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We're three months into development, but it doesn't feel like it at all.

What's progressed since the last update:

New Characters:

Demon Queen (The Purple One):

By all accounts, the main antagonist of the story. She is the one who curses the protagonist. The curse created a link that allows her to communicate with you whenever she wants, so anticipate her to call in frequently to tease you.

You'll find her entrancing and playful, and she could have been the main character in her own depraved game.

She appears to know a lot more than she's letting on, and to make matters worse, she's planning an invasion on your city, and your brother, the legendary hero, isn't even remotely prepared.

Ophelia (Tsundere Maid):

Ophelia will be a fan favorite maid for some and a least favorite for others since she is a tsundere cliche performed slightly differently. Many Tsundere girls play the "hot and cold" game; they like you but never confess it.

However, Ophelia initially despises you, and you must earn some of her affection. Ophelia gradually develops feelings for you after gaining enough affection, but she will never confess it. The fact that she is in love with the legendary hero adds to the situation's drama.

She won't have any significant content in the first update, but will have almost the most in the end.

Octavia (Butler):

Octavia, the manor's butler, has no powers and plays no significant role in the plot, but she will have her own storyline and multiple scenes. Octavia is the most professional butler you can have, even if it means being stepped on and disrespected. Perhaps showing her some warmth will reveal another side to this butler.

She won't have any significant content in the first update, but a lot planned.

Manor Upgrades:

The manor upgrades menu have been finishe

Not every single upgrade has been finished yet, but there are enough to keep you going for the first update!

Maid Talent System:

Every maid has their own unique selection of talents:

Dungeon Updates:

To make travelling the dungeon more interesting, rougelike pathing and random encounters have been added:

Spells now fully react with each other. Dark + Fire creates a cursed inferno! Fire + Ice creates a blast of steam! Dark + Ice creates frostbite! All with their own unique effects explained in the combat log.


Remember the to-do list from Friendship with Benefits and Tuition Academia? For Unveiling the Unknown, I decided to gamify it and turn it into a list of trackable quests with rewards for completion:


A city is available to buy outfits and consumables like gifts. Outfits can be previewed before being bought, showing both gold and affection requirements before purchase for maximum quality of life.

There's also a guild which is heavily in development, for the first release you'll only be able to level up your guild rank and get rewards through that, you can earn guild exp by clearing floors in the dungeon. Guild quests, expeditions and feats are planned. You'll have to guess what those are based on the names.

Sex Scenes:

Ah yes, how could I forgot the reason you're actually all here?

We've got some new technology, in addition to moans making a return after their absence in Monster Girl 1,000, we also have transparent textboxes and actual animations!


That was a lot of stuff, eh? I've also finish the entire intro, all written, all drawn and all coded. I just have character conversations, hangouts and their sex scenes left and the game is more or less ready to be unveiled after some playtesting!

Oh, also it's my birthday! :D




Happy birthday!!! 🎂 🥳 🎉


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TS! Thanks for everything you do and have an awesome birthday 🎉🎉🎉💖🎉🎉🎉


Happy birthdayyyy yaaaaaeh 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Happy Birthday! Super excited for all the progress! 🧁🥳


Happy birthday 🎂🎂 And game seems interesting so far


Happy Birthday! 🥳


Happy Birthday. Please include an opacity slider in the settings so we can change the transparency of the textbox. Also, a text outline and text shadow option would be great as well as all these settings help people who have trouble reading the text and those who want to see more of the image.


Good god Ophelia in her lingerie is S-Tier Sexy af....! mrs demon queen is also quite tastey looking *w*


No offense, but the upgrade trees are making me harder than most of the pictures. Such is the curse of the optimizer.


Oh yeah, there's supposed to be six full, unique upgrade trees, but I couldn't get the gif to work.


is saying Happy Naked Day fine or just happy birthday?; HOLY MOLY YES


Happy birthday 🎂


a day late but happy birthday and new game looks amazing, cant wait~ just kinda had to think about a certain game when is aw the talent tree....


Happy late birthday! Mine was on the 4th so it's nice to see my favorite NSFW artist is a Gemini as well! 🎂🎉🥳


happy late Bday. and cant wait until the demo comes out. Have loved the other two games you made and cant wait for this one too :D