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Let's set fair Rules.

  • I do agree is fair for you and for us 67
  • I don't agree i demand more content 0
  • 2023-05-10
  • —2023-05-11
  • 67 votes
{'title': "Let's set fair Rules.", 'choices': [{'text': 'I do agree is fair for you and for us', 'votes': 67}, {'text': "I don't agree i demand more content ", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 11, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 10, 13, 23, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 67}


Hello guys first of all, i want to thank you all for all your kind support, for gave me the opportunity to do what i love wich is create art for you to enjoy because i do enjoy it too and with your support im able to pay my bills and help my mom aswell wich for me it means the world.

But i guess 2 years are enough for me, and the thing is that i been overworking so much at this point. At first i was taking huge loads of commissions at month mostly 20 or 15 i was happy to have work but the constant lack of rest and sleep always ended with serious burnouts and huge loads of stress. 

That's why i wanted to start my patreon, because i wanted to bring my own ideas aswell work drawings, comics and interact closely with my audience, and it has been amazing i have no complains, interacting more with you being able to see you post your amazing works on my discord server and react to my works aswell has been fantastic.

But in the other hand i wasn't able to organize myself good and i been having a lot of delays on my work that are not fair for many of you. and the thing is that i feel so much pressure to deliver a decent ammount of drawings a month so you can feel your money and support worth it, and this made me start overworking more, no rest, no sleep and i had way more burnouts than before and sadly Tier 10 and 15 were affected too, cuz i have delays on rewards and sometimes i don't work comic pages cuz i run out of time.

Please do not take this as im complaining or that i just want to be a lazy artist or that i don't want to effort more, im writting this to beg you and ask for your permition to limit my ammount of work that way i can organize better and i can be fair with every supporter and so that way i can even rest, sleep better and take care of my health.

So the plan i want to follow so i can be fair with everyone is

-2 or 3 Drawings fullcoloured with all the alts i usually do a month (i can even set a post so you can comment the characters u want to see that month.

-1 or 2 comic pages or minicomics for Tier 10 and 15 (that will be unlocked for Tier 6 eventually of course) 

And the Tier 15 rewards that are single colored linearts (sometimes can be fullcolored pics so you have 1 or 2 fullcolored drawings there too) 

I really think this is a Fair plan for everyone but i do hope, wish and ask for your permition. 

Thanks so much for reading this and hope you can undertand and please don't get mad at me im really trying my best and i really wish to keep drawing with love and passion and not start hate this because a bad mental health can ruin so many things...


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