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Multiversal Cheaters, Hotwives and Cuckolds

Chapter 13: The Promiscuous Angel of Seventh Heaven

Fandom: Final Fantasy 7

Tags: Voyeurism, Promiscuity, Porn, Threesome, Mushy Gushy

Note: I’ve increased the time between Zack escaping with Cloud from the Shinra Mansion and the start of the original game to 5 years. This lets me age up the characters a bit, gives me a valid reason for Cloud not to be so mentally damaged and lets me make him more of a badass.

Zack managed to escape towards Cosmo Canyon before he’s gunned down and Cloud left for dead. Bugenhagen finds him and takes him in, helping him recover. Cloud spends the next years there, recovering both mentally and physically while honing his strength.

An older Cloud arrives in Midgar, still a mercenary, but without messed up memories. Bugenhagen has asked him to rescue Nanaki and Cloud is more than happy to oblige, feeling a great debt towards the wise sage.

Why does any of this matter in what amounts to a smut story? I dunno. Stop asking questions. Consume smut.

Cloud Strife pulled the edge of his hood deeper over his face as he and his new companion stalked through the hectic and bustling crowd in the Sector 7 Slums.

Everyone could sense something was wrong. Shinra’s increased presence - their soldiers on every corner with their heads on a permanent swivel - was ominous enough, but now they’d locked down the entire city, travel between Sectors all-of-a-sudden strictly forbidden.

He’d been careful in his mission, professional. The only means by which he could be identified now - his weapon - he’d safely stashed somewhere nearby until the heat died down.

A raspy, cultured voice from below, audible even over the cacophony of the crowd, broke him from his thoughts. ‘Do you know where we are going?’

‘Just keep moving and keep your tail hidden,’ Cloud muttered under his breath, convinced the strange creature could still hear him over the noise that otherwise drowned out his voice. ‘We need to disappear and lay low for a while - at least until the heat dies down.’

When Bugenhagen asked him to rescue his adoptive grandson, Cloud probably should have requested specifics - in his defence, he hadn’t been a mercenary for long. Imagine his surprise when, instead of a human, he’d stumbled upon the striking, skinny lion-like creature with crimson fur, a long, flowing mane and a tail that burned with a permanent flame.

He’d made plans to, in the worst case scenario, escape carrying a whole lot of dead weight. His charge being a fit, if emaciated sentient beast had certainly made everything that followed a whole lot easier - even if his new companion made blending into the crowd infinitely more difficult.

That was fine though. Sure, it had made his escape more stressful, but all Cloud had to do to alleviate that was to remember the shocked and despairing look on Hojo’s face when he removed his head from his body.

Cloud didn’t stop walking, winding his way through the crowds in the narrow alleyways of the slums. Eventually, deep within Sector 7’s slums where the crowds of humanity weren’t as dense, he found a bar that advertised, along with cheap drinks, vacancies.

Seventh Heaven

Glancing up at the handsome wooden structure, one much nicer than every other building in sight, Cloud stared at the saloon-style sign that hung over the door, brilliant, white lights making it shine like the sun.

How can they afford such a nice place in such a shithole?

Wary that the proprietors might be Shina adjacent - at the very least - Cloud herded his new friend to a shadowy corner so he could scope the place out.

That lasted for the whole of ten minutes, when his new friend’s belly started to grumble something fierce. Cloud glanced down at Nanaki and grinned when he saw his…companion looking away in embarrassment.

What even is he? Feline? Canid? He looks like a big cat but acts like a wolf…

‘You hungry?’

Nanaki slowly nodded. ‘Apologies…I can smell the food within. It’s…delicious…’

Cloud huffed out a laugh, both at Nanaki’s clear embarrassment, and the fact he was more stumped by classifying his zoological origins than the fact that he could speak.

‘Can you smell any traces of mako inside?’ Cloud’s frown deepened. ‘Or expensive colognes or perfumes?’

It was a testament to how much his new companion trusted him that he didn’t even question the odd request. Closing his eyes, Nanaki inhaled deeply. 

‘Nothing even comes close to you in terms of mako,’ he answered, his furry face scrunched up in effort. ‘I do smell perfume, but it’s…very faint…floral…it’s masked by the stench of body odour.’

Cloud nodded and reached into Nanaki’s makeshift hood to scritch his ear, grinning as the oversized cat-dog purred, his body quivering in pleasure.

His grin widened when Nanaki glared up at him, his pride warring with his animal instincts and the feeling of Cloud’s immaculate scritch. It was clear his new friend wanted to rebuke him…but he wanted the scritch more.

No Mako, no expensive perfumes stinking the place out, I doubt this is a place frequented by Shinra execs… still, how does the owner afford such a nice place.

With a flick of his head, Cloud motioned for Nanaki to follow him inside. The bar was rowdy, with most of the tables filled with drunk and merry patrons, the loudest of them all a huge, black man with a gun for an arm.

Spotting an empty table in the corner, Cloud motioned Nanaki towards it with a flick of his head and his new companion went without complaint.

Heading up to the bar, he pulled his hood back and smiled at the pretty, young waitress, a cute smudge of dirt on her button nose. 

‘Howdy stranger,’ she greeted with a drawl and adorable dimples on her thick cheeks. ‘You new around these parts?’

‘Just visiting,’ Cloud offered, then smirked in amusement. ‘Here to see the sights.’

‘Ahuh,’ the girl replied with a rolle of her eyes, her smile infectious. ‘What can I get ya?’

Nanaki must be starving.

‘Got anything to eat?’

She wordlessly pointed at a chalkboard at the other end of the bar and Cloud squinted his eyes to see through the smoky haze. They offered soups, stews along with loaves of bread for relatively cheap, what caught his eye however was the special of the day.

Brisket Burgers

Even his stomach started to grumble at the thought.

‘Can I get a brisket burger and an extra kilo of brisket meat on the side?’ When he turned back to the waitress, her eyes were wide with surprise and he chastised himself, realising they might not even have that much to give - they were in the slums, after all. ‘If that’s possible…’

‘It sure is possible, sir, if you can pay for it…’

Reaching into his pocket, Cloud pulled out 100 gil and put it on the counter. ‘Will this cover it?’

If possible, the waitresses eyes widened even further. ‘Well…you’re definitely not from around here, that’s for damn sure…’

Channelling his recent colleagues from Wutai, Cloud decided to mix in a little truth to help with his deception. ‘I’m a mercenary, was just passing through when the military started locking down transportation between sectors.’

He felt good about his choice when the woman sneered at the mention of the military. ‘That makes sense, well, I’ll not turn down your money. This is too much though.’

She made to hand some of the gil back but he stopped her by putting a gentle hand on her wrist. She blushed prettily at the contact, staring up at him with wide eyes. ‘The sign says you have vacancies? Can I rent a room for two?’

Her mouth opened in understanding and she nodded, swiping the gil away under the bar before turning to grab a key from the rack on the wall. ‘Rooms are across the way, big concrete building. Can I get you anything to drink?’

‘Water is fine, thanks.’

With a big, adorable smile, she thanked him once more and hurried off to handle his order while Cloud returned to the table with Nanaki.

In no time at all, the waitress had brought out their order. Cloud’s mouth watered at the sight of his burger, but that was nothing compared to Nanaki’s reaction when she put the plate of juicy, tender meat down on the table next to it.

When the waitress noticed his bestial companion, her eyes widened in understanding, her face lighting up in a brilliant smile. ‘Aww, who’s a good boy?’ she cooed, reaching into his hood and giving the back of his ear the scritches he desperately tried to deny loving.

Cloud hid his grin behind his burger and ignored the glare Nanaki was sending his way.

Once left alone, Cloud and Nanaki enjoyed their meal in peace until the large, gun-armed man’s voice hollered over the cacophony of the crowd.

‘Marlene! Turn that shi - err, turn the TV up!’

The noise instantly died down as a brown-haired young girl did as the man asked, the TV hanging up over the bar getting louder and louder. The channel was showing the Shinra News Network with two overly made-up anchors seated in front of a red screen, their company’s logo emblazoned behind it proudly.

‘It is with great regret, ladies and gentleman, viewers, that I must bring you this tragic news. This morning, foreign terrorists snuck into the Shinra Building and assassinated Shinra’s head of Science and Research division, Hojo Hakase -’

Whatever the serious, stern-faced anchor was about to say next was completely drowned out by raucous cheering, an explosion of sound assaulting his ears as every single patron in the Seventh Heaven roared their approval.

Loudest among them all, the huge man with the gun for an arm. ‘Let’s fucking GOOOOOOOO! Alright fools, drinks are on me! Death to Shinra!’

If Cloud needed more proof that the Seventh Heaven was no place for Shinra sympathisers, every single patron started banging their mugs and stamping their feet to continuous chants of Death to Shinra.

Cloud looked down at Nanaki and raised an amused eyebrow. ‘Looks like we found a place to lay low…’ his words trailed off however when he saw his new companion staring up at the TV with a puzzled frown on his fuzzy features. Following his gaze, the smirk slipped from his face when he saw a picture of his furry companion being flashed up on the screen…followed by one of himself.

How the fuck?! They never even saw me!

Cloud’s mind was moving at a mile a minute, his fist clenched tightly around his mug. He’d made sure to cover himself from head to toe in leathers - the only people who knew his identity were the Wutai cell he had been working with -

His eyes widened in realisation.

