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Post 1.10 Note:

Now that 1.10 has uploaded, this is now a legacy version. It has a little less content, but retains older character designs and names. It can be seen as an alternative to the Steam version.

 Now with:

24 Romanceable Girls

24+ Hours of Content!

50+ Sex scenes!


What's new?

- City completely revamped! It used to just be a Music Studio and the Castle, but now there are six total areas in the city, and you can now visit the city without a permit!

- Butters new impreg route, with two extra sex scenes! (Give her at least one gift, and it'll start the following morning.)

- Nightclub, with three unique events featuring five girls!

- Dawn, a new girl, the owner of the nightclub, features her own long four-part route!

- Art Gallery, a new way to revisit your favourite moments in FwB. Art can be unlocked by completing a girl's route. 

- Dazzlings, remember that Merchant Ari that has been around forever? Well, now she finally gets involved along with Agatha and Sonia!

- Spa, final Spa sex scene added

- New 'ibeat0.8' cheat code to skip Morrigan's route, and 'ibeatallroutes' to skip to Morrigan's route.

 - New Church area for anyone that has ever pledged $20 at least once before, feat a new girl, with her own two part route! 


Don't forget to leave bug reports and suggestions down below! 


Download Links: 







No more anti-piracy password! 



Transferring Saves:

Transferring your saves is as easy as copying over all the files from the  newest version and overwriting the old, your saves will remain in-tact.

Alternatively you can copy and backup your saves in the FriendshipwithBenefits\game\saves folder, or from  Users\*name*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy \FriendshipwithBenefits

Notes on $20 DLC:

Anyone that has ever pledged $20 at least once will be able to access this via direct message and/or patreon post. 

However, the next version, the Steam version will include everything for $10.99, so no rush.

Future of FwB:

The game will continue to get support for bugs, and fixes until a fully polished version of 1.0x exists 

The next goal is a '1.1' which will be the steam version, which will feature many changes to better suit copyright. Including more extreme name, colour and song changes. In other words, this v1.0 version of FwB may be very unique and special, enjoy it!

The next game?

I have already planned out my next game, it'll be called "Monster Girl Paradise", set in hell and it'll build upon the ideas and experience I've had during my time with FwB. I plan for MGP to be much bigger and much better, with a much longer development plan.

I also plan to make MGP a proper cRPG game, with meaningful choices, stats, perks. With enough depth that multiple playthroughs can actually feel unique.




My body is ready to get some. All of them.


Just curious any chances to get a gender selection in the next game ?


Yeah, I briefly thought about it. But it'll probably be a choice between male and futa female.


Sad tbh I'm not here for the futa content i allways skip that (and the "straight" ) but hey to each thier own ;)


I would like to play a RPG game from you. I like Visual Novels as well but I'm enjoying a RPG game in that direction much more.


Odd how you couldn't get the android version to work considering the previous versions worked even with the odd minor hiccup.


Some oddities when trying to build the distributions, I'll naturally look into it more in the future, but I'm at a deadend right now.


Ah well we can only hope, you done a good job with everything so far I doubt you'd let it down now.


There is a bug after you talk with Butters about pregnancy. If you live with her, then after a dialog about pregnancy whatever you do next there is always night. The only way to avoid this bag is to not live with Butters

Egor A. Palchyk

ARM stuff in general can get very...odd at times. So, while it sucks, it's not particularly unexpected.


How can I access the Impreg Butters route? I gave her gifts on previous save files and I can find any other way to start it.


Never mind I stumbled across it by complete accident. 😂😂😂


You can circumvent this bug by going to live with Moxie for a single night. It'll be fixed in t he next patch


I'm definitely enjoying it so far. It's nice that more has opened up. One issue though. I thought you were meant to get to night by going back to the wagon and taking a day off, but that now always has me sleep until Tr...Moxie gets home, so I can't access night. Am I missing something?


