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I'm super, super sorry, but I got hacked! 

If you believe you have been compromised, immediately activate 2FA and change the passwords of any accounts you believe to be been affected, starting with your email.

I made a rookie mistake and clicked on a suspicious link in a Discord message. Yup, you guessed it—I got hacked. It wasn't even an obvious one either, this was from someone that had spent a year in my discord server and knew enough about me to acknowledge that I was a game developer. 

Patreon support swooped in and helped me sort everything out. Huge shoutout to their awesome team! 

Now, let's talk about the aftermath. I know you trust me and my content, but unfortunately, when my account was compromised, the hacker managed to send out a group message and post. Here's the deal: DO NOT download or run any content sent during that time. It's essential to be cautious and stay safe.

Remember, I will only ever send you .png files, .zip files with .pngs, and MEGA links containing my games which will never be a single .exe file. If you receive anything outside of these formats, it's not from me. Please exercise caution and let me know right away.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and I genuinely appreciate your understanding and support. Your safety and satisfaction mean the world to me.

Stay awesome, stay vigilant, and keep being the fantastic community that you are! 🌟

Much love, TwistedScarlett60.




I’m just looking at my phone thinking “What? I already have the full game…” of course I didn’t install it, because why would I need two of the same versions of one game?


I thought something was fishy since you only post messeges on patreon at the beginning of each month. Thankfully, I already have MG 1000 for free from your post a few months ago and I don't mess with patreon messages unless I really need an image or psd file from an artist, but I use discord for my messages 99% if I need to message someone. Luckily you got your stuff back or didn't have to make new servers and stuff. Hopfully whoever sent you that link doesn't do that again.


After all the effort they apparently went to to get you, it seems a rather silly failure to make the message they sent to us so very different from the ones you actually send... Hopefully that'll mean less people download it though


When I got the msg, compared to previous msgs and how you word things in like, is he drunk? Left that one to simmer and didn't touch them link, hopefully the guy who hacked you gets the mega ban hammer right to the skull, thwarting your progression and staining your good name is wrong, keep up the good work!


Man I'm glad my instincts on that message where right. The grammer was just so weird and them signing off the message with your user name was the cherry on it. Like who signs a text message? Plus I already bought Monster Girl a while ago so no incentives there. Glad you're back in the drivers seat Twisted. Hopefully damage will be kept to a minimum.


I'm glad I don't immediately check my messages, that was close!


Goddamn. It seems I slept through something insane. Glad you're ok Twisted.


I saw that message and was confused since I've never gotten a message like that before from Twisted. I've gotten the mega links to images but something about that message didn't sit right with me so I didn't touch the link.

Brandon Swinarska

what about the email regarding monster girl 1000 becoming free and patreon only rewards? was that part of the hacker as well?

Jeff Spencer

sadly I am safe I am so far behind with work that I dont think I've checked on anything from this month. working 2 jobs sucks >.<


Habe mir gleich gedacht das Du es nicht bist kam mir direkt verdächtig vor Danke für die Warnung Hey dear patreons users! Monster Girl is officially now totally free for all of you. Hope y'all will appreciate the content, feedbacks would be loved! Here's a direct link:


Omg, glad it got sorted out. Good thing we're always in no rush to catch up on such messages ourself huh..