Fuck! Shinra must have gotten to them…

Cloud was so lost in thought, his hand resting on Nanaki’s head and scratching his purring companion’s ear, that he didn’t even notice someone was approaching them until she plonked down two mugs on their table, her cheery smile instantly slipping from her face when their eyes met.


What are the fucking chances -

The face staring at him in shock was familiar, yet the body… oh-so different. The last time he’d seen her, she’d been a spunky, rambunctious hellion running around with him in Nibelheim. Now, well…she’d grown. Long gone were the pretty dresses she liked to wear, swapped out for a black leather skirt, red boots and a white tank top that struggled heroically to contain a pair of breasts she’d shown no signs of growing when she was a child. Her bare midriff also showed off an impressive set of washboard abs that were as surprising to him as her large breasts.

‘Tifa?’ Cloud asked incredulously and, as if by some mystical force, both of their gazes were drawn back to the TV hanging over the bar, Cloud’s handsome, slightly younger face projected in full, high definition, a ‘wanted’ label beneath the photo.

This is way too quick. Either the ninja were hilariously incompetent…or they burned me on purpose, hoping to get out of paying me…

Cloud’s eyes narrowed in rage and he pulled on every reserve of his impressive, painstakingly honed willpower to not accidentally crush the mug in his grip.

Without another word, Tifa reached for his face and Cloud watched, dumbfounded as she pinched the edge of his hood and pulled it lower over his face.

‘It’s great to see you again,’ she greeted with a smile that instantly had his heart fluttering and his cheeks pinking. He’d always carried a torch for his childhood friend, but cowardice and indecision had stopped him from ever making a move - seeing the beautiful woman she’d become… he was honestly tongue tied. ‘Keep your hood low and your head down, I need to get back to work.’ She reached over and put a gloved hand over his, her smile beautiful and full of hidden meaning. ‘Don’t go anywhere, we’ll catch up later, okay? No one will bother you.’

He nodded silently and her smile grew wider, her kind, brown eyes staring directly into his soul and transporting him back to a time where he’d just been a clueless kid who’d always follow her around in Nibelheim.

She’s…even more beautiful. Of all the bars in Sector 7 I could have stumbled into…all the ones I passed up… I don’t believe in fate, but this is a bit much. Even for me.

‘Friend of yours?’

Cloud looked down at Nanaki. As soon as his beastly companion saw his face on the news, he’d curled up on the bench and hidden himself behind the table.

Cloud slowly nodded. ‘Yeah…we grew up together.’

There was a beat of silence between them before his new friend spoke again. ‘Is…there some kind of human custom I am unfamiliar with? Why were you staring at her chest so intently?’

Cloud, who’d just taken a sip of his free drink, almost spit it out. Clearing his throat and thumping his chest to clear his airways, his cheeks reddened and he stuttered out an answer. ‘It’s…not a custom, she’s just grown a lot since I last saw her.’

He didn’t need to look to feel Nanaki’s confused stare. ‘Her…chest has grown a lot…?’


‘Humans are weird…’

Says the talking cat-dog…

Cloud did as Tifa asked, they kept their heads down and waited for the bar to eventually clear out. When there were only a few stragglers left over, Tifa rejoined him at his table, her skin glistening with perspiration from a good night’s hard, hectic work.

He caught himself from glancing too long at her cleavage and bare midriff but if Tifa noticed, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she wrapped him in a surprisingly powerful hug the second she sat down beside him. Cloud, unused to close, intimate physical contact, froze at the unexpected action but eventually returned her embrace, gently patting her on the back.

She’s shredded! What the hell…?

What he feared would be an awkward, stilted reunion was…well, it was still a little awkward and stilted - he wasn’t much of a talker - but Tifa carried the conversation expertly, showing off her years spent tending a successful bar. While Nanaki dozed peacefully beside them, they exchanged heavily abridged versions of their lives since they’d been apart.

Tifa had apparently become the student of a renowned, nomadic martial arts master shortly after he’d left Nibelheim. Then she’d told him of how she had suffered a grave, life threatening injury that she only survived thanks to luck and circumstance - Cloud made sure to keep his face carefully blank as she told this part of the story. Her master then brought her to Midgar to receive medical treatment and, after staying here for several months to recover, decided to build a new life for herself in the slums.

‘Did…did you hear about what happened? About…home?’

Cloud didn’t answer immediately, his mind conjuring images of his mother, of a town in flames, of Tifa being struck down by Sephiroth…of his revenge. Then, unbidden, came flashes and images of his hellish time under Hojo’s care at Shinra mansion.

He didn’t suffer enough…

Eventually, he slowly nodded. ‘Yeah…I’m sorry -’

Wiping away her teary eyes, she gave him that beautiful smile again, the one that made his heart simultaneously skip a beat and ache. ‘Why are you apologising, silly? It wasn’t your fault…’

She took his hand and he froze once again at the contact. ‘So many people died that day… I would have been one of them too were it not for one brave Shinra infantryman…’

Cloud momentarily forgot how to breathe as he wilted under the intense scrutiny of Tifa’s kind, loving eyes.

‘I’ll never forget that night,’ Tifa whispered, her voice hoarse. ‘I can still hear his voice clear as day, in my dreams…’

The spell was broken when the TV started to replay the earlier broadcast, flashing his and Nanaki’s images up on the screen once more. They were being hunted, but until the lockdowns were eased, there was no getting out of Midgar undetected…

Worst case, I’ll fight my way out…

Tifa slowly turned back to him, the tender moment from earlier broken, her beautiful features set in a concerned frown. ‘Was…that you? Did you really kill Hojo?’

Cloud’s sensitive ears picked up on Nanaki’s changed breathing patterns. His new friend had been feigning sleep and was instantly on guard at the mention of his tormentor.

Regardless, Cloud slowly nodded, curious to see what her reaction would be.

Somehow, even though he was on guard, she surprised him.

Leaping to her feet, Tifa turned and announced that the bar was closed, hurrying the stragglers out with a forced, kind smile by whipping them with a dirty hand towel.

When Tifa returned, the bar now eerily silent, Cloud tensed.

‘You stashed your weapon? Good, good,’ she concluded, hurrying back over to him and tucking the hand towel in her skirt. ‘You can hide your hair with a cloak, that sword though? No chance…’

She was startled out of her hurried monologue when Cloud stood, his posture tense. ‘Are you going to turn me in?’

Cloud ignored the confused and hurt expression on her features and kept his gaze steely, resolved.

Her mouth hanging open in shock, it then scrunched up into disgust - he didn’t like it, her face shouldn't ever twist that way, in his opinion. ‘You’d think I’d turn you in? To Shinra?!’

Cloud very obviously looked around at the interior of the bar. While in any other city, it would have barely qualified as a dive, in the Slums though, it may as well have been a palace.

‘There’s no way you make enough money from your patrons to pay for this - I saw what you’re charging…’

Cloud tried not to wince as Tifa’s nostrils flared in anger, her fists clenched so tight he swore he heard her bones creak. Before she could lash out however, she took a deep, calming breath, her eyelids fluttering closed. After a few inhales and exhales, her severe expression became serene and she replied in a soothing, understanding tone.

‘I…can see why you’d think that.’ Her eyes opened and he could no longer detect a hint of anger. That was one thing that had clearly changed about his childhood friend. Tifa had always been quick to anger, and even quicker to punching the source of her anger - often himself. ‘No, I don’t work for or take money from Shinra unless one of them comes in here to buy a drink.’

After a few more tense beats of silence, Cloud sighed and slowly nodded. ‘I’m…sorry if I offended. I’m sure you can understand,’ he flicked his head towards the TV still showing his image on the screen. ‘I’m a little bit on edge right now.’

Her beautiful, serene smile was back in full force and he didn’t fight it when she bounced over to his side and wrapped her arms around his bicep. His cheeks flushed as he felt the soft flesh of her heavy breasts squish enticingly against his powerful arm and he once again had to exhibit godly amounts of willpower not to reach up with his free hand and cop a feel.

‘I think it’s time I introduce you to some friends of mine…you can tell us all about what happened, and we’ll do everything in our power to help you.’


Tifa’s friends were…well, they certainly had character.

It still blew his mind that Tifa - and by extension, her friends - were a splinter-cell of the eco-terrorists, Avalanche. It seemed so unlike his childhood friend… and yet paradoxically, so like her.

He’d eventually met up with his Wutai contact to collect his money, and after slapping him around a bit, not only had he been paid in full, he’d been given a little extra for their trying to burn him. His contact tried to deny everything, but quickly wilted under his mako-infused glare.

That very same glare made Tifa’s friends wary of him at first, but all it took was his childhood friend to spill the beans that he’d been the one to kill Hojo - something that, understandably, made her the target of one of his glares - and they’d practically treated him like royalty ever since.

Even Barret Wallace, the dude with the gun for an arm, instantly mellowed out when he learned that tidbit of information, his bristly, aggro demeanour instantly chilling.

Cloud and Nanaki had been laying low with them for a couple of weeks now, and while the security lockdowns had been eased, they’d decided to stick around for a little while. Nanaki had a lot of aggression to work through and joining Avalanche on their missions to sabotage Mako reactors seemed a good way to do so.

If Cloud were being honest with himself though, the reason he hadn’t moved on already was because of Tifa. When she wasn’t working, the two spent all their time together re-establishment their childhood friendship.