Oh, nevermind. I didn't see the "go outside" menu option.


bugreports 1. During prologue there are multiple occasions when an strange blue patch appears over Moxie's right (her right) shouler, resembling a part of *spoiler body part*. Examples are on "Any questions? I'm sure you have a lot, right?" and "I know! I love magic..." 2. Art gallery - DLC version - Missing text about entry fees (yeah, I first played a little bit or regular then decided to switch to dlc). 3. Fleur is missing from the art gallery 4. Repeat next steps to reproduce. Day 2. You have 0m. Goto Bar. You earn 25m. Day 3. You have 25m. Goto Boutique. When asking about a dress, "Buy the dress (-50 monies)" option is enabled, which is an obvious error. 5. That was for previous build, don't know if it applys in this one, I'm not there yet. Butter's story may be interrupted between second and third (forced) visits by Lun... sorry... Selene's night dream chase. The conflicting part is that Butter is *spoiler alert* plays a big role at that sequence, meanwhile she is kinda in the middle of digesting a cure she brewed. That was something I played through last build, I first completed Bar, then Library, and left Forest for the last, and this interuption of Butter's story left me a little baffled. (I am still in the middle of playthrough, and oh I do enjoy this so much) --------- Question A bit of fridge logic. Since Butter's removed her lethal succubus drain in the end of her story, that means that during previous "wildlife encounters" her partners were obviously affected by it. Does that mean that the Original Slime and Alraune are now either dead or horrifyingly injured? Or am I reading too much into this?


Thanks for the bug reports, I'll look into all of them. Response to your question: Slimes and Alraunes are similar to plants they can regenerate their damaged or lost cells.


The first time dawn show you her ass she have the mark mlp mark on her butt


this game is pretty damn well made, and what really surprised me was controller support lol. i moved my controller accidentally when grabbing my hot chocolate and ended up selecting some other option. hell of a nice surprise lmao


how did you do it?


Alright, I've played through the majority of the game and I'd like to give feedback. For reference, I will be comparing this to two other games I've played, namely, Space Paws and Town of Passion. So, I would like to start off on a good point, namely, the visuals. It's a good looking game, I wouldn't have put money if I didn't like the art style in general. Art is so easy to get wrong and very hard to get right, and I think you've gotten it right. Now, in terms of the game... Err, I have to say, its probably not the game for me. Where to start? I guess, the biggest drawback for me was, nothing felt hard or difficult, therefore, I never really earned something. Compared to Town of Passion (ToP) or Space Paws (SP), it hardly felt satisfying. two two hard mini games and puzzles, and locked scenes behind these, which meant if you want to see some action, you have to earn it, as petty as it is, it made those scenes a reward for your effort. In this game, it just throws you in scene after scene, the only effort is clicking the mouse or space bar. It went for a more visual/interactive novel approach, which likely caters to some people, but not to me I guess. At a few points as well, I found myself being forced to do things I didn't want, worst of which was the gender transformation, its just not my thing, yet I had to do it, breaking my RP element. I felt like it was a missed opportunity as well, the option to not could have some interesting side effects to the story later. E.g, if you didn't do it with her, towards the end, she is more aggressive towards you. But I do understand as to why though, having every option to not is more time and work for a button most people won't press and one that can halt the whole plot, so in the end, progression kind of forces you anyway. Now this next point is really just talking about the conceptual, I felt like everyone being naked was... eh. Constantly being exposed to nudity made it not that appealing, which I guess the game goes for. It makes those with clothes more appealing, namely, Butters and Dawn. I like the concept, it made a universe with lore that was interesting, but at the cost of stimulation. If it were up to me though, I'd prefer them clothed. This is my last point of improvement, eh... animation would have been nice but most understandable that it was not included, it would take a monstrous amount of effort and I don't think you would be up for that, so I understand. Now, other things I like! The girls had their unique personalities which I can appricate, my favourite was Cream, never thought I'd have thought provoking ideas in a game like this, but each had a good back story, some followed closely to their MLP counter parts and some where more creative, which I consider a plus. The story was a bit loose and floaty, which I didn't like for a long time, if felt like I was just unlocking scenes for later and serving my own desires, but the end. Wow. I did not expect it to turn so drastically and dramatically, I was actually scared by the game. It made an impact, which means it was a good story. To sum up, the game is good. While it I think it could use some more interactivity and game play elements, it caters to those who like a good read with visuals. It is a story worth the time investment. This is my honest feedback and opinion, take what you'd like and disregard what you disagree with. Thank you for the game and best wishes for your next one!


How can I access the Impreg Butters route? I gave her gifts on previous save files and I can't find any other way to start it.


