Don’t get mad, but I only just started watching now…

Through the feed, he saw Gwen freeze as her lust-clouded mind made sense of the message and rude interruption.

Gwen: Are you fucking serious right now?!

Pete grinned at the genuine annoyance on her face. She’d stopped kissing her lover, allowing him to have at her neck while she glared up at an empty space she assumed his drone to be.

Pete: Sorry babe, I was shooting the shit with Harry and lost track of time.

The annoyance instantly seeped out of his girlfriend’s features and she visibly sighed. 

Gwen: Well, what was the point of that then? You missed me grinding on this guy for the past hour and sucking his huge dick!

Pete couldn’t help but grin at the petulant tone he picked up from the monotonous text, her body language conveying all the emotion her words lacked and more.

Pete: Mad no one was watching your show?

Gwen: Furious!

Pete couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his lips, Gwen’s texts totally counter to what he was watching as her hulking partner finger-fucked her and suckled on her collar bone.

Pete: You don’t look furious…

He’d shifted the drone around so it was floating where Gwen was looking, to make their little spat less awkward. At his latest text, she glared up at the camera and stuck out her tongue like a child.

Gwen: Are you gonna come join us or would you rather chit-chat with your old bestie some more?

Pete watched as Gwen writhed under her lover’s caress, her dress hiking up higher and higher and exposing more of her naked lower half. Pete made to stand and hurry to the bathroom to join in on the naughty fun, but before he could even get his feet under him, he was intercepted by a red-headed missile.


‘Where do you think you’re going, Tiger?’ MJ purred in his ear, her arms wrapped around his neck and her meaty bum planted firmly in his lap, her legs hanging over the edge of his armchair. ‘Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring off into the distance like a weirdo…’

Pete: Mission Failed! I’ve been taken out by the red-headed menace! I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s covering for you.

Gwen didn’t fire back a response, but he could see her fists clench behind her partner’s back.

Gwen: Sorry Stud, I dunno how much longer I can wait. I’m way too horny right now…

Pete: Have fun, I’ll try to lose this slut and join you as soon as I can.

Pete sighed and stared up at MJ as the redhead pressed her heavy tits in his face. 

It’s really hard to be annoyed when she’s using those things as weapons…

‘You know damn well where I was going. What’s up?’

Giggling, MJ ground her ass against his crotch - his painfully aching member pressed firmly into her soft ass - and squeezed him tighter. ‘You should have seen her on the dancefloor…’ she purred, bringing his face down and burying it in her cleavage. He saw Harry and Gloria watching them out of the corner of his eye while looking after Betty, but they made no move to intervene. ‘Gwen was feeling up every guy that danced with her - once she found a guy with a massive cock, she just…vanished. I wonder where she went…?’

Pete stared up at MJ with one eye while the other was watching the feed of Gwen with the very man the redhead was referring to. True to his girlfriend’s word, her libido could no longer be denied. Pushing her partner away, Gwen shimmied out of her tiny, sheer dress until she was wearing only her heels and jewellery. After staring for several moments, the man shook his head as if to clear it and started to tear off his own clothes too - first his shirt, followed by his slacks and underwear. When his cock flopped out, hard and imposing, Pete saw that both MJ and Gwen weren’t exaggerating.

She hasn’t had a cock that big since Gabriel…fuck that’s so hot…

‘Where do you think she went?’ Pete flipped the question back to MJ, keeping his face cool while his cock noticeably hardened against MJ’s ass.

MJ’s smile was wide and naughty, showing off her perfect teeth and succulent lips. ‘I think…’ she began in a whisper, scanning the room before leaning in even closer, ‘I think she’s fucking him right now…and I think you’re watching you dirty, dirty pervert…’

Only technically wrong.

And then, only a few seconds later, MJ wasn’t wrong at all. Gwen had leapt up on the marble counter, her legs spread wide and her pussy lips parted invitingly. Her lover jacked his huge, obscene shaft as he closed the distance, his cock leading the way like a battering ram. When he was within reach, Gwen wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer, groaning with lust as he simultaneously sank into her.