If he were being doubly honest with himself, Cloud was feeling a whole lot more than friendship towards the stunning woman his friend had grown into.

Seated at his table in the corner of the bar, his silent brooding was interrupted by the arrival of Jessie Raspberry. When Cloud had first been introduced to the pretty Avalanche member, he’d found her annoying. Super clingy and borderline obnoxious, she couldn’t have clashed more with his personality even if she tried.

She’d eventually worn his defences down however with her persistent charm… that, and she’d introduced him to a weaponsmith that could give his unforgettable weapon a makeover.

His eyebrows rose when he saw what she was wearing. Gone was her usual combat attire and in its place, something more casual, and sexy - a scuffed, brown leather jacket thrown over a low-cut white halter top and skintight jeans.

She must have liked what she saw in his eyes, because Jessie grinned sexily and bounded over to him, her hands clasped behind her back.

‘Hey cutie,’ she greeted with a wink. ‘Ready to go pick up your new weapon?’

That instantly got his attention. ‘It’s ready?’

‘Mhmm,’ she hummed in a teasing tone, poking out her tongue at him. ‘Wanna go pick it up?’

He was standing before she’d even finished her question, the cloak he still wore whenever he went out thrown over his shoulders. ‘Let’s go.’

Cloud ignored her excited hopping and squealing when he hooked his arm through hers and dragged her out of the door.

He’d been hesitant at first, when the members of Avalanche had suggested he do something about his immediately recognisable weapon. The Buster Sword had been given to him by the man who’d not only saved his life, but had sacrificed his own to do so - a real hero.

The sword had never truly been his though. Cloud had felt like a poser wielding it, as if he were constantly trying to walk in someone else’s shoes. He… didn’t like the feeling, so while giving the sword a facelift would only impart minute benefits - its new appearance only useful for as long as it took Shinra to tie him to his new weapon - Cloud still felt excited about the work he’d commissioned.

Because he hadn’t just commissioned a facelift, he’d paid for an upgrade. And he’d paid well.

The blacksmith’s workshop was on the outskirts of Sector 6, out of the way of everyone yet still somehow always busy. When Cloud and Jessie stepped foot in the storefront though, the older, barrel-chested man bit the cigar between his teeth and smiled eagerly.

‘Alright you lot! Git the hell outta here, I’m closin’ for lunch!’

‘It’s almost dinner time!’

The belligerent customer flinched away when the smith reached over to grab his nearby hammer and he, and the rest of the customers, quickly made themselves scarce.

‘How can I help you?’ the smithy asked with an amused, cocky lilt to his voice. He knew damn well what Cloud wanted.

‘You’re hilarious. Jessie said it’s ready?’

He didn’t have the energy to play games with this man. Cloud had been antsy ever since he’d stashed the Buster Sword - he hadn’t had a blade to practise with since and he could feel his skills and his edge dulling.

‘Got the rest of my -’

He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Cloud threw the bag of gil on his counter. He didn’t bother counting, instead weighing the bag in his hand before giving an approving nod.

Pretty much all of his considerable pay from the Hojo job had gone towards this requisition. Tifa had nearly fainted when she’d learned how much he’d not only been paid, but how much he was paying to get his weapon reforged.

‘Goooood,’ the smith rumbled with delight, flicking his head towards the nearby door and motioning them inside. ‘Come out back - I don’t wanna get you too excited, but this is my best work yet.’

‘Big words,’ Jessie teased, giving the huge man a wink. ‘Do you say that to all the pretty girls?’

The man barked out a laugh and followed them out back. ‘Still sore about that, girlie?’

Jessie arched up, her cheeks puffed out in an adorable pout. ‘Cloud isn’t prettier than me!’

Cloud stopped and turned to her with a raised brow. ‘Jealousy’s a curse, Raspberry.’

The smith barked out an even louder laugh before stopping by a table with a large, oily cloth draped over it. ‘I wasn’t kidding kid, this is my best work yet. Believe it or not, you’re getting this at a huge discount - consider it my thanks for shifting that piece of garbage off this mortal coil.’

This reaction wasn’t new to him. Pretty much everyone in the Slums he let see his face fell over themselves to thank him for his service. One thing was for sure, Cloud would never have to pay for a drink again in Midgar.

Unable to take it anymore, Cloud whisked the cloth off the table and just…stared.

‘You…made it bigger?’

His reaction seemed to tickle the smith, who laughed until he was a coughing and wheezing fit. ‘I told you you got a discount.’

Cloud stared at the sword on the table with awe, its similarities to his old weapon ending with its overall shape and profile - a huge cleaver with a pointed wickedly sharp tip. However, not only was it longer than the Buster Sword had been, but it was much, much thicker too - it was so thick that were it not for the very obvious and razor sharp cleaver’s edge, he’d have thought it was a club.

Looking at the boxy hilt, Cloud’s eyes widened when he saw an occupied, tri-link materia slot. They were set in a triangular pattern with the two lower, blue materia linked to and combined with the green one at the tip.

He'd only ever seen that on one other weapon…

‘Is this materia fused to the sword?’

‘Ayup,’ the smithy answered with a proud grin and no explanation. ‘This is my best work yet. Give it a swing…if you can, SOLDIER boy.’

Cloud didn't bother correcting him, reaching down and gripping the red leather hilt tight. When he lifted, all the muscles in his arm, shoulder and right side of his back strained, but he still did so with little visible effort.

The smith whistled appreciatively while Jessie looked at him like Nanaki did a juicy steak, nibbling on her bottom lip with desire.

‘It's one thing knowing about the stuff they put you boys through…but seeing it…?’

‘I don't recommend it,’ Cloud replied drily as he gave the sword a few experimental swings, its size and heft causing almost visible currents as it didn't do much as cut, as it crashed through the air - a testament to its heft more than its lack of an edge.

Almost like a ship parting the sea with its hull.

When Cloud tried to connect to the materia, curious as to its purpose and why it had been fused, he frowned.

‘... Gravity?’ His tone was confused more than accusatory, the man had proven himself capable so Cloud wouldn't do him the disservice of acting like he knew better. Though he had experience with the spell, it wasn’t generally his go-to in combat.

‘Mhmm,’ the smith confirmed, puffing out a cloud of acrid smoke before removing the cigar and spitting in a nearby bucket. ‘Linked with Magnify and Magic Focus materia. They're all fully awakened, you'll need them to use this baby properly.’

Jessie whistled in appreciation, eyeing the mysterious, imposing chunk of mako-infused alloy with trepidation, her gaze staring curiously at the tri-link materia slot. ‘I've never seen anything like this before…’

‘Hah!’ The smith barked out a laugh and inhaled another deep drag of his cigar, his chest rumbling as he purred in appreciation. ‘That’s what you get when you pay five-hundred K.’

‘F-five…five hundred?!’ She turned to him in shock, her eyes wide and her face pale at the enormity of the number. 

Cloud only raised his eyebrows while he tried desperately not to laugh - her reaction was shockingly similar to Tifa’s. ‘How much would you have charged to infiltrate Shinra and kill Hojo?’

Jessie still seemed to be at a loss for words, staring at him like he was crazy. ‘And you spent it all on a…sword?!’

Cloud turned back to the blacksmith and, after locking gazes, let out a long suffering sigh. The man nodded in understanding as they shared a moment. 

‘Why Gravity though?’ Cloud asked, carefully swinging the blade so he could rest the flat edge of the back on his shoulder and testing it for comfort. No issues.

The smithy bit down on his cigar and smiled before motioning to the blade. ‘Put the sword back down on the table. There's a switch near the hilt. flip it.’

Doing as he was asked, Cloud’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline when the weapon…fell apart. The boxy hilt of the blade, for lack of a better term, loosened and the weapon seemingly lost all cohesion. It no longer looked like a solid chunk of metal.

‘You broke it?!’ Jessie screeched as the smith roared with laughter. 

Cloud's eyes narrowed, the sword coming apart in his hands like well-oiled machinery. Under closer inspection, Cloud's eyes widened in surprise, finally understanding.

‘I call it the Fusion Sword,’ the smith boasted, staring at the weapon like it was his magnum opus.

It might be…

Cloud thought he understood the meaning behind the name as he separated his new weapon further. He started stripping away sections of the so-called Fusion Sword one by one, each piece previously cleverly interlocked together to make the whole, now coming apart with simple, mechanical clicks.

When he’d finished disassembling the weapon on the bench, it had come apart into six separate individual blades. A cleaver with a handle running along its reverse edge, two slender, single-edged longswords, two, wickedly sharp short swords, and finally the core greatsword which they had all been previously, perfectly attached to, its long, double-edged blade splitting apart and widening with a twist of the hilt and revealing four more paired materia slots.

Holy shit, I’ve only got two arms… wait…

With a frown, Cloud reached out to the materia. He had great experience using magic materia, though he’d always preferred Lightning.

This Gravity materia though…combined with the Magnify and Magic Focus support materia… he’d never felt a more powerful and controlled response when using magic before. It was as if the materia sang to him, telling him how to use them.

And then he understood.

Reaching out his hand, Cloud’s frown deepened in concentration as he focused. Jessie shrieked in surprise and the blacksmith guffawed when he insta-cast Graviga on each of the blades individually, specifically making sure to increase the effects of gravity itself atop each and every one of them.

