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It's not over yet!

How's it going? Have you been keeping your personal Taco company? How did you enjoy the true end?

As many people anticipated, an ambitious update like this doesn't come without its minor bugs here and there! Here's an update to fix everything found so far!

But not only that, since I'm perhaps a little too generous, I've added *new* content and even taken some suggestions, including a new sex scene, and an 'animated' breathing/blinking Taco.

Once there are no more bugs to report, I'll fast track this game for its Steam release!



Windows/Linux: MEDIAFIRE 






  • Yoko threesome added.
  • 'Threesome' on the bed menu has been replaced with 'Threesomes', where you can now access the extra content.
  • Taco now breathes and blinks during the true ending
  • The 'My' has been removed from the title. The "My xyz" thing lays in less copyright friendly waters.
  • Now all character names are ported over from the save you enter the true end with, including Susu and Yoko. Rather than these characters returning to their default names.
  • When reaching the true end, the game now invisibly restarts itself. You won't even notice. This should fix several crashes, including attempting to start a new game while loaded into a game and on the true end screen.
  • The above is also true for accessing the 'other bedroom' again from the bedroom menu.


  • Credits updated with MagicalMysticVA's voice acting.
  • Improved true end system name recogition for Mac and Linux users.
  • Fixed the amount of times you've had an.al sex in your playthrough being referenced incorrectly in the true end.
  • Fixed status not changing from virgin to sexually experienced in the true end. This can retroactively change if you engage in any forms of penetrative sex.
  • Couple of typo fixes




So, what are your plans following launch day where you totally make bank again? Maybe a well-deserved (much-needed) vacation to Maui or Oahu? Or maybe you'll bunk with family wherever it is they're at? Maybe the truth is you just wouldn't know what to do with yourself, and you'll get right onto brainstorming a new game concept, or try out commissions for the spring season. My hope is that you do take some sort of break, because in spite of your 'big wrist ouchy' post the other day it feels like you're still firing on all cylinders and heading straight for another painful blowout. You can't do that to yourself...you can't do this to us! I'm not going to continue supporting you if you're just running on fumes with a full compliment of passengers, so to speak. If you need to raise prices so you can work in some sort of premium physical therapy plan into your non-stop work life, I don't think many would complain...and even fewer might actually argue the quality of your work is absolutely deserving of greater monetary appreciation. So, if you want to continue burning rubber for all time, that's your call. I'll just be watching from a distance in melancholy and disappointment. 😢


Nice! Thanks for this. I played the first version and have been waiting for it to be complete before jumping back in. Sounds like we are almost there :)

Mr. S

I was surprised to see this release after your wrist issue post. Hope you prioritize healing for a while. Repetitive stress injuries just get worse when you ignore them. They can also take years to resolve once they get bad enough...