I've been loving the game. Thanks for making it. :) So much content @.@ I'm in a weird condition, though. On the checklist, Honey's icon says "Complete Ruby's route and visit the nightclub", and Ruby's says "Complete Honey's route and visit the nightclub", which seems to be a contradiction. Just in case, I've visited the club anyway, and nothing comes up having to do with either of them. Am I missing something?


found some more bugs, but mostly plot inconsistencies First, not a bug: Sorry what I said about Fleur missing in Art Gallery, she's there alright. 1. In Library there is two occasions where Cream is referenced as Surprise. At 1st visit, in dialogue choices, for question 'how many mares you fucked?' At 2nd visit, right after first dialogue choices 2. If living with Butters, morning text is sometimes messed up. Sometimes it is twice "Butters: Any plans for today?" or, if Butters decided to appear as succubus: "Butters: Any plans for today?" "Who had accidentally turned into a succubus again." 3. If we go to Cream's Party straightaway at first day, player always meets there Honey, Prisma and Ruby. All three afterwards, if you start their routes, are unaware that we are already met. Most weird case is Ruby, because her first day interactions is centered around the fact that she thought player's character is a stallion. She can't be THAT forgetful. (Although this forgetfulness can me attributed to after-party-hangover) 4. Library again. Dusklight wants to test player character's DNA to make sure he can't make anypony pregnant. IMAGINE her reaction if she learns that player's already impregnated Butters. (Though in his shoes, I would probably keep that information to myself.) 5. Selene's Dream Chase. Honeycrisp will recognise pc even if you've never met (at farm or at party). 6. In Dawn's Reverse Cowgirl sex scene (accessed from sex dialog) pc compares her to Ruby, though it is possible to get here before even meeting Ruby. 7. Honey+Ruby secret scene, where Honey's dominant hand is completely healed. Problem is that it can be accessed before fourth visit to Farm where Honey first appears without a cask. (Also, really need some comment about how she wasn't able to spank Ruby for months because of said cask) 8. Art Gallery, after viewing Spa Girls different menu appears, for Bar Girls. Suggestions 1. Entrance fee for art gallery seems a little pointless because it can be easily mitigated via save/load. 2. Additional cheat codes for accessing early art gallery and music studio. And some afterplay feedback Well... I always liked stories with good plot (in both senses) and good world-building. This story features both. The first dialogue with Moxie is so cleverly written, it covers pretty much every possible plot hole that can emerge later, and the plot itself... well, I always love variations of Chekhov's Gun, but never in my life I thought I would encounter Chekhov's Dick :) Also, there's a third component here - sex, a lot of sex. Sex without story is just a porn, but with - it's art. Oh, and fourth - so much clever allusions to FiM series. And five - always like your art. So that makes it five times - 500% cooler. But there's one thing I accepted with a grain of salt. Build 0.8 had ability to pick a girl and choose ending, and that what's provided a closure to a story. In this build that feature was removed, and there's no more closure. It's, like after you've done everything in game, filled every check mark in checklist, there's nothing else to do, and the charater is kinda stuck there forever. But with that removed "pick a girlfriend" feature, you watch through the slides Fallout New Vegas-style, and when you read final words "The End. Thank you for playing"... Then I can close the game with satisfaction of closure, my mind and soul rest easy. I know it is propably already been decided (maybe you removed it because you planning a sequel?), but if it's possible, I really vote to restore this feature. P.S. Also please don't judge me too much if you feel I'm nitpicking, you asked for bugreports and suggestions and I love this game, art and story. That's why I feel obligated to speak the most honest opinion. Once again, thanks.


Great comment, I spent a while going through it and making several changes. You had a really good eye for details I missed.


The nightclub scene only has a 66% of appearing, there is some slight random change to all the nightclub and bar events


This is great! My only complaint is there is a little too much text upfront.


Quick suggestion connected to something mentioned above that I also noticed: perhaps lock the bakery until the player has met the other Elements at least once? In-game logic could be Moxie strongly suggesting the pc not meet Cream until getting to know a few other Arcadians, mentioning that "she's kind'a out there" or some such. After that, change the requirement to unlock Selene to include completing the bakery and at least those story glitches are fixed :3


How do you activate the church route.


I went and completed the game while having the 20$ version of the game downloaded. but it seems the church route is unavailable, i see the church option but it says " its just a church, nothing interesting there."


I hate to ask but how do you get into the music studio. I have done it before but I don't remember.


Make sure you have the DLC version downloaded, and install it over the base version, rather than the other way round to ensure the DLC is activated


Steps 4 dlc?


Excuse me but I can't seem to open the android one with any APK app at all and I don't have a pc so any help please?


Android link leads to a 404 error?


I have a question, will the same news in the game on "steam" also be added here? https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1299370/view/2918859255897396041 BTW. I love your arts UwU

Jonathan Gelotte

Android opens and the crashes within two text lines I can't play it