Slowly, each of the blades started to levitate, rising and rising until Cloud carefully lowered the power of his spell. When the effect of the spell matched the Earth’s natural gravity, each blade hovered in mid-air without further input.

His forehead was slick with sweat and his temples were throbbing in pain, but he couldn’t mask the wild grin on his face even if he wanted to act all cool and collected.

The smith clapped him on the back and Cloud shot him and the stupefied Jessie a pleased smirk.

This…will take some getting used to.


After spending an hour getting used to his new, unwieldy weapon, they left the blacksmith with Cloud feeling infinitely more comfortable and assured with the familiar feeling of a weapon on his back once more.

Before he could even shove his hands in his pockets, Cloud grunted as Jessie grabbed his shirt and shoved him up against the nearby wall. He was so surprised by the uncharacteristic show of aggression that he didn’t even resist.

Rather than attack him however, Jessie pressed her soft body against his, her face mere inches away from his own.

‘Are we gonna discuss my finder’s fee, Cutie?’

Despite what many would think, Cloud wasn’t used to women throwing themselves at him so blatantly and persistently - especially women as beautiful as Jessie undeniably was.

Honestly, had he run into her even a month ago, he might have considered it…but now, after reuniting with Tifa…

She smiled sexily up at him, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. ‘You got your weapon,’ she purred, her free hand running down his chest to cup his junk. ‘Now I want mine…’

Cloud looked away in embarrassment and Jessie froze in shock. ‘Really?’ she whispered in disbelief. ‘Not even a twitch? Cutie…my ego can only take so much of a beating…’

‘Sorry,’ he mumbled, unsure of what else to say. ‘It’s… not you, it’s -’

Jessie sighed and backed off, finishing his sentence for him. ‘Tifa, right?’

Cloud winced, his face scrunching up in embarrassment and Jessie sighed again.

‘This is so weird,’ she bemoaned. ‘I’m not used to being turned down - I feel like I need to find Wedge and apologise for all the shit I give him…’

Cloud made to assuage her ego but Jessie put her fingers on his lips. 

‘Don’t,’ she said, stopping him before he could get a word out. ‘You’re not the first guy to fall for our dear barmaid’s charms - though you might be the first who actually has a chance…’

Cloud flushed in embarrassment, not so much at her words per se, but because of how much they excited him. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying the time he and Tifa spent together lately, though he’d never mentally considered it romantic in nature… until now.

Fuck… I’m so screwed.

Jessie had a complicated look on her face, a mixture between more mischief and sadness that he couldn’t quite understand. ‘Hey Cloud, you ever wonder how Tifa can afford the bar and its upkeep?’

‘All the time,’ he admitted with a shrug. ‘She keeps sidestepping the issue whenever I bring it up though.’ 

Jessie didn’t immediately reply, indecision warring on her features before she sighed in resignation. ‘Do you want to know…? You might not like the answer, you know…’

Curiosity warred with concern in his gut.

Is she in some kind of trouble? I… doubt it, no way the others would let it continue if that were the case…

Curiosity winning out, Cloud slowly nodded and his confusion grew when Jessie smiled sadly at him. Linking her arm through his, she turned and led them through the winding alleyways, in the direction of Wall Market.

This wasn’t his first time visiting Wall Market, Tifa having brought him several times already to work out with her at the MMA gym. A fun enough way to alleviate his boredom, he’d however yet to visit during the evening where Tifa had assured him the district truly popped off.

Seeing how busy the neon-lit Wall Market was that evening, one could be forgiven if they forgot they were still in the slums. Jessie guided him through the sea of humanity, past the gym he recognised and several shops and eateries that showed no signs of closing.

The queasy feeling in his gut intensified when Jessie brought him to a building that was lit up with more neon lights than any of the other buildings in Wall Market combined. He’d heard of the Honeybee Inn, mostly via osmosis from whenever Biggs, Wedge or Barret mentioned it.

While calling it a brothel would be doing the high-class establishment a disservice…it wasn’t far from the truth. From what Cloud understood, the Honeybee Inn was an exclusive hostess bar slash club that apparently tried its best to cater to their client’s every wish and desire - be that sexual or generally hedonistic in nature.

And while it was apparently exclusive, Jessie didn’t have any issues getting them waved in through the velvet rope, the big bouncers letting them in with only a smile from his companion.

‘You come here often?’

Jessie turned to him and shot him a cheeky grin, her eyes once again dancing with mischief. ‘My my, what a thing to ask a girl on a first date.’

Cloud rolled his eyes, not buying her faux affrontement for a second.

The inside of the club was far more lavish than he’d been expecting, but Cloud barely had a chance to take it all in before Jessie steered him off to the side and up a flight of stairs he’d missed when they entered. After passing through a nearby door, they left the thumping music of the club behind and found themselves in a conspicuously plain, uninteresting beige corridor, their footfalls echoing off the walls as Jessie continued to lead him with confidence that could have only come from experience.

He didn’t bother thinking about why she had such experience - it wasn’t his business.

Though he couldn’t stop his gut from tying itself up in knots, his mind wondered what any of this had to do with Tifa and how she afforded the Seventh Heaven.

Finally, they stopped in front of a nondescript door and, as Jessie gripped the handle, she turned to him, her features lacking any of her playful energy.

‘What you see in there might shock you,’ she warned, her voice deathly calm. ‘I need you to promise me you won’t make a scene - everything you see in there is one hundred percent legit. Promise?’

The churning in his gut intensified to unprecedented levels, but his burning curiosity won out and, with growing trepidation, he slowly nodded.

Jessie smiled sadly and, before turning the handle, she leaned up on her tippy toes and planted a soft, lingering kiss on his jawline. ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you…’

He heard before he saw.

As they quickly slipped inside, Cloud rested his new weapon by the door, his eyes adjusting to the change in lighting conditions. The first thing he noticed was that the room they were in was large, the size of a standard warehouse, with a dingy, stained concrete floor and beat-up brick walls. Jessie, her arm still interlocked with his, led him to the far corner of the wide-open space where a film crew were set up with their cameras and mics around a boxing ring, large, blinding-white LED panels shining their diffused light on the scene, bathing it in an almost ethereal glow.

He noticed all this in an instant, as an afterthought, but what immediately stole all of his attention from the second they stepped into the room was the rapturous, feminine moans…

Moans coming from Tifa.

His childhood friend - no, if he were being honest with himself, his apparent one-sided crush - was entangled in the ropes of the boxing ring, completely naked save for her black compression sleeves and open-toe leggings. Her arms were looped over the top rope for support while her heavy, perfect tits sagged over the second. Her body was entwined in the ropes in a way that allowed her to show off her hard-earned muscles and perfect body for the camera, and the elasticity of the rope allowed her to bounce on the mouth of her co-star, who was sitting on the floor of the ring with his arms wrapped around her thighs, Tifa’s bald pussy on his thick lips

Holy shit…

‘Yes! Yes! Oooooooh fuck yes!’ Tifa cried, as her apparently talented lover availed her of his oral skills.

Almost absentmindedly, Cloud allowed himself to be dragged over to the corner of the room, behind the crew. He couldn’t tell if it was a blessing or a curse that he had a much better view of the gorgeous woman he’d reignited his feelings for over the past month, but either way, he had a front row seat to Tifa’s perfect, muscular body bouncing and undulating on the face of a porn star.

Wait… Tifa’s a porn star, apparently an incredibly successful one… that’s how she affords everything…

He forgave his mind for making the painfully slow connection, given how overloaded it was with stimuli in that moment.

A part of Cloud was still struggling to comprehend the scene before him. Tifa just…didn’t seem the type. She was painfully kind, good, sweet… maybe it was just his bias, but those weren’t the kinds of traits he associated with porn stars - they were traits he normally assigned to nurses, teachers…


And yet Tifa is one…and she undoubtedly is those things still.

While his mind wrestled with the insane scene before him, booting and rebooting over and over and failing to compute, his baser, more instinctual mind had other thoughts. Urges that hadn’t even twinged when Jessie threw herself at him roared to life and his cock rapidly hardened in his pants.

It was insane, the scene should have crushed him, but seeing the angelic Tifa so uninhibited…so naughty just did something to him, something he hadn’t expected.

‘Alright guys, great work!’ The director called, the extra voice so unexpected he almost lept in alarm like a startled cat. ‘A quick shoot’s a good shoot, start fucking when you’re ready. Same position, hang off one rope lower if you have to Tifa!’

The voice served to remind him that it wasn’t just him, Tifa and her lover in the room. Looking around, there had to be at least a dozen crew watching his childhood friend film a porno. A part of him had always imagined porn directors to be skeezy, wretches of humanity, but he was amazed by how… normal they all looked, as if this was just another day at the office.

Several of the less busy people had noticed his presence, and were whispering amongst one another and pointing at him.

He got that a lot.

For a brief second, Cloud felt his hackles rise as the director ordered Tifa to fuck the other porn star, but one look at her beautiful face contorted in pleasure let him know that, even if they could, nobody here was forcing Tifa to star in these films.

She wanted to be here…and she was enjoying it, enjoying herself.

A lot.

Just as the realisation dawned on him, he felt a pair of slender arms wrap around his midriff from behind, a pair of adventurous hands that belonged to said arms now toying with his zipper.

‘Not what you were expecting?’