‘How does it look?’ MJ whispered in his ear, her sultry voice burning with lust and need. ‘How does Gwen’s pussy look spread wide around that huge cock? Does it turn you on? Do you like watching your girlfriend be a dirty slut?’

Pete’s face was flushed, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. It was all a bit too much, the insanely erotic sight of Gwen getting fucked by a stranger combined with MJ grinding in his lap… he didn’t know if he could take it much longer.

Yesss…’ he hissed, in response to all her questions.

His answer had MJ moaning softly with need and she grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand up until it cupped her heavy tit. Their actions were mostly concealed from the others due to the high back of his armchair, but he doubted they were fooling anybody.

Fuck it.

MJ gasped softly and groaned when he popped her heavy tit out of her dress and suckled a puffy, pink nipple into his mouth.

Pete: MJ won’t let me get up so I decided to suck on her tits. How’s yours?

Gwen: So good! He’s stretching me so good, hitting me so deep!

And he was. The man had Gwen’s legs spread wide, his meaty hands gripping her ankles as he thrust over and over into her delicate pussy. Pete had his drone zoom in on their union, on how Gwen’s lips spread so wide around the girthy invader.

‘Tell me what’s happening,’ MJ pleaded, her hands running through his scruffy hair. ‘How hot does she look?’

So hot,’ Pete whispered, pulling off her nipple long enough to answer. ‘She’s getting fucked in the restroom, he’s got her up on the vanity and is piledriving into her…’

‘Fuck!’ MJ hissed, Pulling Pete down so he was suckling on her nipple again. ‘That’s so fucking hot! His dick was so much bigger than yours, I could tell, how does that make you feel, Tiger?’

Pete groweld, his lips still sealed around the giggling MJ’s nipple, though her laughter stopped when he nipped painfully at the hard nub. Before she could try and tease him some more, Pete slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and found her dripping, naked sex. He easily slipped two hooked fingers inside and started to rub her g-spot while his thumb circled and teased her clit.

‘Yes, yes, yes,’ MJ chanted, her face buried in his hair as he played with her ‘You’ve got no idea how horny I am right now…’ 

Regardless of what was happening in the VIP lounge though, Pete only had eyes for Gwen. She’d pulled her lover up onto the bench and sat him down while still impaled on his mammoth shaft. With an animalistic groan, Gwen started to bounce on his huge cock, her meaty ass jiggling as he continuously bottomed out inside her.

Pete redoubled his efforts, fuelled on by the insanely erotic sight of his girl’s muscular back and toned ass undulating as she fucked a stranger.

In no time at all, he had MJ cumming on his hand, her teeth clamped firmly down on his neck so she could muffle her euphoric squeal.

Shaking with pent-up desire, Pete stood with MJ cradled bonelessly in his arms, he put her down in the seat he’d just vacated and hurried to leave. Seeing Gloria smirking and Harry sending him an incredulous look, Pete shrugged helplessly.

‘Dude, you can’t tell me you haven’t fucked her too - you’ve been with Betty for too long.’

Hilariously, the wasted Betty answered for him.

‘He fucksss these sluts all the time,’ she slurred and giggled drunkenly. ‘I let him do it so he doesn’t get sad when I fuck other guys too.’

Harry flushed in embarrassment, unable to look Pete in the eye after the humiliating, drunken admission. Gloria, completely unrepentant, snorted in amusement, uncaring of his plight. Pete clapped Harry on the shoulder and squeezed.

‘Relax man, where do you think Gwen is right now?’ his words had their intended effect and Harry stared at him incredulously. ‘I dunno what to tell you, there’s something about these girls that turns a guy into a degenerate.’

Again, Gloria snorted and Pete lightly cuffed her on the back of the head. She grinned and swiped at his hand ineffectually before Pete turned back to Harry.

‘We’ll talk soon, yeah? It’s been nice catching up.’

They shook hands but he didn’t even wait for a response before Pete was out the door and hurrying down the hallway. He heard Gwen long before he’d drawn close, her rapturous cries reaching him all the way down the hall.

When he barged his way into the bathroom, both Gwen and her lover started in surprise, one of them looking far happier to see him than the other. With one hand, Gwen covered her furious lover’s mouth and with the other, she gripped an ass-cheek and pulled it wide.

