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0.5.0 is a giant update that makes a lot of effort to overhaul the gameplay side of UtU while adding every single upgrade for both maids and manor. The guidebook has also been overhauled from a clunky, linear quest system to a flexible list of goals that can be freely completed and checked off in any order.

On the story and lewd side, we have some of the best h-scenes yet! We get some good development for a variety of characters, with some of the stories of individual characters finally coming together, sprinkled with additional insights into the day-to-day lives of the manor's inhabitants.

Looking forward, it's time to start wrapping up some characters and adding their final scenes. Meanwhile other characters like Octavia, Lady B, Jugg, and Emi who have been quietly waiting for their time in the spotlight will soon get their time to shine.


Windows, Mac, Linux 



  • Added Formal Dress, Lingerie Panties and Lingerie Bra to the wardrobe. Included a bulge variant of the panties. For the first time, you can now shapeshift your pp away. 
  • Made the text size on mobile devices equal to the PC text size
  • Fixed the screen going black in the sex scene if you choose Mirabelle's hangout first in this update.
  • Fixed Aurora appearing in the library 5 days too early. That sneaky girl!



  • Added Mirabelle's next hangout. +1 H Scene. +2 CG
  • Added Beatrice's next hangout: +1 H Scene. +3 CG
  • Added Ophelia's next hangout. +1 H Scene. +3 CG
  • +1 New Maid! +3 Outfits for her
  • +3 Morning Events
  • +~20,000 Words of Story (140,000 tot.)
  • Manor Upgrades: Added every single upgrade
  • Maid Upgrade: Added every single upgrade
  • Guidebook: Has been overhauled completely into a list of achievements that can be completed in any order.
  • Dungeon: You can now choose to start a dungeon run from your current floor, the first floor, the highest recorded floor, and your previous run's floor (flexibility for when you reset).
  • Morning events are now more spread out with rest days, and some have progress requirements. **Old saves will see some of these events again, just skip through them.**


  • Dungeon: Added two new biomes. Molten Crag and Frozen Deeps. All biomes are now accessible from the start.
  • Ice Wall new effect: Now increases your defense by X%.
  • Cursed Inferno (Fire x Dark) can now stack.
  • HP and ATK scaling has been entirely rebalanced. The game relies more on the heat mechanic to build difficulty now rather than the inherent stats of basic enemies.
  • Bosses now spawn every 5 floors. Biome resets every 5 floors.
  • Some enemies now have inherent characteristics, such as elemental weaknesses. (i.e. fire slimes are fire resistant)
  • Physical Piercing and enemy Physical Resistance are now factored in the basic attack formula
  • Naughty Imp Event: You can now leave whenever you want, but she will buff the next enemy.
  • Generic morning events have been turned off for now to improve the pacing between days.
  • You can now visit Kane in his throne room. He doesn't have anything to say to you.
  • Added a UI element that shows when an upgrade is maxed and in the case where an upgrade has infinite levels, I added a counter next to its icon.
  • The market now uses fixed base values for buying/selling.
  • Reworked the evasion system: Evading attacks and enemies missing attacks are now separate calculations. Enemies now have 95% accuracy by default. Enemies that pierce evasion now gain a flat bonus to misses and evades.


  • Pain's reduced MP cost under the "Embrace the Pain" upgrade is now shown.
  • Upgrade: "Maelstorm" now gives +0.5 ATK per thorium weapon upgrade levels.
  • Spell: Firestorm: now has an animation every turn. Ice Wall: now makes a sound when it melts.
  • Events: Capped Naughty Imp's prices to 10k.
  • Shield: Shield over 9 now appears as an ordinary number instead of 9+. Shield is now reset between runs to avoid the possibilty of farming starting shield. A sound now plays when your shield is shattered.
  • Swapped the positions of the Manor and Maid buttons in the Manor Screen.
  • Nerfed "The Courtesan - Abundance" by removing its increased bonfire chance.
  • HP is now capped to MHP when entering battle.
  • DoT damage can now be evaded
  • Dungeon buffs count down before you get into your first battle.
  • Several price adjustments and rebalances for all parts of the game.
  • Fixed bonus damage from Frostbite not working on magic or reactions
  • Fixed the accuracy debuff on Pain stacking
  • Fixed Alchemist Upgrade 6 guranteeing a failure instead of a success.
  • Fixed the "Golem" modifier giving enemies a shield equal to 10% of your HP instead of theirs.
  • Fixed the "Vengeful" modifier healing the player
  • Countless tiny changes I haven't included here because it'd clog up the log
  • Typo Fixes




That preview picture alone is blowing my mommy äh mind.


I found a bug, in the morning event that is tea with hazel, aurorae and kane, you get some text aurorae tears not found in the top left corner, and no expression on her face.


Found a bug with Mirabelles 3rd hangout. sex scene goes block screen and then black screen stays


Found another bug, Lyra appeared one day before her intro event.


Who was the new maid in this update?