Cloud felt his entire body shudder as Jessie’s warm breath tickled his ear.

He didn’t answer, his eyes instead glued on Tifa as she hung suspended from the ropes. Her co-star was built like a flyweight, his dark skin glistening with sweat, just like Tifa’s, but when he divested himself of his boxing shorts, he revealed a cock that looked almost comical on his slight frame.

Sitting on the floor of the ring, the pornstar steadied his swaying tree-trunk of a shaft as Tifa steadily lowered herself. It was a slow, steady process, the gargantuan shaft carefully parting her folds and invading her womanhood - a process Tifa clearly adored, her rapturous cries going straight to his aching erection.

Jessie used the distraction to unzip him and slip her hand in his pants. She purred in his ear as she took hold of his aching cock.

‘Like what you see, Cutie?’ Jessie’s teasing words were having the desired effect, and Cloud’s knees almost buckled as Tifa impaled herself as much as she was physically able. It was easy to be distracted by her huge, pendulous tits, but Cloud couldn’t stop looking at her flexing abs and powerful thighs as she started to bounce on the cock sheathed inside her.

Tifa was born with those tits - and while they were stunning, and Cloud felt a powerful urge to stumble on the set and suckling on her large, pink nipples - she’d earned that warrior’s body with hard work and dedication. He found that infinitely hotter.

Cloud swallowed thickly and wet his suddenly too-dry lips. Even if he could answer Jessie’s question, he wasn’t sure he needed to, the evidence of his shame gripped tightly in her stroking fist.

‘Yes, oh God, fuck me you brute! Isn’t this what you wanted when you beat me in a spar?!’

She’d win no awards for acting, but Cloud wasn’t sure any of that mattered. His eyes were instead glued to her glorious, toned body, the evidence of her hard work and dedication as sexy to him as the erotic scene he was witnessing itself.

‘God she’s so beautiful,’ Jessie whispered, still stroking his aching cock. ‘I wish I had tits like that…’

‘Her body…’

Jessie almost started when she heard his gravelly, whispered voice finally reply to her teasing.


‘Her body is incredible…you can tell how much work she’s put into it…’

Jessie was silent for so long Cloud thought he’d said something wrong, she’d even paused in her stroking. When she eventually continued though, she did so with a quiet, throaty chuckle.

‘You really are head over heels, huh?’ she teased, nibbling on his ear. ‘Even after seeing this…? Man… why are all the good ones taken?’

Taken…? What’s she talking about?

They lapsed into silence once more as they watched Tifa fuck. Cloud felt a confusing mix of emotions roiling in his gut, a burning, intense jealousy of the man with the huge cock fucking the girl he’d grown to admire… and arousal… arousal at being witness to something so wrong, yet so undeniably hot.

Pausing in his admiration of her incredible body, Cloud instead focused his mako-green eyes on Tifa’s perfect pussy, her lips parted obscenely wide around the invading member and her clit gleefully exposed. He still couldn’t square the Tifa he’d come to acquaint himself with over the past month with the porn star in front of him, but he eventually stopped caring and let his lustful desires take over.

As if by some unspoken agreement, Tifa’s co-star launched himself up off the floor, earning an erotic squeal from his lover as she was still impaled on his prodigious member. Untangling Tifa, he carried her over to the corner where she put her arms up over the top ropes and wrapped her powerful legs around his waist.

‘Moneyshot,’ the director called and neither actor reacted save for the male porn star increasing the tempo of his thrusts while his thumb started to rub Tifa’s exposed clit. It showed a level of experience from both actors that sent a thrill of excitement through Cloud’s body unrelated to Jessie’s ministrations.

He couldn’t tell if Tifa was hamming it up for the camera, but ultimately, the end result meant it didn’t really matter as her moans and cries grew more intense as her orgasm drew near. With her tits now flopping all over the place and her body rippling with the force of her lover’s thrusts, Tifa screwed her eyes shut, arched her back and groaned, her body convulsing as she tipped over the edge.

Her lover quickly followed her into euphoria, gasping loudly as he buried himself as deep as he could go, his body shaking as he unloaded pulse after pulse of ejaculate into Tifa. Tifa. It still blew his mind that this wasn’t some kind of erotic dream.

When the director called cut, the co-stars decoupled with Tifa still hanging from the ropes, an exhausted, elated smile on her beautiful features. As her lover stepped away, she remained suspended by hooking her spread legs over the top ropes.

Having apparently seen enough, Jessie zipped him back up and started to lead him back outside, though Cloud struggled to look away from Tifa’s well-fucked pussy, her glistening lips redraw with thick rivers of cum oozing out of her womanhood and onto the mat below.

Once they were back in the hallway, Jessie pressed him up against the wall and kissed him with a ferocity that took Cloud by surprise, and instantly snapped him out of his funk. He had a brief thought to push her away - he clearly had feelings for Tifa and didn’t want to lead Jessie on - but his mind quickly quashed that sentiment by flashing him continuous images of his childhood friend bouncing on that huge cock, her moans still ringing in his ears.

Fuck it.

He returned the kiss, finally giving in to Jessie’s weeks of overeager flirtations. He planted his fists either side of her head against the wall and leaned in, bracketing her between his powerful arms, their lips locked together in a battle for dominance. She moaned into his mouth, part pleasure, part victorious warcry, before, reluctantly, she pulled away.

Jessie’s pouty lips were glistening and swollen with passion, her eyes - clouded over with lust - quickly clearing as she smiled gently up at him and bit her lip. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea Cutie, I think Tifa likes you, like, really likes you. I haven’t seen her this happy in all the years since I’ve known her…’

Cloud ruthlessly quashed the giddy, absurdly happy butterflies in his stomach Jessie’s words conjured and instead plastered a frown on his handsome features, his body still leaning towards her and his fists planted against the unyielding concrete.

‘Then why -?’

Jessie swallowed his words by leaning up again to capture his lips in a searing kiss, her hands reaching up and running over his chest, copping a feel of his steel-hard pectorals. ‘God you’re so hot. Why is she a porn star? Why is she fucking other men if she likes you? Why did I show you any of this?’

She grinned cheekily when Cloud only responded with a deadpanned ‘Yes.’

Shrugging, she started to tick off her fingers, in order. ‘She enjoys sex and it makes her a lot of money. Why not? And why did I show you this? Well, obviously, I really want to fuck you, and while your loyalty to your childhood friend is adorable, I wanted you to see it was misplaced.’

Seeing him about to protest, she put her finger against his lips to shush him and gave him a mischievous, flirtatious smile. ‘I’m not saying Tifa isn’t deserving of your loyalty, rather, I’m saying there’s no reason why you can’t have a little fun too.’

Cloud didn’t resist when she leaned in to kiss him again, this time his pleased groans joining her own when she cupped his aching junk once more.

Instead of pulling back, Jessie started to trail kisses along his jaw. ‘I’d ask if you could even handle being with a woman like Tifa…’ Pulling back, she stared into his eyes with a look of mischief mixed with intense lust and amusement. ‘She’s an amazing woman…but she loves fucking way too much, could your ego handle it? Oh!’ Her smile widened, as her grip on his cock tightened. ‘You like the sound of that, don’t you? Dirty boy!’

Cloud flushed and looked away, his cock giving him away before he could come up with a convincing lie.

Biting her lip, Jessie kissed him again before taking his hand. ‘Come on, hot-stuff, I’d say you’ve got no idea how horny I am, but we both know that’s a lie…’

Absurdly, even after everything he’d seen that evening, his mind still screamed at him to refuse, to stay loyal. He quashed those instincts the second they reared their ugly head though.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Strife? She’s insanely hot, and THROWING herself at you. Stop being such a pussy!

Gritting his teeth, he took Jessie’s hand and let her lead him through the inn like a playful, lustful nymph.

If he didn’t put his dick in something soon, he might just explode.


Tifa, her muscled, toned body glistening with sweat, was still recovering from her orgasm as the director and filming crew packed up their equipment, her co-star leaning against the ropes nearby and doing likewise.

Some poor bastards would have to clean and disassemble the ring to take it back to the gym, but thankfully, Tifa didn’t have to concern herself with such things.

She’d make sure they were compensated handsomely for their efforts though - just like everyone else in the film crew.

‘I think we’ve got another hit on our hands, Tifa, baby,’ the director called without staring up from the footage of his camera. ‘Your fans love it when you take huge cocks. Holy cow, your tits are flopping all over the place - incredible!’

Tifa huffed out a breathy chuckle before staring down the length of her body. She still held herself suspended on the ropes, her muscles starting to burn deliciously with the strain. Gravity caused her heavy tits to part and sag over either side of her chest and her eyes locked on the old scar that was revealed just beneath them.

Fire. Burning. Sephiroth. Her Parents. Mako reactor. The Shinra Infantryman who saved her life, blonde hair visible beneath his helmet…

‘Want me to take care of that for you?’

Her co-stars deep voice pulled her out of her distressing trip down memory lane and she stared down at him, his eyes glued to her leaking pussy. She smiled coquettishly and arched her back, spreading her legs wider.

Sex was an incredible way to bury painful memories.

‘If you don’t mind, good sir!’

With a deep, rumbling chuckle, her handsome co-star crawled towards her and Tifa wrapped her powerful legs around his shoulders as he buried his face in her womanhood. She moaned as she felt his tongue slither into her still-tender pussy and clean the mess he’d made.