‘Yesss baby, come, put it in me!’

He was naked before he even made it to them, his clothes flying off his body as if by magic. 

Gwen looked down at the man she was riding and narrowed her eyes. ‘Don’t ruin this for me by saying something stupid, just sit there and enjoy, mmkay?’

With wide eyes - no doubt shocked by the strength with which she’d restrained him - the man nodded and Gwen slowly removed her hand, planting both on the mirror hanging on the wall as she looked back at him, biting her lip sexily.

Pete couldn’t help but stare at her impaled pussy. This was the first time seeing such a thing in person - they’d watched countless hours of footage of her fucking other guys, but never had he seen it in real life.

It was way hotter than he was expecting, especially as Gwen giggled as she started to slide up and down the huge cock for his benefit.

‘You like what you see baby?’ she teased, her lips making an airtight seal around the ridiculously huge cock even as she slowly slid up and down. ‘You like seeing my pussy stuffed so full of cock?’

Instead of answering, Pete grunted, earning a laugh when he shoved Gwen forward and pressed the head of his cock against her rosebud.

‘Fuck yes!’ Gwen screamed gutturally as he forced his way inside, his own girthy, if not as endowed member splitting her rear end open. ‘Yes! Fuck me! God this is so fucking hot!’

What happened over the next hour was lost to him in a haze of lust and passion. With an iron-clad will and a determination to make his girl cum as much as possible, Pete held back his own orgasm and instead focused on fucking her and synchronising his thrusts with the man thrusting up into her.

Pete never learned his name and frankly, he didn’t care. The man was a useful tool that helped bring his girl to countless orgasms.

The dude eventually begged off, the first and only words Pete had ever heard him speak a quiet, exhausted ‘thank you.’ Spinning around, Gwen hopped up on the vanity and spread her legs wide, showing off her spoiled and utterly ruined pussy to him leaking a veritable river of the man’s cum.

‘Come, Stud,’ Gwen purred, her skin slick with sweat and flush with her exertions. ‘I know you prefer not cumming in my ass.’

Pete considered cleaning her first, but seeing the look in Gwen’s eyes, he shrugged and sank into her noticeably looser pussy. He tried not to think about the warm, gooey feeling inside her and instead focused on kissing his girl and slowly fucking her.

‘That was so hot,’ Gwen moaned, her eyes screwed shut and her arms wrapped tightly around his chest. Finally, she opened her eyes and stared deeply into his own. ‘How d’you feel?’

‘Horny,’ Pete grunted, staring right back. ‘Like I’m with the sexiest, sluttiest woman in the world.’

Gwen smiled and rested her forehead against his. ‘Big difference watching me on video and seeing me in real life - any regrets?’

Pete grunted, his thrusts picking up speed. ‘Only that we didn’t do it sooner.’

Gwen moaned, arching her back and wrapping her long legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her. ‘Dooooon’t,’ she whined petulantly. ‘I’m exhausted, don’t go saying such sexy things…’

‘Exhausted?’ Pete asked with an incredulous bark of laughter. With a completely serious expression, Pete gripped the back of Gwen’s neck and stared deep into her baby blues. ‘If you think you’re getting a single second of sleep tonight, you don’t know me as well as you think you do.’

He’d said the words in a growl, half threat, half promise. Gwen’s mouth hung open in disbelief at the words - not that he’d said them, but instead because they’d somehow triggered in her a mini-orgasm. Screwing her eyes shut, she groaned long and loud, her voice echoing off the marble walls of the opulent restroom.

‘Fuuuuuck, I love you so much!’

Pete grinned roguishly at her, trying to convey his feelings through the look in his eyes alone. He leaned down and, with his lips right next to her ear, he whispered, ‘I know.’

Gwen groaned with lust and wrapped her slutty arms and legs around him, groaning with lust as he started to fuck her proper, her pussy feeling much wetter, sloppier and looser than usual.

They kissed, their tongues battling for dominance as they poured out their feelings for one another.

A fire had been lit in him, and he didn’t think it would be quenched any time soon.


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