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Oh you generous folks <3

Turns out there is a 100mb limit on the attachments for patreon, which means I can't upload what I need. This is a real pain in the ass because I'm going away for a day. Tomorrow I will upload the .sai file and Paint Tool Sai on a mirror website like MEGA or Mediafire, apologies for the delay. I will make it up to you.

The tutorial is also available, feel free to ask any questions you might have since I've never really done anything like this before and I might have missed a few things.

Once my internet gets a little better when I move to Universities i will think about doing timelapses and more video content too. But until then I can barely upload all these files on a timely manner xD

For those of you interested, there is a new updated demo of Renryuu Acension available with hotfixes and a new major feature, a questlog!

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!P0w0ATjA!zJt37eBGh6dBkYXyu1WuCdqSu5nJsGZ2U5M3U27KAsM



To keep you updated on my visual novels, I have sent a formal letter to Idea Factory International to ask for permission. Even if they don't provide me with permission, UK parody laws allow me to create the visual novel. I will give them a few days for a potentially reply and begin work on Noire's chapter! I believe I might be able to finish it in two months, but there will be a lot of work going into it, like music, cg art, writing and scripting. I will keep you guys updated and even let you have an early access version!


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