She purred in pleasure, her eyes closed and her nethers grinding against her lover's face when a sound nearby alerted her to another's presence. When her eyes fluttered open, Tifa giggled when she saw someone familiar trying not to stare at her as he coiled some wiring around his arm - though the noticeable bulge in his pants rendered the effort moot.

‘Did you - mmh - enjoy the show, Kevin?’

Tifa brought a hand up to her mouth and giggled again, the action causing her pendulous breasts to jiggle enticingly, when the man flushed crimson and tried to make his erection less obvious.

‘Amazing, as always, Tifa,’ the crewman gushed, after giving up on hiding his embarrassment. ‘Not as much as Miss Raspberry though, I think…’

Tifa rested a hand in her lover's short, curly hair, her body shuddering in bliss at both his expert tongue work, and the knowledge she had an extra, secret audience for her performance.

You don't get into porn if you don't like being watched…

‘Oh? Why didn't she - hah, nnh, yesss, right there - Why didn't she stick around?’

Kevin flushed adorably, clearly incredibly pleased that Tifa was paying him some attention. She didn't exactly know why that pleased him so much, she was always polite and courteous to the men and women that worked with her.

‘Umm, she wasn't alone.’ he admitted, somewhat bashfully, as if noticing the fact was a terrible secret. ‘Was kinda all over him, actually. I think he enjoyed the show too…’

Tifa’s next moan came out more like a breathy chuckle. ‘It’s not the first time she's brought a date to - nnh - one of my - haaah - my recordings.’

Tifa could feel another orgasm rapidly approaching. As incredible as Darnell was with that tree trunk between his legs, he was infinitely better with his fingers and mouth. He showed off his expertise then, his tongue drawing rapid circles around her clit while his fingers gently brushed the roof of her vagina.

‘She seemed to really like this one though,’ another of the crew piped up from nearby. The gaffer, Emily. ‘He was reeeeally pretty. Pretty sure it was the hero SNN have been plastering all over the news lately - sheesh, I wish she’d leave some for the rest of us…’’

Tifa froze at the words, her beautiful brown eyes wide with shock, her previously flush skin now pallid.

‘Darnell, stop,’ she hissed as she hopped down off the rope, disengaged from her co-star and rounded on Emily. The woman baulked at the look in Tifa’s eyes and took a startled step away as she closed the distance.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, and to not overly surprise the gaffer, she stared calmly into Emily's eyes and spoke in a soft, kind tone.

‘This…man. Was he…for lack of a better word…beautiful? Spiky blonde hair, green eyes? Purple turtleneck?’

Tifa felt the bottom of her gut drop out a level lower with each confirming nod - she didn’t know why she bothered to confirm, she knew exactly who Emily was talking about the second she’d referred to him as the hero, she just desperately hoped it wasn’t true. Tifa forced herself to ease her powerful grip on the weaker woman's arms when she saw her wince in pain.

‘Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! It's just…I was surprised, sorry, I -’

‘It's okay,’ Emily assured with an easy smile as she rubbed at her sore arms.

‘No, it's not, here…’ channelling the healing materia in her gloves, Tifa quickly cured Emily before any nasty bruises could form.

Sighing in relief at the soothing sensation, Emily drew closer.

‘You, um, know the guy? You don't need to answer if you don't -’

Even if she didn't feel terribly guilty for accidentally hurting the woman, Tifa would have answered. Her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, she crossed her arms over her naked, heavy breasts and slowly nodded.

‘He's…a very dear friend. We grew up together and only reconnected this past month…’

With a sly smile, Emily sidled up to her and poked Tifa in her bare midriff. ‘You like him, don't you…?’

Tifa's deepening blush answered her more honestly than her words ever could.

‘Did he…you know… know?’

Her blush deepened even further. ‘I…never got a chance to tell him.’ Tifa hurried over to her pile of clothes and redressed in her MMA getup. Along with her leggings and sleeves, a tank top, silk robe and baggy boxer’s shorts. ‘How, um, how did he react? Did he look angry? Disgusted?’ She winced in pain. ‘Disappointed…?’

Emily smiled sympathetically and wrapped Tifa up in a comforting hug. ‘Honestly, I couldn't really tell what he was feeling - face like a golem, that one. Even if he's hot as fuck.’

Tifa felt some of far angst ease as she giggled at the accurate description.

That's definitely Cloud…

‘Jessie was all over him like a rash though, and I doubt she had her hands in his pants because he wasn't excited?’

Tifa felt a spike of nonsensical, hypocritical rage at the information and Emily winced sympathetically.

‘Sorry doll, I should have been more delicate.’

Tifa, angry at herself for her reaction and wiping at her watering eyes just sighed and shook her head.

‘Don't worry, I'm being overly emotional.’

After a moment of silence where Tifa stared into space aimlessly, Emily cautiously broke it.

‘Just a friend…? You sure about that?’

Embarrassed, Tifa started in surprise at being called out but eventually just sighed and nodded. ‘I was…kind of hoping we could be more…?’

‘What?!’ A deep, masculine voice from behind shouted in disbelief. Jumping in surprise, Tifa turned to see Darnell smiling down at her. ‘That doesn't sound like the Tifa I know. The Tifa Lockhart I know isn't a quitter!’

Despite the despair that had been filling her heart, Tifa couldn't help but giggle, her hand covering her mouth as Darnell gave her a cheesy smile, his brilliant white teeth contrasting deliciously with his dark skin, his heavy cock swaying between his powerful legs like an elphadunk’s trunk.

He's so gorgeous, especially that cock… but Cloud’s better…

‘You're right!’ Tifa cheered, her eyes crinkling with her angelic smile. 

‘Damn right I am! Now…’ he leaned in conspiratorially, ‘is he really as hot as Emily says he is? Looking to share? He bi?’

Tifa giggled again at Darnell’s one-track mind, giving him a wink before gripping and tugging his heavy cock. 

‘Easy, you utterly shameless slut.’

With a big, infectious smile, Darnell shrugged without the slightest hint of shame on his features. ‘Guilty.’

‘Honestly, if you'd asked me before tonight, I'd have said it was far more likely he was asexual instead of bi… I've dropped so many hints.’

‘Girl,’ Emily replied in exasperation, ‘subtlety is wasted on most men.’

They both shared a giggle as Darnell put his large hands on her shoulders. ‘Tifa…why are you still here?’

That's a really good question…

Grinning, Tifa leaned up and kissed Darnell, then Emily on the cheek. When she turned to Kevin however, her grin turned positively naughty. 

The man yelped as she grabbed his wrists in ironclad grips and stuffed his hands under her tank top. Though he yelped in surprise, Kevin instinctively squeezed down on her large, pliable titflesh, his cheeks flaming red and a goofy smile gracing his features.

Getting right up in his personal space, Tifa smiled, bit her lip and spoke in her sultriest of whispers.

‘Thank you for your work…Kevin.’ The poor man nearly had a heart attack when she purred his name, his eyes wide as he simultaneously played with her tits and gaped at her incredulously, the giggles and envious stares of his coworkers going completely unnoticed. His eyes widened further and he nearly choked on his spit when Tifa used his distraction to slip her hands into his tight pants, her fingers wrapping around his achingly hard shaft. ‘Your…hard work is…appreciated.’

Kevin’s dopey smile instantly fell, his face scrunching up in equal parts panic and embarrassment. ‘Oh no, not again!’

Tifa’s smile was equal parts mischievous and expectant as Kevin froze, shuddered, then, with an adorable, piteous groan, he collapsed bonelessly against her body after dousing her warm, dextrous hands with his seed.

Hoots and hollers broke out from around them as Kevin came in his pants at her…incredibly brief ministrations. Starting as a prank after the filming of her first scene, where Kevin had embarrassed himself by almost immediately cumming in his underwear when he first laid eyes on her naked body, she’d taken pity on him and rewarded him ever since, ramping up her teasing and gradually imparting on him a tolerance to beautiful women.

…it was a futile gesture, Kevin was likely a hopeless case, but at least she let him cop a feel every now and then, and she found his reactions adorable.

It also brought them all closer together as a unit, talent and crew alike.

‘Better luck next time,’ Tifa teased, removing her hands as Kevin shook and piteously stumbled away. Wiping the cum off with a nearby towel, Tifa slowly backed towards the door.

‘Go get your man, girl!’ Emily cheered, wrapping another electrical cord around her arm. ‘Don’t let that skank steal him.’

Tifa’s smile froze on her face and her gut clenched at the thought before a determined frown creased her features. ‘Right!’

Slipping out of the studio, Tifa hurried down the hallway towards Jessie’s likely destination.

Knowing Jessie, she wouldn’t have gone far. Too impatient, the little tease…

Jessie was like a dog with a bone when she found a guy she wanted to fuck.

Though the Honeybee Inn was an establishment that prided itself on privacy and excellent service, both Tifa and Jessie were regulars and familiar faces - the local talent also all idolised Tifa and were all too eager to point her in the direction of where they’d last seen the amorous, spunky brunette and her latest, famous conquest.

Reaching their room, Tifa didn’t even bother knocking as she swiped her VIP card over the lock and let herself inside. Though she’d entered with all the stealth and subtlety of Wutai’ finest, after witnessing the sight that greeted her within, she’d doubted discretion had been necessary.

Ironically, the first thing Tifa noticed was the, frankly, absurdly huge sword leaning against the doorway. She gaped at the weapon in shock - undoubtedly Cloud’s new tool of destruction - before shaking her head and turning her attention to the bed and its occupants.

God he’s so beautiful…

Cloud was naked as the day he was born and laying in profile on the bed, an equally naked Jessie between his spread legs. He was groaning so softly and adorably, his head tilted back and eyes screwed shut as Jessie both stroked and sucked his cock.

Not too big, not too small, Cloud’s member was a girthy seven inches and Jessie was working the shaft like a real pro, swallowing him all the way until her lips pressed against his hairless groin before pulling back all the way and working his head with her dexterous tongue.

Cloud may as well be in another world with how aware he was of his surroundings, aware of anything other than the intense pleasure Jessie was giving him with her blowjob. Jessie herself wasn’t as oblivious though and, without alerting Cloud to their guest, she turned to Tifa, her eyes crinkling and the corners of her lips quirking in mirth.

Tifa didn’t know what she’d been expecting, but she felt she shouldn’t have been surprised when Jessie wordlessly beckoned her over with a flick of her head, her brown ponytail swishing over her shoulder with the motion. Biting her lip sexily, Tifa turned back to Cloud, her eyes devouring his gorgeous, shredded physique as he gasped and moaned in pleasure.

Why the heck did I wait so long to try something like this…?

The time for hesitation was over, she decided, as she wordlessly slipped her robe off her shoulders. As it fluttered to the ground around her ankles, her tank top and shorts quickly joined them. Finally, she removed her gloves until she was dressed only in her toeless leggings and sleeves once more.

Despite her day job and what she’d just finished doing, Tifa still flushed at both the sight of a naked Cloud, and at the way Jessie devoured her toned, naked form with her hungry, sultry eyes.

Smiling shyly at Jessie, she silently joined them on the bed and she just about withheld her giggle when Cloud didn’t even notice.

That quickly changed when she ran her fingers over his shredded abs and unceremoniously sucked one of his nipples into her mouth.

With a gasp, Cloud’s eyes snapped open in surprise at the unexpected contact and he let out a strangled cry at the sight of her. Both women giggled, though Jessie’s was muffled by Cloud’s pulsing sock.


‘Hey,’ she whispered, staring into his wide, vulnerable mako-green eyes with a bashful, regretful smile on her beautiful features. For a man that was so stoic, his eyes were remarkably expressive. ‘Sorry you had to find out about my day job like that…’

Cloud didn’t immediately respond, but Tifa held back a victorious cackle when his gaze dropped and roved over her naked body with a hunger that had her womanhood tingling. His body was twitching and he let out quiet, almost inaudible gasps as Jessie continued to work him over, his cheeks growing increasingly red with embarrassment at his compromising position.

‘Why - hnng - why didn’t you tell me?’

Tifa’s smile turned wry and she brushed a lock of her silky hair behind her ear while her other hand continued to trace patterns around his nipple. Before answering, she copied Cloud and raked her lusty gaze over his body in turn. Personally, she preferred her men to be more bulky, like the guys she’d slept with at her gym… Cloud was in a league of his own though - not only did they have a shared history, one that trumped all superficial desires, but he was undeniably, unquestionably gorgeous… and she’d seen him fight.

More than a ripped, beefy body and a huge cock, Tifa adored a man who could handle himself in a fight, and Cloud had proven that he could over and over again in their spars.

And don’t even get her started on his ability once he had a blade in hand…

Snap out of it Tifa! You’re fangirling!

‘I thought you wouldn’t understand,’ she finally answered, staring deep into his eyes and finding herself getting lost in them. How something with such a tragic, evil origin could be so beautiful was a crime against nature itself. ‘And…I didn’t want to scare you off…’

To accentuate her point, Tifa blindly reached down past Jessie's bouncing, humming face and gently cupped Cloud’s warm, heavy balls. Cloud hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, his eyes never leaving hers.

‘To tell you the truth… I like you Cloud… a lot. And I’ve really enjoyed reconnecting with you over the past month…’

Jessie finally took exception to that, spitting out the wide-eyed Cloud’s cock with a gasp and whining.

‘No fair! I got him first!’

With a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, Tifa slowly turned to the pouting Jessie. Her friend must have seen something in her gaze because she instantly shrank away, like a hyena that had overstepped and tried to snatch the lioness’ meal.

‘Be glad I’m letting you touch my man at all, Raspberry.’

It wasn’t until she heard Cloud’s strangled gasp that Tifa realised what she’d said out loud, Jessie’s devious, sexy grin only driving the point home. Her face flushed crimson and heat rising off her cheeks and neck, Tifa slowly turned back to Cloud with a sheepish look on her face.

‘Your… man?’ he asked, his eyebrows raised and with a - dare she hoped - hopeful look on his gorgeous features.

Tifa pouted and she tried to look away as her flush grew deeper still, but Cloud didn’t let her, his hand shooting out like lightning and gripping her chin, forcing her to stare into his eyes.

‘If you want,’ she finally mumbled under her breath, hating how weak and pathetic she sounded. ‘I mean, I thought… this past month…’

Cloud’s tongue poked out to wet his dry lips and he frowned. ‘I thought… you might not want a man.’

She tried not to feel hurt at the observation, it was completely understandable after what he must have seen earlier. Her sex life was far from traditional and, though she didn’t like to presume, she doubted Cloud had similar experience.

If he admitted right then to being a virgin, she wouldn’t even be all that surprised.

He just didn’t strike her as the lothario type - honestly, it was part of the reason why she found him such an attractive prospect as a partner. Double standards? Maybe, but she’d spent enough time around men who only thought with their dicks.

Hearing suckling sounds coming from her right, Tifa looked down and watched as Jessie went back to suckling Cloud’s throbbing cock. She licked her lips at the sight of it, a fierce desire burning inside her chest. 

When she looked back into Cloud’s mako-green eyes, she hoped hers were projecting the feelings threatening to burst from her chest.

‘Do you not like naughty girls, Cloud?’ Before he could answer, she leaned down and sucked his pebbled nipple back into her, apparently, naughty mouth. She then used the finger of the hand still cupping his balls to poke and tickle his nearby asshole. Cloud’s eyes widened in shock and he sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth, his hips shooting off the bed at the unexpected contact.

Jessie squealed at the unexpected thrust into her mouth, but took him deep like a champ.

Tifa added another mental point in the blonde swordsman’s favour when he didn’t protest her kinky explorations of his back hole, but instead just flushed, grit his teeth and bore it like the good little soldier that he was.

Before Cloud could formulate a response, Jessie pulled off his cock again with a gasp and spoke while stroking his glistening, spit-soaked, shaft. ‘Tell her what you told me earlier, Cutie.’

Tifa looked between both Jessie and Cloud and held in a giggle at his utterly baffled look and her friend’s eyeroll. ‘Tell her what you told me earlier, about her body, when you saw her filming.’

Knowing where this was going, obviously, Tifa put her free arm under her heavy breasts and propped them up, accentuating their hefty size and shape for the man she’d come to have special feelings for. Ever since these sprouted from her chest in her teens, almost every man she met couldn’t keep their eyes off them.

‘Oh?’ Tifa ceased naughtily. ‘Do you like my breasts, Cloud?’

When he didn’t immediately respond, Tifa frowned in confusion - a confusion that only grew when she turned to Jessie for an answer and only found her friend grinning deviously at her.

‘They’re incredible obviously… but…’

Tifa’s eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline.


Swallowing thickly, Tifa felt her heart melt when she noticed how hard Cloud was struggling with putting his feelings into words.

‘I just…your body.’ He frowned and paused in his explanation, gently pushing her away so he had a clearer picture of the object in question. Tifa shivered when he ran his fingers over her chiselled abs, his hand freezing when it came into contact with the scar under her breasts. ‘I can just tell how hard you must have worked, how much effort you put into your training. It’s…you’re beautiful.’

These days, it took a lot to render her speechless. Her adorably clueless, vocabulary-challenged childhood friend managed it though…

Tifa felt her entire body warm, equal parts embarrassment and giddiness. Cloud started at her severe reaction, his cold eyes softening. ‘I’m sorry, I -’

Jessie groaned loudly, disgust and disbelief audible in her tone. ‘Honestly Cloud, for someone who barely speaks you need to learn when to just shut up,’ she bemoaned before barking out an incredulous laugh. ‘Your clueless act is only cute in small doses.’

‘What are you talking about?’

Jessie rolled her eyes in exasperation and both women shared a knowing smile before Jessie turned back to Cloud and flicked her head in Tifa’s direction. ‘You just hit a home run, Cutie. I’d actually be impressed if it wasn’t entirely by accident.’

Cloud turned back to her, his eyes wide with surprise. Tifa gave him her warmest smile, attempting to convey as much of her feelings as possible. Before he could open his mouth again however, she darted forward and finally, finally captured his lips with her own.

God his lips are so soft. How are they so soft?!

Jessie managed to stop sucking Cloud’s dick for long enough to squeal and clap her hands in excitement, they both ignored her though, too lost in each other and the feelings coursing through them. Cloud was a hesitant kisser, tentative, allowing her to take the lead.

Tifa was more than happy to do so.

Threading her hand in his spiky blonde hair, she gripped the back of his head and pulled him tight against her lips, her exultant moan swallowed by his eager mouth. When she finally slipped her tongue inside, Cloud’s darted away like a startled kitten. Tifa coaxed it back out though, and she nearly cried when he properly started to kiss her back.

He was eagerly following her lead.

When they finally pulled apart, breathless and their faces flush, Tifa bit her lip and rested her forehead against his. ‘Do you want me to be your girl…?’

She nearly wept when he didn’t hesitate to answer, his nod slow but not lacking for conviction. Instead, a beautiful smile blossomed on her face and she kissed him again, both arms coming up to wrap around his neck and hold him close.

Again, breathless, they pulled apart and Tifa sighed dreamily. ‘Andrea will be so disappointed…’

Tifa’s head snapped towards Jessie when she heard her friend give a cock-muffled snort of amusement. The snort was followed by an equally muffled, knowing chuckle and at Tifa’s confused look, Jessie's eyes flicked towards Cloud. When she followed her gaze, she was surprised to see Cloud blushing up a storm and refusing to meet her gaze.

Uncomfortably clearing his throat, Cloud tried to sound assured but it just came off as awkward and cute. ‘I, uh, I don’t mind.’

A thrill of excitement shot through her at his words, but she tamped down on the feeling and instead forced him to stare into her eyes. She needed to make sure.

‘What do you mean?’ 

He tried to break eye contact again, but Tifa didn’t let him. His cheeks burning bright, he elaborated. ‘As long as we’re together, I…I don’t mind if…you know...’ He cleared his throat, clearly awkward and uncomfortable with speaking his mind so much. ‘I, uh, I saw you earlier, when filming. You looked…really happy.’ His flush deepened and he rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Whatever makes you happy…makes me happy.’

Tifa stared at Cloud with wide, disbelieving eyes, her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest.

This can’t be real.

Jessie opined on the matter too by pulling off Cloud’s cock and grumbled good naturedly. ‘Lucky bitch…’

Tifa shot her friend a smug grin before turning back to Cloud, her teeth worrying at her bottom lip. ‘Is that the truth, Cloud?’ she teased, putting her hands against his chest and pressing him down until he was laying flat on his back. Her giddiness and heightened emotional state had her feeling positively naughty, and Cloud was just too adorable not to tease. ‘Or did you perhaps enjoy watching me take that huge cock?’


Instead of answering, Cloud’s eyes widened and he sucked in an excited breath.

‘As cute as all this is,’ Jessie spoke up, completely ruining the moment, ‘I’m horny as fuck. I’ll be taking my payment for playing matchmaker now!’

Both Cloud and Tifa’s heads snapped towards Jessie, but before either could protest, the brunette knelt over Cloud’s cock, aimed the head at her dripping womanhood, then groaned in victory as she impaled herself on him.

On her boyfriend.

Jessie shot her a triumphant smirk. ‘You may have won the war, but I won the battle…’

Cloud groaned, one arm wrapped around Tifa’s waist and the other, its hand pressed against Jessie’s mons. ‘That’s…not how the saying goes.’

Jessie cackle turned into a delighted squeal when Tifa reached over and pinched her nipples. Her breasts, while nowhere near as heavy as Tifa’s, were perfect, perky and, she knew from experience, a delight to suckle on.

Why the hell not?

Biting her lip, Tifa threw one powerful leg over Cloud’s body until she was straddling his chest, then she lowered her ass until she could feel his breath on her aching pussy.

‘Lick me,’ she urged, reaching back and threading her fingers through his blonde locks.

How is his hair so soft?!

Any jealous mental grumblings about her boyfriend’s unfairly soft hair quickly died as his tongue found its way into her womanhood.

As had been established, when it came to matters of the bedroom, Tifa was incredibly experienced. Compared to her regular lovers, Cloud’s inexperience was clearly evident, though he made up a lot of ground with sheer enthusiasm while also having the unfair advantage of Tifa caring for him…deeply.

Give me a week and I’ll make him the best I’ve ever had.

Tifa watched hungrily as Jessie’s athletic body undulated and bounced on her boyfriend’s cock, the cheeky, sexy smiles she kept sending her way only serving to further flame her libido.

Yessss!’ Jessie hissed with delight as Tifa shot forward and captured one of her puffy, pink nipples between her teeth. Her friend loved it when her lovers nibbled on her nipples, and Tifa happily obliged, her palm coming up to palm and pinch the unfortunate, lonely tit.

They kept up this rhythm until Cloud got…adventurous. Tifa was surprised he had any higher brain function remaining at all given the overload of stimuli, but he impressed her by exploring her body of his own volition.

Specifically, his tongue started to poke and prod at her rosebud.

‘Mmm, good boy,’ Tifa purred with delight. Reaching down, she gripped the wrist that was wrapped around her thigh and brought it to her mons, directing his fingers to her clit while his tongue toyed with her back door. ‘Aaah! Right there!’

Fuuuuuuuuck!’ Jessie groaned into Tifa’s neck, her hips swivelling as she bounced rapidly. Tifa could tell her friend’s orgasm was near when she leaned back, her hands balancing on Cloud’s knees as she gyrated on Cloud’s cock. He was buried to the hilt, no doubt pressing right up against her cervix - just the way Jessie liked it.

‘Cumming! I’m cumming!’

Jessie’s back arched and her euphoric cry, while loud, wouldn’t have surprised anyone that may have heard it outside.

Such sounds were simple background noise at the Honeybee Inn, after all.

After she’d calmed down from her high, Jessie shot her a cheeky grin and a wink, her cheeks flushed with her recent exertions.

Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Tifa’s ear and whispered, ‘I’ll leave the rest to you. You owe me.’

When Jessie pulled away with a cocky grin, Tifa could only return the smile and nod sincerely.

Quickly getting dressed, they pecked lips one final time before Jessie silently slipped out.

Cloud hadn’t stopped exploring her body, and while she was enjoying it immensely, she needed him inside her. She said as much.

‘Cloud, I need you in me,’ she whined and she felt her new boyfriend freeze at the raw need in her tone, before she squealed as he burst into action. With a girlish giggle, Cloud had flipped them over so he was looming over her, her powerful legs wrapped around his waist and his gorgeous eyes staring directly into her soul. ‘Hey…’

He smirked and it was so sexy her ovaries nearly exploded. ‘Hey, yourself.’

She smiled wide. ‘I can’t wait, put it in me. Please.

Cloud screwed his eyes shut and shuddered. He hadn’t even questioned where Jessie had gone, he didn’t seem to care.


‘Nothing,’ he demurred, blushing. Seeing her frown, he sighed in defeat. ‘I…might have dreamt about you saying that to me…once or twice.’

The smile that blossomed on her face was as radiant as the sunrise. ‘Only once or twice?’

His blush deepened and though he was embarrassed, he couldn’t help but smile. 


His cheeky grin did things to her.

When he finally slipped inside her, Tifa’s groan was half pleasure and half sheer exultation. 

She’d been dreaming about this just as much as Cloud evidently had.

Gripping his wrists, she pulled his hands to her tits and smiled - the lessons would start now. ‘I really like having my breasts played with.’

As Tifa watched the wonder on her boyfriend’s face as he explored her body for the first time, she was convinced it would be enough to bring her to orgasm alone. Like a teenage boy playing with his first set of tits, he smooshed them together, pulled them apart and slapped them around just to see them jiggle. She giggled and Cloud looked up at her with a shy smile, his cock steadily sliding in and out of her wetness all the while.

‘I swear these weren’t here the last time I saw you…’

Tifa froze at his words. She was about to let them slide, but she didn’t want to walk on eggshells around her new boyfriend.

Not anymore.

‘Of course not,’ she replied, her legs sealing around Cloud’s waist tight and holding him still. She continued with a quiet voice, full of conviction and a little bit of accusation. ‘Why would they be? I was twelve when you left to join the army.’

Cloud froze when he realised his error.

‘Unless…that wasn’t the last time we saw each other?’

Cloud stopped moving, he stopped breathing. The way he was staring at her, sans emotion and without making a sound would have been eerie if Tifa didn’t trust him with her life. 

She gripped his hands once more and brought them to a target lower on her chests than her breasts, to the scar just under them. When she pressed his fingers against the blemish, he finally showed signs of life, wincing at the memories the scar resurfaced.

‘It was you,’ she whispered with a shaky voice and teary eyes, refusing to look away. ‘The infantryman, the one who saved my life.’

His eyes widened in shock. ‘H-how?!’

She reached up and pressed her fingers against his soft lips. ‘It doesn’t matter.’ She pulled him down until he was laying against her chest, their faces only inches apart. ‘All that matters is that we’re together again.’

Cloud stared into her eyes with such ferocity that it took her breath away. Instead of answering, he leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

And all was right in the world.


This chapter kinda got away from me. I didn’t mean for it to be this long, but I wanted to make sure I set up their relationship so you have a feel for the dynamics. Going forward, all the vanilla, mushy-gushy sex will happen off screen and you’ll just see Naughty Tifa.

Pt 2 Will either jump straight to Costa Del Sol, or could maybe be something sooner. I’m unlikely to do stuff with Corneo’s mansion, way too rapey. No stuff with Barrett either, their relationship is completely platonic. Johnny is on the table, and a scene with Johnnies could be funny…

I started this fic with a specific scene in mind though, and that’ll happen in the Golden Saucer (Tifa sure likely dem muscles…)


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